PANDA's intention.

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
:P If you disagree with me, you may not be an idiot, you may not be stupid. Heck, you may not even be a moron. But, you are most definitely misinformed.
[quote author="awgee" date=1235541744]:P If you disagree with me, you may not be an idiot, you may not be stupid. Heck, you may not even be a moron. But, you are most definitely misinformed.</blockquote>

I prefer the term FUD....

[quote author="Shooby" date=1235471430]Your new avitar makes it seem like you had an epiphany while you were gone.

I hope you can share the insight that you've attained while being away for a few days.

Welcome back.</blockquote>

Thanks for this post Shooby. It was a tough weekend for me where my wife tried to cheer me up with my favorite Korean dish and telling me that it is only the internet and not to take it so hard on yourself. I guess over the past year, I?ve grown to really like the community that has developed here so far.

Honestly, when I first used the second identity of QHSurfer, I didn?t think what I was doing was wrong. I said to myself that no one is going to get hurt and at the same time, I don?t have to be embarrassed of asking the question and it is only the internet. Having to sell your place when the DOW has dropped to 1997 levels, trying to borrow the equity against your home, and being rejected on a 3 month application for remodifying my loan on my second property is not something that I was proud about sharing, I asked the question under the second name QHSurfer. If my intentions were malice, I would have tried to cover up my tracks which I didn?t. Just the day before I asked Irvine Renter the exact same question that my loan modification was denied because I have never been late on any of my mortgage payments, and in order to qualify, the bank is suggesting that I don?t make couple of my payments so that my application would be reviewed. IR, told me that this is a red flag. So I posted in the forum as where I can get help for a loan modification without having to default on my mortgage payment under the name QHSurfer. Irvine Renter would have easily identified that QHSurfer was indeed Panda. I realize now that this may of hurt someone?s trust, but I didn?t mean any harm to anyone. BlackVault, made a big deal out of this like I went to Church with him, hung out with him, and that we were like close buddies, but I met this guy once at our little gathering and he talked about stocks the entire time. I didn?t feel comfortable talking about my personal financial matters with him. I was glad that Irvine123 was able to see this and nail it. I had assured Zovall, that I will be only using one account going forward and that Panda will ask the questions even it is embarrassing to ask.

I also realize that I need to cut down on the jokes as others can be offended. I made a joke, ?The poor chinese dude ended up going to UC Irvine.? Thinking about it now, I know that comment wasn?t cool because it can easily offend a proud UCI alumni here. Same thing goes for any USC jokes I could of made. I sincerely apologize if I offended any USC or UCI alumni here.

Two topics were brought up in this thread regarding Caycifish?s Facebook invasion and impersonating BKs identity. Let me share the entire story with all of you. As you guys remember, Graphrix used a WTF Panda avatar which I knew he was just joking around with me. My personality is to joke around with people I like. I joked around with Graphrix that I was going to use one of his pictures from Facebook and photoshop ?WTF? on his forehead and use it as my avatar. Graphrix, responded that he was bothered and threatened from what I said. I quickly wrote him back saying that I was totally joking around him and I immediately apologized. He accepted my apology and told me that things are now cool between him and I. Again, here is another example where Panda?s joke went too far.

Regarding impersonating BkShoper, I found it funny and creative that IPO impersonated Graphrix on the thread ?Pictures of you, Pictures of me with a picture of a Caucasian male with some serious harry back. I spinned off that idea with BK?s poll about ?What is your median income?? to ?What car do you drive in OC?? If you look at the poll you will see that I just copied exactly what BK wrote but changed ?median income? to ?cars? for some cheap entertainment. Do I really care what cars you guys drive? Heck No! Here is another example where Panda?s joke went too far as it offended some people here.

