The 2020 Presidential Election

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irvinehomeowner said:
Maybe the Dems need a more polarizing nominee ala Trump.

Who has that "charisma"? :)

the dems honestly just need someone who remembers what state they're in, isn't covered in scandals, and who isn't pushing socialistic policies like free healthcare for illegals

high bar, i know
Kings said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Maybe the Dems need a more polarizing nominee ala Trump.

Who has that "charisma"? :)

the dems honestly just need someone who remembers what state they're in, isn't covered in scandals, and who isn't pushing socialistic policies like free healthcare for illegals

high bar, i know

We just want to be safe. Trump has not done nothing about the drug and gun problem. Easy win
I hear the farmers are not happy. They can?t sell crops at Max prices due to the trade war.

(I am just looking out for a fellow American)
They see the bigger picture....

Iowa Farmers Stick With Trump Despite Trade War

President?s trade battle with China has hit Farm Belt hard, but not his support in heavily rural area

DES MOINES, Iowa?As President Trump maps out his re-election bid, farmers in this battleground state are backing him even with the U.S. Farm Belt bracing for deeper pain from his trade fight with China.

In and around the livestock barns, agriculture building and an antique-tractor collection at the Iowa State Fair in recent days, farmers almost universally expressed support for the president and pledged to vote for him in 2020.

?He?s doing a good job and trying to make sure we?re treated fairly,? said Kevin Prevo, a fifth-generation farmer who raises corn, soybeans, cattle and hogs on about 1,400 acres near Bloomfield, Iowa. Mr. Prevo showed zero uncertainty when asked whether he would vote for Mr. Trump again in 2020. ?You bet,? he said.
That?s nothing. Trust me they rather not deal with this Ukraine fiasco.

Liar Loan said:
Trump campaign, GOP raise $13M after Pelosi announces impeachment inquiry
A BIG thank you to @SpeakerPelosi and the Democrats - in the last 48 hours we have raised $8.5 $13 million dollars in small dollar donations. People are sick of your nonsense but please keep it up ? you are handing @realDonaldTrump the win in 2020!

? Eric Trump (@EricTrump) September 26, 2019
eyephone said:
That?s nothing. Trust me they rather not deal with this Ukraine fiasco.

Liar Loan said:
Trump campaign, GOP raise $13M after Pelosi announces impeachment inquiry
A BIG thank you to @SpeakerPelosi and the Democrats - in the last 48 hours we have raised $8.5 $13 million dollars in small dollar donations. People are sick of your nonsense but please keep it up ? you are handing @realDonaldTrump the win in 2020!

? Eric Trump (@EricTrump) September 26, 2019

agreed! biden's whole campaign is about to be torpedoed!
Kings said:
eyephone said:
That?s nothing. Trust me they rather not deal with this Ukraine fiasco.

Liar Loan said:
Trump campaign, GOP raise $13M after Pelosi announces impeachment inquiry
A BIG thank you to @SpeakerPelosi and the Democrats - in the last 48 hours we have raised $8.5 $13 million dollars in small dollar donations. People are sick of your nonsense but please keep it up ? you are handing @realDonaldTrump the win in 2020!

? Eric Trump (@EricTrump) September 26, 2019

agreed! biden's whole campaign is about to be torpedoed!

Mark my words...nothing will happen to him (again).  They are already setting themselves up for disappointment and I think they have all but guaranteed his second term....

What has changed in our national Trump nightmare ? and what hasn't

One of the distinctive marks of the Trump era is the perpetual sensation that we've reached some fundamental inflection point, some major shift in the prevailing political dynamic, when in fact nothing fundamental ever changes.

We've all seen it countless times. Trump says or does some outrageous, racist, corrupt thing, which is promptly followed by a chorus of pundits asserting, "OMG, I can't believe Trump said or did this outrageous, racist, corrupt thing! He's doomed! Bound to be impeached! Guaranteed to be universally reviled!" And then he isn't. Until the next time. And then the next.

Or how about, "There's no way his supporters, or elected members of his party, will stick with him through this latest affront against everything the GOP has always claimed to stand for!" This is maybe followed by a Republican senator or two grumbling about being gravely "troubled," and a 1-2 point drop in Trump's approval rating that lasts a week or two only to rebound as we all move on to the next round of insult and injury.

Is this time different? Will Trump's astonishing conversation with the president of Ukraine, the revelations contained in the whistleblower report, and the decision of the Democrats to pursue impeachment prove different? Did last week really change everything?

It did not
. Much that we have all learned to live with since Trump won the presidency remains intact and in place. The epicycles of outrage, hope, and disappointment are sure to continue as they have. Those who oppose the president still face unique challenges, just as American democracy writ large confronts numerous ominous threats.
the problem is the left and their media lapdogs showed their hands too soon (and too often).  the past 3 years have been riddled with faux outrage, fake news retractions, and "bombshells" that turn out to be peanut shells.

the real headline should be "the boy who cried impeachment" because nobody really believes any of these blind shots in the dark anymore and it's starting to really get pathetic.  opening up impeachment because a whistleblower with second hand accounts from "anonymous sources" is the epitome of everything that happened over the past 3 years.
No recession yet!!

Jobs report: Economy adds 136,000 payrolls in September, unemployment rate falls to 3.5%
?The decline in the unemployment rate to 3.5%, the lowest since December 1969, from 3.7%, was for all the right reasons ? with a very strong 391,000 gain in the household survey measure of employment easily outpacing the 117,000 increase in the labor force,? Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist for Capital Economics, wrote in a note Friday.

hmmm, bernie had a heart attack.  are we allowed to talk about his physical fitness?  or is that off limits like it was for hillary?

Bernie Sanders released from hospital, doctors say he suffered heart attack

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was discharged from a Nevada hospital on Friday, as his doctors acknowledged for the first time that the 78-year-old had suffered a heart attack earlier in the week.
OK, I have evolved and am abandoning my support of Marianne Williamson (I want my dollar back) and throwing my considerable resources behind Iron Eyes Cody.  She will be, without a doubt, the most fun to watch get thumped like a deerskin drum at the debates.  My dollar is on its way!
It?s gonna happen...wether you like it or not.

Trump is on his way to an easy win in 2020, according to Moody's accurate election model

President Donald Trump will win reelection easily in 2020 if the economy holds up, modeling by Moody's Analytics shows.
"If voters were to vote primarily on the basis of their pocketbooks, the president would steamroll the competition," the report states.
Three models show Trump getting at least 289 electoral votes and as many as 351, assuming average turnout.
The Moody's models have been backtested to 1980 and were correct each time ? except in 2016, when it indicated Clinton would get a narrow victory.