PANDA's intention.

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I do want to offer an apology to anyone that my statement offended. No matter how much I dislike PANDA, that was classless act and should have been left out as that's not how I roll.

Besides that single sentance, I'm not sorry for anything else I posted. Anyway, I'm outta this threat.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1235559150][quote author="WINEX" date=1235558907][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235557181]Hey Winex, ready for round 5? I think it's our civic duty to the board in order to divert this other ugliness going on right now :) Step is really sad tonight.....</blockquote>

If you want to shoot me, just name a time and place, and I will be there. Though I will be unarmed, I don't think you'll like the way things play out.</blockquote>

Where is this post that you guys are referring to?</blockquote>

Sorry SoCal, but it's beyond my capabilities to find it.
[quote author="Oscar" date=1235560857][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235560579][quote author="WINEX" date=1235558907][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235557181]Hey Winex, ready for round 5? I think it's our civic duty to the board in order to divert this other ugliness going on right now :) Step is really sad tonight.....</blockquote>

If you want to shoot me, just name a time and place, and I will be there. Though I will be unarmed, I don't think you'll like the way things play out.</blockquote>

Dude, how many times do I have to remind you that I'm a liberal? I don't believe that people should be allowed to have concealed weapons and certainly do not have a need for an AK47. I was very pleased with Ginsberg's opinion today on gun law along with our new Sheriff getting her way with limiting guns. I have a can of pepper spray, but it's not for right wingers, rather it's to protect my boxer in case a loose mean dog comes after her on our walks.</blockquote>
Just a quick point of logic, but... why is a concealed weapon worse than an displayed weapon? Would you feel safer if I had a .44 strapped to my leg like the Old West, simply because you knew I had a gun rather than speculate that I might have one?</blockquote>

I remember when CCW laws first started spreading across various states. I wondered what the big deal was about CCW. But that's because I was used to things in Arizona and I was under the foolish impression that the words "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" meant what they said. I didn't realize that open carry wasn't allowed everywhere.
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1235560579][quote author="WINEX" date=1235558907][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235557181]Hey Winex, ready for round 5? I think it's our civic duty to the board in order to divert this other ugliness going on right now :) Step is really sad tonight.....</blockquote>

If you want to shoot me, just name a time and place, and I will be there. Though I will be unarmed, I don't think you'll like the way things play out.</blockquote>

Dude, how many times do I have to remind you that I'm a liberal? I don't believe that people should be allowed to have concealed weapons and certainly do not have a need for an AK47. I was very pleased with Ginsberg's opinion today on gun law along with our new Sheriff getting her way with limiting guns. I have a can of pepper spray, but it's not for right wingers, rather it's to protect my boxer in case a loose mean dog comes after her on our walks.</blockquote>

Let me explain something to you that you obviously don't realize.

You never pull a gun on someone unless you intend to shoot them. And you don't "joke around" about shooting someone. (You can possibly get away with the second item IF you know the person well and if it is the right situation. But you don't know me. You don't know who I am. And you don't know where I come from.)

Essentially there are two paths you can take right now.

The honorable path would involve saying something like "I'm sorry, it was a mistake, and saying that was dumb".

If you choose that path, this will end right now.

Or you need to follow through with what you said you wanted to do.

The choice is yours.
[quote author="BlackVault CM" date=1235560870]I do want to offer an apology to anyone that my statement offended. No matter how much I dislike PANDA, that was classless act and should have been left out as that's not how I roll.

Besides that single sentance, I'm not sorry for anything else I posted. Anyway, I'm outta this threat.</blockquote>

"Cold blooded, what more can I say..." Haha...

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
[quote author="WINEX" date=1235561612][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235560579][quote author="WINEX" date=1235558907][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235557181]Hey Winex, ready for round 5? I think it's our civic duty to the board in order to divert this other ugliness going on right now :) Step is really sad tonight.....</blockquote>

If you want to shoot me, just name a time and place, and I will be there. Though I will be unarmed, I don't think you'll like the way things play out.</blockquote>

Dude, how many times do I have to remind you that I'm a liberal? I don't believe that people should be allowed to have concealed weapons and certainly do not have a need for an AK47. I was very pleased with Ginsberg's opinion today on gun law along with our new Sheriff getting her way with limiting guns. I have a can of pepper spray, but it's not for right wingers, rather it's to protect my boxer in case a loose mean dog comes after her on our walks.</blockquote>

Let me explain something to you that you obviously don't realize.

