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Ok, so I actually took time to read this thread from page 1 and read up to about 5 and lost interests. Seems like morekaos started this thread to just have some entertainment purposes only and somehow it got into another political thread GOP vs. Dems. The exact reason why I don't like to follow these threads since they're all just arguing each other with un-absolute bases. I like to spend time on what's absolute and stick to that. Sorry guys, but both Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians (is that how you spell?), or whatever are all far from being absolutely right. But you can keep voting for what you think is "less worse" if you know what I mean.

I personally don't see hatred was the original intention here. But it sparked out of contents within the contents within the contents. But that's what political junkies do anyways..

Mety said:
Ok, so I actually took time to read this thread from page 1 and read up to about 5 and lost interests. Seems like morekaos started this thread to just have some entertainment purposes only and somehow it got into another political thread GOP vs. Dems. The exact reason why I don't like to follow these threads since they're all just arguing each other with un-absolute bases. I like to spend time on what's absolute and stick to that. Sorry guys, but both Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians (is that how you spell?), or whatever are all far from being absolutely right. But you can keep voting for what you think is "less worse" if you know what I mean.

I personally don't see hatred was the original intention here. But it sparked out of contents within the contents within the contents. But that's what political junkies do anyways..

So is it normal to talk about black faces, or talk about other races not in a positive way?
Also, read why he started this thread. Keyword: shallow
Debate about the issues you like this candidate or what not. But when a person makes fun of a race. It crosses the line. Show me in the Bible that this is okay to make fun of a race. I don?t think you can. So you dance around the issue and make a blanket statement. Sounds kind of fake to me. You should also hide behind the first amendment too.
eyephone said:
Mety said:
Ok, so I actually took time to read this thread from page 1 and read up to about 5 and lost interests. Seems like morekaos started this thread to just have some entertainment purposes only and somehow it got into another political thread GOP vs. Dems. The exact reason why I don't like to follow these threads since they're all just arguing each other with un-absolute bases. I like to spend time on what's absolute and stick to that. Sorry guys, but both Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians (is that how you spell?), or whatever are all far from being absolutely right. But you can keep voting for what you think is "less worse" if you know what I mean.

I personally don't see hatred was the original intention here. But it sparked out of contents within the contents within the contents. But that's what political junkies do anyways..

So is it normal to talk about black faces, or talk about other races not in a positive way?
Also, read why he started this thread. Keyword: shallow

Is that what morekaos did though? Well, I can't fully know what's in his mind since only God knows someone's heart.

But as far as how "I" saw it, he wasn't really talking about blackface in a negative way, but showing how people get political over things that even their own side of the party do the same jokes while making such huge deals when the other party does it. How people get political and hypocritical for both GOP and Dems. I think that was the original intention of this thread. (which is also deeply political in a way BTW)

Now to answer your question, is it OK to talk about other races in a negative way? No, it's not OK. To borrow from the biblical example, most church leaders were very racist in the beginning. Peter makes a pretty remarkable racist comment, saying unlawful to associate with a non-Jew, over the Italian Cohort, Cornelius in Acts 10. God though kept saying (even from the OT) that everyone, no matter what the races they are, to be treated well since all are God's creations. Peter learned that lesson here. Regardless, it took quite a bit of time for even Christian leaders at the time to get out of their racism to love other nations as God's children. So being racist or even making negative jokes on other races is not really what God would approve, but we being humans, will keep failing and failing. Though if you're a real Christian, you will have a longing heart to be not failing but be right as God is, over and over again.

Back to morekaos' intention. I don't know if he was being shallow or not. But I can see he was making fun of Democrats for sure. You could be right. Maybe he was being fake and made it sound like a shallow thing while deeply saying bad things to others. Maybe you're wrong. Maybe he's clean. I don't know. But racism? No, that's wrong for sure.
eyephone said:
Debate about the issues you like this candidate or what not. But when a person makes fun of a race. It crosses the line. Show me in the Bible that this is okay to make fun of a race. I don?t think you can. So you dance around the issue and make a blanket statement. Sounds kind of fake to me. You should also hide behind the first amendment too.

