The 2020 Presidential Election

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Dems sure love to pad their all the college cheaters were libs...I sense a pattern.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's newly graduated son Dante, 22, made $650 a week working as a 'policy analyst' for his father's failed presidential campaign
Bill de Blasio's failed presidential campaign filed FEC disclosures on Tuesday
His son Dante was paid $650 a week as a policy analyst for the campaign
Dante figured in de Blasio's biggest debate line, about raising a black son
For all who look at Trump in disbelief, take a moment and read this piece, written by a Trump hater but it lays bare the truth of why so many outside the bubble quietly support this guy.

I went back home to Ohio's Trump country. In Appalachia, honest people have hope again.

GALLIPOLIS, Ohio ? I've been a journalist for 21 years. I've never struggled to write something as much as I have this column.

The assignment: Go back to the place where I grew up, here in the middle of Ohio's Appalachian region across the river from West Virginia, talk to family and friends and my hometown people and offer a perspective on the heart of Trump country that few others in the media can.

Trump won 76% of the vote in Gallia County three years ago, his largest margin among Southeast Ohio counties. His sweeping success across Ohio's Appalachian region ? he won 30 of the state's 32 such counties ? played a big part in sending him to the White House.

This poverty-stricken area, nestled amid the picturesque Appalachian foothills about 150 miles east of Cincinnati, continues to stand firm behind Trump. And rural Ohio very well could play a part in re-electing him, barring impeachment.
morekaos said:
It?s gonna happen...wether you like it or not.

Trump is on his way to an easy win in 2020, according to Moody's accurate election model

President Donald Trump will win reelection easily in 2020 if the economy holds up, modeling by Moody's Analytics shows.
"If voters were to vote primarily on the basis of their pocketbooks, the president would steamroll the competition," the report states.
Three models show Trump getting at least 289 electoral votes and as many as 351, assuming average turnout.
The Moody's models have been backtested to 1980 and were correct each time ? except in 2016, when it indicated Clinton would get a narrow victory.

I do take issue with this article. 

If Moody's election model were accurate, it would have gotten 2016 correct, but it didn't, likely due to curve overfitting.  Basically, they created a model, backtested it, and when the parameters showed accurate results for every election back to 1980, they declared it an "accurate model".  Yet when it was pushed into production and forced to deal with the uncertainty of the real world, the model failed spectacularly.

So after their spectacular failure in 2016, they rework the model, get it to show historical accuracy for every election again including 2016 (thus overfitting the curve - a big statistical no-no), and declare once again that they have an "accurate model".  Basically, what they have done is create a brand new model that has not been tested against real world, in-sample election results.  So they should not be boasting about an "accurate model" because they have no such thing.

In other words, this is just free advertising for Moody's Analytics, not a newsworthy story.  Here is the same press release from 2016 predicting Clinton's win:

Key model predicts big election win for Clinton
A model that has correctly predicted the winner of every U.S. presidential race since Ronald Reagan in 1980 is forecasting a big victory for Hillary Clinton.
[size=10pt]Clinton is expected to get 332 electoral votes, while Trump is predicted to get just 206, according to the Moody's Analytics model, which is based on three economic and three political factors.

Overall, the U.S. is growing and that favors Clinton. Most Americans can feel their pocketbooks getting better. Moody's predicts key swing states -- Florida, Ohio, Colorado and Pennsylvania -- all going blue this year.
I don?t totally disagree, I liked the article because it must have it must have caused Mark Zandi (a yuge Trump hater) to lose a ton of hair to have to print such a conclusion...very funny
I found this on reddit regarding the picture below.


Not only is Trump a coward, but it's also important to note that in this situation he doesn't hold any of the cards nor does he have any fathoming as to what's going on around him. He probably doesn't even really know why Pelosi is so mad at him. Like, he knows the general topic, but he's too ignorant to even understand what he's done and the emotions that might evoke from people.

Republicans have never, not once, held Trump's feet to the fire on the idiot things he says and thinks. Not once have they actually showed motherfucking balls enough to just press this idiot to explain something. They cover for him, they gaslight America in their explanations to the press, or they pretend they didn't hear anything to begin with. But never have they stared him in the eyes and grilled him about the imbecility of the things he thinks.

