Presidential Elections

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irvinehomeowner said:
Who else other than Kings thinks that Trump has so much of this so-called charisma?

morekaos? LiarLoan? Bueller?

I know you didn't ask me but I find him to be extremely repulsive. The way he speaks is brash, and makes him sound like moron. The morals he espouses are in conflict with my own. I think he makes our country look terrible on the world stage.

I won't comment on physical attractiveness because although that is definitely an element of charisma I try not to judge people harshly based on how they look.
read that news story on that border patrol secret facebook group -- very similar to the mindset and tactics of many of the trump conservatives here.  "strong man"  characteristics are actually a feature for his followers , not a bug. 

where is that poll of trump supporters where a significant portion were willing to suspend democracy if it meant keeping trump in charge

fortune11 said:
read that news story on that border patrol secret facebook group -- very similar to the mindset and tactics of many of the trump conservatives here.  "strong man"  characteristics are actually a feature for his followers , not a bug. 

where is that poll of trump supporters where a significant portion were willing to suspend democracy if it meant keeping trump in charge

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says Detained Migrants Were Told to Drink Toilet Water
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused U.S. border agents of conducting a program of ?psychological warfare? against detained migrants who were told to drink water from toilets if they were thirsty.

The New York Democrat?s comments on Twitter came amid a report Monday that border agents used a secret Facebook group to share lewd posts about Ocasio-Cortez and at least one other Democratic lawmaker as well as racist comments about migrants.

?Just left the 1st CBP facility. I see why CBP officers were being so physically & sexually threatening towards me. Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,? Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, referring to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

eyephone said:
fortune11 said:
read that news story on that border patrol secret facebook group -- very similar to the mindset and tactics of many of the trump conservatives here.  "strong man"  characteristics are actually a feature for his followers , not a bug. 

where is that poll of trump supporters where a significant portion were willing to suspend democracy if it meant keeping trump in charge

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says Detained Migrants Were Told to Drink Toilet Water
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused U.S. border agents of conducting a program of ?psychological warfare? against detained migrants who were told to drink water from toilets if they were thirsty.

The New York Democrat?s comments on Twitter came amid a report Monday that border agents used a secret Facebook group to share lewd posts about Ocasio-Cortez and at least one other Democratic lawmaker as well as racist comments about migrants.

?Just left the 1st CBP facility. I see why CBP officers were being so physically & sexually threatening towards me. Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,? Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, referring to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

@Mety is this right?
This is not US values to treat a fellow being like trash.
The US has a long history of generosity towards genuine refugees. I was here and saw with my own eyes the incredible effort by the staff at Camp Pendleton and the City of Oceanside to take in thousands of South Vietnamese escaping Communism, on just a few weeks notice.  The difference is that South Vietnamese from Vietnam, Jews from the Soviet Union, etc. sought our permission to come, and were not part of organized mass migrations seeking to crash the gates.
Happiness said:
The US has a long history of generosity towards genuine refugees. I was here and saw with my own eyes the incredible effort by the staff at Camp Pendleton and the City of Oceanside to take in thousands of South Vietnamese escaping Communism, on just a few weeks notice.  The difference is that South Vietnamese from Vietnam, Jews from the Soviet Union, etc. sought our permission to come, and were not part of organized mass migrations seeking to crash the gates.

Regarding your story in the US. Did they drink from toilet water?
eyephone said:
fortune11 said:
read that news story on that border patrol secret facebook group -- very similar to the mindset and tactics of many of the trump conservatives here.  "strong man"  characteristics are actually a feature for his followers , not a bug. 

where is that poll of trump supporters where a significant portion were willing to suspend democracy if it meant keeping trump in charge

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says Detained Migrants Were Told to Drink Toilet Water
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused U.S. border agents of conducting a program of ?psychological warfare? against detained migrants who were told to drink water from toilets if they were thirsty.

The New York Democrat?s comments on Twitter came amid a report Monday that border agents used a secret Facebook group to share lewd posts about Ocasio-Cortez and at least one other Democratic lawmaker as well as racist comments about migrants.

?Just left the 1st CBP facility. I see why CBP officers were being so physically & sexually threatening towards me. Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,? Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, referring to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Agents feared riots, armed themselves because of dire conditions at migrant facility, DHS report says

The government?s own internal watchdog warned as far back as May that conditions at an El Paso, Texas, border station were so bad that border agents were arming themselves against possible riots, countering Friday?s assertion by a top Trump administration official that reports of poor conditions for migrants were ?unsubstantiated.?