We all play out our character/role here on the IHB. NoVas plays out a role of ?Snoop Dog? and being black, TenMagnet plays out a role of being a chick magnet, CK plays out role of being Asian. CK, has to be the first white man I?ve ever known who loves to eat at BCD Tofu House. I mean that?s some serious hardcore K-Food. Panda plays out the role of being goofy and making stupid jokes all the time. If Ten is not the real chick magnet in real life, am I going to think that he deceived me? That is absolutely ridiculous. Just like I don?t refer to myself in the third person and make so many stupid jokes in real life. That is what bothers me when BlackVault made the statement ? Panda, who are you really?? Going forward, I?m going to cut down on the jokes and Panda?s new role will be who I really am at the core.
[quote author="PANDA" date=1235549678]We all play out our character/role here on the IHB. NoVas plays out a role of ?Snoop Dog? and being black, TenMagnet plays out a role of being a chick magnet, CK plays out role of being Asian. CK, has to be the first white man I?ve ever known who loves to eat at BCD Tofu House. I mean that?s some serious hardcore K-Food. Panda plays out the role of being goofy and making stupid jokes all the time. If Ten is not the real chick magnet in real life, am I going to think that he deceived me? That is absolutely ridiculous. Just like I don?t refer to myself in the third person and make so many stupid jokes in real life. That is what bothers me when BlackVault made the statement ? Panda, who are you really?? Going forward, I?m going to cut down on the jokes and Panda?s role will be who I am really am at the core.</blockquote>

Sometimes, lacking context leads to confusion. I actually think TenMagnet is more "Two Wild and Crazy Guys" then chick magnet (which makes him funny rather than a stalker), I'm not really furry and I don't live in a trash can, but no_vas really does walk slow and carry a pimp stick. I think you simply lacked the context of what most internet communities are really like. Now you know and I think you, and us, are all better off for having the truth come out. Some of us prize our anonymity, hence the silly avatars and vague screen names, and protecting that trumps everything else. It took a lot of guts to come back, to explain everything, and to stay... I'm glad you did.
[quote author="Oscar" date=1235550544]

It took a lot of guts to come back, to explain everything, and to stay... I'm glad you did.</blockquote>

I do agree it takes guts to come back, and wrote the above. I think this is an experiences that "panda" won't ever forget.

So now you can give us an update on your windy city house.
[quote author="irvine123" date=1235550806][quote author="Oscar" date=1235550544]

It took a lot of guts to come back, to explain everything, and to stay... I'm glad you did.</blockquote>

I do agree it takes guts to come back, and wrote the above. I think this is an experiences that "panda" won't ever forget.

So now you can give us an update on your windy city house.</blockquote>

Just like that cold and lonely er... nevermind! :ahhh:

as for UCI alums... psshh.. i'm not quite an alum... won't be for a while. If they can't take a joke....

thick skin my friend, let it be yours.

[quote author="BlackVault CM" date=1235551235][quote author="PANDA" date=1235549678]

BlackVault, made a big deal out of this like I went to Church with him, hung out with him, and that we were like close buddies, but I met this guy once at our little gathering and he talked about stocks the entire time. I didn?t feel comfortable talking about my personal financial matters with him.</blockquote>

PANDA, you are really pushing it. I'm making an attempt to forget about it. You make it sound like I was out line for acting the way I did because I'm just some internet person who you don't know. (i also never said I went to church with went with socal)

So what is up with all the PM's then? Asking me about my family, when I plan to have children, what my background is? How you were hoping to move to Irvine and perhaps get a place in Orchard Hills. So you can be close by to me and SoCal. What is up with the statement that you were hoping to be friends? Or that one day your kids can play with my kids? What is all the PMs about asking for advice on financial matters, about your family business (don't make me talk about the details either)? What about telling me that you and your wife are trying for a child of your own. (sorry I even mentioned this, it is rather personal. I just need to prove my point here) I gave you support through all that and said I will pray for you. Should I post all the facebook chat conversations and all the PM's you wrote me? I will be happy to do so. Then IHB can decide if you were comfortable or not talking about "personal" matters.

So yes Panda. If that is how you view things...that I'm just whoever, than so be it. If this is just the "internet" and I'm a nobody. Why are you even offended? Why do you even feel humiliated and making a big deal out of this?

[quote author="PANDA" date=1235549678]

Just like I don?t refer to myself in the third person and make so many stupid jokes in real life. That is what bothers me when BlackVault made the statement ? Panda, who are you really?? Going forward, I?m going to cut down on the jokes and Panda?s role will be who I am really am at the core.</blockquote>

So yes Panda. Who are you really? I will ask that again, because your actions don't line up to what you say.