You never pull a gun on someone unless you intend to shoot them. And you don't "joke around" about shooting someone. (You can possibly get away with the second item IF you know the person well and if it is the right situation. But you don't know me. You don't know who I am. And you don't know where I come from.)

Essentially there are two paths you can take right now.

The honorable path would involve saying something like "I'm sorry, it was a mistake, and saying that was dumb".

If you choose that path, this will end right now.

Or you need to follow through with what you said you wanted to do.

The choice is yours.</blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" />No Thanks
[quote author="Oscar" date=1235560857][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235560579][quote author="WINEX" date=1235558907][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235557181]Hey Winex, ready for round 5? I think it's our civic duty to the board in order to divert this other ugliness going on right now :) Step is really sad tonight.....</blockquote>

If you want to shoot me, just name a time and place, and I will be there. Though I will be unarmed, I don't think you'll like the way things play out.</blockquote>

Dude, how many times do I have to remind you that I'm a liberal? I don't believe that people should be allowed to have concealed weapons and certainly do not have a need for an AK47. I was very pleased with Ginsberg's opinion today on gun law along with our new Sheriff getting her way with limiting guns. I have a can of pepper spray, but it's not for right wingers, rather it's to protect my boxer in case a loose mean dog comes after her on our walks.</blockquote>
Just a quick point of logic, but... why is a concealed weapon worse than an displayed weapon? Would you feel safer if I had a .44 strapped to my leg like the Old West, simply because you knew I had a gun rather than speculate that I might have one?</blockquote>

To be honest, I think I would, but ideally I would just like to see a whole lot fewer guns. A tremendous amount of the guns killing people in Mexico are smuggled FROM the US because it's so much easier to buy a gun here. One of the points Ginsberg made today is that a woman is 6x more likely to be killed in a domestic violence episode if there is a gun in the house. Frick, even *Dick* Cheney has proven that guns are dangerous.

When a 250lb Mauri in New Zealand tells me that he would love to visit America, but is petrified that he will be shot, something is wrong. Seriously, I was nervous about this guy and here he was seriously asking me how I've survived without getting shot.

Now Bix is another story and I'm sure we can refine our laws that he can be happy with his toys, but we reduce the amount of completely unnecessary violence that too many guns in too many wrong hands wreaks on our society.
[quote author="graphrix" date=1235559420]That's it! I can't take the drama around IHB these days. I'm going over to the Real Housewives of OC forum where there is less drama. You guys are all freakin nuts.</blockquote>

Right on. I'm still trying to figure out how IHB evolved from somewhere I used to go to learn the prices on the latest phase release to this bizarro soap opera. Wow.

Graph --- Speaking of Real Housewives, did you catch Slade Smiley's mug shot in the Reg over the weekend? Priceless!
[quote author="BlackVault CM" date=1235557967][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235557251]BTW Panda, if you ever want to ask a question but don't want people to think it's about your situation, all you do is start off with, "I have this friend...."</blockquote>

"I have this friend...who I threw under the bus. But I have this other friend...well nevermind...he thinks we are friends, but I claim I know nothing of him....Anyway, I know someone..."</blockquote>

I think thats my favorite part of this thread

nice try on that diversion attempt step/winex
[quote author="WINEX" date=1235561612][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235560579][quote author="WINEX" date=1235558907][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235557181]Hey Winex, ready for round 5? I think it's our civic duty to the board in order to divert this other ugliness going on right now :) Step is really sad tonight.....</blockquote>

If you want to shoot me, just name a time and place, and I will be there. Though I will be unarmed, I don't think you'll like the way things play out.</blockquote>

Dude, how many times do I have to remind you that I'm a liberal? I don't believe that people should be allowed to have concealed weapons and certainly do not have a need for an AK47. I was very pleased with Ginsberg's opinion today on gun law along with our new Sheriff getting her way with limiting guns. I have a can of pepper spray, but it's not for right wingers, rather it's to protect my boxer in case a loose mean dog comes after her on our walks.</blockquote>

Let me explain something to you that you obviously don't realize.

You never pull a gun on someone unless you intend to shoot them. And you don't "joke around" about shooting someone. (You can possibly get away with the second item IF you know the person well and if it is the right situation. But you don't know me. You don't know who I am. And you don't know where I come from.)

Essentially there are two paths you can take right now.

The honorable path would involve saying something like "I'm sorry, it was a mistake, and saying that was dumb".

If you choose that path, this will end right now.

Or you need to follow through with what you said you wanted to do.

