The 2020 Presidential Election

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Let?s look at Trump?s foreign dealings

Washington Post Article: The Trump brothers? claims that they no longer profit from foreign deals

This year, the Trumps sold a 5,400-square-foot Beverly Hills mansion to a company linked to Indonesian billionaire Hary Tanoesoedibjo for $13.5 million. Tanoesoedibjo is the Trumps? partner on two Indonesian development projects.

The Trump Organization last month received approval to build 550 houses and a second golf course in Balmedie, a village on the northeastern Scottish coast. ?If the Trump Organization follows through on these plans, it would turn the company into something it has not been before: a large-scale house builder,? The Washington Post reported.

The Trumps also have pursued existing business in countries such as India and Uruguay, and some experts say it blurs the line between the U.S. government and the Trump Organization?s finances.

The Indonesian government is helping to build a new highway that would facilitate access to Trump Residences Lido, a golf course, hotel and 280-home residential community that Tanoesoedibjo is developing with Trump. In Scotland, the Aberdeenshire Council voted to drop a requirement that the Trump Organization make other investments in the Balmedie resort before building the 550 planned homes.

Representatives of foreign governments often stay at or host events in Trump?s hotel in Washington, near the White House. Lobbyists representing the Saudi government booked 500 nights at Trump International Hotel after his 2016 election. The embassies of Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Malaysia and the Philippines all hosted events.

Eric Trump claimed, ?When my father became commander in chief of this country, we got out of all international business.?

Donald Trump Jr. at one point claimed the family ?literally stopped? enriching itself from foreign deals.


Let?s talk about the alleged foreign deals that were reported by the Washington Post.
I stopped running it live on a screen 2 days ago...just too boring and no new info.  If I tuned out (and I love this stuff) who kept watching?....
MTalltheway said:
Impeachment fizzing out, so eyephone is being like the mainstream media and trying to change the flow of the conversation.  ::)

No I?m not. I need mo cash aka Morekas and Lil King talked about Hunter Biden. So why not talk about Jared?s big loan that is federally backed meaning tax payers is like on the hook and the Trump?s organiazation making money from foreign diplomats/governments after DJT became president. It?s a fair comparison.

Remember I?m a super genius. It?s outrageous that taxpayers have to back Jared?s loan. Lol
morekaos said:
I stopped running it live on a screen 2 days ago...just too boring and no new info.  If I tuned out (and I love this stuff) who kept watching?....

Get a job and stop watching tv during the day.
Watching crap like that is part of my  job.  If it were important enough to create a trading opportunity its worth watching but when the market judges it a non event I also lost interest and tuned out.  It was putting me to sleep anyway.
morekaos said:
Watching crap like that is part of my  job.  If it were important enough to create a trading opportunity its worth watching but when the market judges it a non event I also lost interest and tuned out.  It was putting me to sleep anyway.

Like I previously said you lost a step or shall I say many steps. Right there you just said that you like sleep on the job. Wow! (Sleeping or falling asleep same thing) lol
MTalltheway said:
Impeachment fizzing out, so eyephone is being like the mainstream media and trying to change the flow of the conversation.  ::)

But you can?t answer me. Your the guy that previously made statements to me and run away. I love it.
That tactic works but not on TI.
eyephone said:
MTalltheway said:
Impeachment fizzing out, so eyephone is being like the mainstream media and trying to change the flow of the conversation.  ::)

No I?m not. I need mo cash aka Morekas and Lil King talked about Hunter Biden. So why not talk about Jared?s big loan that is federally backed meaning tax payers is like on the hook and the Trump?s organiazation making money from foreign diplomats/governments after DJT became president. It?s a fair comparison.

Remember I?m a super genius. It?s outrageous that taxpayers have to back Jared?s loan. Lol

He can?t respond to my post....Maybe he read how much the taxpayers are on the hook for if he doesn?t pay. (oh my gosh that?s a lot of money)
Honestly I don?t want to talk about this, but since more-cash brought it up. I have to respond. I got other sh## to do.
So, Hunter Biden gets $80,000 a MONTH from a corrupt Ukranian company for doing nothing and yet he refuses to pay child support:

Now, that's a classy guy.

