PANDA's intention.

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1235562477]You guys remind me of Fred & Ethel Mertz.</blockquote>

Oscar commented yesterday "Come on, you guys used to date in high school, right?"
[quote author="Trooper" date=1235563594]

....and people think *I'm* weird. ;P</blockquote>

No, people think your sexy and fret because your on the wrong team!
[quote author="CK" date=1235562170][quote author="graphrix" date=1235559420]That's it! I can't take the drama around IHB these days. I'm going over to the Real Housewives of OC forum where there is less drama. You guys are all freakin nuts.</blockquote>

Right on. I'm still trying to figure out how IHB evolved from somewhere I used to go to learn the prices on the latest phase release to this bizarro soap opera. Wow.

Graph --- Speaking of Real Housewives, did you catch Slade Smiley's mug shot in the Reg over the weekend? Priceless!</blockquote>

You are in the Off Topic thread.... :)
[quote author="Trooper" date=1235564290]I made some serious coin on Ford today..... well, serious for me at least.... :P</blockquote>

Troop, you rock
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1235482330]I think I should alter this topic name "Pandas Intention" to "600+ posts members only chat room"</blockquote>
I should update "600+" to "700+"posts.
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1235563667][quote author="biscuitninja" date=1235563035][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235560579]

Dude, how many times do I have to remind you that I'm a liberal? I don't believe that people should be allowed to have concealed weapons and certainly do not have a need for an AK47. I was very pleased with Ginsberg's opinion today on gun law along with our new Sheriff getting her way with limiting guns. I have a can of pepper spray, but it's not for right wingers, rather it's to protect my boxer in case a loose mean dog comes after her on our walks.</blockquote>

While i'm not with others on this board... the majority of people who CCW are law abiding and rational people (plus you would never know they are carrying. Now we can't carry high powered, large capacity RIFLES/carbines (It is against the law), I still do want the ability to protect myself. A dog and a small can of mace aren't going to protect you against criminals. As you've probably heard before, the law isn't going to stop a criminal from carrying, but it will most certainly stop you and me.... I do not like the new Sheriff, she is breaking the law with warrentless searches of law abiding citizens as well as seizing personal property again, without a warrent. Upon the judges ruling that the search was baseless, they will NOT return personal property.

Right Winger? Well it seems to me she is a little bit on the fascist side, removing her opposition by using her status as the sheriff. Othewise I won't go into that.


Sorry Bix. I know you are not dangerous, but I really just don't like guns and the fewer we have of them in this country, the better. I don't know how to fix the laws so that you can you have yours and we lessen what's out there obliterating lives as we type. I only know that we'd all be better off with fewer guns.</blockquote>

I agree with you. Believe me it is NOT easy to get a legal firearm in this state. PLUS getting a CCW (Conceal Carry permit) is near impossible in LA/OC/SD/Redlands-et al. The new sheriff will NOT renew any CCW papers.... so..... we will see.

[quote author="Trooper" date=1235564562]bk, I want that house in your avatar. Really. I'm not kidding.

ps: It's almost tour time.</blockquote>

You and I have similar taste. Bigger does not mean better. Less is more. When I get to Custom Estate I will get an even better avatar. With this Panda's Intention thread everyone can become Custom Estate real soon!
nah, this thread will die on its own and another will pop up in its place. There's always one thread that digresses a gazillion times and then dies when we ALL get tired of it.
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1235564446][quote author="bkshopr" date=1235482330]I think I should alter this topic name "Pandas Intention" to "600+ posts members only chat room"</blockquote>
I should update "600+" to "700+"posts.</blockquote>

At the risk of exposing myself to extreme ridicule, I'd like to speak up in support of Panda. I haven't been "lurking" on this blog for the past 3 years, I've been actively reading it, occassionaly posting on it. Usually I enjoy the analysis and back-and-forth. Recently, I've noticed an odd trend: negativity for negativity's sake. those of us under 600, 500 even 100 posts are reluctant to step into the debate for fear we'll be ridiculed. The 600+ club should be aware of this and sensitive to it.