Schumer and Pelosi were asking him basic questions about the situation in Syria. Just the most basic of questions. He couldn't answer. He doesn't know. He doesn't have the intellectual capacity to comprehend. This is so far outside of his depths it's fucking hysterical. Past Presidents have read upwards of hundreds of briefings a day, or otherwise surrounded themselves with human computers, to stay abreast of complex geopolitical issues like Syria, where a complex network of different interests and nations are colliding. Trump has read nothing. He knows nothing. He knows less even than people who regularly read the news. That's how fucking hysterically outmatched he is in this confrontation.

He pulled out of Syria because Putin and Erdogan wanted him to. He doesn't understand geopolitics, he doesn't know where Syria is on a map, he doesn't comprehend what he's done. He didn't know who the Kurds were and it probably never even crossed his mind when he initially ordered the pull out that he'd be authorizing genocide, not that he cares.

The sum of his understanding of this situation is that Erdogan and Putin wanted him to do it, and "bringing our boys back" gels with his campaign message. That's it. Never mind the fact that war is not the same as it was 70 years ago. Never mind that he's actually giving a massive leg up to Iran and ISIS, two entities he pretends are his mortal foes. None of that registers with him.

He's an idiot. But he can't cow Democrats like he cows Republicans, and that scares the shit out of him. Republicans clam up because they need him to win their next elections. Because what we have in congress is a bunch of gutless, sad little cretins that couldn't do the right thing if they were mortally dependent upon it.

Trump has always surrounded himself with that sort of person, that stays quiet because of money or favors or whatever it is that controls them, so he's never had to defend himself.

In this classic clip where he's deposed and trying to explain his lease agreement, you can see how profoundly uncomfortable and scared he is. The woman is asking him questions, and he's hunched up, arms folded tight, looking down. That's the body language we have when we're trying to curl inward from a scary environment. There's no confidence in him in that clip. No swagger. He takes a long time to answer questions, pausing before speaking, and when he does his voice is clearly different than his public voice. It's subdued, at a lower register, and he's making a conscious effort not to go on his well-known tangents. He's scared shitless because that wasn't a situation his dim mind could bluster it's way out of. And that's the way he was here.

But you know whose body language is more interesting? Everyone else at that table. McConnell is there, so are some of the Joint Chief of Staff.

Look at them. Is it anger? Amusement? No. Almost all of them are registering shame. Heads down, eyes closed, exasperated and ashamed. Shame because they know what a fucking idiot they're sitting next to. Shame that they're Big Boys at the height of power, and they're watching Nancy Pelosi humiliate a traitor who can barely shit in a hole without issue.

EDIT: As others have pointed out, let's take another scan at the scene and look at the space in front of Trump on the table. No portfolios, no binders, no papers. It's a large, curious void of papers on a table otherwise strewn with various papers and portfolios, as one would expect. A situation like this, and the decisions involved, would require volumes of intelligence on Iran, Syria, ISIS, Turkey, the Kurds, our military presence in the region, summaries of hypothetical scenarios run by analysts as to the consequences of each decision and the relevant merits of those decisions.

Everyone else has papers in front of them, both for reference and for taking notes. But not Donald Trump. Trump has nothing, except a good few feet extra distance between him and a woman that scares him shitless.

Why does Trump have no notes? Is it because he, as a stable genius, is so smart he has an eidetic memory? Or is the truth that he makes decisions entirely on woefully ignorant gut feelings and instructions from people he "likes," including murderous dictators and geopolitical foes like Putin? Let's look at the score card:

Trump barely attends any intelligence briefing meetings

Trump never reads his daily intelligence briefings
Trump's staff have to include his own name in documents they desperately need him to read just so he'll pay attention
Even Bush, well-known not to be a voluminous reader, would regularly receive 10-page briefings on subjects, considered "short" before the Trump era
So on top of all the evidence that Trump is a moron; skipping briefings, never reading anything, having zero attention span; he also makes catastrophically poor and stupid choices, cementing the fact that it's not out of some unearthly genius intellect that he skips intelligence briefings, not because of his "great and unmatched wisdom" that he never reads a single piece of paper while serving in the most complex and demanding job in the world.