I wouldn't have the balls to post what you just did knowing all the "personal" things you shared.

I would be ashamed.</blockquote>

You are a fool BlackVault. Do i need to say anything more? Click "Ignore"
BlackVault, I don't usually do this and has never done this before in the 2 plus year of posting here. But you are a world world world world class ASS in mentioning about his family situation that he shared with you, and reflection of your bad character. What you just did is 100 times worse then what Panda did or said, or may i say worse then anyone half decent will EVER do.
<em>"Can you please share with all of us what these personal questions were that you felt was a little invading because i don?t recall?"


um... why would i do that? panda, you seriously have to be daft to ask such a question. this just shows that you don't get. but in any case i'll bite, because it wasn't so much the questions that were personal, but the answers and content of related discussions. if you want to meet someone, know their real name, ask for their cell phone number, talk to them about their home, neighborhood, family, education, business, church, etc., ask for their regular email address, ask them to link to you on facebook (which reveals a whole lot of other information as a result)... well then, you are asking a lot of strangers quite frankly. and for those people who have revealed some or all of those things to you, they've given you some amount of trust. the least you can do is reciprocate by not pretending to be different people.

this is what you tend to do. you ask a question and are expecting a particular answer, i.e. you're looking for affirmation for some crazy idea. when you don't get that affirmation, you go, "but.. but.. but..." and keep pushing for the answer you want. it never happens of course, so you created QHsurfer to ask those questions instead, thinking it was due to your panda persona that you didn't get you the affirmation you sought. when that didn't work either, you would respond to QHsurfer from your panda acct to steer the discussion the way you wanted, as skek so profoundly pointed out. you're like a kid who won't take no for an answer, and will find some way to get it even if you have to be manipulative about it - not because you're malicious or devious, but because you're desperately seeking confirmation.

what i don't get is... did you seriously believe no one would give you an unbiased answer about equity withdrawal or loan mods just because it came from panda? <em>well you know, normally i'd say it's a terrific idea to pull equity out in this current economic environment, but because it's panda asking, i'll have to say NO.</em> PULEASE... everyone gives their honest input and its generally pretty consistent. and don't blame your little charade on anyone else. i thought your apology was pretty half-baked. you tried to play the victim by indirectly blaming the rest of us for not taking you seriously, not to mention directly accusing graphrix of having some sort of vendetta against you. and of course you had to subtlely (or in the case of BV, not so subtlely) call out a few ppl again in your grand welcome back speech. because you choose to throw those bits in, i found your original apology insincere - especially that childish farewell.

"this will be my last day on IHB"... real mature... who actually believed that? that's something my niece would say. she'd get caught stealing cookies before dinner and at first she'd try to cutely shrug her shoulders and say sorry. after we stopped giving in to that routine, she'd say, "fine i won't eat cookies anymore. i won't eat anything at all ever again never ever! i'll just starve!" then stomp out of the room, expecting someone to sympathize and bring her back. of course the rest of us sit down to dinner and ignore her. sure enough few minutes later she comes peaking into the room looking to join us. pretty lame, right?

now i don't for a moment think you had any malice, ever. i just think you really don't understand how you come off. it's not the goofiness that is getting you in trouble. i think you try to be goofy but you're not that guy in real life. bkshopr, i find to be a truly goofy guy, and yet everyone here will read every word he types with careful consideration. so repeat, it's not the goofiness. it's the subtle creepiness combined with the childish way you go about asking questions and seeking answers.
[quote author="irvine123" date=1235552084][quote author="BlackVault CM" date=1235551235] What about that one week you telling me that you received bad news... (sorry I even mentioned this, it is rather personal. I just need to prove my point here) .</blockquote>

BlackVault, I don't usually do this...You are an ass.</blockquote>
I123, I think you should edit your post and give BV a chance to edit his...
[quote author="irvine123" date=1235552358][quote author="Serious Weapon" date=1235552231][quote author="irvine123" date=1235552084][quote author="BlackVault CM" date=1235551235] What about that one week you telling me that you received bad news... (sorry I even mentioned this, it is rather personal. I just need to prove my point here) .</blockquote>

