The 2020 Presidential Election

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Love Reagan,loved all he did...voted for him, but he's not here now. More concerned with today going forward, debating the past is nice.
It really shows his alliance/allegiance to the Philippines his home country. He previously mentioned he knows the Philippines President family personally and other big time people there.

He didn?t care about the government shutdown where US federal workers weren?t getting paid or when the US military wasn?t getting paid due to an error in the system.

I will continue to fight for my fellow Americans.
Some good news reported today:

Gabbard qualifies for fourth presidential debate
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) became the twelfth Democratic presidential candidate to qualify for the party?s October primary debate on Tuesday after a new poll showed her with 2 percent support in New Hampshire.

That changed on Tuesday after a Monmouth University poll showed the Hawaii congresswoman with 2 percent support among registered New Hampshire Democrats and unaffiliated voters who are likely to vote in the crucial first-in-the-nation primary on Feb. 11.

Gabbard is the twelfth presidential candidate to make the cut for the fourth primary debate, which is slated to be held in Westerville, Ohio on Oct. 15. Other candidates have until Oct. 1 to qualify for the event.

Only one other candidate, best-selling author Marianne Williamson, is relatively close to qualifying for the fourth debate. She has already surpassed the 130,000-donor threshold but needs to register at 2 percent or higher in at least three more qualifying polls. [Bad news for morekaos.]

It?s still unclear whether the debate will be held on a single night or split between two nights like the first two debates were in June and July.
morekaos said:
Love Reagan,loved all he did...voted for him, but he's not here now. More concerned with today going forward, debating the past is nice.

Your a big time joke. You previous said, Ragaen?s dead. Move on. Now you say you love Raegan. Come on.

I?m just talking about his views regarding the environment and ozone. But since it doesn?t fit your argument. You clearly threw Raegan under the bus by saying he?s dead and move on.
Liar Loan said:
Some good news reported today:

Gabbard qualifies for fourth presidential debate
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) became the twelfth Democratic presidential candidate to qualify for the party?s October primary debate on Tuesday after a new poll showed her with 2 percent support in New Hampshire.

That changed on Tuesday after a Monmouth University poll showed the Hawaii congresswoman with 2 percent support among registered New Hampshire Democrats and unaffiliated voters who are likely to vote in the crucial first-in-the-nation primary on Feb. 11.

Gabbard is the twelfth presidential candidate to make the cut for the fourth primary debate, which is slated to be held in Westerville, Ohio on Oct. 15. Other candidates have until Oct. 1 to qualify for the event.

Only one other candidate, best-selling author Marianne Williamson, is relatively close to qualifying for the fourth debate. She has already surpassed the 130,000-donor threshold but needs to register at 2 percent or higher in at least three more qualifying polls. [Bad news for morekaos.]

It?s still unclear whether the debate will be held on a single night or split between two nights like the first two debates were in June and July.

honest question: where are these 130,000 people that actually donate to williamson?  does she have a cult following (like morekaos) that i am unaware of?
Liar Loan said:
Some good news reported today:

Gabbard qualifies for fourth presidential debate
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) became the twelfth Democratic presidential candidate to qualify for the party?s October primary debate on Tuesday after a new poll showed her with 2 percent support in New Hampshire.

That changed on Tuesday after a Monmouth University poll showed the Hawaii congresswoman with 2 percent support among registered New Hampshire Democrats and unaffiliated voters who are likely to vote in the crucial first-in-the-nation primary on Feb. 11.

Gabbard is the twelfth presidential candidate to make the cut for the fourth primary debate, which is slated to be held in Westerville, Ohio on Oct. 15. Other candidates have until Oct. 1 to qualify for the event.

Only one other candidate, best-selling author Marianne Williamson, is relatively close to qualifying for the fourth debate. She has already surpassed the 130,000-donor threshold but needs to register at 2 percent or higher in at least three more qualifying polls. [Bad news for morekaos.]

It?s still unclear whether the debate will be held on a single night or split between two nights like the first two debates were in June and July.

C'mon, jump on board...KAEG...keep american elections great..and entertaining...donate a dollar to the show!!
Kings said:
honest question: where are these 130,000 people that actually donate to williamson?  does she have a cult following (like morekaos) that i am unaware of?

A lot of the donors in the Dem primary will give to multiple candidates to keep the bottom tier "voices" they want heard viable for as long as possible.  I suspect if you had a Venn diagram of the donor base (excluding Biden's corporate donor base), there would be a huge overlap between candidates.