It's because he's really, extraordinarily fucking stupid.
zubs said:
I found this on reddit regarding the picture below.


Not only is Trump a coward, but it's also important to note that in this situation he doesn't hold any of the cards nor does he have any fathoming as to what's going on around him. He probably doesn't even really know why Pelosi is so mad at him. Like, he knows the general topic, but he's too ignorant to even understand what he's done and the emotions that might evoke from people.

Republicans have never, not once, held Trump's feet to the fire on the idiot things he says and thinks. Not once have they actually showed motherfucking balls enough to just press this idiot to explain something. They cover for him, they gaslight America in their explanations to the press, or they pretend they didn't hear anything to begin with. But never have they stared him in the eyes and grilled him about the imbecility of the things he thinks.

Schumer and Pelosi were asking him basic questions about the situation in Syria. Just the most basic of questions. He couldn't answer. He doesn't know. He doesn't have the intellectual capacity to comprehend. This is so far outside of his depths it's fucking hysterical. Past Presidents have read upwards of hundreds of briefings a day, or otherwise surrounded themselves with human computers, to stay abreast of complex geopolitical issues like Syria, where a complex network of different interests and nations are colliding. Trump has read nothing. He knows nothing. He knows less even than people who regularly read the news. That's how fucking hysterically outmatched he is in this confrontation.

He pulled out of Syria because Putin and Erdogan wanted him to. He doesn't understand geopolitics, he doesn't know where Syria is on a map, he doesn't comprehend what he's done. He didn't know who the Kurds were and it probably never even crossed his mind when he initially ordered the pull out that he'd be authorizing genocide, not that he cares.

The sum of his understanding of this situation is that Erdogan and Putin wanted him to do it, and "bringing our boys back" gels with his campaign message. That's it. Never mind the fact that war is not the same as it was 70 years ago. Never mind that he's actually giving a massive leg up to Iran and ISIS, two entities he pretends are his mortal foes. None of that registers with him.

He's an idiot. But he can't cow Democrats like he cows Republicans, and that scares the shit out of him. Republicans clam up because they need him to win their next elections. Because what we have in congress is a bunch of gutless, sad little cretins that couldn't do the right thing if they were mortally dependent upon it.

Trump has always surrounded himself with that sort of person, that stays quiet because of money or favors or whatever it is that controls them, so he's never had to defend himself.

In this classic clip where he's deposed and trying to explain his lease agreement, you can see how profoundly uncomfortable and scared he is. The woman is asking him questions, and he's hunched up, arms folded tight, looking down. That's the body language we have when we're trying to curl inward from a scary environment. There's no confidence in him in that clip. No swagger. He takes a long time to answer questions, pausing before speaking, and when he does his voice is clearly different than his public voice. It's subdued, at a lower register, and he's making a conscious effort not to go on his well-known tangents. He's scared shitless because that wasn't a situation his dim mind could bluster it's way out of. And that's the way he was here.

But you know whose body language is more interesting? Everyone else at that table. McConnell is there, so are some of the Joint Chief of Staff.

Look at them. Is it anger? Amusement? No. Almost all of them are registering shame. Heads down, eyes closed, exasperated and ashamed. Shame because they know what a fucking idiot they're sitting next to. Shame that they're Big Boys at the height of power, and they're watching Nancy Pelosi humiliate a traitor who can barely shit in a hole without issue.

EDIT: As others have pointed out, let's take another scan at the scene and look at the space in front of Trump on the table. No portfolios, no binders, no papers. It's a large, curious void of papers on a table otherwise strewn with various papers and portfolios, as one would expect. A situation like this, and the decisions involved, would require volumes of intelligence on Iran, Syria, ISIS, Turkey, the Kurds, our military presence in the region, summaries of hypothetical scenarios run by analysts as to the consequences of each decision and the relevant merits of those decisions.

Everyone else has papers in front of them, both for reference and for taking notes. But not Donald Trump. Trump has nothing, except a good few feet extra distance between him and a woman that scares him shitless.

