I watched it, but still don't know what the Legislature didn't implement. I heard plenty of blame for those who assess and allocate resources - and that appears to be <a href="http://www.fire.ca.gov/about.php">CalFire</a> and the state <a href="http://www.oes.ca.gov/Operational/OESHome.nsf/1?OpenForm">Office of Emergency Services</a> (<a href="http://www.firescope.org/about-us.htm">in fact, the regional coordinated fire fighting agency gives its recommendations to OES</a>).
<a href="http://www.oes.ca.gov/Operational/OESHome.nsf/Content/84E7C97C24DF33F0882572790066FBB3?OpenDocument">OES' Mission Statement?</a>
The OES mission is to ensure the state is ready and able to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the effects of emergencies that threaten lives, property, and the environment. [para.] <strong>OES coordinates the activities of all state agencies relating to preparation and implementation of the State Emergency Plan. OES also coordinates the response efforts of state and local agencies to ensure maximum effect with minimum overlap and confusion. Additionally, OES coordinates the integration of federal resources into state and local response and recovery operations.</strong> [para.] OES accomplishes this mission through programs and outreach efforts that assist local and state government in their emergency management efforts.
A responsibility of OES?
Obtains the resources to support the operations by providing facilities, services, personnel, equipment, and materials.
(See <a href="http://www.oes.ca.gov/Operational/OESHome.nsf/PDF/EMGuide/$file/EMGuide.pdf">here</a> at p. 15)
If the Legislature is somehow at fault, I want to know. Sadly, I am unable to find any facts to support the conclusion.