A perfect example of this is Cory Booker's plea for $2 million this week or he will drop out.  Well, having the only black man drop out when the top four candidates are all white is a very bad look for Dems, because virtue signaling diversity is how they win votes.  So lots of white liberals that don't really want Booker to be the nominee will, nonetheless, donate so he will stay in until the South Carolina primary.  At that point, the black voter base will be happy and feel "included" in the conversation, and the DNC doesn't risk a revolt from this important voting bloc.
Liar Loan said:
Kings said:
honest question: where are these 130,000 people that actually donate to williamson?  does she have a cult following (like morekaos) that i am unaware of?

A lot of the donors in the Dem primary will give to multiple candidates to keep the bottom tier "voices" they want heard viable for as long as possible.  I suspect if you had a Venn diagram of the donor base (excluding Biden's corporate donor base), there would be a huge overlap between candidates.

A perfect example of this is Cory Booker's plea for $2 million this week or he will drop out.  Well, having the only black man drop out when the top four candidates are all white is a very bad look for Dems, because virtue signaling diversity is how they win votes.  So lots of white liberals that don't really want Booker to be the nominee will, nonetheless, donate so he will stay in until the South Carolina primary.  At that point, the black voter base will be happy and feel "included" in the conversation, and the DNC doesn't risk a revolt from this important voting bloc.

and if booker receives $1.99m?  thank you for your contribution to mr. booker's yacht?
Wouldn't do this if they weren't sure this is going to blow up the Dems faces...again.  KAEG!!

Trump authorizes release of transcript of controversial Ukraine call on Wednesday

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he has authorized the release Wednesday of a complete trancript of his phone call with Ukraine?s president.
The nature of that call has spurred calls by an increasing number of House Democrats for impeachment proceedings against Trump to begin.
morekaos said:
Wouldn't do this if they weren't sure this is going to blow up the Dems faces...again.  KAEG!!

Trump authorizes release of transcript of controversial Ukraine call on Wednesday

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he has authorized the release Wednesday of a complete trancript of his phone call with Ukraine?s president.
The nature of that call has spurred calls by an increasing number of House Democrats for impeachment proceedings against Trump to begin.

what if....stay with me on this....john miller was the whistleblower?

morekaos said:
Wouldn't do this if they weren't sure this is going to blow up the Dems faces...again.  KAEG!!

Trump authorizes release of transcript of controversial Ukraine call on Wednesday

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he has authorized the release Wednesday of a complete trancript of his phone call with Ukraine?s president.
The nature of that call has spurred calls by an increasing number of House Democrats for impeachment proceedings against Trump to begin.

Trump is finished this time!!!
Where have i heard this before?....

morekaos said:
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
The show must go on!!

Can't wait for the Orange man to be in orange jumpsuits!  Then it will be a show!

Trump kids should be up next.

Yah Billy Bush we got Trump
Yah Stormy Daniels we got Trump
Yah Paul Manafort we got Trump
Yah George Papadopolous we got Trump
Yah Michael Wolf we got Trump
Yah Omerosa we got Trump
Yah Bob Woodward we got Trump
Yah Roger Stone....oh you get the idea...the show goes on and on but look who?s still standing!
Kings said:
morekaos said:
Wouldn't do this if they weren't sure this is going to blow up the Dems faces...again.  KAEG!!

Trump authorizes release of transcript of controversial Ukraine call on Wednesday

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he has authorized the release Wednesday of a complete trancript of his phone call with Ukraine?s president.
The nature of that call has spurred calls by an increasing number of House Democrats for impeachment proceedings against Trump to begin.

what if....stay with me on this....john miller was the whistleblower?


So which is it? Evil manipulative genius?  Or, bumbling fumbling Mr Magoo?
if it couldn't get any better, the left now going feet first into impeachment over a phone call to ukraine they know nothing about, from a person who doesn't have firsthand knowledge, and a transcript they haven't even seen.  compare that to a 3 year long russia russia russia investigation with tens of millions of dollars spent?

feels like i'm being fed grocery store brand cereal to go with stale milk
Maybe the long shot impeachment is now perceived as the only way to beat Trump out of his second term?.....

Wall Street Democratic donors warn the party: We?ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren

Democratic donors on Wall Street and in the business community, are preparing to sit out the presidential campaign fundraising cycle ? or even back President Donald Trump ? if Sen. Elizabeth Warren wins the party?s nomination.
In recent weeks, CNBC spoke to several big-money Democratic donors and fundraisers in the business community and found that this opinion was becoming widely shared as Warren surges against Joe Biden.
Warren is a critic of big banks and corporations, and has called for a wealth tax.
Everybody sees America is turning in the wrong direction. We are getting punked. Iran shot down our drone and nothing was done. It?s reported on the news North Korrea has a submarine and nothing has been done.