Presidential Elections

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An aide has been fired after President Trump took the stage at a Turning Point USA event earlier this week in front of a doctored presidential seal that featured pro-Russian imagery and said ?45 is a puppet.?

White House spokesman Judd Deere told the Associated Press officials "never saw the seal" before it was projected on a screen behind Trump as he was introduced Tuesday at Turning Point USA's teen summit. The altered seal appeared on the projector screen for at least 80 seconds behind Trump before it was taken down, the Washington Times reported.

Turning Point USA, a conservative group that has been aligned with Trump, announced Thursday that the aide responsible for the supposedly accidental mix-up has since been fired.

Turning Point USA claimed that, in haste, a member of the video team searched for a high-resolution file of the presidential seal and did not realize that the image was doctored before placing it on the screen behind Trump.

?We?re sorry for the mix-up and meant no disrespect to the White House or the President or the advance team,? the nonprofit told CNN. Turning Point USA insisted they had ?zero malicious intent? in the switch.

My comment: Shouldn?t someone from the advance team screen the projection slide? This was a friendly organization to the President and they did this to him.

Liberals Strategy Beginning to Fail

From the pioneers of collectivism like Karl Marx and Franz Boas to their spiritual descendants like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, liberals have always used the same trick that has served them well for over a century and a half:

Dupe the ignorant masses with free stuff and harness their gratitude to empower and enrich the elite.

For the first time in the history of liberals, this time tested strategy is starting to fail.

Ordinary people in America willingly voted for Trump knowing they would get less free stuff because their dignity is more important.

Ordinary people in the UK willingly voted for Brexit knowing they would suffer economically because they felt the sacrifice was necessary to regain their liberty.

There are just two of many current examples of people no longer willing to be bought by liberals for free stuff.

Historically, Liberals have no other trick than the free stuff trick so they are now getting desperate doing things like doubling down on the free stuff or going all in on identity politics hoping the future demographic tide breaks their way.

The world is starting to wake up.
Happiness said:
Liberals Tricks Not Working Anymore

From the pioneers of collectivism like Karl Marx and Franz Boaz to their spiritual descendants like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, liberals have always used the same trick that has served them well for over a century and a half:

Dupe the ignorant masses with free stuff and harness their gratitude to empower and enrich the elite.

For the first time in the history of liberals, this time tested strategy is starting to fail.

Ordinary people in America willingly voted for Trump knowing they would get less free stuff because their dignity is more important.

Ordinary people in the UK willingly voted for Brexit knowing they would suffer economically because they felt the sacrifice was necessary to regain their liberty.

There are just two of many current examples of people no longer willing to be bought by liberals for free stuff.

Historically, Liberals have no other trick than the free stuff trick so they are now getting desperate doing things like doubling down on the free stuff or going all in on identity politics hoping the future demographic tide breaks their way.

The world is starting to wake up.

Sorry Brexit is like a complete failure!
(I don?t want to say it, but some people blame the weather that voting day. That?s what I hear.)

I don?t want to get involve with another country politics because I don?t live there. But it seems they can?t agree in parliament.
Bernie Sanders to hold rally Tuesday at Long Beach City College

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will be making a campaign stop at Long Beach City College Tuesday evening for a rally as part of a larger visit through Southern California.

Sanders also plans to talk about what he considers to be a corrupt economic system that plays out at the local level.

The problem of people living paycheck to paycheck resonates in the city of Long Beach, the spokesman said.

In light of the latest wave of mass shootings experienced by the country over the weekend, Sanders is also likely to talk about his two-prong approach to end gun violence.

Sanders believes in regulating assault weapons and combating ?the rise of violent white supremacist extremism.?

White supremacy is the notion that white people are superior and therefore should dominate other races.

The Long Beach rally will mark the end of a two-day trip in Southern California that begins with a town hall with immigrant workers in San Diego Monday evening, followed a roundtable discussion on affordable housing in Northridge on Tuesday.

I played football when I was younger.  I'm pretty sure I lost precious brain cells from that experience.  Shit catches up with you.  Now every time my brain takes a shit, I think about M. Ali talking like a retard and how I shouldn't have allowed so much trauma to my head.

Regarding Bernie Sanders.  I use to listen to him on AM 790.  He had a Q&A portion with the host.  He is well spoken and had these great ideas, but I do remember one time he started talking communist ideas, and that totally turned me off.

zubs said:
I played football when I was younger.  I'm pretty sure I lost precious brain cells from that experience.  Shit catches up with you.  Now every time my brain takes a shit, I think about M. Ali talking like a retard and how I shouldn't have allowed so much trauma to my head.

Regarding Bernie Sanders.  I use to listen to him on AM 790.  He had a Q&A portion with the host.  He is well spoken and had these great ideas, but I do remember one time he started talking communist ideas, and that totally turned me off.

That?s good to know regarding football. Let?s say there are many NFL players that are big time that will not let their kids play the sport. (from the articles I read and interviews on the radio)

Bernie will fight for the common guy. Something that Trump has said before, but his actions is far from what he said.
High school ball is taught differently today.  Leading with your head to block and tackle is gone.  Concussion protocols are strict and enforced, but that is a totally different topic.
My neurosurgeon uncle tells me any head trauma is bad and makes you dumber.  Of course he's a pussy, but I kind of believe him.  There is no way I would put my kids in any sport with head trauma.  He said don't play soccer because of heading the ball.
Bloomberg Article: MAGA Bomber? Gets 20 Years, Says He Read Trump on Self-Help

The Florida man who mailed pipe bombs to critics of President Donald Trump was sentenced to 20 years in prison on Monday, the day after back-to-back mass shootings sparked a fierce national debate over the impact of incendiary political speech.

