The 2020 Presidential Election

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Not officially but it sure quacks like a duck.  On a positive note, he has taken on the drug situation with vicious efficiency...i support that.  We could use a strong hand in dealing with it here.
morekaos said:
Not officially but it sure quacks like a duck.  On a positive note, he has taken on the drug situation with vicious efficiency...i support that.  We could use a strong hand in dealing with it here.

Even you admit that the US drug problem got worse with Trump.
As terrible as it may sound, some countries need a benevolent dictator (if there is such a thing).  They are not capable of democracy for numerous cultural and socio-economic reasons.  Corruption is too embedded and needs to be forcefully eliminated at the roots.  Thats tough going and to us may look barbaric.
morekaos said:
As terrible as it may sound, some countries need a benevolent dictator (if there is such a thing).  They are not capable of democracy for numerous cultural and socio-economic reasons.  Corruption is too embedded and needs to be forcefully eliminated at the roots.  Thats tough going and to us may look barbaric.

Given the state of civil forfeiture, special interest 'lobbying', patronage, revovling door between politics and consuilting/lobbying, and general cozy relationship between unions, corporations and government, do we realld recognize corruption when its right in front of us?
nosuchreality said:
morekaos said:
As terrible as it may sound, some countries need a benevolent dictator (if there is such a thing).  They are not capable of democracy for numerous cultural and socio-economic reasons.  Corruption is too embedded and needs to be forcefully eliminated at the roots.  Thats tough going and to us may look barbaric.

Given the state of civil forfeiture, special interest 'lobbying', patronage, revovling door between politics and consuilting/lobbying, and general cozy relationship between unions, corporations and government, do we realld recognize corruption when its right in front of us?

let's be honest, all governments are and will be corrupt to a certain extent.  the ones that are better at hiding it are the ones viewed as a "democracy".
morekaos said:
As terrible as it may sound, some countries need a benevolent dictator (if there is such a thing).  They are not capable of democracy for numerous cultural and socio-economic reasons.  Corruption is too embedded and needs to be forcefully eliminated at the roots.  Thats tough going and to us may look barbaric.

I?m not surprised by your response. This is totally against the core principles of the US regarding dictatorship. But you are okay with that because you are like a Philippines nationalist. Don?t bring up corruption in context with the Philippines. Innocent people are dying in the Philippines.

Washington Post Article: Duterte has a name for innocent people killed in the Philippines? drug war: Collateral damage

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, Philippines, celebrates Mass in 2016 at the Manila cathedral. Addressing 8.000 participants July 22 during the last day of the Fifth Philippine Conference on New Evangelization, Tagle spoke of innocent people dying in the Philippines.
Kings said:
nosuchreality said:
morekaos said:
As terrible as it may sound, some countries need a benevolent dictator (if there is such a thing).  They are not capable of democracy for numerous cultural and socio-economic reasons.  Corruption is too embedded and needs to be forcefully eliminated at the roots.  Thats tough going and to us may look barbaric.

Given the state of civil forfeiture, special interest 'lobbying', patronage, revovling door between politics and consuilting/lobbying, and general cozy relationship between unions, corporations and government, do we realld recognize corruption when its right in front of us?

let's be honest, all governments are and will be corrupt to a certain extent.  the ones that are better at hiding it are the ones viewed as a "democracy".

That's why the smaller the reach of the government, the smaller the corruption.

This is why I don't like the Fed handling big money programs... social security, healthcare, etc... even Yang's UBI.
irvinehomeowner said:
Kings said:
nosuchreality said:
morekaos said:
As terrible as it may sound, some countries need a benevolent dictator (if there is such a thing).  They are not capable of democracy for numerous cultural and socio-economic reasons.  Corruption is too embedded and needs to be forcefully eliminated at the roots.  Thats tough going and to us may look barbaric.

Given the state of civil forfeiture, special interest 'lobbying', patronage, revovling door between politics and consuilting/lobbying, and general cozy relationship between unions, corporations and government, do we realld recognize corruption when its right in front of us?

let's be honest, all governments are and will be corrupt to a certain extent.  the ones that are better at hiding it are the ones viewed as a "democracy".

That's why the smaller the reach of the government, the smaller the corruption.

This is why I don't like the Fed handling big money programs... social security, healthcare, etc... even Yang's UBI.

you won't have to worry about yang's ubi  ;)
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
No, its always been bad.

But it has gotten worst. It?s really bad, so bad he doesn?t even talk about it no more.


Homeless too.

They're both big business for Government and cronies.

Banning pet store puppies too.  Now look at all the rescue non-profits with $500+ adoption 'donations.'

nosuchreality said:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
No, its always been bad.

But it has gotten worst. It?s really bad, so bad he doesn?t even talk about it no more.


Homeless too.

They're both big business for Government and cronies.

Banning pet store puppies too.  Now look at all the rescue non-profits with $500+ adoption 'donations.'

You know what. You are one smart person.
There are for profit jails that make mega bucks.
More crime = more money spent on private security companies for top management not the individual private security worker of course.
Rescue mutts are smarter than their pure bred cousins.
I know because I have a pure bred dog that's dumb as shit.
Yes, unlike a cake purist cakeist, you should encourage mutts (smarter).  Being a breed supremacist should be discouraged.
irvinehomeowner said:
Kings said:
nosuchreality said:
morekaos said:
As terrible as it may sound, some countries need a benevolent dictator (if there is such a thing).  They are not capable of democracy for numerous cultural and socio-economic reasons.  Corruption is too embedded and needs to be forcefully eliminated at the roots.  Thats tough going and to us may look barbaric.

Given the state of civil forfeiture, special interest 'lobbying', patronage, revovling door between politics and consuilting/lobbying, and general cozy relationship between unions, corporations and government, do we realld recognize corruption when its right in front of us?

let's be honest, all governments are and will be corrupt to a certain extent.  the ones that are better at hiding it are the ones viewed as a "democracy".

That's why the smaller the reach of the government, the smaller the corruption.

This is why I don't like the Fed handling big money programs... social security, healthcare, etc... even Yang's UBI.

This is a common conservative talking point but it?s basically complaining without offering any realistic solutions. And I am generally for smaller government, market based solutions and less bureaucracy. 

The biggest problems we have today do not have market based solutions. There is little incentive to eradicate homelessness until it becomes a giant nuisance. There is also no market incentives to fight climate change or tackle technological job displacement caused by automation/AI.

Conservatives like to pretend we can just tell people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get us out of this massive welfare trap we?re in. This problem is so massive, we now have more people on disability than people who work in construction. And it?s only going to get worse.

Why would anyone who?s on these welfare programs vote against their very own survival? They would only do it if they have a viable alternative- which is Yang?s UBI. It?s also going to shrink the current welfare program because people have to opt out of their welfare programs to get UBI.

This is my problem with the right. They love to hate any policy that?s not small government or seems anti market.
But they do not offer any realistic solutions themselves, or support a viable alternative.

This stupid denial is driving the movement to socialism.
Kenkoko said:
This is my problem with the right. They love to complain they hate any policy that?s not ?small government anti market?

Wait. Isn't "small government" more "pro market"? Or am I misunderstanding your statement?
irvinehomeowner said:
Kenkoko said:
This is my problem with the right. They love to complain they hate any policy that?s not ?small government anti market?

Wait. Isn't "small government" more "pro market"? Or am I misunderstanding your statement?

Meant to say conservatives hate any policy that's not small government or seems anti market, but do not offer any realistic solutions themselves, or support a viable alternative.
