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But GWB went on the pitching mound at Yankees Stadium. George W Bush threw like a perfect pitch right over home plate. Who wouldn?t cheer? (Like a pro)

Liar Loan said:
eyephone said:
Liar Loan said:
zubs said:
lock him up
lock him up
lock him up

I love seeing chants get twisted back at the asshole who started it.

The image of Nationals players wearing MAGA hats at the White House was like pouring hot coals on Trump's opponents.

But but the Nationals fan boo?d Trump twice.
1. When trump went to the National game
2. When the Nationals were playing away. The Nationals fans were watching the game at the National?s Stadium. A Trump commercial played and there were many boos.

I call it like how I see it. You can say but Trump was in DC where there are a bunch of Dems.
George W Bush a former Republican President went to throw out the first pitch at Yankees Stadium which is in NY like totally democrat. (People were cheering President Bush and chanting USA-USA) Look it up on YouTube if you don?t believe me.

You see the contrast

The Bush first pitch was right after 9/11, correct?  That was one of the least partisan moments in recent history, so not really a fair comparison.

I'm fine with members of the establishment DC swamp booing Trump.  It simply reaffirms that he is getting the job done to the millions of swing state voters that were watching live on TV.  It warms my heart.

zubs said:
I'm a trump supporter
I support him going to jail

I might vote for him in 2020 because I like some of his policies, but he really is a criminal. 
Criminals can still do some things right.

I'm curious... Did you feel similarly about Hillary?
I dislike Hillary because she is a carpetbagger and stayed with her cheating husband.  So I did not vote for either one in 2016. 

When we vote in 2020, we really should look at accomplishments and policy rather than personality.  I don't think anyone likes trump, but he is doing some things I agree with while taking a big fat dump on the constitution of the USA.
Who cares who anyone votes for in Cali?  Here the fix is in.  As i have said many time, my presidential vote here is irrelevant...but it licenses me to bitch.
zubs said:
I'm a trump supporter
I support him going to jail

I might vote for him in 2020 because I like some of his policies, but he really is a criminal. 
Criminals can still do some things right.
Sending Trump to jail will make him more powerful than ever. Just like when Vader struck down Ben with the light saber.
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
Iho you can hate all you want. (People hated Jesus too) But I will stand up and fight against hatred something what the Bible says to do. Maybe you haven?t read the Bible or was never taught about it. So everything I have said doesn?t mean anything to you.

Deuteronomy 20:1 ?When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you.

So who is your enemy here? Is it morekaos or racism?
Mety said:
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
Iho you can hate all you want. (People hated Jesus too) But I will stand up and fight against hatred something what the Bible says to do. Maybe you haven?t read the Bible or was never taught about it. So everything I have said doesn?t mean anything to you.

Deuteronomy 20:1 ?When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you.

So who is your enemy here? Is it morekaos or racism?

But where is IHO. He confronts me then leaves. (It?s like pushing all the buttons in the elevator before you leave.)
There is no confrontation. Just a statement. As I said, it?s no use trying to explain.

The irony is lost.

Additionally, no one else has supported the accusations of hate.

Seeing that the admin has not said anything and no other member is complaining should indicate the general consensus.
irvinehomeowner said:
There is no confrontation. Just a statement. As I said, it?s no use trying to explain.

The irony is lost.

Additionally, no one else has supported the accusations of hate.

Seeing that the admin has not said anything and no other member is complaining should indicate the general consensus.

I?m not surprised by your response. Backing away as always. Of course the admin wouldn?t say anything.
Ever since I mentioned versus from the Bible. Why did Morekas stop his hateful posts?

We are all God?s people. (I hope Morekas knows that)
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
There is no confrontation. Just a statement. As I said, it?s no use trying to explain.

The irony is lost.

Additionally, no one else has supported the accusations of hate.

Seeing that the admin has not said anything and no other member is complaining should indicate the general consensus.

I?m not surprised by your response. Backing away as always. Of course the admin wouldn?t say anything.

Explain how this is backing away?

My statement was very simple: You are accusing a member of spreading hate. So far no other member or even the admin agrees with you.

Several members have explained what "snowflakes" is and what the point of this thread is, even Mety made an attempt.

I tried to explain before but here it is again:

To note:

In recent years, the meaning has expanded from "a person who believes they are unique" to also denote someone who is too sensitive and is easily offended, based on conceptions of snowflakes' fragility and weakness.

So all those articles that morekaos and others have posted are examples of people overreacting or being easily offended by things.

Is calling a big giant metal disk a "manhole cover" really sexist? Posting an article where someone overreacts to something and accused them of racism does not mean the person is racist. It means they are pointing out something and asking "Are they really racist?".

Criticizing an American chicken company's marketing effort does not mean they are anti-American. Talking about how you know important people from other countries does not mean they are anti-American. It's just talking.

While you may not agree with other members, their politics, their job or their comments... sometimes you overreach with your commentary. But that's fine, that's your right as a TI member here. But just like you want to point out their faults... you have to be receptive of the same criticism.

And even after all these words I'm typing, I'm sure your next post will be something about me avoiding the question or that I'm wrong and that's what I mean... there is nothing I can say to change your mind, so why even say it? You keep asking me to respond to you but you don't agree with my response so that gains us zero.