BlackVault, I don't usually do this...You are an ass.</blockquote>
I123, I think you should edit your post and give BV a chance to edit his...</blockquote>

I just edited it....</blockquote>

Yeah, my jaw dropped as well when I initially read that... I'm confident that BV can find another example of a personal story that Panda shared with him...
[quote author="PANDA" date=1235549678] CK plays out role of being Asian. CK, has to be the first white man I?ve ever known who loves to eat at BCD Tofu House. I mean that?s some serious hardcore K-Food. </blockquote>

That's funny --- but just to correct the record, I am exactly the same guy in person as I am on here. Equally as comfortable at BCD or Brodard or Sam Woo as I am doing a Jager shot at some dive like The Helm. That's the beauty of a multicultural world, and I'm getting mileage out of every culture you can find here. Heck, I'm probably the only guy driving his Accord through the Diamond Jamboree parking lot wearing a Miller Lite trucker hat and bumping Lynrd Skynrd...

And I also really do work at an Accounting Firm during the day.
[quote author="acpme" date=1235552108]panda, sorry buddy but i'm with BV on this one (edit: i just read the above post and that was unnecessary. even panda doesn't deserve that to be mentioned)

<em>"Can you please share with all of us what these personal questions were that you felt was a little invading because i don?t recall?"


um... why would i do that? panda, you have to seriously be daft to ask such a question. this just shows that you don't get. but in any case i'll bite, because it wasn't so much the questions that were personal but the answers and content of related discussions. if you want to meet someone, know their real name, ask for their cell phone number, talk to them about their home, neighborhood, family, education, business, church, etc., ask for their regular email address, ask them to link to you on facebook (which reveals a whole lot of other information as a result)... well then, you are asking a lot of strangers quite frankly. and for those people who have revealed some or all of those things to you, they've given you some amount of trust. the least you can do is reciprocate by not pretending to be different people.

this is what you tend to do. you ask a question and are expecting a particular answer, i.e. you're looking for affirmation for some crazy idea. when you don't get that affirmation, you go, "but.. but.. but..." and keep pushing for the answer you want. it never happens of course, so you created QHsurfer to ask those questions instead, thinking it was your panda persona that you didn't get you the affirmation you sought. when that didn't work either, you would respond to QHsurfer from your panda acct to steer the discussion the way you wanted, as skek so profoundly pointed out. you're like a kid who won't take no for an answer, and will find some way to get it even if you have to be manipulative about it - not because malicious or devious, but because you're just so desperately seeking approval.

what i don't get is... did you seriously believe no one would give you an unbiased answer to equity withdraw or loan mod questions even if it came from panda? well you know, normally i'd say it's a terrific idea to pull equity out in this current economic environment, but because it's panda asking, i'll have to say NO. please... everyone gives their honest input. and don't blame your little charade on anyone else. i thought your apology was pretty half-baked. nice of you to play the victim by indirectly blaming the rest of us for not taking you seriously, not to mention directly accusing graphrix of having some sort of vendetta against you. get over yourself, man. like your welcome back speech, in which you had to subtlely call out several people again, your original apology reeked of insincerity - especially that farewell bit.

"this will be my last day on IHB"... real mature... who actually believe that? that's something niece would say. she'd get caught stealing cookies before dinner and at first she'd try to cutely shrug her shoulders and say sorry. after we stopped giving in to that routine, she'd say, "fine i won't eat cookies anymore. i won't eat anything at all ever again never ever! i'll just starve!" then stomp out of the room, expecting someone to sympathize and bring her back. of course the rest of us sit down to dinner and ignore her. sure enough few minutes later she comes peaking into the room looking to join us. pretty lame, right?

now i don't for a moment think you had any malice, ever. i just think you really don't understand how you come off. it's not the goofiness that is getting you in trouble. i think you try to be goofy but you're not that guy in real life. bkshopr, i find to be a truly goofy guy, and yet everyone here will read every word he types with careful consideration. so repeat, it's not the goofiness. it's the subtle creepiness combined with the childish way you go about asking questions and seeking answers.</blockquote>

ACPME, i don't understand? I thought you and I were friends. I don't understand where all of this hatred is coming from. I've done nothing wrong against you. My style is to collect and gather as much information i can before making a final decision.