Kings said:
congratulations to creepy joe on the new grandchild!!  another child to sniff is in order!

Hunter Biden fathered Arkansas woman's baby, DNA test reveals

Hunter Biden is the father of an Arkansas woman?s baby, according to a paternity test detailed in court papers filed Wednesday.

?DNA testing has established with scientific certainty defendant is the father of the plaintiff?s child,? said the lawsuit filed by Lunden Alexis Roberts, 28.

Ms. Roberts in May filed a petition for paternity support against Mr. Biden, son of 2020 Democratic presidential frontrunner and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden.

The younger Biden is ?not expected to challenge the results of the DNA test or the testing process,? the filing said.

The court filing also notes that members of the Biden family are eligible for U.S. Secret Service protection because of the elder Biden?s political aspirations.
Look how much money Trump make from foreign governments from hotels, selling properties to them. (Insane)

Look at Jared?s loan $800 mil almost a billion dollars that is backed by the federal government. So if he doesn?t pay for it we have to. Wow

I don?t want to bring up Rudy. That?s like a separate thread topic.  ;)

Happiness said:
So, Hunter Biden gets $80,000 a MONTH from a corrupt Ukranian company for doing nothing and yet he refuses to pay child support:

Now, that's a classy guy.

Kings said:
congratulations to creepy joe on the new grandchild!!  another child to sniff is in order!

Hunter Biden fathered Arkansas woman's baby, DNA test reveals

Hunter Biden is the father of an Arkansas woman?s baby, according to a paternity test detailed in court papers filed Wednesday.

?DNA testing has established with scientific certainty defendant is the father of the plaintiff?s child,? said the lawsuit filed by Lunden Alexis Roberts, 28.

Ms. Roberts in May filed a petition for paternity support against Mr. Biden, son of 2020 Democratic presidential frontrunner and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden.

The younger Biden is ?not expected to challenge the results of the DNA test or the testing process,? the filing said.

The court filing also notes that members of the Biden family are eligible for U.S. Secret Service protection because of the elder Biden?s political aspirations.
Happiness said:
So, Hunter Biden gets $80,000 a MONTH from a corrupt Ukranian company for doing nothing and yet he refuses to pay child support:

Now, that's a classy guy.

Kings said:
congratulations to creepy joe on the new grandchild!!  another child to sniff is in order!

Hunter Biden fathered Arkansas woman's baby, DNA test reveals

Hunter Biden is the father of an Arkansas woman?s baby, according to a paternity test detailed in court papers filed Wednesday.

?DNA testing has established with scientific certainty defendant is the father of the plaintiff?s child,? said the lawsuit filed by Lunden Alexis Roberts, 28.

Ms. Roberts in May filed a petition for paternity support against Mr. Biden, son of 2020 Democratic presidential frontrunner and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden.

The younger Biden is ?not expected to challenge the results of the DNA test or the testing process,? the filing said.

The court filing also notes that members of the Biden family are eligible for U.S. Secret Service protection because of the elder Biden?s political aspirations.

That guy was the biggest landmine under Bidens feet from way back to Obama's days.  Trumps teethe are dug deep, he aint gettin away!

morekaos said:
fortune11 said:
What's the over/under on when he starts attacking Biden's dead wife and kids?

He might but i guarantee he will sink his teeth deep into Hunter. 

Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived

Ukrainian officials tell me there was one crucial piece of information that Biden must have known but didn?t mention to his audience: The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden?s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden?s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts ? usually more than $166,000 a month ? from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.

The general prosecutor?s official file for the Burisma probe ? shared with me by senior Ukrainian officials ? shows prosecutors identified Hunter Biden, business partner Devon Archer and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money.

Shokin told me in written answers to questions that, before he was fired as general prosecutor, he had made ?specific plans? for the investigation that ?included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.?
biden out here campaigning for trump!  thanks joe!

