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  • Irvine Homeowner
    Your statement: “Taxpayers were out hundreds of millions of dollars, and we had no park to show for it”. Now, that statement is just so...
  • Irvine Homeowner
    Irvine Homeowner reacted to irvinehomeowner's post in the thread OCPA with Like Like.
    I'm with IH on this. OCPA seems like a 3rd party just making more money for themselves.
  • morekaos
    morekaos replied to the thread President Trump.
    Because they are rich, ignorant and sore Losers. If they retain their us citizenship they will continue to pay us taxes🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂
  • Z
    zovall replied to the thread President Trump.
    Why would they leave California? Also they still need to pay US taxes right?
  • morekaos
    morekaos replied to the thread President Trump.
    Finally, somebody follows through. And the funniest thing is they bought a castle ….oh the irony!🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸 Ellen DeGeneres and...
  • morekaos
    morekaos replied to the thread Toyota moving to Texas.
    … and the hits just keep on coming!..😡😡😡👎🏽🦄🌈 USC estimates California fuel could rise by up to $1.15 cents per gallon next year...
  • irviniteeee
    irviniteeee reacted to BobaGuy's post in the thread Ovata and lily with Like Like.
    I didn't think the floor plans were amazing, but they didn't seem terrible. But certainly not worth the price imo. However I think...
  • someguy
    someguy replied to the thread Ovata and lily.
    ^^ FCBs don't seem particularly price sensitive or discerning when it's a new home in Irvine zoned to new schools.
  • B
    BobaGuy replied to the thread Ovata and lily.
    I didn't think the floor plans were amazing, but they didn't seem terrible. But certainly not worth the price imo. However I think...
  • sgip
    sgip reacted to morekaos's post in the thread Presidential Elections with Like Like.
    Los Angeles city Council is an ideological soup of morons who can’t see anything past their political blinders. They won’t be satisfied...
  • sgip
    sgip reacted to irvine buyer's post in the thread Presidential Elections with Like Like. Since California...
  • someguy
    someguy reacted to irvine buyer's post in the thread Presidential Elections with Like Like. Since California...
  • morekaos
    morekaos replied to the thread ICE or EV?.
    Shareholders should oust the fools who led them down the road to ruin….Companies should make money not virtue signal their way into...
  • I
    irvine buyer replied to the thread Presidential Elections.
    Tren de Aragua already has a presence in California and I've read they are actively recruiting illegal migrants in LA (and other...
  • I
    irvine buyer reacted to morekaos's post in the thread Presidential Elections with Like Like.
    Los Angeles city Council is an ideological soup of morons who can’t see anything past their political blinders. They won’t be satisfied...