The choice is yours.</blockquote>

You are the only one on this forum who inteprets the joke that way.... I'm not going to apologize for you lacking a sense of humor and twisting things to the extreme so that it fits your little limited world of good and bad.
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1235562265][quote author="WINEX" date=1235561612][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235560579][quote author="WINEX" date=1235558907][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235557181]Hey Winex, ready for round 5? I think it's our civic duty to the board in order to divert this other ugliness going on right now :) Step is really sad tonight.....</blockquote>

If you want to shoot me, just name a time and place, and I will be there. Though I will be unarmed, I don't think you'll like the way things play out.</blockquote>

Dude, how many times do I have to remind you that I'm a liberal? I don't believe that people should be allowed to have concealed weapons and certainly do not have a need for an AK47. I was very pleased with Ginsberg's opinion today on gun law along with our new Sheriff getting her way with limiting guns. I have a can of pepper spray, but it's not for right wingers, rather it's to protect my boxer in case a loose mean dog comes after her on our walks.</blockquote>

Let me explain something to you that you obviously don't realize.

You never pull a gun on someone unless you intend to shoot them. And you don't "joke around" about shooting someone. (You can possibly get away with the second item IF you know the person well and if it is the right situation. But you don't know me. You don't know who I am. And you don't know where I come from.)

Essentially there are two paths you can take right now.

The honorable path would involve saying something like "I'm sorry, it was a mistake, and saying that was dumb".

If you choose that path, this will end right now.

Or you need to follow through with what you said you wanted to do.

The choice is yours.</blockquote>

You are the only one on this forum who inteprets the joke that way.... I'm not going to apologize for you lacking a sense of humor and twisting things to the extreme so that it fits your little limited world of good and bad.</blockquote>

Then tell me where you want me to be and when I should be there so that you can shoot me.
[quote author="WINEX" date=1235562393][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235562265][quote author="WINEX" date=1235561612][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235560579][quote author="WINEX" date=1235558907][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235557181]Hey Winex, ready for round 5? I think it's our civic duty to the board in order to divert this other ugliness going on right now :) Step is really sad tonight.....</blockquote>

If you want to shoot me, just name a time and place, and I will be there. Though I will be unarmed, I don't think you'll like the way things play out.</blockquote>

Dude, how many times do I have to remind you that I'm a liberal? I don't believe that people should be allowed to have concealed weapons and certainly do not have a need for an AK47. I was very pleased with Ginsberg's opinion today on gun law along with our new Sheriff getting her way with limiting guns. I have a can of pepper spray, but it's not for right wingers, rather it's to protect my boxer in case a loose mean dog comes after her on our walks.</blockquote>

Let me explain something to you that you obviously don't realize.

You never pull a gun on someone unless you intend to shoot them. And you don't "joke around" about shooting someone. (You can possibly get away with the second item IF you know the person well and if it is the right situation. But you don't know me. You don't know who I am. And you don't know where I come from.)

Essentially there are two paths you can take right now.

The honorable path would involve saying something like "I'm sorry, it was a mistake, and saying that was dumb".

If you choose that path, this will end right now.

Or you need to follow through with what you said you wanted to do.

The choice is yours.</blockquote>

You are the only one on this forum who inteprets the joke that way.... I'm not going to apologize for you lacking a sense of humor and twisting things to the extreme so that it fits your little limited world of good and bad.</blockquote>

Then tell me where you want me to be and when I should be there so that you can shoot me.</blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" />Unthankful People: Everyone
[quote author="WINEX" date=1235562393][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235562265][quote author="WINEX" date=1235561612][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235560579][quote author="WINEX" date=1235558907][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235557181]Hey Winex, ready for round 5? I think it's our civic duty to the board in order to divert this other ugliness going on right now :) Step is really sad tonight.....</blockquote>

If you want to shoot me, just name a time and place, and I will be there. Though I will be unarmed, I don't think you'll like the way things play out.</blockquote>

Dude, how many times do I have to remind you that I'm a liberal? I don't believe that people should be allowed to have concealed weapons and certainly do not have a need for an AK47. I was very pleased with Ginsberg's opinion today on gun law along with our new Sheriff getting her way with limiting guns. I have a can of pepper spray, but it's not for right wingers, rather it's to protect my boxer in case a loose mean dog comes after her on our walks.</blockquote>

Let me explain something to you that you obviously don't realize.

You never pull a gun on someone unless you intend to shoot them. And you don't "joke around" about shooting someone. (You can possibly get away with the second item IF you know the person well and if it is the right situation. But you don't know me. You don't know who I am. And you don't know where I come from.)

