The 2020 Presidential Election

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irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
Drug problem in America is bad.
GOP doing nothing about gun violence.

Not sure if you posted this before but I am very interested in hearing what your proposed solutions to these 2 items are.

These are tough subjects so I am honestly wondering how you would address them.

Don?t blame me! I?m not your elected official. If I had a say, people would be safe like back in the day.

America ain?t great again, it has gotten worse. Lol
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
Drug problem in America is bad.
GOP doing nothing about gun violence.

Not sure if you posted this before but I am very interested in hearing what your proposed solutions to these 2 items are.

These are tough subjects so I am honestly wondering how you would address them.

It?s not just me. Big time CEOs are fed up with no action regarding gun legislation.

Yes, I know it's not just you. I think drugs and gun violence are problems too... as should everyone.

What I'm asking is do you have any suggestions to help address these issues?
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
Drug problem in America is bad.
GOP doing nothing about gun violence.

Not sure if you posted this before but I am very interested in hearing what your proposed solutions to these 2 items are.

These are tough subjects so I am honestly wondering how you would address them.

It?s not just me. Big time CEOs are fed up with no action regarding gun legislation.

Yes, I know it's not just you. I think drugs and gun violence are problems too... as should everyone.

What I'm asking is do you have any suggestions to help address these issues?

Don?t blame me! I?m not your elected official. If I had a say, people would be safe like back in the day.

America ain?t great again, it has gotten worse. Lol

I can complain just like Trump does. (Play from his playbook)
But I do it better of course.
On the drug question you can go to one extreme (San Francisco) to the other (Singapore or The Philippines) and you will still have the unstoppable drive for self destruction. If I had my way I'd lean pretty close to the Singapore model.

As for "Gun Violence" a side note first....

Note how the 1990's  alarmist "Global Warming" softened to the gentle "Climate Change"?  What was 1980's "Gun Control" became the 2000's "Common Sense Gun Control" and now is the even softer "Gun Violence". Make no mistake dear reader - this remains an issue of control and nothing more.

I got pummeled for saying this before, but let's look at a set of numbers anyone can verify if they want to.

Since 2015 roughly 55% of mass shootings (5 or more dead, excluding the shooter) involved pistols rather than rifles.

Ask any candidate if they are ready to reduce gun violence with pistol restrictions. All you will hear in reponse is the sound of crickets.

Since 2015 the racial background of mass shooters are spread across the racial spectrum EQUALLY.

Ask any candidate about gun violence NOT being a "white nationalist issue" and you will get booed of the stage for asking such an impertinent question.

Since 2015 the highest common factor within the profile of mass shooters?  Many won't like the answer, but it's true none the less:

Parental divorce (82%)

It's hard to search for psychotropic mood altering drugs, but Mother Jones (hardly a conservative resource) has an excellent record of mental health issues and mass shootings. If not equal to Parental Divorce, I'm sure it's as high of a percentage.

These aren't the NRA's facts and figures but easily discoverable in main stream news reports.

Cars, knives, doctors, and other sources kill more than guns. You wouldn't know it from the debate. I do support Red Flag laws even with the slippery slope issues that come alongside these laws. I'd prefer gun ownership to require 6 hours of field training and Tasers for those who feel the need for personal protection but aren't stable enough to own a weapon. There are still other ideas than can help reduce gun violence such as 1 strike laws but at some point in time you're going to run out of room. So be it.

As with drugs and guns no matter how much you try to control them, mankind still will find a way to use and abuse them. This is not a gun issue - statistically speaking - but an issue of the heart, and politics will never solve this issue.

My .02c

There are many debates over mental health and firearm deaths, but most leans toward mass shooters and such.  The fact is that the vast majority of firearm inflicted deaths in America is suicide and not homicide, and we should be investing more in mental healthcare area of suicide prevention.

People who want to kill themselves do so often not because they want to die, but because they want to stop suffering the pain of existence.  Just as we give bankrupt people a second chance after 7 years, if you want to reduce suicides give people a chance at second life.  Provide counseling centers where they can be diagnosed, offered treatment, and a chance (with assistance) to ditch their old identity -- legally adopting a new name and relocated to a new town or another country to start fresh.  If you feel as if you're living in the wrong planet, maybe it's because you're in the wrong (incompatible) country/culture.

In worse case if nothing works, then at least offer a dignified exit at an euthanasia center (like Soylent Green) where they can die in peace and not by trauma of a gunshot wound.
America has gotten worse not better. It?s really sad and unfortunate.