Why does Trump have no notes? Is it because he, as a stable genius, is so smart he has an eidetic memory? Or is the truth that he makes decisions entirely on woefully ignorant gut feelings and instructions from people he "likes," including murderous dictators and geopolitical foes like Putin? Let's look at the score card:

Trump barely attends any intelligence briefing meetings

Trump never reads his daily intelligence briefings
Trump's staff have to include his own name in documents they desperately need him to read just so he'll pay attention
Even Bush, well-known not to be a voluminous reader, would regularly receive 10-page briefings on subjects, considered "short" before the Trump era
So on top of all the evidence that Trump is a moron; skipping briefings, never reading anything, having zero attention span; he also makes catastrophically poor and stupid choices, cementing the fact that it's not out of some unearthly genius intellect that he skips intelligence briefings, not because of his "great and unmatched wisdom" that he never reads a single piece of paper while serving in the most complex and demanding job in the world.

It's because he's really, extraordinarily fucking stupid.

what a giant wall of text role play that someone wrote based on a single moment in time that doesn't at all indicate what may or may not have happened.  whatever makes them feel better though!

ps. nancy also has no papers in front of her - she must be a super dummy like trump too!
zubs said:
I found this on reddit regarding the picture below.

This is all a sideshow, because nobody has been able to state a coherent reason why we still have troops in Syria.  Trump's decision to suddenly withdraw our forces has exposed the Pentagon's glaring lack of a military objective in Syria and it's driving the pro-Israel neocons and never Trumpers crazy because the absurdity of their position is exposed.

Pelosi is the Speaker of the House.  She can easily get a resolution to the floor that authorizes our military presence in Syria, something Congress should have been required to do originally under the Constitutional separation of powers before we invaded.  Make these war-mongers put their names to a vote if they really want to continue sacrificing American children to a war with no objective.
morekaos said:
Dang it! Two of three democrat candidates I backed are Russian assets?  Thanks Hillary, I would have never known!

Tulsi Gabbard calls Hillary Clinton 'queen of warmongers' and 'embodiment of corruption' and dares her to run AGAIN in Twitter tirade after 2016 loser accuses Hawaii rep of being a 'Russian asset' Kremlin is grooming to cost Democrats the 2020 election

Ironically, Clinton has given Tulsi's campaign a huge boost with all of the free media coverage generated by this conspiracy theory. Other leading candidates are being asked about Clinton's comments during live interviews, forcing them to talk about Tulsi's policies when they would much rather be talking about their own campaigns.  Not only that, but Clinton comes out of this looking like a tinfoil hat wearing nut job.  It's a win-win-win!
Happiness said:

Once upon a time, there was a very liberal LA County Sheriff named Jim McDonald.
Jim was so liberal, he invited Liberal activists to ?oversee? his own department.
Jim was so liberal, he maintained a hostile relationship with immigration authorities.
Jim was so liberal, he fired dozens of deputies who were accused of, but not convicted of, domestic violence and sexual misconduct. Yes, Jim ?believes the woman.?
But alas, Jim was a white, cis-gendered male.

Jim was challenged in the 2018 election by Alex Villanueva, a former Sheriff Lieutenant.
Alex had a long history of avoiding outside monitoring of department operations.
Alex had a long history of protecting deputies from activists.
But, lo and behold, Alex is of Mexican descent.

Liberals voters in LA County could not see past the racial identity of the Sheriff candidates and voted Jim out so they can have a Mexican Sheriff.

Within days of taking office, Alex starts the process of reinstating hundreds of deputies fired for alleged sexual misconduct. No, Alex does not "believe the woman".
Within weeks of taking office, Alex publicly confronts of Board of Supervisors about civilian oversight.

Of course, the backgrounds of Jim and Alex were well documented before the election but Liberals could not take off their identity politics blinders, they did not see what was right in front of their faces.

Sheriff rehires corruption investigator accused of posing as deputy in bizarre jail incident.

A retired Los Angeles County sheriff?s homicide detective recently rehired by Sheriff Alex Villanueva to investigate public corruption was temporarily banned from the jails last year after posing as a deputy and bringing contraband for an inmate, according to county records and interviews.

Jail officials were so concerned about what authorities described in a memo as numerous policy violations that they posted Mark Lillienfeld?s photograph inside Men?s Central Jail and directed employees to alert a supervisor if he showed up.