Essentially there are two paths you can take right now.

The honorable path would involve saying something like "I'm sorry, it was a mistake, and saying that was dumb".

If you choose that path, this will end right now.

Or you need to follow through with what you said you wanted to do.

The choice is yours.</blockquote>

You are the only one on this forum who inteprets the joke that way.... I'm not going to apologize for you lacking a sense of humor and twisting things to the extreme so that it fits your little limited world of good and bad.</blockquote>

Then tell me where you want me to be and when I should be there so that you can shoot me.</blockquote>

Mission accomplished... the BV, Panda, IRVINE123 chaos has officially been hijacked and diverted and I am officially withdrawing from round 5 with Winex. Why, oh why, do I always break my own rule of opting out of wrestling with a pig? I'm muddy, Winex is too and he enjoyed it. You're welcome. No need to thank me. And what I really want to know, was it really 30 minutes?
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1235560579]

Dude, how many times do I have to remind you that I'm a liberal? I don't believe that people should be allowed to have concealed weapons and certainly do not have a need for an AK47. I was very pleased with Ginsberg's opinion today on gun law along with our new Sheriff getting her way with limiting guns. I have a can of pepper spray, but it's not for right wingers, rather it's to protect my boxer in case a loose mean dog comes after her on our walks.</blockquote>

While i'm not with others on this board... the majority of people who CCW are law abiding and rational people (plus you would never know they are carrying. Now we can't carry high powered, large capacity RIFLES/carbines (It is against the law), I still do want the ability to protect myself. A dog and a small can of mace aren't going to protect you against criminals. As you've probably heard before, the law isn't going to stop a criminal from carrying, but it will most certainly stop you and me.... I do not like the new Sheriff, she is breaking the law with warrentless searches of law abiding citizens as well as seizing personal property again, without a warrent. Upon the judges ruling that the search was baseless, they will NOT return personal property.

Right Winger? Well it seems to me she is a little bit on the fascist side, removing her opposition by using her status as the sheriff. Othewise I won't go into that.

[quote author="stepping_up" date=1235562265]

You are the only one on this forum who inteprets the joke that way.... I'm not going to apologize for you lacking a sense of humor and twisting things to the extreme so that it fits your little limited world of good and bad.</blockquote>

It's easy. She's good and your bad. You'll get used to it.
<em>I do not like the new Sheriff, she is breaking the law with warrentless searches of law abiding citizens as well as seizing personal property again, without a warrent. Upon the judges ruling that the search was baseless, they will NOT return personal property.</em>

Bix, I hadn't heard about this. Can you provide me some info on the story so I can assess? Thx.

Good job Step/Winex.

It was getting a little out of hand and you both took one for the team....even though you are on different teams.

My .02 is that I agree with what acpme and BV say (except for that *major* one...which I hope can still be edited) .....but then again, I'm not sure if I even believe it. Is it true? Is he just trying to gain sympathy ? Who knows.

I deleted PANDA as a friend on facebook.

....and people think *I'm* weird. ;P
[quote author="biscuitninja" date=1235563035][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235560579]

Dude, how many times do I have to remind you that I'm a liberal? I don't believe that people should be allowed to have concealed weapons and certainly do not have a need for an AK47. I was very pleased with Ginsberg's opinion today on gun law along with our new Sheriff getting her way with limiting guns. I have a can of pepper spray, but it's not for right wingers, rather it's to protect my boxer in case a loose mean dog comes after her on our walks.</blockquote>

While i'm not with others on this board... the majority of people who CCW are law abiding and rational people (plus you would never know they are carrying. Now we can't carry high powered, large capacity RIFLES/carbines (It is against the law), I still do want the ability to protect myself. A dog and a small can of mace aren't going to protect you against criminals. As you've probably heard before, the law isn't going to stop a criminal from carrying, but it will most certainly stop you and me.... I do not like the new Sheriff, she is breaking the law with warrentless searches of law abiding citizens as well as seizing personal property again, without a warrent. Upon the judges ruling that the search was baseless, they will NOT return personal property.

Right Winger? Well it seems to me she is a little bit on the fascist side, removing her opposition by using her status as the sheriff. Othewise I won't go into that.


Sorry Bix. I know you are not dangerous, but I really just don't like guns and the fewer we have of them in this country, the better. I don't know how to fix the laws so that you can you have yours and we lessen what's out there obliterating lives as we type. I only know that we'd all be better off with fewer guns.