The 2020 Presidential Election

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morekaos said:
I have no problem with them, Dems though push the identity politics over a cliff.  It defines their candidates, not policy and issues.

Yeah you do. You made fun of them in the snowflake thread. (Blacks, gays, and Latinos)
Your lucky QWERTY doesn?t care or didn?t see your post. Because you might meet BATamigo aka battman.
Regardless of your assumptions about me, you have no preference yet in this vast field of candidates that address your concerned weakness of the present administration?  C'mon, I liked Rubio, Cruz, in fact a whole bunch of them at this point in the primary.  Who do you think stands a chance and accurately reflects your values and concerns?  You got 20 something to pick from, there has to be someone?
fortune11 said:
Kings said:
i'm personally not a fan of the "send her back" chants

they should have been saying "throw her out" since "send her back" implies we need to pay for her transportation!

I wouldn't be surprised if those browsing around TI for the real estate stuff get turned off by these racists lurking here
Let's just say I used to have much higher opinions of many other TI posters when I only read real estate stuff.

It's amazing to see so many seemingly intelligent posters willing to put their blinders on in spite of Trump's racist BS. 

On the flip side, I think too many liberals pay too much attention to Trump. Everyone knows who he is already. No point to make it newsworthy every time he verifies that. Why get all hot and bothered? Just vote him out.
morekaos said:
Regardless of your assumptions about me, you have no preference yet in this vast field of candidates that address your concerned weakness of the present administration?  C'mon, I liked Rubio, Cruz, in fact a whole bunch of them at this point in the primary.  Who do you think stands a chance and accurately reflects your values and concerns?  You got 20 something to pick from, there has to be someone?

We already know what you are. Thanks to me I called you out.
As I have said many times, I could care less what anonymous posters think of me.  That is not the topic at hand. You are avoiding the question.
morekaos said:
As I have said many times, I could care less what anonymous posters think of me.  That is not the topic at hand. You are avoiding the question.

I already said to IHo. I don?t know and let?s watch and see. (Trust the process)
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
I have no problem with them, Dems though push the identity politics over a cliff.  It defines their candidates, not policy and issues.

Yeah you do. You made fun of them in the snowflake thread. (Blacks, gays, and Latinos)
Your lucky QWERTY doesn?t care or didn?t see your post. Because you might meet BATamigo aka battman.

Btw: Did I mention he has a dog also? (like a trained K-9)

So keep taking Morekas
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
I have no problem with them, Dems though push the identity politics over a cliff.  It defines their candidates, not policy and issues.

Yeah you do. You made fun of them in the snowflake thread. (Blacks, gays, and Latinos)
Your lucky QWERTY doesn?t care or didn?t see your post. Because you might meet BATamigo aka battman.

Btw: Did I mention he has a dog also? (like a trained K-9)

So keep taking Morekas

Why would anyone be afraid of Qwerty? Qwerty seems like a very friendly person.
Happiness said:
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
I have no problem with them, Dems though push the identity politics over a cliff.  It defines their candidates, not policy and issues.

Yeah you do. You made fun of them in the snowflake thread. (Blacks, gays, and Latinos)
Your lucky QWERTY doesn?t care or didn?t see your post. Because you might meet BATamigo aka battman.

Btw: Did I mention he has a dog also? (like a trained K-9)

So keep taking Morekas

Why would anyone be afraid of Qwerty? Qwerty seems like a very friendly person.
Nice guy. But don?t take it for granted. People are sick of Morekas bashing/making fun of different races including Latinos just like Starman did.

Starman?s profile:
qwerty:  Hey StarmanMBA, go fuck yourself.
(Thank you:  Burn That Belly, id_rather_be_racing, misme, eyephone, fortune11)

What are you thinking Morekas? Go take your meds.
Off the reservation and off the track. What can we do? This guy is lost.
Let?s be honest you have taken TI to a race base forum. We can all thank Morekas. I emailed the admin and nothing has happened. It?s really sad.

People use to go on TI to learn about the new development and new tech ideas. People are right this forum has turned to trash.
Aaaaand back on topic...

So even forum members from the left don't know who can challenge Hi-C Orange?

I guess Trump kind of came out of nowhere so maybe that will happen with a Dem nominee. Biden is currently the front runner but no one here seems to be putting their full support behind him.
irvinehomeowner said:
Aaaaand back on topic...