We don't agree on the topic of Snowflakes and it's purpose. You think it's spreading hate, others (and myself) think it's pointing out what people think is hate... and really isn't. And that's the irony.
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
There is no confrontation. Just a statement. As I said, it?s no use trying to explain.

The irony is lost.

Additionally, no one else has supported the accusations of hate.

Seeing that the admin has not said anything and no other member is complaining should indicate the general consensus.

I?m not surprised by your response. Backing away as always. Of course the admin wouldn?t say anything.

Explain how this is backing away?

My statement was very simple: You are accusing a member of spreading hate. So far no other member or even the admin agrees with you.

Several members have explained what "snowflakes" is and what the point of this thread is, even Mety made an attempt.

I tried to explain before but here it is again:

To note:

In recent years, the meaning has expanded from "a person who believes they are unique" to also denote someone who is too sensitive and is easily offended, based on conceptions of snowflakes' fragility and weakness.

So all those articles that morekaos and others have posted are examples of people overreacting or being easily offended by things.

Is calling a big giant metal disk a "manhole cover" really sexist? Posting an article where someone overreacts to something and accused them of racism does not mean the person is racist. It means they are pointing out something and asking "Are they really racist?".

Criticizing an American chicken company's marketing effort does not mean they are anti-American. Talking about how you know important people from other countries does not mean they are anti-American. It's just talking.

While you may not agree with other members, their politics, their job or their comments... sometimes you overreach with your commentary. But that's fine, that's your right as a TI member here. But just like you want to point out their faults... you have to be receptive of the same criticism.

And even after all these words I'm typing, I'm sure your next post will be something about me avoiding the question or that I'm wrong and that's what I mean... there is nothing I can say to change your mind, so why even say it? You keep asking me to respond to you but you don't agree with my response so that gains us zero.

We don't agree on the topic of Snowflakes and it's purpose. You think it's spreading hate, others (and myself) think it's pointing out what people think is hate... and really isn't. And that's the irony.

Just when I thought you were a Christian.
Let?s be real: when a person critiques a restaurant they talk about the taste of food, service, maybe the decor/inside of the restaurant.
But to call the patrons/restaurant stupid without giving a reason is kind of odd.

But it makes sense, if you take a step back and say wait a minute his best friend/family member owns a foreign restaurant franchise that competes with the top American franchise.

I call it like it is.
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
There is no confrontation. Just a statement. As I said, it?s no use trying to explain.

The irony is lost.

Additionally, no one else has supported the accusations of hate.

Seeing that the admin has not said anything and no other member is complaining should indicate the general consensus.

I?m not surprised by your response. Backing away as always. Of course the admin wouldn?t say anything.

Explain how this is backing away?

My statement was very simple: You are accusing a member of spreading hate. So far no other member or even the admin agrees with you.

Several members have explained what "snowflakes" is and what the point of this thread is, even Mety made an attempt.

I tried to explain before but here it is again:

To note:

In recent years, the meaning has expanded from "a person who believes they are unique" to also denote someone who is too sensitive and is easily offended, based on conceptions of snowflakes' fragility and weakness.

So all those articles that morekaos and others have posted are examples of people overreacting or being easily offended by things.

Is calling a big giant metal disk a "manhole cover" really sexist? Posting an article where someone overreacts to something and accused them of racism does not mean the person is racist. It means they are pointing out something and asking "Are they really racist?".

Criticizing an American chicken company's marketing effort does not mean they are anti-American. Talking about how you know important people from other countries does not mean they are anti-American. It's just talking.

While you may not agree with other members, their politics, their job or their comments... sometimes you overreach with your commentary. But that's fine, that's your right as a TI member here. But just like you want to point out their faults... you have to be receptive of the same criticism.

And even after all these words I'm typing, I'm sure your next post will be something about me avoiding the question or that I'm wrong and that's what I mean... there is nothing I can say to change your mind, so why even say it? You keep asking me to respond to you but you don't agree with my response so that gains us zero.

We don't agree on the topic of Snowflakes and it's purpose. You think it's spreading hate, others (and myself) think it's pointing out what people think is hate... and really isn't. And that's the irony.

Just when I thought you were a Christian.

Says the judge, jury and executioner.
eyephone said:
But it makes perfect sense: conflict at work and conflict at TI

Keep trying to insinuate this. There is no conflict for me at work... I said it's easier to deal with my kids than with some co-workers/managers and that was in a general sense, not my own situation personally. You're always trying to dig for negatives... is that the Christian way?

BTW: You should look in the mirror about conflicts. Have you noticed not many members are backing your positions any more? I can't believe how many times you've called out Mety when he's been nothing but nice to you. I think you owe him an apology.
It's like one of you guys pressed all the floors in the elevator and one of you is trying to find him at every level. But in the end the elevator was actually broken.
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
But it makes perfect sense: conflict at work and conflict at TI

Keep trying to insinuate this. There is no conflict for me at work...

I guess it?s not conflict, you just call them stupid. Lol
come on bro

More false news... show me where I called anyone stupid... I said the decisions were and I was talking about anyone in general at work who has ever had to deal with stupid decisions from management.

You keep bringing in discussions from other threads... I thought you didn't like that but you do it everywhere now.