The 2020 Presidential Election

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morekaos said:
nosuchreality said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Aaaaand back on topic...

So even forum members from the left don't know who can challenge Hi-C Orange?

I guess Trump kind of came out of nowhere so maybe that will happen with a Dem nominee. Biden is currently the front runner but no one here seems to be putting their full support behind him.

Klobuchar could beat Trump.

Biden might be able to beat Trump.

Both of their problems getting the nomination is they aren't extreme enough for the rabid primary voters.  Which is exactly why, IMHO, Harris would get wiped by Trump. Warren too, IMHO.

Bernie should do much better, but between mass confusion being sowed on Socialism is Venezuela and the old USSR and his pandering to the everything free crowd, would lose too, even though many Trump supporters really want many of the programs he talks about.  Oh the irony of Facebookers sharing Socialism kills memes and Social Security isn't an entitlement memes.

However, I live in California so.really don't have to think about it because about the only way the Dem doesn't carry California is if Harvey Weinstein picks up the nomination and even then he'd most likely carry the State.

So if you follow this reasoning then who does that leave?  They have to hope for a dark horse that checks all the extreme boxes just to get out of the primaries..Mayor Pete?  That criteria doesn't poll well on a national race.

marianne 2020

Once upon a time, there was a very liberal LA County Sheriff named Jim McDonald.
Jim was so liberal, he invited Liberal activists to ?oversee? his own department.
Jim was so liberal, he maintained a hostile relationship with immigration authorities.
Jim was so liberal, he fired dozens of deputies who were accused of, but not convicted of, domestic violence and sexual misconduct. Yes, Jim ?believes the woman.?
But alas, Jim was a white, cis-gendered male.

Jim was challenged in the 2018 election by Alex Villanueva, a former Sheriff Lieutenant.
Alex had a long history of avoiding outside monitoring of department operations.
Alex had a long history of protecting deputies from activists.
But, lo and behold, Alex is of Mexican descent.

Liberals voters in LA County could not see past the racial identity of the Sheriff candidates and voted Jim out so they can have a Mexican Sheriff.

Within days of taking office, Alex starts the process of reinstating hundreds of deputies fired for alleged sexual misconduct. No, Alex does not "believe the woman".
Within weeks of taking office, Alex publicly confronts of Board of Supervisors about civilian oversight.

Of course, the backgrounds of Jim and Alex were well documented before the election but Liberals could not take off their identity politics blinders, they did not see what was right in front of their faces.
irvinehomeowner said:
nosuchreality said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Aaaaand back on topic...

So even forum members from the left don't know who can challenge Hi-C Orange?

I guess Trump kind of came out of nowhere so maybe that will happen with a Dem nominee. Biden is currently the front runner but no one here seems to be putting their full support behind him.

Klobuchar could beat Trump.

Biden might be able to beat Trump.

Both of their problems getting the nomination is they aren't extreme enough for the rabid primary voters.  Which is exactly why, IMHO, Harris would get wiped by Trump. Warren too, IMHO.

Bernie should do much better, but between mass confusion being sowed on Socialism is Venezuela and the old USSR and his pandering to the everything free crowd, would lose too, even though many Trump supporters really want many of the programs he talks about.  Oh the irony of Facebookers sharing Socialism kills memes and Social Security isn't an entitlement memes.

However, I live in California so.really don't have to think about it because about the only way the Dem doesn't carry California is if Harvey Weinstein picks up the nomination and even then he'd most likely carry the State.

But Cali isn't really a concern right? And based on your comments, it still doesn't seem like there is someone who can get the nomination and beat Trump.

In recent history, only Bush 41 lost a re-election... so odds favor Trump but maybe the same thing will happen. What's interesting to me is that most people I talk to don't like Trump, so you would think he would lose next year. I think the Dems just have to find a candidate who is likable and doesn't have any baggage... and that's the problem I mentioned with Biden, while he does seem affable (hence his nickname Uncle Joe), the right is pushing his other nickname (Creepy Joe) which is why he should avoid situations like what Kings posted. What's ironic is we all know Trump is "creepy" too, yet that seems to get swept under the rug or re-labeled as "charisma".

C'mon Dems... find the answer America needs... make America normal again... MANA. :)

JIMHO, Trump is the epitome of identity politics.  He just picked the group that still compromises 70%+ of the voting age people. 

That's the problem for the Dems driving the identity platform like Harris.  Unless any stalwart Demz on board want to volunteer to hop their kid on a bus to south Central for equality busing. 

That busing comment is coming back around even if Harris is no where near the ticket.

Most of the people in our country are decent, they want everyone to succeed, but they get twinges when so many of the proposals seem, like busing, to be at their expense.

If the dems field a candidate that doesn't seem to be pandering for a pound of flesh for shit done three, four, five or ten generations ago, they have a chance. 
irvinehomeowner said:
Aaaaand back on topic...

So even forum members from the left don't know who can challenge Hi-C Orange?

I guess Trump kind of came out of nowhere so maybe that will happen with a Dem nominee. Biden is currently the front runner but no one here seems to be putting their full support behind him.

Don't sleep on Yang. He's my dark horse pick. Already put money where my mouth is and placed a $1000 on a +6600 bet  ;D

Yang is the only one that can beat Trump.
Kenkoko said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Aaaaand back on topic...

So even forum members from the left don't know who can challenge Hi-C Orange?

I guess Trump kind of came out of nowhere so maybe that will happen with a Dem nominee. Biden is currently the front runner but no one here seems to be putting their full support behind him.

