The 2020 Presidential Election

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morekaos said:
Seriously, don't you think it odd that 24/7 Russia, Russia, Russia is....gone?  Like a fart in the wind, its totally disappeared.  Do you think that maybe because it was never really an issue?  It's like Kaiser Soze,  like that...its gone.

It's more a function of the general American public can only handle 1 or 2 topics at a time. Not because people are dumb but people are busy with their everyday life. I think I'm educated but I barely have time to keep up with what's happening.

Are you suggesting that Russia is not influencing our elections or are you suggesting that it doesn't matter that they are influencing our elections?

The same goes with other topics that you seem to marginalize like white supremacists shooting up supermarkets, schools, and churches? Are you suggesting that these aren't real issues?

Edit: What happened to the 24/7 coverage of "the caravan is coming"? Once again, obviously the hot topic at hand is what makes the news.
So what the verdict after this last round of debates?

Has the Dems figured who is going to take out Trump? No matter who it is, I'm voting for them, but it's going to take more than my vote to beat him.
Cares said:
morekaos said:
Seriously, don't you think it odd that 24/7 Russia, Russia, Russia is....gone?  Like a fart in the wind, its totally disappeared.  Do you think that maybe because it was never really an issue?  It's like Kaiser Soze,  like that...its gone.

It's more a function of the general American public can only handle 1 or 2 topics at a time. Not because people are dumb but people are busy with their everyday life. I think I'm educated but I barely have time to keep up with what's happening.

Are you suggesting that Russia is not influencing our elections or are you suggesting that it doesn't matter that they are influencing our elections?

The same goes with other topics that you seem to marginalize like white supremacists shooting up supermarkets, schools, and churches? Are you suggesting that these aren't real issues?

Edit: What happened to the 24/7 coverage of "the caravan is coming"? Once again, obviously the hot topic at hand is what makes the news.

I don?t know what to say.

election security: sounds like there?s a problem and we can all hope they fix it.

national security issues: foreign and domestic a person can say he?s not strong. Foreign: He is making excuses for Kim jung shooting rockets like fireworks. Iran shot down our state of the art drone (best in the world drone) and nothing was done about that.
Domestically it?s like a mess. (Opioids/drug problem, crime, and gun violence) Our roads and bridges our not good and there needs to be like a broadband upgrade for rural parts that?s what I hear. I thought he was going to do an infrastructure deal, but he pulled out. (I heard too much pressure from the republicans or something.)

Trade: The grade is not looking good. He keeps on going back and forth close to a deal and not even close to a deal. Tell him to stop subsidizing US farms. That?s like sending them checks for not even selling nothing. I guess trying to negotiate a deal with China at a McDonalds is not going so well. Lol (he said that during his campaign)

My thoughts in past election. Donald won and Hilary loss. (she loss due to strategy such as not stepping in Wisconsin)
irvinehomeowner said:
So what the verdict after this last round of debates?

Has the Dems figured who is going to take out Trump? No matter who it is, I'm voting for them, but it's going to take more than my vote to beat him.

I fail to see how someone like Harris is better than Trump.  Seriously, she is Trump with different dog whistles.  Trump is dispicable and needs to be gone.  Replacing him with Harris though, i worry how even more devisive the next four year.s would be over just having Trump.  I worry of all the Trump on roid Beto O'Rouke-esque far right responders that would rise.

Have you actually read her posts?
irvinehomeowner said:
So what the verdict after this last round of debates?

Has the Dems figured who is going to take out Trump? No matter who it is, I'm voting for them, but it's going to take more than my vote to beat him.

so when marianne williamson wins the nomination, will you support her dark psychic forces?
can't wait to see how this one turns out!

Trump, RNC Sue California Over Tax-Return Law
Lawsuits claim a new requirement for making the state?s presidential primary ballot is unconstitutional

WASHINGTON?President Trump and his re-election campaign filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday challenging a new California law requiring presidential candidates to make public their tax returns in order to appear on the state?s primary-election ballot.

Mr. Trump didn?t release his tax returns during the 2016 election, a departure from longstanding practice by candidates, and has refused congressional Democrats? demands that he do so. He has said he is under audit, though that wouldn?t preclude him from releasing the records.

The suit contends that the U.S. Constitution sets qualifications for the president and that states don?t have power to supplement them. It also raises First Amendment concerns and asserts the California law is driven by partisanship.

?The Democratic Party is on a crusade to obtain the president?s federal tax returns in hopes of finding something they can use to harm him politically,? according to the complaint filed in the Eastern District of California. ?In their rush to join this crusade, California Democrats have run afoul of these restrictions on state power over federal elections.?

The suit was filed against California Secretary of State Alex Padilla and the state?s attorney general, Xavier Becerra, both Democrats. A representative for Mr. Becerra didn?t respond to requests for comment.
Kings said:
can't wait to see how this one turns out!

Trump, RNC Sue California Over Tax-Return Law
Lawsuits claim a new requirement for making the state?s presidential primary ballot is unconstitutional

WASHINGTON?President Trump and his re-election campaign filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday challenging a new California law requiring presidential candidates to make public their tax returns in order to appear on the state?s primary-election ballot.