This blog is most valuable when it serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas among its members. The respectful, intellectual exchange of ideas. This blog is worthless when it becomes a forum of useless ridicule and personal attacks. In honor of Panda, I've changed my screen name. I was never a prolific poster - fortunately or unfortunately, my days are long and don't leave much time for reading the blog, let alone posting on it. But I stop by when I can, and usually enjoy the experience. The personal attacks on PANDA, however, are disheartening and disconcerting.

In the past I've received some PM's from PANDA - and while the questions weren't necessarily phrased the way I would phrase them, the were made innocently and in good faith. Sure there are some strange questions and responses, both on PM and threads - but I always found them well intended. I have no real opinion outside of that. I haven't met him, but those who have, speak well of him. I have no doubt he's a good person. I find it strange how ill some of you speak of him. What's the motivation? Perhaps to make yourself feel better in some way? Perhaps it makes you feel more powerful? Perhaps it makes you feel tough? Perhaps smart? Who knows.

PANDA, don't take these folks too seriously. I believe that you're a good person and hope you do too. This life is too short, this world can be too rough at times, to let anonymous blog participants affect your self worth.

I hope this blog gets back to its roots - as an information exchange. As a forum where one person can leverage the collective intellect of this blog's members. Where a person, like me, can learn a thing or two. We shall see.

2dogs1cup (fka TR4)
[quote author="2dogs1cup" date=1235566441][quote author="bkshopr" date=1235564446][quote author="bkshopr" date=1235482330]I think I should alter this topic name "Pandas Intention" to "600+ posts members only chat room"</blockquote>
I should update "600+" to "700+"posts.</blockquote>

At the risk of exposing myself to extreme ridicule, I'd like to speak up in support of Panda. I haven't been "lurking" on this blog for the past 3 years, I've been actively reading it, occassionaly posting on it. Usually I enjoy the analysis and back-and-forth. Recently, I've noticed an odd trend: negativity for negativity's sake. those of us under 600, 500 even 100 posts are reluctant to step into the debate for fear we'll be ridiculed. The 600+ club should be aware of this and sensitive to it.

This blog is most valuable when it serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas among its members. The respectful, intellectual exchange of ideas. This blog is worthless when it becomes a forum of useless ridicule and personal attacks. In honor of Panda, I've changed my screen name. I was never a prolific poster - fortunately or unfortunately, my days are long and don't leave much time for reading the blog, let alone posting on it. But I stop by when I can, and usually enjoy the experience. The personal attacks on PANDA, however, are disheartening and disconcerting.

In the past I've received some PM's from PANDA - and while the questions weren't necessarily phrased the way I would phrase them, the were made innocently and in good faith. Sure there are some strange questions and responses, both on PM and threads - but I always found them well intended. I have no real opinion outside of that. I haven't met him, but those who have, speak well of him. I have no doubt he's a good person. I find it strange how ill some of you speak of him. What's the motivation? Perhaps to make yourself feel better in some way? Perhaps it makes you feel more powerful? Perhaps it makes you feel tough? Perhaps smart? Who knows.

PANDA, don't take these folks too seriously. I believe that you're a good person and hope you do too. This life is too short, this world can be too rough at times, to let anonymous blog participants affect your self worth.

I hope this blog gets back to its roots - as an information exchange. As a forum where one person can leverage the collective intellect of this blog's members. Where a person, like me, can learn a thing or two. We shall see.

