The 2020 Presidential Election

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I donate every morning to the Schultz campaign - Venti sized!

Gabbard is interesting to me as a qualified veteran who is realistic about our "forever war" interventionist mentality. I'd imagine she's going nowhere though once all of the Northrup/Grumman/Boeing/Hughes Aircraft/et al $$$$ is deployed against her. Too bad as her message needs to be heard by all, loud and clear.

One question I'd pay good money to hear at the next "debate" - "If you win the nomination, will you shake Donald Trump's hand during the general election debates?"

Not holding my breath though.

Happiness said:
aquabliss said:
I hear a lot more chatter amongst my co-worker millennials about Yangs UBI... they say they?re voting for him strictly on that, he?s kinda the dark horse here that the DNC doesn?t want but I think he?s picking up steam.

I wish he?d start playing the Asian race card because it?s been pulled by all the other candidates multiple times (minority women pay gap, white privilege shaming, etc). 

What the heck, I could use an extra couple grand a month.
Yang can't play the race card. An overeducated, overachieving, male, Asian person is the Liberals' least desirable identity.

Your the one playing the race card lil happy.
I?m sorry after reading your posts happy. I have to say you go find a hobby.
You first rant about a statue in the snowflake thread. (A complete joke) Then you talk about Yang can?t play the race card. (When did Yang ever say that?)

morekaos said:
Williamson 2020!!  I donated just for the shear entertainment value! Better return than my Swalwell investment.

if history is any indicator of your $1 donations, williamson will be out in the next week or so  ;D
kamala got shellacked so badly by tulsi the other night that the cdcr is now trying to play cover for her...sad!

California Removes Arrest Reports From Kamala Years

A redesign of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation website will make it harder for voters to inspect Sen. Kamala Harris's controversial record as the state's top cop.

The department removed public access to a number of reports on incarceration in the state, including when presidential candidate Kamala Harris (D.) was California's attorney general. Twice a year, the CDCR releases information about the number of new individuals incarcerated in the California prison system as part of its "Offender Data Points" series. These reports provide important information on demographics, sentence length, offense type, and other figures relevant to criminal justice and incarceration.

Until recently, these reports were publicly available at the CDCR's website. A search using's Wayback Machine reveals that as of April 25, 2019?the most recent indexed date?ODP reports were available dating back to the spring of 2009. As of August 2019, the same web page now serves only a single ODP report, the one for Spring 2019. The pre-2019 reports have been removed.

The changes matter in part because the reports contain information about Harris's entire time as state A.G., 2011 to 2017. Harris has taken fire from multiple opponents for her "tough on crime" record as California's top cop, an image that she has tried to shed as a far-left senator and presidential candidate.

One particularly brutal attack came Wednesday night when Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hi.) laid into Harris for her record on criminal justice. Gabbard cited a Washington Free Beacon analysis ? based in part on the ODP reports ? that found that more than 1,500 Californians were sent to prison for marijuana-related offenses while Harris was attorney general.
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
I think I'm onto something....

Huckabee trolls Williamson, quips he might support her: 'She's got the groove!'

Gov. Mike Huckabee
I may abandon my support of @realDonaldTrump and go w/ Marianne Willamson.  I've already lit a candle, stroked a crystal, got in yoga pose, taken deep breaths, and chanted out loud and I feeling real love right now.  She's got the groove!

But tell us about the Long Beach 2020 budget

Garcia in his own proposals has recommended funding for additional programs including $600,000 for a four-person Clean Team to enhance city cleanup efforts. The mayor said Long Beach has the goal of becoming one of the cleanest big cities in the country.

?We are now aggressively cleaning corridors and streets throughout the city,? Garcia said.

My comment: So I guess I?m right about the trash in LB.
Did you see that? In the budget the mayor proposes $600k for a clean team of 4. If you do the math it?s an average of $150k per person.

I thought Morekas will make LB great again? (A republican that takes no action living in LB)

Supposingly he has great ideas, but can?t fix the city he lives in.
(Always complain, but never finds a solution. You all deal with people like this.)
Only news if the guy doing the beatdown (ala Smollet) is wearing a MAGA cap.  Otherwise the media ignores it and assumes he deserved it.  Good people on both sides?

Man says he was beaten in NYC for wearing MAGA hat

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A New York City art gallery owner says he was viciously beaten in Manhattan by a large group of teens for wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat.

Jahangir "John" Turan, 42, says it happened Tuesday evening on Canal Street.  He was wearing the MAGA hat that he had purchased earlier in the day at Trump Tower.

"I love President Trump.  I think he's doing a great job," Turan said.
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
I think I'm onto something....