Mr. Trump didn?t release his tax returns during the 2016 election, a departure from longstanding practice by candidates, and has refused congressional Democrats? demands that he do so. He has said he is under audit, though that wouldn?t preclude him from releasing the records.

The suit contends that the U.S. Constitution sets qualifications for the president and that states don?t have power to supplement them. It also raises First Amendment concerns and asserts the California law is driven by partisanship.

?The Democratic Party is on a crusade to obtain the president?s federal tax returns in hopes of finding something they can use to harm him politically,? according to the complaint filed in the Eastern District of California. ?In their rush to join this crusade, California Democrats have run afoul of these restrictions on state power over federal elections.?

The suit was filed against California Secretary of State Alex Padilla and the state?s attorney general, Xavier Becerra, both Democrats. A representative for Mr. Becerra didn?t respond to requests for comment.

Unconstitutional, they will throw this out on its head, Mark my words.
morekaos said:
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
Yes yes, everybody is a racist and everything is racial.  Lets now only point out those that are not racist since they are the minority in the world, the real unicorns. Or better yet everyone should be racist...then no one will be. This racist thing is getting old, it is losing its punch when used to shame everyone who doesn't agree with you into shutting up and getting in line, comrade.  Racist used to be a real horrible, extreme label to call someone, now it gets thrown around like a used rag.

It is still a horrible and extreme label to call's just that Trumpsters take it as a badge of courage and view classic racists remarks as totally okay.  Trumpsters love Trump because he says what they have always thought but was social prohibited from saying.

The bar is so low for Trump and Trumpsters that nothing matters except they get to feel victimized and attack anyone they want however they want. 

It's fine, you already said that you don't care if Trump is racist so I don't expect you to care or understand.

This is exactly what I was getting at.  By overusing the term it has lost its impact...and meaning.

Media cried wolf: Calling every Republican a racist lost its bite

Once upon a time in the world of cable news, a guest or host or anchor calling anyone a racist would have considerable impact.

From what we've seen this week, when it comes to that word, those days are long gone. A person simply can't turn on the news or scroll Twitterfor even more than a minute before hearing the word "racist" or "racism."

For example, CNN and MSNBC said the word "racist" more than 1,100 times from Sunday to Tuesday, according to a tally conducted by Grabien Media, an online media production and news prep service.

Now we're seeing it again ? and again, and again. Thousands of times in the past week we've heard or read to the word "racist" or have seen it blatantly implied.

Call it, "The Media That Cried Wolf."

And we all know what happened to the boy who cried wolf too often: People stopped listening.

I'm telling you, now that everyone is one is.  Now the trigger word of the day is "White Supremacist" . Racist has (as predicted) lost its shock lets see how long this label predictable but this little word game is wearing on the electorate.  People are getting sick of this words with non-friends.
morekaos said:
morekaos said:
Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
Yes yes, everybody is a racist and everything is racial.  Lets now only point out those that are not racist since they are the minority in the world, the real unicorns. Or better yet everyone should be racist...then no one will be. This racist thing is getting old, it is losing its punch when used to shame everyone who doesn't agree with you into shutting up and getting in line, comrade.  Racist used to be a real horrible, extreme label to call someone, now it gets thrown around like a used rag.

It is still a horrible and extreme label to call's just that Trumpsters take it as a badge of courage and view classic racists remarks as totally okay.  Trumpsters love Trump because he says what they have always thought but was social prohibited from saying.

The bar is so low for Trump and Trumpsters that nothing matters except they get to feel victimized and attack anyone they want however they want. 

It's fine, you already said that you don't care if Trump is racist so I don't expect you to care or understand.

This is exactly what I was getting at.  By overusing the term it has lost its impact...and meaning.

Media cried wolf: Calling every Republican a racist lost its bite

Once upon a time in the world of cable news, a guest or host or anchor calling anyone a racist would have considerable impact.

From what we've seen this week, when it comes to that word, those days are long gone. A person simply can't turn on the news or scroll Twitterfor even more than a minute before hearing the word "racist" or "racism."

For example, CNN and MSNBC said the word "racist" more than 1,100 times from Sunday to Tuesday, according to a tally conducted by Grabien Media, an online media production and news prep service.

Now we're seeing it again ? and again, and again. Thousands of times in the past week we've heard or read to the word "racist" or have seen it blatantly implied.

Call it, "The Media That Cried Wolf."

And we all know what happened to the boy who cried wolf too often: People stopped listening.

I'm telling you, now that everyone is one is.  Now the trigger word of the day is "White Supremacist" . Racist has (as predicted) lost its shock lets see how long this label predictable but this little word game is wearing on the electorate.  People are getting sick of this words with non-friends.

You targeted blacks, gay, handicaps, and Latinos in the Snowflake thread. Nothing new.
sometimes i get ants that come to eat my cake.  i've known for a while that my weak cake box was being taken advantage of.  i want to fix my cake box but for some reason there are other people that don't want me to fix my cake box because they think the ants deserve to eat my cake.  what do you guys think i should do?
More like you got ants in your pants!
(Let?s go! You like that Mety?)  ;)

Kings said:
sometimes i get ants that come to eat my cake.  i've known for a while that my weak cake box was being taken advantage of.  i want to fix my cake box but for some reason there are other people that don't want me to fix my cake box because they think the ants deserve to eat my cake.  what do you guys think i should do?