2dogs1cup (fka TR4)</blockquote>

Why would anyone ridicule you for speaking cogently? Thank you for particpating.
2Dogs....some of us just think PANDA is a little *off*. Doesn't make me feel better saying that, but sometimes the truth hurts.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1235566835][quote author="2dogs1cup" date=1235566441][quote author="bkshopr" date=1235564446][quote author="bkshopr" date=1235482330]I think I should alter this topic name "Pandas Intention" to "600+ posts members only chat room"</blockquote>
I should update "600+" to "700+"posts.</blockquote>

At the risk of exposing myself to extreme ridicule, I'd like to speak up in support of Panda. I haven't been "lurking" on this blog for the past 3 years, I've been actively reading it, occassionaly posting on it. Usually I enjoy the analysis and back-and-forth. Recently, I've noticed an odd trend: negativity for negativity's sake. those of us under 600, 500 even 100 posts are reluctant to step into the debate for fear we'll be ridiculed. The 600+ club should be aware of this and sensitive to it.

This blog is most valuable when it serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas among its members. The respectful, intellectual exchange of ideas. This blog is worthless when it becomes a forum of useless ridicule and personal attacks. In honor of Panda, I've changed my screen name. I was never a prolific poster - fortunately or unfortunately, my days are long and don't leave much time for reading the blog, let alone posting on it. But I stop by when I can, and usually enjoy the experience. The personal attacks on PANDA, however, are disheartening and disconcerting.

In the past I've received some PM's from PANDA - and while the questions weren't necessarily phrased the way I would phrase them, the were made innocently and in good faith. Sure there are some strange questions and responses, both on PM and threads - but I always found them well intended. I have no real opinion outside of that. I haven't met him, but those who have, speak well of him. I have no doubt he's a good person. I find it strange how ill some of you speak of him. What's the motivation? Perhaps to make yourself feel better in some way? Perhaps it makes you feel more powerful? Perhaps it makes you feel tough? Perhaps smart? Who knows.

PANDA, don't take these folks too seriously. I believe that you're a good person and hope you do too. This life is too short, this world can be too rough at times, to let anonymous blog participants affect your self worth.

I hope this blog gets back to its roots - as an information exchange. As a forum where one person can leverage the collective intellect of this blog's members. Where a person, like me, can learn a thing or two. We shall see.

2dogs1cup (fka TR4)</blockquote>

Why would anyone ridicule you for speaking cogently? Thank you for particpating.</blockquote>

I'm completely with you on this one. But sometimes someone appears out of nowhere and obviously only intends to antagonize and annoy. I really can't blame anyone for calling out that person and making them feel unwelcome. And no I'm not talking about PANDA. I, too, also lurked around and felt a bit intimidated to join in. I also had my fair share of beatings in the process, but I think that anyone who wants to be here for whatever reason (hopefully because they want to learn from others who know more about economics and housing) needs to have a tough skin. We always depend on people like SoCal to keep us in check. Even the moderators can be a bit tough, but really, who cares? We all need to laugh at ourselves and at others, when appropriate, in a nice way. There are a lot of different personalities here, I try not to be offended by any of them. A lot of people "play a role" as PANDA said, but again, who cares? I'm just amazed that so many people here have actually built real friendships from this forum. Remember, it's a whole different thing to READ what someone says versus actually seeing them in person and listening to them. We all bring our own baggage into the interpretations. And, welcome 2 dogs (are they poodles?).
[quote author="tmare" date=1235568819][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1235566835][quote author="2dogs1cup" date=1235566441][quote author="bkshopr" date=1235564446][quote author="bkshopr" date=1235482330]I think I should alter this topic name "Pandas Intention" to "600+ posts members only chat room"</blockquote>
I should update "600+" to "700+"posts.</blockquote>

At the risk of exposing myself to extreme ridicule, I'd like to speak up in support of Panda. I haven't been "lurking" on this blog for the past 3 years, I've been actively reading it, occassionaly posting on it. Usually I enjoy the analysis and back-and-forth. Recently, I've noticed an odd trend: negativity for negativity's sake. those of us under 600, 500 even 100 posts are reluctant to step into the debate for fear we'll be ridiculed. The 600+ club should be aware of this and sensitive to it.