Don?t blame me. It?s not my fault. I have no authority or jurisdiction. We need to blame and seek change.
eyephone said:
America has gotten worse not better. It?s really sad and unfortunate.

Don?t blame me. It?s not my fault. I have no authority or jurisdiction. We need to point fingers and seek change.

"Adding a preliminary estimate of 17 deaths from Parkland to the Mother Jones list brings the total number of deaths up to 816 from 98 mass shootings between 1982 and early 2018 ? or just 23 deaths per year. That makes this sort of random mass shooting one of the rarest mortality risks imaginable. Falling or the flu are far more dangerous. "

So has America really "gotten worse", or has the media just simply blown this out of proportion to push their gun control agenda?

Research points to the latter.

Which is why we have people like eyephone who swallow up the mainstream agenda in its entirety, who then go on to have this idea that we need to "point fingers" and "seek change", when in reality it is actually "one of the rarest mortality risks imaginable".
MTalltheway said:
eyephone said:
America has gotten worse not better. It?s really sad and unfortunate.

Don?t blame me. It?s not my fault. I have no authority or jurisdiction. We need to point fingers and seek change.

"Adding a preliminary estimate of 17 deaths from Parkland to the Mother Jones list brings the total number of deaths up to 816 from 98 mass shootings between 1982 and early 2018 ? or just 23 deaths per year.  That makes this sort of random mass shooting one of the rarest mortality risks imaginable. Falling or the flu are far more dangerous. "

So has America really "gotten worse", or has the media just simply blown this out of proportion to push their gun control agenda?

It seems like the latter. We have people like eyephone who just gobble up mainstream agendas, who then have this idea that we need to "point fingers" and "seek change", when the research indicates it to be "one of the rarest mortality risks imaginable".

Blame the media, blame video games
We are sick of excuses. We need action done!
eyephone said:
MTalltheway said:
eyephone said:
America has gotten worse not better. It?s really sad and unfortunate.

Don?t blame me. It?s not my fault. I have no authority or jurisdiction. We need to point fingers and seek change.

"Adding a preliminary estimate of 17 deaths from Parkland to the Mother Jones list brings the total number of deaths up to 816 from 98 mass shootings between 1982 and early 2018 ? or just 23 deaths per year.  That makes this sort of random mass shooting one of the rarest mortality risks imaginable. Falling or the flu are far more dangerous. "

So has America really "gotten worse", or has the media just simply blown this out of proportion to push their gun control agenda?

It seems like the latter. We have people like eyephone who just gobble up mainstream agendas, who then have this idea that we need to "point fingers" and "seek change", when the research indicates it to be "one of the rarest mortality risks imaginable".

Blame the media, blame video games
We are sick of excuses. We need action done!

Excuses for what? We need action for what, exactly?

Clearly it's not as big an issue as the media is trying to make it out to be. Biased, if not outright fake news has such a reach these days.
Not a big deal? Say what
Obviously it?s big enough for the GOP SCRAMBLING to pass something. McConnell has flip flop on gun legislation.

MTalltheway said:
eyephone said:
MTalltheway said:
eyephone said:
America has gotten worse not better. It?s really sad and unfortunate.

Don?t blame me. It?s not my fault. I have no authority or jurisdiction. We need to point fingers and seek change.

"Adding a preliminary estimate of 17 deaths from Parkland to the Mother Jones list brings the total number of deaths up to 816 from 98 mass shootings between 1982 and early 2018 ? or just 23 deaths per year.  That makes this sort of random mass shooting one of the rarest mortality risks imaginable. Falling or the flu are far more dangerous. "

So has America really "gotten worse", or has the media just simply blown this out of proportion to push their gun control agenda?

It seems like the latter. We have people like eyephone who just gobble up mainstream agendas, who then have this idea that we need to "point fingers" and "seek change", when the research indicates it to be "one of the rarest mortality risks imaginable".

Blame the media, blame video games
We are sick of excuses. We need action done!

Excuses for what? We need action for what, exactly?

Clearly it's not as big an issue as the media is trying to make it out to be. Biased, if not outright fake news has such a reach these days.

My new buddy on TI.
What else do you want?
McConnell and MCCarthy meeting about gun legislation.

Or do you think that article is fake? Lol
So there is a drug problem and gun violence problem. But some people think it?s a fake problem.

What else do you think is fake? Man to the moon lol
eyephone said:
Where the fake news guy?
I?ll give you real news, but fake news to you. Lol

Please tell me where I said everything is fake news? Putting words in my mouth.

I'm just saying there's a lot of biased news pushing certain media agendas, some of which have been proven to be false.

Wish I could tango, but got better stuff to do. Cheers.