So even forum members from the left don't know who can challenge Hi-C Orange?

I guess Trump kind of came out of nowhere so maybe that will happen with a Dem nominee. Biden is currently the front runner but no one here seems to be putting their full support behind him.

Klobuchar could beat Trump.

Biden might be able to beat Trump.

Both of their problems getting the nomination is they aren't extreme enough for the rabid primary voters.  Which is exactly why, IMHO, Harris would get wiped by Trump. Warren too, IMHO.

Bernie should do much better, but between mass confusion being sowed on Socialism is Venezuela and the old USSR and his pandering to the everything free crowd, would lose too, even though many Trump supporters really want many of the programs he talks about.  Oh the irony of Facebookers sharing Socialism kills memes and Social Security isn't an entitlement memes.

However, I live in California so.really don't have to think about it because about the only way the Dem doesn't carry California is if Harvey Weinstein picks up the nomination and even then he'd most likely carry the State.
irvinehomeowner said:
Aaaaand back on topic...

So even forum members from the left don't know who can challenge Hi-C Orange?

I guess Trump kind of came out of nowhere so maybe that will happen with a Dem nominee. Biden is currently the front runner but no one here seems to be putting their full support behind him.

This forum is trash. Why do you think not a lot of business wants to advertise on TI? Hate speech is rampant and the admin does nothing. So let?s turn this into a dumpster.
nosuchreality said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Aaaaand back on topic...

So even forum members from the left don't know who can challenge Hi-C Orange?

I guess Trump kind of came out of nowhere so maybe that will happen with a Dem nominee. Biden is currently the front runner but no one here seems to be putting their full support behind him.

Klobuchar could beat Trump.

Biden might be able to beat Trump.

Both of their problems getting the nomination is they aren't extreme enough for the rabid primary voters.  Which is exactly why, IMHO, Harris would get wiped by Trump. Warren too, IMHO.

Bernie should do much better, but between mass confusion being sowed on Socialism is Venezuela and the old USSR and his pandering to the everything free crowd, would lose too, even though many Trump supporters really want many of the programs he talks about.  Oh the irony of Facebookers sharing Socialism kills memes and Social Security isn't an entitlement memes.

However, I live in California so.really don't have to think about it because about the only way the Dem doesn't carry California is if Harvey Weinstein picks up the nomination and even then he'd most likely carry the State.

So if you follow this reasoning then who does that leave?  They have to hope for a dark horse that checks all the extreme boxes just to get out of the primaries..Mayor Pete?  That criteria doesn't poll well on a national race.
nosuchreality said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Aaaaand back on topic...

So even forum members from the left don't know who can challenge Hi-C Orange?

I guess Trump kind of came out of nowhere so maybe that will happen with a Dem nominee. Biden is currently the front runner but no one here seems to be putting their full support behind him.

Klobuchar could beat Trump.

Biden might be able to beat Trump.

Both of their problems getting the nomination is they aren't extreme enough for the rabid primary voters.  Which is exactly why, IMHO, Harris would get wiped by Trump. Warren too, IMHO.

Bernie should do much better, but between mass confusion being sowed on Socialism is Venezuela and the old USSR and his pandering to the everything free crowd, would lose too, even though many Trump supporters really want many of the programs he talks about.  Oh the irony of Facebookers sharing Socialism kills memes and Social Security isn't an entitlement memes.

However, I live in California so.really don't have to think about it because about the only way the Dem doesn't carry California is if Harvey Weinstein picks up the nomination and even then he'd most likely carry the State.

But Cali isn't really a concern right? And based on your comments, it still doesn't seem like there is someone who can get the nomination and beat Trump.

In recent history, only Bush 41 lost a re-election... so odds favor Trump but maybe the same thing will happen. What's interesting to me is that most people I talk to don't like Trump, so you would think he would lose next year. I think the Dems just have to find a candidate who is likable and doesn't have any baggage... and that's the problem I mentioned with Biden, while he does seem affable (hence his nickname Uncle Joe), the right is pushing his other nickname (Creepy Joe) which is why he should avoid situations like what Kings posted. What's ironic is we all know Trump is "creepy" too, yet that seems to get swept under the rug or re-labeled as "charisma".

C'mon Dems... find the answer America needs... make America normal again... MANA. :)