In an internal report prepared by the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General and obtained by NBC News, inspectors noted during a May 7 tour of a border station in the El Paso sector that only four showers were available for 756 immigrants, more than half of the immigrants were being held outside, and immigrants inside were being kept in cells maxed out at more than five times their capacity.

Congress passed a bill last week that would increase space at ICE and HHS facilities to alleviate the overcrowding. But the DHS internal report shows that the poor conditions, particularly in the El Paso sector, had been flagged as dangerous by investigators at least as far back as May 16, when the report was transmitted.

Some of the conditions, such as a lack of showers or clean clothes for detainees, are not dependent on more funding for detention space elsewhere.

The report also included interviews with CBP agents at the Paso Del Norte border station in El Paso, where morale was in sharp decline. The agents had concerns that the conditions would lead to riots or hunger strikes by migrants. Some agents were looking to retire early or move to another agency.

"The current situation where immigrants are simply giving themselves up to the border patrol [and border patrol must detain] is causing low morale and high anxiety. They are seeing more drinking, domestic violence and financial problems among their agents," the report said.

DHS did not respond to a request for comment.

faaaake news!

Hispanic pastors tour border facility lambasted by AOC and say they are ?shocked by misinformation?

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez was "full of indignation" when he saw the reports and heard from politicians about the deplorable and inhumane conditions for illegal immigrants at an El Paso County, Texas migrant detention center. But what he saw at the same facility toured by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. with a group of pastors was "drastically different."

The president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the world's largest Hispanic Christian organization, and senior pastor of New Seasons Christian Worship Center in Sacramento shared his firsthand experience touring a migrant detention center during a press briefing Monday.

?I read the reports, saw the news clips. I just wanted to see what was actually happening in order to better enable our efforts to find a fair and a just solution to our broken immigration system," Rodriguez, who has advised President Trump and both Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush on immigration reform, noted. ?To my surprise, I saw something drastically different from the stories I?ve been hearing in our national discourse. Even as a veteran of immigration advocacy in the U.S., I was shocked at the misinformation of the crisis at the border."

The group of pastors saw a very different picture described by Ocasio-Cortez and other politicians and media outlets.

?We found no soiled diapers, no deplorable conditions and no lack of basic necessities,? Rodriguez remarked, adding he specifically asked border agents if they staged the facility in response to the negative press. ?They unequivocally denied it ? we were witnessing the identical conditions the attorneys saw when they toured the facility days earlier."

In fact, some told him the sources from whom the negative coverage originated ?never toured the areas of the facility that we toured? and speculated they might have had political motivations.

The pastors left encouraged by the commitment and dedication of America?s Border Patrol and immigration officers, ?many of which are Latinos, by the way.? He said one emotional Border Patrol agent turned to him and said, referring to the vilification: ?Pastor Sam, what they?re saying about us is completely false. We care about these kids and have a passion for our calling.?

ps. here is your "toilet" that they're being forced to drink out of.  standard at every municipal jail in the united states.


aoc is being dramatic like usual  ::) ::)

eyephone said:
Happiness said:
The US has a long history of generosity towards genuine refugees. I was here and saw with my own eyes the incredible effort by the staff at Camp Pendleton and the City of Oceanside to take in thousands of South Vietnamese escaping Communism, on just a few weeks notice.  The difference is that South Vietnamese from Vietnam, Jews from the Soviet Union, etc. sought our permission to come, and were not part of organized mass migrations seeking to crash the gates.

Regarding your story in the US. Did they drink from toilet water?

Many  orange county boomers are living in their own bubble and air brushing the past to create a happy reality for themselves ...

I know some folks (some of my older age clients) - with proper oc tan / generally out of shape / love golf --- who take  drudge and breitbart caricatures of AOC seriously and cant see past it for the reality of the situation ..
fortune11 said:
eyephone said:
Happiness said:
The US has a long history of generosity towards genuine refugees. I was here and saw with my own eyes the incredible effort by the staff at Camp Pendleton and the City of Oceanside to take in thousands of South Vietnamese escaping Communism, on just a few weeks notice.  The difference is that South Vietnamese from Vietnam, Jews from the Soviet Union, etc. sought our permission to come, and were not part of organized mass migrations seeking to crash the gates.

Regarding your story in the US. Did they drink from toilet water?

Many  orange county boomers are living in their own bubble and air brushing the past to create a happy reality for themselves ...

I know some folks (some of my older age clients) - with proper oc tan / generally out of shape / love golf --- who take  drudge and breitbart caricatures of AOC seriously and cant see past it for the reality of the situation ..