Cesar Altieri Sayoc, who plastered his van with pro-Trump messages and the faces of Hillary Clinton and others in crosshairs, sent a wave of fear across the U.S. for two weeks in October, targeting Barack Obama, Joe Biden, CNN and others -- 13 in all. None of the bombs went off, and Sayoc?s lawyers argued their client didn?t mean them to.

?While Mr. Sayoc was no firearms expert, he was perfectly capable of concocting pipe bombs that were capable of exploding,? said U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff in Manhattan, rejecting the government?s request for a life sentence. ?He hated his victims, he wished them no good, but he was not so lost as to wish them dead, at least by his own hand.?

Trump?s ?rhetoric? may have spurred Sayoc on, Amelkin said, referring to studies showing a spike in hate crimes in areas where Trump has held rallies. Rakoff questioned the link, noting that ?correlation and causation? are two different things.

?Sayoc?s domestic terrorism challenged our nation?s cherished tradition of peaceful political discourse,? Geoffrey Berman, the U.S. attorney in Manhattan, said in a statement.

Sayoc ?found light in Donald J. Trump,? they wrote. He ?found the sense of community that he had been missing for so many years.?

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jane Kim said in court that Sayoc ?created a climate of terror? across the country and that a 10-year sentence would be less than a year for each of the bombs he mailed.

My comment: He created terror and fear during that period of time. I remember that I received a fed ex package at the time and I was like oh crap. Lol Maybe I over reacted but no one knew what is going on until after they caught that mofo.
I?m glad that guy is locked up..
Remember when Perspective made the racist comment that the MAGA bomber had to be a fat, balding, white man?

Our anti-bigotry activist is himself a bigot.  So sad...
Liar Loan said:
Remember when Perspective made the racist comment that the MAGA bomber had to be a fat, balding, white man?

Our anti-bigotry activist is himself a bigot.  So sad...

Another excuse. Come to think of it. You compared the Maga bomber to the clock boy. Lol
eyephone said:
Liar Loan said:
Remember when Perspective made the racist comment that the MAGA bomber had to be a fat, balding, white man?

Our anti-bigotry activist is himself a bigot.  So sad...

Another excuse. Come to think of it. You compared the Maga bomber to the clock boy. Lol

Or this white supremacist, Alt right, gun loving,  Trumpster....oh wait he was a far left, Liz Warren supporting, gun control advocate, global warming eco warrior...uhhhh forget it....Squirll!

Dayton shooter Connor Betts described himself as a 'leftist' who hated Trump, wanted Elizabeth Warren for president and was PRO-gun control, his now-suspended social media accounts show

Connor Betts, 24, described himself as a 'leftist', according to his suspended Twitter account
The account was removed on Sunday shortly after he gunned down nine people, including his sister, in Dayton, Ohio
The Twitter account regularly retweeted extreme left-wing posts and bemoaned the election of President Donald Trump 
His social media posts often showed support for Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren as he called for a 'revolution' against the rich
Just hours before the Dayton shooting, he retweeted posts in support of gun control and liked several tweets about the massacre in El Paso, Texas
Moscow Morekas get over it and make LB great.

morekaos said:
eyephone said:
Liar Loan said:
Remember when Perspective made the racist comment that the MAGA bomber had to be a fat, balding, white man?

Our anti-bigotry activist is himself a bigot.  So sad...

Another excuse. Come to think of it. You compared the Maga bomber to the clock boy. Lol

Or this white supremacist, Alt right, gun loving,  Trumpster....oh wait he was a far left, Liz Warren supporting, gun control advocate, global warming eco warrior...uhhhh forget it....Squirll!

Dayton shooter Connor Betts described himself as a 'leftist' who hated Trump, wanted Elizabeth Warren for president and was PRO-gun control, his now-suspended social media accounts show

Connor Betts, 24, described himself as a 'leftist', according to his suspended Twitter account
The account was removed on Sunday shortly after he gunned down nine people, including his sister, in Dayton, Ohio
The Twitter account regularly retweeted extreme left-wing posts and bemoaned the election of President Donald Trump 
His social media posts often showed support for Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren as he called for a 'revolution' against the rich
Just hours before the Dayton shooting, he retweeted posts in support of gun control and liked several tweets about the massacre in El Paso, Texas
eyephone said:
That fool was on infinite chat with all the right wings. All your puke that you post is garbage.

Pick up the trash!

So you are saying it is untrue?  A commie plot?  A Macedonian troll farm plant?
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
That fool was on infinite chat with all the right wings. All your puke that you post is garbage.

Pick up the trash!

So you are saying it is untrue?  A commie plot?  A Macedonian troll farm plant?

I?m sure you went on infinite chat. Lol
Get out of here. Pick up the trash!
The main point is that guy was a nut job and had access to a gun

morekaos said:
No, thats a Daily Mail article...very mainstream, even CNN had to admit this, that had to hurt.

Dayton shooter appeared to tweet extreme left views

(CNN)A Twitter account that appears to belong to Dayton mass shooter Connor Betts retweeted extreme left-wing and anti-police posts, as well as tweets supporting Antifa, or anti-fascist, protesters.