The 2020 Presidential Election

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Kings said:
should we start a daily gaffe thread?

Joe Biden told moving military story at campaign stop ? but it 'never happened,' report says

Former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign has been dogged by gaffes -- but a new error could be his most damaging yet.

The controversy surrounds a moving military story -- which the former VP claimed to be the "God's truth" -- that Biden told at a campaign stop in New Hampshire earlier this month.

The only problem was that the story was not true, according to The Washington Post.

Biden's allegedly tall tale was an emotional account of his decision to travel to Afghanistan, despite concerns about visiting a war-torn area, in order to honor a Navy captain for retrieving the body of his dead comrade during battle.

"It appears as though the former vice president has jumbled elements of at least three actual events into one story," the Post's Matt Viser and Greg Jaffe wrote.

They added that Biden rattled off a slew of inaccurate facts in the span of just a few minutes.

"In the space of three minutes, Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony," Viser and Jaffe wrote.

I vote yes.  Since he is the likely candidate at this point, we may have 15 more months of this comedic material to discuss.
Marianne Williamson wants us to use the power of the mind to turn away Hurricane Dorian:

"?The Bahamas, Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas ... may all be in our prayers now,? Williamson wrote Wednesday morning. ?Millions of us seeing Dorian turn away from land is not a wacky idea; it is creative use of the power of the mind. Two minutes of prayer, visualization, meditation for those in the way of the storm.?"

If the power of the mind also works on global warming, would be a lot cheaper than the Green New Deal.
Happiness said:
Marianne Williamson wants us to use the power of the mind to turn away Hurricane Dorian:

"?The Bahamas, Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas ... may all be in our prayers now,? Williamson wrote Wednesday morning. ?Millions of us seeing Dorian turn away from land is not a wacky idea; it is creative use of the power of the mind. Two minutes of prayer, visualization, meditation for those in the way of the storm.?"

If the power of the mind also works on global warming, would be a lot cheaper than the Green New Deal.

See, this is why I donated $2...It's a miracle!!
This is a powerful endorsement with significant thought and weight...or just another Hollywood crazy person. #metoo

Elizabeth Warren gets major Hollywood boost as Scarlett Johansson endorses her and says 2020 Democrat isn't making 'crazy, outlandish promises that seem impossible to reach'

'I love Woody Allen. I believe him, and I would work with him anytime': Scarlett Johansson defends shamed director despite long-running allegations that he sexually abused his adopted daughter in 1992
morekaos said:
This is a powerful endorsement with significant thought and weight...or just another Hollywood crazy person. #metoo

Elizabeth Warren gets major Hollywood boost as Scarlett Johansson endorses her and says 2020 Democrat isn't making 'crazy, outlandish promises that seem impossible to reach'

'I love Woody Allen. I believe him, and I would work with him anytime': Scarlett Johansson defends shamed director despite long-running allegations that he sexually abused his adopted daughter in 1992

hey, i've seen this movie before!

Did Celebrity Endorsements Contribute to Hillary Clinton?s Presidential Upset?

Clinton certainly collected an overwhelming amount of them in the run up to November 8. And, not only did stars use their immense platforms to back the Democratic nominee, but they also participated in more candidate-agnostic public-service campaigns urging Americans to vote at all. It?s impossible to directly measure how many votes an Instagram video of Beyonc? telling people ?I?m with her? yielded on Election Day, even if it racked up 2.2 million views. There aren?t any exit polls asking if people decided to cast their ballots because of a cheeky, celebrity-filled Rock the Vote video. Without pure, quantifiable data, those that leverage Americans with the largest platforms?entertainers, media personalities, and athletes?must now look for cracks in the machine to find out what went wrong; where they missed opportunities; or if, what Clinton supporters like Lena Dunham said in her P.S.A. (?I?m wondering if I?m hurting her chances of winning.?) proved to be portent rather than parody.

Hollywood does tend to swing to the left, but Clinton, whose campaign actively targeted young people, may have focused on getting and publicizing celebrity endorsements for two reasons. First, stars and ?influencers? are already all over social media delivering messages to this cohort. Second, organizations focused primarily on the youth vote see the 18 to 24 demographic as the most sympathetic to their influence. It?s also the least likely to vote, so inspiring messages from their favorite famous figures could, hypothetically, urge them to the polls. Nevertheless, the 2016 election is bearing out to show similar low engagement to results reported in a 2014 study from the U.S. Census Bureau. It found that voting rates among 18- to 24-year-olds in all elections dropped from 50.9 percent in 1964 to 38 percent in 2012. The first election that Rock the Vote, a nonpartisan organization focused on youth-voting advocacy, influenced 1992, and 2008 (when Barack Obama ran for the first time) marked banner years for the age group, but the rate has never returned to 1964 levels. (Vanity Fair reached out to a Clinton representative for comment on this article, but had not heard back prior to publication.)

Michael Cobb, associate professor of political science at N.C. State, said that this sort of nuance is where celebrity influence can reside. ?There?s very little evidence that anyone, let alone celebrities, can convince people in a hyper-partisan age to vote for somebody of the other party,? Cobb said. ?That?s just not what they?re being asked to do and that?s not what they can do.?
Like hoping there will be a recession, not today. #winning.