This blog is most valuable when it serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas among its members. The respectful, intellectual exchange of ideas. This blog is worthless when it becomes a forum of useless ridicule and personal attacks. In honor of Panda, I've changed my screen name. I was never a prolific poster - fortunately or unfortunately, my days are long and don't leave much time for reading the blog, let alone posting on it. But I stop by when I can, and usually enjoy the experience. The personal attacks on PANDA, however, are disheartening and disconcerting.

In the past I've received some PM's from PANDA - and while the questions weren't necessarily phrased the way I would phrase them, the were made innocently and in good faith. Sure there are some strange questions and responses, both on PM and threads - but I always found them well intended. I have no real opinion outside of that. I haven't met him, but those who have, speak well of him. I have no doubt he's a good person. I find it strange how ill some of you speak of him. What's the motivation? Perhaps to make yourself feel better in some way? Perhaps it makes you feel more powerful? Perhaps it makes you feel tough? Perhaps smart? Who knows.

PANDA, don't take these folks too seriously. I believe that you're a good person and hope you do too. This life is too short, this world can be too rough at times, to let anonymous blog participants affect your self worth.

I hope this blog gets back to its roots - as an information exchange. As a forum where one person can leverage the collective intellect of this blog's members. Where a person, like me, can learn a thing or two. We shall see.

2dogs1cup (fka TR4)</blockquote>

I'm completely with you on this one. But sometimes, someone appears out of nowhere and obviously only intends to antagonize and annoy. I really can't blame anyone for calling out that person and making them feel unwelcome. And no I'm not talking about PANDA. I, too, also lurked around and felt a bit intimidated to join in. I also had my fair share of beatings in the process, but I think that anyone who wants to be here for whatever reason (hopefully because they want to learn from others who know more about economics and housing) needs to have a tough skin. We always depend on people like SoCal to keep us in check. Even the moderators can be a bit tough, but really, who cares? We all need to laugh at ourselves and at others, when appropriate, in a nice way if we can. There are a lot of different personalities here, I try not to be offended by any of them. A lot of people "play a role" as PANDA said, but again, who cares? I'm just amazed that so many people here have actually built real friendships from this forum. Remember, it's a whole different thing to READ what someone says versus actually seeing them in person and listening to them. We all bring our own baggage into the interpretations. And, welcome 2 dogs (are they poodles?).

(And i'm sorry I screwed this up somehow and it looks like it's coming from no_vas, but I can't seem to fix it, anyway, you all know it's not no_vas!)</blockquote>

I think it was clear it was from you no vas. thanks for the supportive responses. I do feel welcome here, but worry some don't. Perhaps, as no vas says, it's because my skin is thick. To some extent I agree with NV, that posting on an anonymous blog requires thick skin. But I think one only needs thick skin if they're weighing into an argument or a hot topic. I don't think we should expect a first time poster to have the requisite thick skin when posting a topic on which he/she desperately seeks advice, or asking a question on an established thread. I think we should encourage participation and do what we can to foster it. I agree with you, some people on here deserve to be questioned/criticized/ridiculed. but a lot don't. Not trying to make a huge, touchy-feely point - just providing my perspective. sometimes we get so involved in something that, as they say, we can't make out the forest from the trees.
Excuse me, are you serious, do you really think no_vas wrote that? Hello? Anyway, it was me.

Thanks for fixing it zovall :ohh:
[quote author="tmare" date=1235570236]Excuse me, are you serious, do you really think no_vas wrote that? Hello? Anyway, it was me.

Thanks for fixing it zovall :ohh:</blockquote>

Ooops, sorry. I meant to say that I think it was clear that it was written by tmare. no vas was stuck in my head from your post script. thanks for clarifying.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1235570681]Now I've been triple retrolled. What the hell!</blockquote>

What does "triple retrolled" mean? Trying to catch up on the IHB vernacular.