Presidential Elections

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And only a real ?Dumbass? gets caught plagiarizing for two different presidential runs. Can?t even learn not to do that and he wants to spend $1.7 trillion dollars of the taxpayers money...who?s the Dumbass now? ;D

Biden campaign says his climate plan failed to cite sources

Former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign amended its climate policy plan
Daily Caller reported that plan contained passages that did not credit sources
Campaign acknowledged leaving out 'several citations'
In 1988, Biden was found to have plagiarized a law school paper
Scandal helped end his failed campaign for Democratic nomination
fortune11 said:
Everyone should watch clips of that press conference with Theresa May with their own eyes to believe what a major league  dumbass we have elected to the White House .

The clown is asking May to abolish NHS (their national health service )  as a part of any bilateral rade deal . But he doesn?t seem to understand what the letters NHS even stands for,  EVEN AFTER she explains it to him right in front of the international press.

Wow , this triggered such an emotional and visceral response in some  .. wait does that make ?em  a SNOW  .... 
Our own little mike Tyson here :) did you end up smashing b your screen or your knuckles with all this counter punching

May I offer some fruit punch as a gentler alternative ...
fortune11 said:
Our own little mike Tyson here :) did you end up smashing b your screen or your knuckles with all this counter punching

May I offer some fruit punch as a gentler alternative ...

I would like happy George Foreman...not so much the angry George Foreman.
No anger here, I am never the one childishly calling anyone names. I never refer to anyone (specifically) as dunderhead, dumb ass, hack, cry baby or any other derogatory or demeaning label, but I could.
I think Trump?s attack of Pelosi will not work.

Let?s do a recap. Trump congratulated Pelosi for being the house leader. Also made compliments to her. Now he is attacking her like nonstop. (It shows weakness and it?s kind of pathetic) ha

Sean Hannity actually said this about Pelosi thinking Trump should be locked up: "She wants a political opponent locked up, in prison? That happens in Banana Republics. Beyond despicable behavior"

Ah yes, I remember that popular chant at Trump rallies. "Lock Nobody Up!" they yelled, famously.
fortune11 said:
Sean Hannity actually said this about Pelosi thinking Trump should be locked up: "She wants a political opponent locked up, in prison? That happens in Banana Republics. Beyond despicable behavior"

Ah yes, I remember that popular chant at Trump rallies. "Lock Nobody Up!" they yelled, famously.

People are waking up. They are seeing the lack of transparency of that network. It?s okay to have news coverage of the campaign, but for the main anchor to be on like the stage campaigning is questionable. [To explain it to the common person. It?s like having the school?s principal campaigning for one of the HS student body president and having it on the school paper. Which is like kind of/totally unfair.]

It?s one thing to have your view and opinion. But to campaign in public and have private talks with the administration to pass their own agenda is another thing.

1. Fox Nation hosts have been campaigning for Republicans in violation of the network's supposed standards


3. Fox News hosts Hannity, Pirro join Trump onstage at campaign rally (This is my favorite!!!!)

It might come down to news reputation like how the LA times uncovered the Wells Fargo issue/scandal. A person might have to ask themself. What has that news/network done for the common person?
Yesterday I turn on the news and I see the acting secretary of defense leaving. Before the senate confirmation process. How about doing a informal background check before selecting the person?

interesting how this will be viewed by the Trumpsters

President Trump on Friday confirmed that the U.S. military was "cocked and loaded" to retaliate against Iran after the country shot down a U.S. surveillance drone, but backed off at the last minute.

In a series of tweets, Trump said he opted not to follow through because he felt the response would not be "proportionate" to the Iranian action. The president said he learned just 10 minutes before the strike that 150 Iranians would die, and decided to call off the mission.
Can't wait for war...

The Fox & Friends morning crew was fired up Friday morning, ditching their usual white sofa for a red-backed war room set to discuss President Trump?s last-minute abandoning of airstrikes against Iran overnight.

Hosts Brian Kilmeade and Ainsley Earhardt were at odds about what the news meant. An unusually dovish Earhardt insisted Trump ?knows more than we do? and that ?something?s happening behind the scenes, there?s a reason he hunkered down.?

Kilmeade instead seemed to goad the president, implying that his hesitance to attack Iran was a weakness. At times almost sounding like he was directly addressing the president, who is known to be a fan of the show, Kilmeade insisted that ?North Korea?s watching. Turkey?s watching. Russia?s watching. China...?

They then brought on a retired general who insisted that Trump was playing checkers with Iran when he should be playing chess. Earhardt repeated the Trump mantra that sanctions on Iran were working and tried to assure the audience that the president surely has a strategy.
Irvinecommuter said:
interesting how this will be viewed by the Trumpsters

President Trump on Friday confirmed that the U.S. military was "cocked and loaded" to retaliate against Iran after the country shot down a U.S. surveillance drone, but backed off at the last minute.

In a series of tweets, Trump said he opted not to follow through because he felt the response would not be "proportionate" to the Iranian action. The president said he learned just 10 minutes before the strike that 150 Iranians would die, and decided to call off the mission.

no war good. trump good. happy friday!
Won't someone think about my Boeing and Raytheon stock? 
150 Iranian lives to help out patriotic AMERICAN companies?  ..a cheap price to pay!
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:
interesting how this will be viewed by the Trumpsters

President Trump on Friday confirmed that the U.S. military was "cocked and loaded" to retaliate against Iran after the country shot down a U.S. surveillance drone, but backed off at the last minute.

In a series of tweets, Trump said he opted not to follow through because he felt the response would not be "proportionate" to the Iranian action. The president said he learned just 10 minutes before the strike that 150 Iranians would die, and decided to call off the mission.

no war good. trump good. happy friday!

In a strategy that only make sense for Trump and Trumpsters:

DUBAI, June 21 (Reuters) - Iranian officials told Reuters on Friday that Tehran had received a message from U.S. President Donald Trump warning that a U.S. attack on Iran was imminent but saying he was against war and wanted talks on a range of issues.

News of the message, delivered through Oman overnight, came shortly after the New York Times said Trump had approved military strikes against Iran on Friday over the downing of a U.S. surveillance drone, but called them off at the last minute.

"In his message, Trump said he was against any war with Iran and wanted to talk to Tehran about various issues," one of the officials told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Maybe we should send Iran an invoice for the drone they shot down. It only cost US tax payers $150 million. (Give me a break!) We did nothing in response? Unbelievable!

Kings said:
you're right, let's just send pallets of cash to iran - that makes much more sense!  ;D ;D

Irvinecommuter said:
interesting how this will be viewed by the Trumpsters

President Trump on Friday confirmed that the U.S. military was "cocked and loaded" to retaliate against Iran after the country shot down a U.S. surveillance drone, but backed off at the last minute.

In a series of tweets, Trump said he opted not to follow through because he felt the response would not be "proportionate" to the Iranian action. The president said he learned just 10 minutes before the strike that 150 Iranians would die, and decided to call off the mission.

I give up... I voted for the next Hitler and he's even failed at that. 

C'mon Trump!  You're supposed to bomb the brown people and make us feel patriotic by showing how bad ass we are!!