?He was impersonating a deputy,? said former Assistant Sheriff Kelly Harrington, who oversaw the jails at the time under then-Sheriff Jim McDonnell. ?Then he dropped off unknown contraband items to an inmate, which breaks every protocol in the jail or prison. It?s very serious; that?s why we took it very serious.?

The fools provide an endless stream of comedic hypocracy...after pearl clutching "lynching" horror.  video after video of every dem star and congressional black caucus member calling clintons impeachment "horrors" a LYNCHING!!!  The internet never forgets.  The comedy will never end.

Flashback: Top Dems, including Biden and Nadler, called Clinton impeachment 'lynching'

Even as top Democrats rushed to condemn President Trump's comparison of their impeachment inquiry to a "lynching," footage and news reports have emerged showing several top Democrats referring matter-of-factly to Bill Clinton's impeachment proceedings as a "lynching" in 1998.

Among those Democrats are two African-American representatives still serving in the House, as well as House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., and presidential contender Joe Biden.

Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., called Clinton's impeachment a "persecution" and a "political lynching" on the House floor in 1998. And Danny Davis, D-Ill., condemned what he described as a "lynching in the People's House."
Your posts like don?t mean anything.
Your reputation is like to mislead people. Like how you mentioned  everybody that goes to the academy becomes a pilot.
morekaos said:
The fools provide an endless stream of comedic hypocracy...after pearl clutching "lynching" horror.  video after video of every dem star and congressional black caucus member calling clintons impeachment "horrors" a LYNCHING!!!  The internet never forgets.  The comedy will never end.

Flashback: Top Dems, including Biden and Nadler, called Clinton impeachment 'lynching'

Even as top Democrats rushed to condemn President Trump's comparison of their impeachment inquiry to a "lynching," footage and news reports have emerged showing several top Democrats referring matter-of-factly to Bill Clinton's impeachment proceedings as a "lynching" in 1998.

Among those Democrats are two African-American representatives still serving in the House, as well as House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., and presidential contender Joe Biden.

Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., called Clinton's impeachment a "persecution" and a "political lynching" on the House floor in 1998. And Danny Davis, D-Ill., condemned what he described as a "lynching in the People's House."

In the Old West, a lynching was a popular form of mob justice with due process rights being denied to the accused.  Trump's analogy fits perfectly.
"I call ,Nanse, and raise you a house majority!!...Bring another bottle of whiskey!!

Calling Pelosi and Schiff?s bluff

President Trump has repeatedly slammed the secret impeachment hearings in the Capitol basement as a ?kangaroo court.? Speaker Nancy Pelosi got the message. On Monday, she announced the full House will vote to formally launch impeachment proceedings that will be out in the open, instead of in the dark.

Democrats have been trying to suggest they have the goods on Trump. But fact is, none of the witnesses they have called so far have any firsthand knowledge of presidential wrongdoing.

Behind closed doors and with no media allowed, House Democrats have tried to put on the ?appearance of a legal proceeding. At the end of each session, they leak what they claim happened. The media are all too willing to play along, printing the Democratic pols? claims as if they were fact.
Trump ex cabinet member Steve Bannon just mentioned Nancy is WINNING. He warns Republicans to wake up! Hahaha


morekaos said:
"I call ,Nanse, and raise you a house majority!!...Bring another bottle of whiskey!!

Calling Pelosi and Schiff?s bluff

President Trump has repeatedly slammed the secret impeachment hearings in the Capitol basement as a ?kangaroo court.? Speaker Nancy Pelosi got the message. On Monday, she announced the full House will vote to formally launch impeachment proceedings that will be out in the open, instead of in the dark.

Democrats have been trying to suggest they have the goods on Trump. But fact is, none of the witnesses they have called so far have any firsthand knowledge of presidential wrongdoing.

Behind closed doors and with no media allowed, House Democrats have tried to put on the ?appearance of a legal proceeding. At the end of each session, they leak what they claim happened. The media are all too willing to play along, printing the Democratic pols? claims as if they were fact.
morekaos said:
Nothing will happen to him...again.

That?s all you can say?
He will have that on his record.
You never know. Someone might crack.
What?s there to hide?
They claim executive privilege, but they go on tv to talk. (Nonsense)