Look what I found. Memo from the Office of Inspector General. Check out the memo it states the danger over crowding conditions. This report mention there is water available. But AOC went on a different date and location.

FYI the memo is linked in the nbc article. (Link below)
The reality is that the hordes of migrants rushing the border are not refugees.

Remember the outrage from the Left about the picture of the drowned dad and toddler? You wan't to know why that story has vanished from the news? It is because the dad's mother admitted her son was no refugee:

"The area has had problems with gang violence but these days it?s calm, she said, adding that he never had any problems with gangs ? they left for economic reasons.
Ram?rez said that she had given them the big room in the two-bedroom house, but they dreamed of saving money for a place of their own and that drove the family to head for the United States in early April.
?I told him, ?Son, don?t go. But if you do go, leave me the girl,?? Ram?rez said."

The Cubans did not flee to American because they wanted a bigger house. The Jews did not flee to American because they wanted to drive a better car. The Vietnamese did not flee to America to wear fancier clothes. Real refugees came to escape oppression. The migrants storming the border just want money.
Compressed-Village said:
Trump Administration Sends Out Notices Of $500,000 Fines For Those In U.S. Illegally

This will go well. Yup they gonna collect every cents of it.


intention is not to collect - it's the opening move in order to use the law in its full capacity to solve our illegal immigrant problem.  nobody looks at $100 billion lawsuits and thinks they're actually going to collect on them.
Not fake. Read the inspector general report.

Kings said:
faaaake news!

Hispanic pastors tour border facility lambasted by AOC and say they are ?shocked by misinformation?

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez was "full of indignation" when he saw the reports and heard from politicians about the deplorable and inhumane conditions for illegal immigrants at an El Paso County, Texas migrant detention center. But what he saw at the same facility toured by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. with a group of pastors was "drastically different."

The president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the world's largest Hispanic Christian organization, and senior pastor of New Seasons Christian Worship Center in Sacramento shared his firsthand experience touring a migrant detention center during a press briefing Monday.

?I read the reports, saw the news clips. I just wanted to see what was actually happening in order to better enable our efforts to find a fair and a just solution to our broken immigration system," Rodriguez, who has advised President Trump and both Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush on immigration reform, noted. ?To my surprise, I saw something drastically different from the stories I?ve been hearing in our national discourse. Even as a veteran of immigration advocacy in the U.S., I was shocked at the misinformation of the crisis at the border."

The group of pastors saw a very different picture described by Ocasio-Cortez and other politicians and media outlets.

?We found no soiled diapers, no deplorable conditions and no lack of basic necessities,? Rodriguez remarked, adding he specifically asked border agents if they staged the facility in response to the negative press. ?They unequivocally denied it ? we were witnessing the identical conditions the attorneys saw when they toured the facility days earlier."

In fact, some told him the sources from whom the negative coverage originated ?never toured the areas of the facility that we toured? and speculated they might have had political motivations.

The pastors left encouraged by the commitment and dedication of America?s Border Patrol and immigration officers, ?many of which are Latinos, by the way.? He said one emotional Border Patrol agent turned to him and said, referring to the vilification: ?Pastor Sam, what they?re saying about us is completely false. We care about these kids and have a passion for our calling.?

ps. here is your "toilet" that they're being forced to drink out of.  standard at every municipal jail in the united states.


aoc is being dramatic like usual  ::) ::)

eyephone said:
Not fake. Read the inspector general report.

you said yourself that the oig report you linked is not the facility aoc toured.  my article describes the same facility aoc toured.

faaaake news!
Kings said:
eyephone said:
Not fake. Read the inspector general report.

you said yourself that the oig report you linked is not the facility aoc toured.  my article describes the same facility aoc toured.

faaaake news!

Not a good report. That?s why Congress is taking action.
Where?s the M guy? He says he?s from LA. But like never mentions anything about LA. (I know LA like the back of my hand) It makes a person think is he even real.
Just like the star.  ;)
Don?t forget we are classy according to him. Lol

irvinehomeowner said:
Who else other than Kings thinks that Trump has so much of this so-called charisma?

morekaos? LiarLoan? Bueller?

Of course Trump has charisma.  It's why he's been a celebrity since the 1980's, had hit TV shows, movie appearances, multiple Howard Stern interviews, and he obliterated Republicans like Jeb! and Rand Paul who were charisma-deficient. 

It's why all the cable news channels continue to give him unprecedented free coverage, both during, and especially after, his election.  It's why he is the single most popular topic on Talk Irvine (more than real estate), commanding 4-5 threads discussing his accomplishments. 

You guys love to hate Trump, but you just can't get enough of him.  That is charisma.