So you can't tolerate racism. Me neither. But are you all that perfect? Sure, I don't cross the line "externally." But what about our inside while we might not say racists jokes on the outside? Are we all perfectly loving everyone equally? I can't say that for myself. I do think of stereotypical thoughts internally in my mind when I see something even though I might not say it out loud. Which makes me no better than someone who makes fun of racist jokes externally. I see my sinful nature again and again. Thus I repent. I long to be that perfect inside also. Are you all that perfect?
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Debate about the issues you like this candidate or what not. But when a person makes fun of a race. It crosses the line. Show me in the Bible that this is okay to make fun of a race. I don?t think you can. So you dance around the issue and make a blanket statement. Sounds kind of fake to me. You should also hide behind the first amendment too.

So you can't tolerate racism. Me neither. But are you all that perfect? Sure, I don't cross the line "externally." But what about our inside while we might not say racists jokes on the outside? Are we all perfectly loving everyone equally? I can't say that for myself. I do think of stereotypical thoughts internally in my mind when I see something even though I might not say it out loud. Which makes me no better than someone who makes fun of racist jokes externally. I see my sinful nature again and again. Thus I repent. I long to be that perfect inside also. Are you all that perfect?

I?m not perfect. I never said I was. But I will stand up for what is correct. That?s what the Bible says to do. I do t need another member to agree with me. (A lot of people didn?t agree with Jesus and he was hated. You can do the same.)
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
Ok, so I actually took time to read this thread from page 1 and read up to about 5 and lost interests. Seems like morekaos started this thread to just have some entertainment purposes only and somehow it got into another political thread GOP vs. Dems. The exact reason why I don't like to follow these threads since they're all just arguing each other with un-absolute bases. I like to spend time on what's absolute and stick to that. Sorry guys, but both Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians (is that how you spell?), or whatever are all far from being absolutely right. But you can keep voting for what you think is "less worse" if you know what I mean.

I personally don't see hatred was the original intention here. But it sparked out of contents within the contents within the contents. But that's what political junkies do anyways..

So is it normal to talk about black faces, or talk about other races not in a positive way?
Also, read why he started this thread. Keyword: shallow

Is that what morekaos did though? Well, I can't fully know what's in his mind since only God knows someone's heart.

But as far as how "I" saw it, he wasn't really talking about blackface in a negative way, but showing how people get political over things that even their own side of the party do the same jokes while making such huge deals when the other party does it. How people get political and hypocritical for both GOP and Dems. I think that was the original intention of this thread. (which is also deeply political in a way BTW)

Now to answer your question, is it OK to talk about other races in a negative way? No, it's not OK. To borrow from the biblical example, most church leaders were very racist in the beginning. Peter makes a pretty remarkable racist comment, saying unlawful to associate with a non-Jew, over the Italian Cohort, Cornelius in Acts 10. God though kept saying (even from the OT) that everyone, no matter what the races they are, to be treated well since all are God's creations. Peter learned that lesson here. Regardless, it took quite a bit of time for even Christian leaders at the time to get out of their racism to love other nations as God's children. So being racist or even making negative jokes on other races is not really what God would approve, but we being humans, will keep failing and failing. Though if you're a real Christian, you will have a longing heart to be not failing but be right as God is, over and over again.

Back to morekaos' intention. I don't know if he was being shallow or not. But I can see he was making fun of Democrats for sure. You could be right. Maybe he was being fake and made it sound like a shallow thing while deeply saying bad things to others. Maybe you're wrong. Maybe he's clean. I don't know. But racism? No, that's wrong for sure.

We?re they correct in being racist? You can do the same but don?t be surprised if someone calls you a fake Christian or a fake Catholic.
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Debate about the issues you like this candidate or what not. But when a person makes fun of a race. It crosses the line. Show me in the Bible that this is okay to make fun of a race. I don?t think you can. So you dance around the issue and make a blanket statement. Sounds kind of fake to me. You should also hide behind the first amendment too.

