The 2020 Presidential Election

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I imagine you worked hard baking that cake using ingredients you bought yourself. I?m sure you are willing to share that cake but resent all the ants just taking pieces and carrying them home to their nest. They should make their own cake, or at least ask for a piece of yours instead of just taking it, that?s just rude.
Not wanting to add too much kerosene to the debate, but is a fruitcake just a pie that hasn't transitioned to becoming a cake yet?

Asking for a friend.... someone who thinks a hotdog is a sandwich, the dress is blue, not white, and the answer to that math question was 16 and not 1.

I think fruitcake along with upside down cake need our support and care the most. They straddle the line of cake and pie.  To not affirm them would be insensitive. They are our transitioning uhhh they?s.  I love them along with their trans comrades cheese and custard cakes! Those who do not declare so here are also cake oppressors and cakeists!
Back somewhat on topic, I'm sure everyone is going to read the headlines about "ORANGE COUNTY NOW HAS A MAJORITY OF REGISTERED DEMOCRATS".... which then means of course that it's Biden for the GOLD! At least the media thinks so.

Having lived in OC for well over a half century and a student of local history, I remember the last time when Orange County had a majority of Democrats, at least in the more populated parts of the County.

Now before everyone bunches up their panties, we all know the D's today are not a mirror image to the ones OC had 99 years ago. Odd coincidence however. As it's been said - History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme".

My .02c
this film is very timely and appropriate for today!  the most dangerous game, maga style!

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ?deplorables? causes outrage: ?Demented and evil?

A controversial movie about privileged vacationers hunting ?deplorables? for sport is ruffling feathers more than a month before its scheduled release and after tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

?The Hunt? is billed as a satire that follows wealthy thrill-seekers taking a private jet to a five-star resort where they embark on a ?deeply rewarding? expedition that involves hunting down and killing designated humans. The Hollywood Reporter reported on Tuesday that ?Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire" following the shootings after ESPN reportedly pulled a trailer for the film that had been previously cleared to air on the sports network.

?The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum's Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals,? THR?s Kim Masters wrote. ?It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey.?
Looks like your the fruitcake with the purple bold font.

morekaos said:
I think fruitcake along with upside down cake need our support and care the most. They straddle the line of cake and pie.  To not affirm them would be insensitive. They are our transitioning uhhh they?s.  I love them along with their trans comrades cheese and custard cakes! Those who do not declare so here are also cake oppressors and cakeists!
Hey, Ice went raiding.  multi-billion business getting stung with a few hundred arrests.

No execs involved...

Pathetic.  You want to stop illegal immigration, put those C-levels in cuffs and march them to the back seat of a patrol car.  Charge them under RICO.
eyephone said:
Looks like your the fruitcake with the purple bold font.

morekaos said:
I think fruitcake along with upside down cake need our support and care the most. They straddle the line of cake and pie.  To not affirm them would be insensitive. They are our transitioning uhhh they?s.  I love them along with their trans comrades cheese and custard cakes! Those who do not declare so here are also cake oppressors and cakeists!

What does this mean?
Smith has taken control....they are doomed...Trump 2020!!

?The Squad? Is the Future of the Democratic Party

All of them, along with some other Democrats, have called for the outright abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement because of its widely publicized mistreatment of migrant families and children.

The squad understands that ?diversity? is meaningless if the measure of success is ?sameness.? The congresswomen are choosing to do politics a different way because they recognize that Congress has never worked for their communities.
Kings said:
this film is very timely and appropriate for today!  the most dangerous game, maga style!

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ?deplorables? causes outrage: ?Demented and evil?

A controversial movie about privileged vacationers hunting ?deplorables? for sport is ruffling feathers more than a month before its scheduled release and after tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

?The Hunt? is billed as a satire that follows wealthy thrill-seekers taking a private jet to a five-star resort where they embark on a ?deeply rewarding? expedition that involves hunting down and killing designated humans. The Hollywood Reporter reported on Tuesday that ?Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire" following the shootings after ESPN reportedly pulled a trailer for the film that had been previously cleared to air on the sports network.

?The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum's Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals,? THR?s Kim Masters wrote. ?It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey.?

What?!?! They made a movie out of fortune11's summer vacation?
Happiness said:
Kings said:
this film is very timely and appropriate for today!  the most dangerous game, maga style!

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ?deplorables? causes outrage: ?Demented and evil?

A controversial movie about privileged vacationers hunting ?deplorables? for sport is ruffling feathers more than a month before its scheduled release and after tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

?The Hunt? is billed as a satire that follows wealthy thrill-seekers taking a private jet to a five-star resort where they embark on a ?deeply rewarding? expedition that involves hunting down and killing designated humans. The Hollywood Reporter reported on Tuesday that ?Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire" following the shootings after ESPN reportedly pulled a trailer for the film that had been previously cleared to air on the sports network.

?The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum's Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals,? THR?s Kim Masters wrote. ?It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey.?

What?!?! They made a movie out of fortune11's summer vacation?

The give back is the deplorables win in the end and kill their captors.
morekaos said:
Happiness said:
Kings said:
this film is very timely and appropriate for today!  the most dangerous game, maga style!

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ?deplorables? causes outrage: ?Demented and evil?

