[quote author="bkshopr" date=1242264785][quote author="kim_eric" date=1242261478][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1242260824]<img src="http://daemien.com/random/2101.gif" alt="" />
Sorry, I realize we have a launguage barier here, but what is your question?</blockquote>
. Please, someone help me to answers the below question about santa ana city place.
I has been there at the city place and the seller (romayne,wayne miller, and another lady) was so dishonest and so gruff?.rudeness?. Must pre-qualify with denise at wellfargo and that Denise?wellfargo is a very low , dishonest person that make you run away!.
________Question 1) Why must be approve by denise?wellfargo ? She never return your phone nor answer her phone. You must phone and beseech for her to review your application. ???? LOL
<strong>Denise is the loan agent with Wells Fargo Bank who is representing the developer of City Place. Since many buyers are low balling the selling price Denise would first check for the credibility and financial qualification of the interested buyers before the developer Mr. Bisno start wasting his time on the negotiation process. This project is very close to Korea and Vietnamese Town so there are numerous immigrants looking to buy but do not qualify due to the lack of credit.</strong>
________Question 2) Those Seller are dishonest and they tried to block you to see the owner whom making decision?...
I submit my offer and the seller above refused my reasonable offer right away ......Can the seller make decision about my offer right away without asking her/his boss ????
<strong>It is extremely rude to look over the shoulders of the private business matter of the selling party since discreet financial information is private and the model home does not have a closing office with locked door so offer this common courtesy to the seller by not sticking your face into their business. In some ethnicity's this may be allowed but in America even a foreigner like me learned this quickly.</strong>
________Question 3) Please, can someone verify the city place will fall into the orange school and not BAD santa ana?s school district ? please
<strong>Entire NE quadrant of Main and Memory Lane falls into Orange Unified School District. Asian parents with lauguage barrier all desire to have their children to be smarter and it is an admirable trait.</strong>
________Question 4) The townhouse look like the condo has no guess parking. And almost all Asian people way of living is parking their car outside the garage as they use the garage for storage?.. Can guess parking at the shopping outside near the Mothers market OR can I parking my car there for a long period of time (perhaps few days or few week or monthssssss) without ticket or tow-away ?
<strong>You can't not park your vehicle in the retail parking lot period. At night after the shops are closed it is very obvious to spot the cars of violators and the car would be towed. During the day it is difficult to enforce parking violations since too much vehicular activities in the parking lot.</strong>
________Question 5) If I bought the property at the city place then is it safe for my daughter park her car at the shopping outside at mid-night and walk by herself to the condo/townhouse ???
<strong>Your daughter should not park her car in the shopping center parking lot and walk back to her unit. She should park in your garage. It is not just an Asian habit to store things in the garage and try not to make me talk about what garage is for.</strong>
________Question 6) The memory/lawson street is no-parking ...so if I bought the loft facing that street then in the future the city will allow to parking or not ?
<strong>Vehicular traffic flow and speed are carefully calculated by traffic engineers who went to college just to study the safety of traffic flow and pedestrians access. The freeway off ramp off the 22 fwy is the major outlet for 22,300 cars that wish to get to the civic center without getting caught into the Orange Crush freeway interchange of 57/22/5. The answer is never. No car parking along Memory Lane.</strong>
BIG QUESTION: THE Mothers Market there has no customer?..SURE they will closing down SOON or LATER. IF that Mothers market close then it will become Asian Market Or Mexican Market ? please give advice because American Market will not open there as it is too small ....and Trader Joe will not open there as it has many Trader Joe around within 5-15 mile.
<strong>BIG Answer: You are savvy about retail speculation! Mothers Market is not about volume like other markets. The market does well during the week between 11am and 5 pm [when you are not at City Place. The St Joseph hospital staff and nurses are health freaks and they must have organic produce and natural non processed foods. </strong>
<span style="color: red;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">WHEN I WAS NOT THERE?</span></span>
Please give advice above and please give me the person (name and phone) that making decision of sale at the city place beside those above seller?.as I in need this location next to freeway 22 and 5 .
<strong>Wayne is the agent and he was given specific direction of the selling reserve price by Mr. Bisno. Your insulting offer is way below the reserve price so he does not even bother to talk to the owner.</strong>. . <span style="color: red;"><span style="font-size: 16px;">SO BE HONEST ON THE PRICE , PLEASE</span></span>
<strong>You are lucky you came to IHB for all the right answers and NoVas did not rip you apart.</strong>
<span style="color: red;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">I am not sticking my face into their business.., sorry, please do not reply my post...let someone beside you reply to my post , thank </span></span>