Don't sleep on Yang. He's my dark horse pick. Already put money where my mouth is and placed a $1000 on a +6600 bet  ;D

Yang is the only one that can beat Trump.
How is Yang different from the many other "free stuff" candidates?
Happiness said:
Kenkoko said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Aaaaand back on topic...

So even forum members from the left don't know who can challenge Hi-C Orange?

I guess Trump kind of came out of nowhere so maybe that will happen with a Dem nominee. Biden is currently the front runner but no one here seems to be putting their full support behind him.

Don't sleep on Yang. He's my dark horse pick. Already put money where my mouth is and placed a $1000 on a +6600 bet  ;D

Yang is the only one that can beat Trump.
How is Yang different from the many other "free stuff" candidates?
Because he is much more than a " free stuff" candidate. He is non-ideological and comes from logic and reason.
He has broad support for different political spectrum.
Even people on the right like Yang.Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan,Tucker Carlson, and even Ben Shapiro.

Ben Shapiro " I'll be honest, I'm rooting for @AndrewYang" "Andrew Yang, the only person on the stage who has ideas different from the rest."
Happiness said:
In case you think Trump was just a small speedbump on history's unstoppable march towards the new global socialist epoch, Boris Johnson just became the UK prime minister.
Yang is not a socialist. Yang makes a compelling case why the entire socialism-capitalism dichotomy is out of date

Here is Yang on Fox News talking about that

Conservatives like Yang because he is for personal autonomy and is offering a realistic fix to the broken welfare system.
irvinehomeowner said:
Does Yang even have a chance to get nominated?

I certainly think so. He is already polling better than many career politicians with national name recognition.

He also has massive grass root support. He was one of the first to reach DNC donor count thresholds for both debates.
irvinehomeowner said:
Does Yang even have a chance to get nominated?
Not likely. Liberals will not vote for an Asian. Liberals love all races, except Asians. Asians are too successful, liberals see them as a threat.
Kenkoko said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Does Yang even have a chance to get nominated?

I certainly think so. He is already polling better than many career politicians with national name recognition.

He also has massive grass root support. He was one of the first to reach DNC donor count thresholds for both debates.

yang has been polling at <2% for a while now.  how is he going to break through?  should he come down a golden escalator being carried by robots?
Kings said:
yang has been polling at <2% for a while now.  how is he going to break through?  should he come down a golden escalator being carried by robots?

He's making some progress in the recent polling. Just hit 5% in early state like New Hampshire.

It's still very early. He still has one of the lowest name recognition among all the candidates.
Potential for growth and trajectory is more important at the point of the race.
Happiness said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Does Yang even have a chance to get nominated?
Not likely. Liberals will not vote for an Asian. Liberals love all races, except Asians. Asians are too successful, liberals see them as a threat.

I know trashy Asians. Trust me not all Asians are successful.
(You can?t see me or be me)
Kenkoko said:
Kings said:
yang has been polling at <2% for a while now.  how is he going to break through?  should he come down a golden escalator being carried by robots?

He's making some progress in the recent polling. Just hit 5% in early state like New Hampshire.

It's still very early. He still has one of the lowest name recognition among all the candidates.
Potential for growth and trajectory is more important at the point of the race.

it's early, i'll give you that, but i just don't see his personality being the right fit for taking on someone like el presidente trump.  the american people want someone loud and firey to take on trump - hence the infatuation on the left and in the media with aoc.  remember, the media will be just as responsible, if not more, for propelling yang to the top - just as they did trump.  yang might appeal to intellectuals and might have visions of a future that are inevitable, but the average american cares about next week and next month, not next decade.  yang needs to invoke emotion in now and not the future for him to be successful, and i haven't really gleaned as much from what i've seen or heard.
Kings said:
Kenkoko said:
Kings said:
yang has been polling at <2% for a while now.  how is he going to break through?  should he come down a golden escalator being carried by robots?

He's making some progress in the recent polling. Just hit 5% in early state like New Hampshire.

It's still very early. He still has one of the lowest name recognition among all the candidates.
Potential for growth and trajectory is more important at the point of the race.

it's early, i'll give you that, but i just don't see his personality being the right fit for taking on someone like el presidente trump.  the american people want someone loud and firey to take on trump - hence the infatuation on the left and in the media with aoc.  remember, the media will be just as responsible, if not more, for propelling yang to the top - just as they did trump.  yang might appeal to intellectuals and might have visions of a future that are inevitable, but the average american cares about next week and next month, not next decade.  yang needs to invoke emotion in now and not the future for him to be successful, and i haven't really gleaned as much from what i've seen or heard.

Yup, emotion is the key:

Kennedy and Reagan: Unabashed Optimism in America
Clinton and Bush: Folksy Charm
Obama: Hope for the Future
Trump: Stick it to the Man

The tax code is rigged. I talked to a couple of small business owner and they like the reduction in corporate tax rate.
BUT then I told them there are big corporations that paid nothing under the new tax code. (Recently public info, real news) One guy flipped out turned all red. I thought he was going to have a nervous breakdown. Hahaa

He calmed down after the other guy talked about using credit card points for vacation.

Like I previously said. People don?t care about politics. They care about there pocket book aka their money. Sorry folks the system is even more rigged! Lower the tax rate for business. (The mega big business are not even paying it according to many articles) Over all  indivduals paid more in taxes this year than last! (True fact, look it up. Important because that?s when the tax code changed.)
