The 2020 Presidential Election

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but who will skateboard down the whitehouse stairs and take all our guns now?!

Former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke drops out of 2020 presidential race

Former Texas Democrat congressman Beto O'Rourke announced Friday he is withdrawing from the 2020 presidential race, telling supporters ?it is clear to me now that this campaign does not have the means to move forward successfully.?

O'Rourke entered the race in March to great fanfare after nearly defeating Texas incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz in the 2018 midterms but struggled to gain traction in the massive Democratic primary field.
Setting aside Robert Francis O'Rourke's politics for a moment. Sheesh... the guy was an insufferable d-bag - the very confirmation that no amount parental wealth (in this case in-law wealth) does not ensure viable brain function.

After his tax returns were released he was asked why he contributes only about .0001 of their income to charity. The reply was essentially "I'm contributing by being in politics..." As if we were so blessed by his very presence... Blegh, and good riddance.

Any pools started as to when K Harris and C Booker drop out? My guess is at least one by Thanksgiving.
Kings said:
but who will skateboard down the whitehouse stairs and take all our guns now?!

Former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke drops out of 2020 presidential race

Former Texas Democrat congressman Beto O'Rourke announced Friday he is withdrawing from the 2020 presidential race, telling supporters ?it is clear to me now that this campaign does not have the means to move forward successfully.?

O'Rourke entered the race in March to great fanfare after nearly defeating Texas incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz in the 2018 midterms but struggled to gain traction in the massive Democratic primary field.

I don't think he was going to qualify for the November debate.  A quick look at the polls and he didn't even have one poll that was qualifying, either nationally or in the first four primary states.  Later dude!

The next candidate to drop will probably be Castro because he doesn't have any qualifying polls either.  Hasta la vista token Hispanics!

Booker may not qualify either as his only poll above 3% is in S. Carolina.  I'm Spartacus!

Kamala probably stays in because she is only one poll away from qualifying for November and she needs to make an impact at that debate to have any chance of making it to Iowa.  The problem is she may not make the December debate.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Biden is of course staying in, but he is now polling at 4th place in Iowa(!!) and barely holding on to 2nd place in N. Hampshire!  Sleepy Joe you need to wake up!!  The Ukraine scandal is having an impact even if the media fails to acknowledge it.

The unexpected good news:

Tulsi is only one poll away from qualifying for the November debate, and two away from qualifying for December!!  Thank you Hillary!!!
1. So Jr. talks about Hunter Biden. Hey how about look in the mirror!! The brothers are in charge of the hotel/organization and they are received money from companies and foreign countries for food, rooms or conferences/events.  (The question is how much? Let?s say for discussion puposes only that it was for $5 for a drink at the bar. Who cares? But if they received thousands to hundred of thousands then it can possibly be an issue.)

2. How about Jr.?s  brother in law? Bloomberg Article:Kushner Cos., the real estate firm owned by the family of President Donald Trump?s son-in-law Jared Kushner, has received about $800 million in federally backed debt to buy apartments in Maryland and Virginia -- the company?s biggest purchase in a decade.

The loan was issued by Berkadia, a lender co-owned by Warren Buffett?s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and Jefferies Financial Group Inc., in a deal that?s backed by government-owned Freddie Mac, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be named discussing the private transaction.

Politico Article
Kushner Cos. obtained the loan from mortgage lender Berkadia to purchase more than 6,000 apartment units in Maryland and Virginia, according to a report in May by Bloomberg, which cited an unidentified person familiar with the matter. Freddie Mac guaranteed the loan, Bloomberg said.

Freddie Mac purchases loans from mortgage lenders ? which gives the lenders the liquidity to make more loans ? and repackages them into securities for sale to investors.

Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law, drew criticism for transferring ownership of many of his holdings in the company to immediate family members ? rather than selling them and placing the proceeds in an independent trust ? when he entered the White House.

?Mr. Kushner's sustained involvement with Kushner Companies raises questions about whether he or someone acting on his behalf inappropriately intervened in this loan approval process,? Warren and Carper wrote.

They acknowledged that ?there is presently no specific indication of any wrongdoing by Freddie.?

Such a double standard. No one talks about Kushner. But maybe they will because of me. That?s like if I became mayor and right after get a $80 million loan with a big regional bank. (That?s not me.)
Tulsi got her 4th qualifying poll today, with one week to spare!  She's in the debate, and I believe Booker and Little Castro are still on the outs.  Her recent numbers in both Iowa and New Hampshire have been increasing, so I hope that keeps up.  A good debate performance would sure help, as I felt her last one was probably her weakest.
Women donations for Trump surge, He is No. 1 in suburbs

morekaos said:
Liar Loan said:
zubs said:
lock him up
lock him up
lock him up

I love seeing chants get twisted back at the asshole who started it.

The image of Nationals players wearing MAGA hats at the White House was like pouring hot coals on Trump's opponents.

Outside of the swamp (DC)...they love him...

"Four more years!" Trump is greeted at Alabama football game


?MMA News Article:
POTUS Trump was in attendance for UFC 244. His son, Eric Trump, claimed that the fans were cheering for his father upon his entrance. On the JRE podcast, Rogan said Trump was showered with boos (via

?They booed the f**k out of him at the UFC,? Rogan told his guest Greg Fitzgerald.

?Were you there?? Fitzgerald responded. ?Cause I heard from one camp that they cheered? his son said they cheered for him.?

?Listen to Daddy,? Rogan rebutted. ?I took my f**king headphones off just to listen, and it was [boos]. 18,000 people going [boos].??