Huckabee trolls Williamson, quips he might support her: 'She's got the groove!'

Gov. Mike Huckabee
I may abandon my support of @realDonaldTrump and go w/ Marianne Willamson.  I've already lit a candle, stroked a crystal, got in yoga pose, taken deep breaths, and chanted out loud and I feeling real love right now.  She's got the groove!

But tell us about the Long Beach 2020 budget

Garcia in his own proposals has recommended funding for additional programs including $600,000 for a four-person Clean Team to enhance city cleanup efforts. The mayor said Long Beach has the goal of becoming one of the cleanest big cities in the country.

?We are now aggressively cleaning corridors and streets throughout the city,? Garcia said.

My comment: So I guess I?m right about the trash in LB.
Did you see that? In the budget the mayor proposes $600k for a clean team of 4. If you do the math it?s an average of $150k per person.

I thought Morekas will make LB great again? (A republican that takes no action living in LB)

Supposingly he has great ideas, but can?t fix the city he lives in.
(Always complain, but never finds a solution. You all deal with people like this.)
Wow! A guesstimate $150k a year to pick up trash forget going to grad school kids. Better yet forget college. Lol (Note:guesstimate based on the $600k proposed budget to hire 4 people, not factoring potential equipment or admin costs)
Kings said:
kamala got shellacked so badly by tulsi the other night that the cdcr is now trying to play cover for her...sad!

California Removes Arrest Reports From Kamala Years

A redesign of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation website will make it harder for voters to inspect Sen. Kamala Harris's controversial record as the state's top cop.

The department removed public access to a number of reports on incarceration in the state, including when presidential candidate Kamala Harris (D.) was California's attorney general. Twice a year, the CDCR releases information about the number of new individuals incarcerated in the California prison system as part of its "Offender Data Points" series. These reports provide important information on demographics, sentence length, offense type, and other figures relevant to criminal justice and incarceration.

Until recently, these reports were publicly available at the CDCR's website. A search using's Wayback Machine reveals that as of April 25, 2019?the most recent indexed date?ODP reports were available dating back to the spring of 2009. As of August 2019, the same web page now serves only a single ODP report, the one for Spring 2019. The pre-2019 reports have been removed.

The changes matter in part because the reports contain information about Harris's entire time as state A.G., 2011 to 2017. Harris has taken fire from multiple opponents for her "tough on crime" record as California's top cop, an image that she has tried to shed as a far-left senator and presidential candidate.

One particularly brutal attack came Wednesday night when Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hi.) laid into Harris for her record on criminal justice. Gabbard cited a Washington Free Beacon analysis ? based in part on the ODP reports ? that found that more than 1,500 Californians were sent to prison for marijuana-related offenses while Harris was attorney general.

I think the black community sees right through her, and it's very difficult to win the Dem nomination without black support.

According to the RCP polling average in South Carolina, she is trailing behind two white males (Biden, Sanders) and barely ahead of a white female (Warren).  If she can't win South Carolina, then she can't win, period. 

After the shellacking she took from Tulsi, I don't see Harris' polling going anywhere but down, at least until the next debate.  Her problem now is she already played the "school busing" race card to get a short lived boost against Biden, so how does she get another break out moment in a future debate?  Running on her record as AG?  I don't think so.  Running on her policy knowledge?  Please...

Kamala is basically a poor man's Hillary.  She's trying to play both sides of every issue, but the problem is she doesn't have the talent for lying to the public that the Clinton's had.  There's no way Hillary would have taken that beating from Tulsi without some good retorts.  Kamala failed to prepare a strong defense of her own record and policy proposals, and it showed.
Trump Support Up This Week Among Black Voters
President Trump triggered a media firestorm when he criticized a longtime Democratic congressman?s job performance, saying his Baltimore district is ?a rat and rodent infested mess? and ?the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States.?

The president has since pointed out that many of the country?s major cities have similar problems, and nearly all have been run for years by Democrats. Democratic leaders responded by calling Trump a racist, but media interviews in Baltimore and elsewhere found black residents asking the same questions the president is asking.

Like most Republicans, Trump has struggled to attract black voters, but this week?s surveying for the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll has found a bump in black support for the president.
Uh yeah go help Morekas in LB and make it great. I mean come on.

Liar Loan said:
Trump Support Up This Week Among Black Voters
President Trump triggered a media firestorm when he criticized a longtime Democratic congressman?s job performance, saying his Baltimore district is ?a rat and rodent infested mess? and ?the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States.?