'Big night for the Republican Party!' Trump celebrates as BOTH candidates he endorsed WIN their North Carolina special elections and boasts that Dan Bishop was victorious in narrow race because he 'asked me for help' when he was losing

Two special elections in North Carolina were seen as predictors of Donald Trump's ability to hold on to support in red states that made him president
Republican Greg Murphy won the Third Congressional District seat in a runaway
Republican Dan Bishop's race in the Ninth Congressional District against Democrat Dan McCready was closer, but Bishop prevailed by more than 2 points
President Trump brought both Republicans to the stage for high-profile endorsements during his Fayetteville, N.C. rally on Monday night

But he seized the moment to take credit for the win and mock CNN and MSNBC, which he said were quickly moving on instead of focusing on the races
morekaos said:
Like hoping there will be a recession, not today. #winning.

'Big night for the Republican Party!' Trump celebrates as BOTH candidates he endorsed WIN their North Carolina special elections and boasts that Dan Bishop was victorious in narrow race because he 'asked me for help' when he was losing

Two special elections in North Carolina were seen as predictors of Donald Trump's ability to hold on to support in red states that made him president
Republican Greg Murphy won the Third Congressional District seat in a runaway
Republican Dan Bishop's race in the Ninth Congressional District against Democrat Dan McCready was closer, but Bishop prevailed by more than 2 points
President Trump brought both Republicans to the stage for high-profile endorsements during his Fayetteville, N.C. rally on Monday night

But he seized the moment to take credit for the win and mock CNN and MSNBC, which he said were quickly moving on instead of focusing on the races

still waiting for them to find ballot boxes full of democrat votes  ::) ::)
This will be couched as disastrous news that portends doom for Trump because the wins should have been by larger margins....oh the gnashing and wailing!!!
Marianne Williamson stating the obvious: people on the Left are meaner than people on the Right:

?What does it say that Fox News is nicer to me than the lefties are?? she asked after her interview while her microphone was still on. ?What does it say that the conservatives are nicer to me? It?s such a bizarre world. I?m such a lefty ? I mean, I?m a serious lefty ? but I understand why people on the right call them ?godless.? I didn?t think the left is as mean as the right. They are.?
When emotion not logic is the only lens you look through lashing out is their final defense.  Always comes off as petty and "mean".
if you missed last night!

1st time for me to hear Yang and his "$1k giveaway" schtick. Two takeaways:

A) On the one hand a $1k makes us focus on good feelings and the morality of helping others. Um.... What about the morality of robbing Productive Peter and giving the proceeds of  this theft to Unproductive Paul?

B) Funding of this $1k giveaway will be accomplished by a VAT....? Ok. So once the VAT is in place won't that raise consumer prices (as it does with countries with VAT's) making this $1k more like a zero sum gain?

I've heard this line of thinking before but I don't think Mexico is paying for this new border wall are they?

My .02c
Drug problem in America is bad.
GOP doing nothing about gun violence.
There are many GOP congressman retiring and won?t seek re-election . (Like Paul Ryan)
eyephone said:
Drug problem in America is bad.
GOP doing nothing about gun violence.

Not sure if you posted this before but I am very interested in hearing what your proposed solutions to these 2 items are.

These are tough subjects so I am honestly wondering how you would address them.
eyephone said:
Drug problem in America is bad.
GOP doing nothing about gun violence.
There are many GOP congressman retiring and won?t seek re-election . (Like Paul Ryan)

It not just me that thinks gun violence is out of control.

CNBC article: Chief executives of 145 companies urge Senate to pass gun control laws

Leaders of 145 companies wrote a letter addressed to the Senate, asking for it to pass background checks and a strong red flag law.

Edward Stack, CEO of Dick?s Sporting Goods, also signed the letter. The retailer stopped selling guns in 125 stores this year and stopped selling assault-style weapons after the Parkland, Florida, shooting in 2018.

Bain Capital, a private equity firm founded by Mitt Romney, had several signatories on the letter including John Connaughton and Jonathan Lavine, co-managing partners, and Josh Bekenstein and
Steve Pagliuca, co-chairmen.

Thrive Capital?s Joshua Kushner, who is also brother of Jared Kushner, a White House advisor and President Donald Trump?s son-in-law, signed the letter as well. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The letter comes as companies have been forced to reckon with the risk that mass shootings pose to their businesses. Earlier in September, Walmart dramatically stepped back from ammunition sales after two shootings at its stores this summer. The biggest retailer in the world also asked customers at Walmart and Sam?s Club to no longer openly carry firearms, a move other retailers have since echoed.

irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
Drug problem in America is bad.
GOP doing nothing about gun violence.

Not sure if you posted this before but I am very interested in hearing what your proposed solutions to these 2 items are.

These are tough subjects so I am honestly wondering how you would address them.

It?s not just me. Big time CEOs are fed up with no action regarding gun legislation.