My comment: I tell it like it is. That?s good that Trump got cheered. But too bad he got heavily booed at ufc 244 according to Joe Rogan. I didn?t know it was that bad until I read the article.
The Dems have a new candidate running - a former Bain Capital lawyer and board member of subprime lender Ameriquest.  So his resume consists of destroying people's jobs, then booting them from their homes.. WINNING!
Liar Loan said:
The Dems have a new candidate running - a former Bain Capital lawyer and board member of subprime lender Ameriquest.  So his resume consists of destroying people's jobs, then booting them from their homes.. WINNING!

Oh and he worked at Texaco... lol

So you have the trifecta:

-Vulture capitalist
-Subprime bankster
-Global warming heretic

This has got to be the best Dem primary of all time!
congratulations to creepy joe on the new grandchild!!  another child to sniff is in order!

Hunter Biden fathered Arkansas woman's baby, DNA test reveals

Hunter Biden is the father of an Arkansas woman?s baby, according to a paternity test detailed in court papers filed Wednesday.

?DNA testing has established with scientific certainty defendant is the father of the plaintiff?s child,? said the lawsuit filed by Lunden Alexis Roberts, 28.

Ms. Roberts in May filed a petition for paternity support against Mr. Biden, son of 2020 Democratic presidential frontrunner and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden.

The younger Biden is ?not expected to challenge the results of the DNA test or the testing process,? the filing said.

The court filing also notes that members of the Biden family are eligible for U.S. Secret Service protection because of the elder Biden?s political aspirations.
Lets talk about Jared Kushner. Totally unfair/such a conflict of interest.

Bloomberg Article: Kushner Cos. Gets $800 Million Federally Backed Apartment Loan

Kushner Cos., the real estate firm owned by the family of President Donald Trump?s son-in-law Jared Kushner, has received about $800 million in federally backed debt to buy apartments in Maryland and Virginia -- the company?s biggest purchase in a decade.

The loan was issued by Berkadia, a lender co-owned by Warren Buffett?s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and Jefferies Financial Group Inc., in a deal that?s backed by government-owned Freddie Mac, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be named discussing the private transaction.

No, the real crooks are about to get what they deserve....

The head of Burisma Holdings was indicted this week in Ukraine!

Ukrainian Prosecutor General indicted Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevsky.

The claim alleges that Hunter Biden and his partners received $16.5 million for their ?services?

KYIV. Nov 20 (Interfax-Ukraine) ? Ukrainian members of parliament have demanded the presidents of Ukraine and the United States, Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump, investigate suspicions of the legalization of $7.4 billion by the "family" of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych through the American investment fund Franklin Templeton Investments, which they said has ties to the U.S. Democratic Party.
eyephone said:
Lets talk about Jared Kushner. Totally unfair/such a conflict of interest.

Bloomberg Article: Kushner Cos. Gets $800 Million Federally Backed Apartment Loan

Kushner Cos., the real estate firm owned by the family of President Donald Trump?s son-in-law Jared Kushner, has received about $800 million in federally backed debt to buy apartments in Maryland and Virginia -- the company?s biggest purchase in a decade.

The loan was issued by Berkadia, a lender co-owned by Warren Buffett?s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and Jefferies Financial Group Inc., in a deal that?s backed by government-owned Freddie Mac, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be named discussing the private transaction.

None of us could get almost a billion dollar loan that is federally backed by the government. So unfair
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
Lets talk about Jared Kushner. Totally unfair/such a conflict of interest.

Bloomberg Article: Kushner Cos. Gets $800 Million Federally Backed Apartment Loan

Kushner Cos., the real estate firm owned by the family of President Donald Trump?s son-in-law Jared Kushner, has received about $800 million in federally backed debt to buy apartments in Maryland and Virginia -- the company?s biggest purchase in a decade.

The loan was issued by Berkadia, a lender co-owned by Warren Buffett?s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and Jefferies Financial Group Inc., in a deal that?s backed by government-owned Freddie Mac, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be named discussing the private transaction.

None of us could get almost a billion dollar loan that is federally backed by the government. So unfair

kushner has a legitimate business he's had for years.  is warren buffet guilty as well since he provided the loan?

unfair is hunter biden being paid $80k/month to sit on the board of a company he has no experience in  ::)
Kings said:
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
Lets talk about Jared Kushner. Totally unfair/such a conflict of interest.

Bloomberg Article: Kushner Cos. Gets $800 Million Federally Backed Apartment Loan

Kushner Cos., the real estate firm owned by the family of President Donald Trump?s son-in-law Jared Kushner, has received about $800 million in federally backed debt to buy apartments in Maryland and Virginia -- the company?s biggest purchase in a decade.

The loan was issued by Berkadia, a lender co-owned by Warren Buffett?s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and Jefferies Financial Group Inc., in a deal that?s backed by government-owned Freddie Mac, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be named discussing the private transaction.

None of us could get almost a billion dollar loan that is federally backed by the government. So unfair

kushner has a legitimate business he's had for years.  is warren buffet guilty as well since he provided the loan?

unfair is hunter biden being paid $80k/month to sit on the board of a company he has no experience in  ::)

But why did Jared get the sweet loan after Trump became president?

$800 mil > $80k
What does experience have to do with anything?
We all know there are many people that have jobs that don?t have experience. It?s not illegal.

But using the office of the President to get a loan that no one else can?t get is illegal. A person can ask is that conflict of interest and/or did he get special treatment?

You brought up Warren Buffet not me. Going forward maybe we shouldn?t use Buffet?s real estate services? Lol (since we can?t get that same loan as Jared)