The president has since pointed out that many of the country?s major cities have similar problems, and nearly all have been run for years by Democrats. Democratic leaders responded by calling Trump a racist, but media interviews in Baltimore and elsewhere found black residents asking the same questions the president is asking.

Like most Republicans, Trump has struggled to attract black voters, but this week?s surveying for the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll has found a bump in black support for the president.
eyephone said:
Uh yeah go help Morekas in LB and make it great. I mean come on.

Liar Loan said:
Trump Support Up This Week Among Black Voters
President Trump triggered a media firestorm when he criticized a longtime Democratic congressman?s job performance, saying his Baltimore district is ?a rat and rodent infested mess? and ?the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States.?

The president has since pointed out that many of the country?s major cities have similar problems, and nearly all have been run for years by Democrats. Democratic leaders responded by calling Trump a racist, but media interviews in Baltimore and elsewhere found black residents asking the same questions the president is asking.

Like most Republicans, Trump has struggled to attract black voters, but this week?s surveying for the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll has found a bump in black support for the president.

This may surprise the sheltered folks that post here, but Long Beach already is a great city!!  There is so much more culture and imagination than you'll ever experience in Irvine.  The LBC is seriously going through a renaissance.

What you should be focusing on is making Irvine great again.  The "safest city" has lost its prestige ever since they went high density starting in the late 90's / early 2000's.  Crime is higher.  Test scores are dropping.  Much of the infrastructure is aging and looks like a late 80's hell hole.  Some of the new developments look like they were erected in the Soviet bloc.

A big, orange balloon that goes nowhere is a sad symbol of what Irvine has become.
Liar Loan said:
eyephone said:
Uh yeah go help Morekas in LB and make it great. I mean come on.

Liar Loan said:
Trump Support Up This Week Among Black Voters
President Trump triggered a media firestorm when he criticized a longtime Democratic congressman?s job performance, saying his Baltimore district is ?a rat and rodent infested mess? and ?the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States.?

The president has since pointed out that many of the country?s major cities have similar problems, and nearly all have been run for years by Democrats. Democratic leaders responded by calling Trump a racist, but media interviews in Baltimore and elsewhere found black residents asking the same questions the president is asking.

Like most Republicans, Trump has struggled to attract black voters, but this week?s surveying for the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll has found a bump in black support for the president.

This may surprise the sheltered folks that post here, but Long Beach already is a great city!!  There is so much more culture and imagination than you'll ever experience in Irvine.  The LBC is seriously going through a renaissance.

What you should be focusing on is making Irvine great again.  The "safest city" has lost its prestige ever since they went high density starting in the late 90's / early 2000's.  Crime is higher.  Test scores are dropping.  Much of the infrastructure is aging and looks like a late 80's hell hole.  Some of the new developments look like they were erected in the Soviet bloc.

A big, orange balloon that goes nowhere is a sad symbol of what Irvine has become.

For a second you sounded credible then you used the words renaissance and imagination.
So what happened to Russia, Russia, Russia!!!?  or Impeach, impeach, impeach!!? That's so last month.  Now it's White Supremacist, White Supremacist, White Supremacist!!!..Racist, racist racist!!!..has lost its I said (wolf, wolf wolf!). ridiculous.
morekaos said:
So what happened to Russia, Russia, Russia!!!?  or Impeach, impeach, impeach!!? That's so last month.  Now it's White Supremacist, White Supremacist, White Supremacist!!!..Racist, racist racist!!!..has lost its I said (wolf, wolf wolf!). ridiculous.

Kick back Moscow Morekas. Tell Team Mitch to pass the election security bill.

Btw: for the the readers out there Morekas is not white

DeSantis: Russians accessed 2 Florida voting databases
Russian hackers gained access to voter databases in two Florida counties ahead of the 2016 presidential election, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said at a news conference Tuesday.

DeSantis said the hackers didn?t manipulate any data and the election results weren?t compromised. He and officials from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement were briefed by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security on Friday.

The governor said he signed an agreement with the FBI not to disclose the names of the counties, but elections officials in those counties are aware of the intrusions.

Rubio said Tuesday that he?s repeatedly voiced concerns since last spring about overconfidence among some Florida election officials and has urged them to take cyber threats seriously.

?These are nation state threats with significant resources and assets at their disposal,? Rubio said. ?Florida is a major swing state that often decides presidential elections, making us a top target.?

Tell Mitch to pass the election bill for more security.
We don?t trust you Morekas!

morekaos said:
Seriously, don't you think it odd that 24/7 Russia, Russia, Russia is....gone?  Like a fart in the wind, its totally disappeared.  Do you think that maybe because it was never really an issue?  It's like Kaiser Soze,  like that...its gone.