So you can't tolerate racism. Me neither. But are you all that perfect? Sure, I don't cross the line "externally." But what about our inside while we might not say racists jokes on the outside? Are we all perfectly loving everyone equally? I can't say that for myself. I do think of stereotypical thoughts internally in my mind when I see something even though I might not say it out loud. Which makes me no better than someone who makes fun of racist jokes externally. I see my sinful nature again and again. Thus I repent. I long to be that perfect inside also. Are you all that perfect?

I?m not perfect. I never said I was. But I will stand up for what is correct. That?s what the Bible says to do. I do t need another member to agree with me. (A lot of people didn?t agree with Jesus and he was hated. You can do the same.)

Your passion for standing up for what's correct is admirable. I really mean that. However, I think you need to understand the Bible a little more accurately. I apologize if this sounded rude, but I sort of have to say in this way since now I know you're a Christian.

First, we need to stand up for the truth of the gospel, not for what's politically or even morally correct. Don't get me wrong here. We should surely live a life that is moral and correct. No doubt. But the thing we need to stand up for is not those things. We need to stand up for the proclamation of saying Jesus is the Christ (Messiah, Savior). Even when anyone, power, or even laws prohibit us to stand up for it, we need to do so.

Secondly, we also need to stand up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. Those are usually the weak people like the poor, needy, widows, foreigners, etc. If anyone speaks racist comment on a certain ethnicity, that ethnicity people these days are well and fully equipped to speak up for themselves especially on forums like this. You don't need to defend them, although your action is still admirable like I said. But it's kind of wrong application to use the Bible verses and say you're standing up for those. You're definitely standing up for your political agenda, but it's a little different than the biblical context in my opinion.

Please correct me by your explanations if you think I'm wrong.
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
Ok, so I actually took time to read this thread from page 1 and read up to about 5 and lost interests. Seems like morekaos started this thread to just have some entertainment purposes only and somehow it got into another political thread GOP vs. Dems. The exact reason why I don't like to follow these threads since they're all just arguing each other with un-absolute bases. I like to spend time on what's absolute and stick to that. Sorry guys, but both Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians (is that how you spell?), or whatever are all far from being absolutely right. But you can keep voting for what you think is "less worse" if you know what I mean.

I personally don't see hatred was the original intention here. But it sparked out of contents within the contents within the contents. But that's what political junkies do anyways..

So is it normal to talk about black faces, or talk about other races not in a positive way?
Also, read why he started this thread. Keyword: shallow

Is that what morekaos did though? Well, I can't fully know what's in his mind since only God knows someone's heart.

But as far as how "I" saw it, he wasn't really talking about blackface in a negative way, but showing how people get political over things that even their own side of the party do the same jokes while making such huge deals when the other party does it. How people get political and hypocritical for both GOP and Dems. I think that was the original intention of this thread. (which is also deeply political in a way BTW)

Now to answer your question, is it OK to talk about other races in a negative way? No, it's not OK. To borrow from the biblical example, most church leaders were very racist in the beginning. Peter makes a pretty remarkable racist comment, saying unlawful to associate with a non-Jew, over the Italian Cohort, Cornelius in Acts 10. God though kept saying (even from the OT) that everyone, no matter what the races they are, to be treated well since all are God's creations. Peter learned that lesson here. Regardless, it took quite a bit of time for even Christian leaders at the time to get out of their racism to love other nations as God's children. So being racist or even making negative jokes on other races is not really what God would approve, but we being humans, will keep failing and failing. Though if you're a real Christian, you will have a longing heart to be not failing but be right as God is, over and over again.

Back to morekaos' intention. I don't know if he was being shallow or not. But I can see he was making fun of Democrats for sure. You could be right. Maybe he was being fake and made it sound like a shallow thing while deeply saying bad things to others. Maybe you're wrong. Maybe he's clean. I don't know. But racism? No, that's wrong for sure.

We?re they correct in being racist? You can do the same but don?t be surprised if someone calls you a fake Christian or a fake Catholic.

No, them being racist, thinking only the Circumcision or the Jews were in favor of God was not correct. They were wrong and God let them know so. That's the whole reason why the NT is written in Greek, not Aramaic.