A controversial movie about privileged vacationers hunting ?deplorables? for sport is ruffling feathers more than a month before its scheduled release and after tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

?The Hunt? is billed as a satire that follows wealthy thrill-seekers taking a private jet to a five-star resort where they embark on a ?deeply rewarding? expedition that involves hunting down and killing designated humans. The Hollywood Reporter reported on Tuesday that ?Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire" following the shootings after ESPN reportedly pulled a trailer for the film that had been previously cleared to air on the sports network.

?The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum's Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals,? THR?s Kim Masters wrote. ?It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey.?

What?!?! They made a movie out of fortune11's summer vacation?

The give back is the deplorables win in the end and kill their captors.

spoiler: we already knew they won in the end  ;)
oh joe....not again...

Biden says ?poor kids? just as bright as ?white kids? in latest gaffe

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the 2020 Democratic primary frontrunner, made another gaffe Thursday when he told a crowd in Iowa that ?poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.?

Biden, who famously directed supporters to a wrong number during last month?s debate -- and recently misidentified the sites of recent mass shootings -- quickly corrected himself after some applause from the crowd at the Asian & Latino Coalition PAC, and finished, ?wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids.?

Biden, who in 2006 drew criticism with a comment about Indian-Americans moving to Delaware, the state that Biden represented when he served in the U.S. Senate, also told a crowd at the Iowa State Fair that ?we choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts.?
Kings said:
oh joe....not again...

Biden says ?poor kids? just as bright as ?white kids? in latest gaffe

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the 2020 Democratic primary frontrunner, made another gaffe Thursday when he told a crowd in Iowa that ?poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.?

Biden, who famously directed supporters to a wrong number during last month?s debate -- and recently misidentified the sites of recent mass shootings -- quickly corrected himself after some applause from the crowd at the Asian & Latino Coalition PAC, and finished, ?wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids.?

Biden, who in 2006 drew criticism with a comment about Indian-Americans moving to Delaware, the state that Biden represented when he served in the U.S. Senate, also told a crowd at the Iowa State Fair that ?we choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts.?

Please, please, please...let him be the nominee!!!
morekaos said:
Kings said:
oh joe....not again...

Biden says ?poor kids? just as bright as ?white kids? in latest gaffe

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the 2020 Democratic primary frontrunner, made another gaffe Thursday when he told a crowd in Iowa that ?poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.?

Biden, who famously directed supporters to a wrong number during last month?s debate -- and recently misidentified the sites of recent mass shootings -- quickly corrected himself after some applause from the crowd at the Asian & Latino Coalition PAC, and finished, ?wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids.?

Biden, who in 2006 drew criticism with a comment about Indian-Americans moving to Delaware, the state that Biden represented when he served in the U.S. Senate, also told a crowd at the Iowa State Fair that ?we choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts.?

Please, please, please...let him be the nominee!!!

i think it's already in the bag.  it would put a huge stain on obama's legacy if his vp of 8 years couldn't win the nomination.  expect more puff pieces from the media and obama to come in at the 11th hour to endorse him.
Painted themselves into a gender corner....Biden doesn't know what to say...comedy ensues...

Joe Biden grabs female student who asked ?how many genders are there?? (video)?

Katie is a young student from Iowa.
She asked former VP Joe Biden how many genders there are.
Joe answered ?at least 3.?

When asked to clarify what they were - Joe got angry. He demeaned the woman & forcefully grabbed her to make a point
This is @JoeBiden
morekaos said:
Painted themselves into a gender corner....Biden doesn't know what to say...comedy ensues...

Joe Biden grabs female student who asked ?how many genders are there?? (video)?

Katie is a young student from Iowa.
She asked former VP Joe Biden how many genders there are.
Joe answered ?at least 3.?

When asked to clarify what they were - Joe got angry. He demeaned the woman & forcefully grabbed her to make a point
This is @JoeBiden

1....2....3.....3 genders, ah ah ahhh

morekaos said:
Kings said:
oh joe....not again...

Biden says ?poor kids? just as bright as ?white kids? in latest gaffe

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the 2020 Democratic primary frontrunner, made another gaffe Thursday when he told a crowd in Iowa that ?poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.?

Biden, who famously directed supporters to a wrong number during last month?s debate -- and recently misidentified the sites of recent mass shootings -- quickly corrected himself after some applause from the crowd at the Asian & Latino Coalition PAC, and finished, ?wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids.?

Biden, who in 2006 drew criticism with a comment about Indian-Americans moving to Delaware, the state that Biden represented when he served in the U.S. Senate, also told a crowd at the Iowa State Fair that ?we choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts.?

Please, please, please...let him be the nominee!!!

I hope Joe doesn't become another Admiral Stockdale. That would be so sad.
uncle joe is my favorite dem 2020 candidate.  what's next?  biden going to claim he's building the wall? LOL

Biden says he was VP at time of Parkland shooting in latest campaign gaffe

Joe Biden slipped up once again on the campaign trail Saturday, saying he was vice president at the time of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., adding to the number of mishaps that have drawn mockery from his opponents.

The 76-year-old Biden, who left the vice presidency in 2017, was talking about gun violence with reporters in Iowa when he said that ?those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president" after the shooting that left 14 students and three educators dead.