Presidential Elections

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Get ready to laugh..


Sorry Iran is not our friend. Not at all. (a joke!)

Trump is so concerned about the wall. But North Korea is shooting misssles like it?s fireworks or something. Lol
Iran is shooting down our state of the art and best in the world drone. Btw the drone is not cheap! Send Iran an invoice for the drone they shot down.

eyephone said:
Maybe we should send Iran an invoice for the drone they shot down. It only cost US tax payers $150 million. (Give me a break!) We did nothing in response? Unbelievable!

Kings said:
you're right, let's just send pallets of cash to iran - that makes much more sense!  ;D ;D

How about focusing on the tarrif/trade deal with China? Before thinking about making Iran great. (Iran great are not my words Trump said it not me)

I think a lot of people and business would agree. (They really would)

I?m still waiting for him taking them or buying food from McDonalds like he said on the campaign trail. (Wink)
Royal flush....

Mexico announces it has sent 15,000 soldiers to its U.S. border to detain migrants trying to cross - after deploying 6,000 troops to its southern border to stop the flow

The Mexican army chief revealed Monday that almost 15,000 troops had been dispatched to its border with the United States to stop migrants from crossing
The unit is made up of soldiers and National Guardsmen who have detained migrants who illegally attempt to enter the U.S.
Pressured by President Donald Trump to stop the flow of undocumented immigrants to the U.S., Mexico placed 6,000 soldiers at its southern border
Mexico agreed to reinforce its border with Guatemala after Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Mexican goods if they do not reduce the migrant flow
The deal, struck on June 7, gives Mexico 45 days to show results
question for all you yang-gangers

if yang wins and all citizens get $1k/mo free monies, what happens when all goods and services inevitably increase in cost and illegal aliens can no longer afford to buy food or pay rent and are further pushed into poverty?  is the end goal of the yang gang to actually have illegal aliens self-deport since they can no longer afford to live here?  maybe yang is on to something!
No communist country (to date) has provided universal basic income.  Even under PRC's iron rice bowl system the people were divided between SOE (State owned enterprise) life-long employee and rural collectives where a job is still required.  If you didn't at least show up for work, the supervision committee has ways to deal with you -- but, they couldn't motivate the workers to work harder due to lack of financial incentives.

Today some 90% of UAE citizens (not foreign labor) is employed by the state with generous benefits and tax free income.  Many slackers cruising the system.

Under Andrew Yang's proposal, the $1,000/month is provided regardless of your employment situation.  This is similar to the Alaska Permanent Fund's annual dividend payout (~$1000-$2000/annually).

Some folks cite early examples of Muslim Caliph where every citizen (and child) was provided with 10-20 dirham/year.  However the value of dirham was pegged to a chicken, so in effect the State provided 10-20 chickens/year only.  These examples are really not comparable to $12,000 USD/year in payouts.
I wouldn't look to the Alaskan experience in "free money" as an incentive to try it elsewhere. Their program is asset backed so to speak, tied to oil and it's production thereof. Is it fair then to say that getting $1,000 - $2,000 by quadrupling your carbon footprint is a ever a good thing? Can anyone point to a significant economic benefit to this $75-$150 dollar per month payments from these programs? What resource will be used to create these future free money handouts? Is it sustainable - as the Alaskans (and Norway, for that matter) have thought oil would be?

As it's been said before, the worst thing one might ever hear is "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help". These cash payments have never, nor will ever yield benefits worth sustaining over time. it's pacification of the population with cheap trinkets and shiny objects and not encouraging progress upward.

My .02c
Traditional English Common Law standards of proof:
Preponderance of the Evidence - Evidence at least 51% credible
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt - Evidence at least 90% credible

Modern American post 2016 standards of proof:
Preponderance of the Evidence - Evidence at least 51% credible
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt - Evidence at least 90% credible
Believe the Woman - No evidence necessary
eyephone said:
Maybe we should send Iran an invoice for the drone they shot down. It only cost US tax payers $150 million. (Give me a break!) We did nothing in response? Unbelievable!

OK. And don't kid yourself...we shut off their defense system, just to show them we could.

Cruz bill would use Iran sanctions cash to pay for downed US drone

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, filed legislation Monday that would take hundreds of millions of dollars from frozen Iranian bank accounts and use them to offset the cost of an American military drone that was shot down by Tehran last week.

The proposal, which was first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, would require the Trump administration to asses the cost of the drone, which was believed to be between $120 million and $220 million.

Fox News also has learned Iran shut off some of its military radar sites around the time the U.S. was poised to launch retaliatory strikes. It was not clear if those radar sites were turned off by the cyberattack or if Iran shut them off deliberately in anticipation of this.
Note: For entertainment purposes

That?s good that Ted Cruz wants to charge Iran, but I said first. Maybe he reads my posts on TI. jkjk

Eyephone is an influencer. (Totally right on the midterms and Measure B, Real Estate)
How much money was spent on measure B? A person might possibly say my posts are like worth as much with a 3x multiple.  ;) Jkjk
Actually I also give Belly credit. (aka the Marketing expert)
Two marketing experts or maybe it?s the high IQ. What can I say?

morekaos said:
eyephone said:
Maybe we should send Iran an invoice for the drone they shot down. It only cost US tax payers $150 million. (Give me a break!) We did nothing in response? Unbelievable!

OK. And don't kid yourself...we shut off their defense system, just to show them we could.

Cruz bill would use Iran sanctions cash to pay for downed US drone

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, filed legislation Monday that would take hundreds of millions of dollars from frozen Iranian bank accounts and use them to offset the cost of an American military drone that was shot down by Tehran last week.

The proposal, which was first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, would require the Trump administration to asses the cost of the drone, which was believed to be between $120 million and $220 million.

Fox News also has learned Iran shut off some of its military radar sites around the time the U.S. was poised to launch retaliatory strikes. It was not clear if those radar sites were turned off by the cyberattack or if Iran shut them off deliberately in anticipation of this.
morekaos said:
OK. And don't kid yourself...we shut off their defense system, just to show them we could.

This is why Turkey wants to buy the Russian S-400 air defense system and South Korea uses both the US Patriot and Russian S-300: US made air defense weapons do not work against US planes/missiles and Russian made air defense weapons do not work against Russian planes/missiles. You never know who will attack you so the smart countries have as many defense options as possible.
so many great moments last night

my favorite:

moderator: $1,000 per month for every adult is $3.2 trillion per year - how are you going to do that?

yang: what?

irvinehomeowner said:
Kings said:
so many great moments last night

my favorite:

moderator: $1,000 per month for every adult is $3.2 trillion per year - how are you going to do that?

yang: what?


What was his eventual answer?

doesn't matter because that's all that will make headlines  ;)