PANDA's intention.

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[quote author="WINEX" date=1235481758][quote author="Serious Weapon" date=1235481670][quote author="WINEX" date=1235481508][quote author="Serious Weapon" date=1235481395][quote author="WINEX" date=1235481337][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235481132][quote author="WINEX" date=1235479953][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235479680]

Here we go, just another version of "how stupid are you because you don't agree with me." I understood loud and clear what you meant and frankly I don't give a damn what you think. Aren't you missing Rush by spending all this time calling me stupid? Heaven forbid I keep you from that.</blockquote>

Sorry, but I find it hard to show people who threaten me any respect.</blockquote>

Where exactly in your idealogy bible does it say thou shalt not have any sense of humor? Oh, probably right in the verse that follows "thou shalt call anyone who disagrees with you an idiot or stupid."</blockquote>

Please stop trying to rationalize your death threats. I suggest that you either follow through, or apologize for being such an idiot.</blockquote>

"No Thanks"... Get it?</blockquote>

Was that post directed towards you?</blockquote>

"No Thanks"

*Click "No Thanks"</blockquote>

Are you really this stupid? Or is this just a joke?</blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" />Unthankful People: Serious Weapon
[quote author="WINEX" date=1235481508][quote author="Serious Weapon" date=1235481395][quote author="WINEX" date=1235481337][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235481132][quote author="WINEX" date=1235479953][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235479680]

Here we go, just another version of "how stupid are you because you don't agree with me." I understood loud and clear what you meant and frankly I don't give a damn what you think. Aren't you missing Rush by spending all this time calling me stupid? Heaven forbid I keep you from that.</blockquote>

Sorry, but I find it hard to show people who threaten me any respect.</blockquote>

Where exactly in your idealogy bible does it say thou shalt not have any sense of humor? Oh, probably right in the verse that follows "thou shalt call anyone who disagrees with you an idiot or stupid."</blockquote>

Please stop trying to rationalize your death threats. I suggest that you either follow through, or apologize for being such an idiot.</blockquote>

"No Thanks"... Get it?</blockquote>

Was that post directed towards you?</blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" />
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1235481821][quote author="WINEX" date=1235481337][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235481132][quote author="WINEX" date=1235479953][quote author="stepping_up" date=1235479680]

Here we go, just another version of "how stupid are you because you don't agree with me." I understood loud and clear what you meant and frankly I don't give a damn what you think. Aren't you missing Rush by spending all this time calling me stupid? Heaven forbid I keep you from that.</blockquote>

Sorry, but I find it hard to show people who threaten me any respect.</blockquote>

Where exactly in your idealogy bible does it say thou shalt not have any sense of humor? Oh, probably right in the verse that follows "thou shalt call anyone who disagrees with you an idiot or stupid."</blockquote>

Please stop trying to rationalize your death threats. I suggest that you either follow through, or apologize for being such an idiot.</blockquote>

You are soooo funny! Will you please pull up the thread where my violent death threads still live? In fact, you may want to submit them to the police. Good thing Gitmo is closing otherwise I could end up there as a suspected terrorist.</blockquote>

Don't worry. I don't take you seriously. But you are playing a very stupid game.
Good to see you back here, Panda. You are a great counterpoint to the standard IHB fare. Now if we can just get AZDavidPhx back to the forums...
[quote author="skek" date=1235534423][quote author="CK" date=1235482864]Good to see you back here, Panda. You are a great counterpoint to the standard IHB fare. <strong>Now if we can just get AZDavidPhx back to the forums...</strong></blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" />Unthankful People: skek</blockquote>

YES! I mean... NO!

<img src="" alt="" />Unthankful People: GOTTI
[quote author="skek" date=1235534423][quote author="CK" date=1235482864]Good to see you back here, Panda. You are a great counterpoint to the standard IHB fare. <strong>Now if we can just get AZDavidPhx back to the forums...</strong></blockquote>

<img src="" alt="" />Unthankful People: skek</blockquote>
Shouldn't it be:

<img src="" alt="" />Unthankful People: skek
Rebecca Saroyan is that you? Long time, no see.

Aw rats. That's not possible.

<a href=""></a>
[quote author="skek" date=1235538328][quote author="BlackVault CM" date=1235469883]As I said before, if some random individual posted I could care less if he did the same. But PANDA is different. He is someone I got to know and like. So when he did what he did, it was a slap in the face and I felt that a chunk of trust was lost. Same would have happened if Graph or Skekker did this.</blockquote>

Umm, BV, so there's a couple things I need to tell you. First, I'm actually a female staff attorney on a local GOP steering committee...</blockquote>

All is forgiven if you post a pic. Make it hot. I wasn't liking the live version at Chipotle so much...
[quote author="skek" date=1235538328][quote author="BlackVault CM" date=1235469883]As I said before, if some random individual posted I could care less if he did the same. But PANDA is different. He is someone I got to know and like. So when he did what he did, it was a slap in the face and I felt that a chunk of trust was lost. Same would have happened if Graph or Skekker did this.</blockquote>

Umm, BV, so there's a couple things I need to tell you. First, I'm actually a female staff attorney on a local GOP steering committee...</blockquote>

I *MAY* be able to forgive you for lying about your sex, but you're AN ATTORNEY!?!?!?!?!?!
[quote author="skek" date=1235541385]Either that or a skateboarder. I'm just giving run to no_vas' whacky theories...</blockquote>

I could see you being a skateboarder.

A hot female skateboarder that is.

Now how about posting them pics?
[quote author="BlackVault CM" date=1235540820]All is forgiven <strong>if you post a pic</strong>. Make it hot. I wasn't liking the live version at Chipotle so much...</blockquote>
Wait... is this BlackVault or did Panda hijack your account?

P.S. I'm still Panda.