Like you, I don't really care if anyone calls me fake nor agree with me. I'm not looking for a fan or a follower. I'm just saying (or trying to say) the Bible as is. I do joke around also lots of times as you can tell.
And I thought this thread couldn?t get more ironic.

I?ve tried to explain but it doesn?t work.

You know what I consider sort of racist? When someone calls certain groups of people ?brothers? or ?amigos?.

PS Hate <> Snowflake
irvinehomeowner said:
And I thought this thread couldn?t get more ironic.

I?ve tried to explain but it doesn?t work.

You know what I consider sort of racist? When someone calls certain groups of people ?brothers? or ?amigos?.

PS Hate <> Snowflake

1. Read the first page of the thread.
2. Far right websites try to normalize hatred. How many times did Morecas drop articles about black faces?
3. I guess it comes down to the way you were raised and brought up.
4. At the end I?m not surprised. Now I know why he made that comment about that franchise. Because of the type of people that go there. But someone needs to tell him all races go there.

Iho you can hate all you want. (People hated Jesus too) But I will stand up and fight against hatred something what the Bible says to do. Maybe you haven?t read the Bible or was never taught about it. So everything I have said doesn?t mean anything to you.
2 Samuel 10:12 Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.
eyephone said:
Iho you can hate all you want. (People hated Jesus too) But I will stand up and fight against hatred something what the Bible says to do. Maybe you haven?t read the Bible or was never taught about it. So everything I have said doesn?t mean anything to you.

Deuteronomy 20:1 ?When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you.
lock him up
lock him up
lock him up

I love seeing chants get twisted back at the asshole who started it.

zubs said:
lock him up
lock him up
lock him up

I love seeing chants get twisted back at the asshole who started it.

The image of Nationals players wearing MAGA hats at the White House was like pouring hot coals on Trump's opponents.
Liar Loan said:
zubs said:
lock him up
lock him up
lock him up

I love seeing chants get twisted back at the asshole who started it.

The image of Nationals players wearing MAGA hats at the White House was like pouring hot coals on Trump's opponents.

But but the Nationals fan boo?d Trump twice.
1. When trump went to the National game
2. When the Nationals were playing away. The Nationals fans were watching the game at the National?s Stadium. A Trump commercial played and there were many boos.

I call it like how I see it. You can say but Trump was in DC where there are a bunch of Dems.
George W Bush a former Republican President went to throw out the first pitch at Yankees Stadium which is in NY like totally democrat. (People were cheering President Bush and chanting USA-USA) Look it up on YouTube if you don?t believe me.

You see the contrast
I'm a trump supporter
I support him going to jail

I might vote for him in 2020 because I like some of his policies, but he really is a criminal. 
Criminals can still do some things right.
eyephone said:
Liar Loan said:
zubs said:
lock him up
lock him up
lock him up

I love seeing chants get twisted back at the asshole who started it.

The image of Nationals players wearing MAGA hats at the White House was like pouring hot coals on Trump's opponents.

But but the Nationals fan boo?d Trump twice.
1. When trump went to the National game
2. When the Nationals were playing away. The Nationals fans were watching the game at the National?s Stadium. A Trump commercial played and there were many boos.

I call it like how I see it. You can say but Trump was in DC where there are a bunch of Dems.
George W Bush a former Republican President went to throw out the first pitch at Yankees Stadium which is in NY like totally democrat. (People were cheering President Bush and chanting USA-USA) Look it up on YouTube if you don?t believe me.

You see the contrast

The Bush first pitch was right after 9/11, correct?  That was one of the least partisan moments in recent history, so not really a fair comparison.

I'm fine with members of the establishment DC swamp booing Trump.  It simply reaffirms that he is getting the job done to the millions of swing state voters that were watching live on TV.  It warms my heart.

zubs said:
I'm a trump supporter
I support him going to jail

I might vote for him in 2020 because I like some of his policies, but he really is a criminal. 
Criminals can still do some things right.

I'm curious... Did you feel similarly about Hillary?