Biden heckled over Obama-era deportations, tells protester 'You should vote for Trump'

A seemingly frustrated Joe Biden advised a protester to "vote for Trump" Thursday after being confronted about the Obama administration?s record on deportations.

It happened at a South Carolina town hall event for the former vice president, before about 800 people at Lander University in Greenwood.

Biden seemed to lose his cool when Carlos Rojas, an immigration activist with a group called Cosecha Movement, pointed out that more illegal immigrants were deported during Obama's first two years as president than during Trump?s.

?In 2008 I was a volunteer for Obama because I had hope and I believed in the promises to the immigrant community," Rojas said. "The fact is that over those eight years there were three million people who were deported and separated from their families."

?You should vote for Trump. You should vote for Trump,? Biden retorted, turning away from the man.
Conflict of Interest, He did not drain the swamp

eyephone said:
Let?s look at Trump?s foreign dealings

Washington Post Article: The Trump brothers? claims that they no longer profit from foreign deals

This year, the Trumps sold a 5,400-square-foot Beverly Hills mansion to a company linked to Indonesian billionaire Hary Tanoesoedibjo for $13.5 million. Tanoesoedibjo is the Trumps? partner on two Indonesian development projects.

The Trump Organization last month received approval to build 550 houses and a second golf course in Balmedie, a village on the northeastern Scottish coast. ?If the Trump Organization follows through on these plans, it would turn the company into something it has not been before: a large-scale house builder,? The Washington Post reported.

The Trumps also have pursued existing business in countries such as India and Uruguay, and some experts say it blurs the line between the U.S. government and the Trump Organization?s finances.

The Indonesian government is helping to build a new highway that would facilitate access to Trump Residences Lido, a golf course, hotel and 280-home residential community that Tanoesoedibjo is developing with Trump. In Scotland, the Aberdeenshire Council voted to drop a requirement that the Trump Organization make other investments in the Balmedie resort before building the 550 planned homes.

Representatives of foreign governments often stay at or host events in Trump?s hotel in Washington, near the White House. Lobbyists representing the Saudi government booked 500 nights at Trump International Hotel after his 2016 election. The embassies of Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Malaysia and the Philippines all hosted events.

Eric Trump claimed, ?When my father became commander in chief of this country, we got out of all international business.?

Donald Trump Jr. at one point claimed the family ?literally stopped? enriching itself from foreign deals.


Let?s talk about the alleged foreign deals that were reported by the Washington Post.
How many Trump associates got convicted or took a plea deal?

How about Trump?s ex EPA secretary? The US taxpayers paid for a sound proof room for him. Give me a break!
morekaos said:
Happiness said:
Bidens capable of Immaculate Conception:

"Hunter, 49, had repeatedly denied fathering Roberts? child or even having sex with her."

So Bidens kid has that up on the Trump kids...He's a god. ;) ;D

Jr. is not a saint.
This is like too easy. I?m like the smartest guy you ever dealt with. (Like super light speed ahead of you. To be honest it gets boring.)
If he peels off even a slight percentage this will be a route of Reaganesque proportions.....

Dem Disaster Looms as Trump Goes ?Bigly? With Blacks

While the media remains obsessed with an increasingly pointless impeachment by the House and the even more dubious removal of the president by the Senate, political news of genuine electoral importance has slipped in under the rug. According to two new polls, Trump has now gained popularity with African-Americans? and the numbers are significant, even ?bigly.?

Both polls?Rasmussen, which usually tilts Republican, and Emerson, which is considered even-handed?came out almost exactly the same, putting Trump?s support among blacks at a surprising, almost astonishing, 34 percent. Typically, Republicans poll in single digits among blacks.

Trump has been doing his part, quietly (for him) going about wooing black voters with his message of economic opportunity at their schools and churches. He?s been having success that?s either been ridiculed or, more often, deliberately ignored by the mainstream media. They are loath to report what he is doing for fear that it might be good. Nevertheless, he is continuing and increasing his efforts going into the campaign.