Presidential Elections

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eyephone said:
Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort Resigns

Following the Trump campaign is like watching a reality tv show.

Not "like," it is a reality TV show. The Trump team spent the past two days explaining to everyone that this is not a "shake-up," that they were "adding" more "winners" to the team. Why go through all that trouble? It just confirms the perception of the ineptitude endemic to this campaign.
Every time I want a good laugh I watch his comments on YouTube or debates. He might be fit for a comedian role after all this said and done with the election.
Perspective said:
eyephone said:
Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort Resigns

Following the Trump campaign is like watching a reality tv show.

Not "like," it is a reality TV show. The Trump team spent the past two days explaining to everyone that this is not a "shake-up," that they were "adding" more "winners" to the team. Why go through all that trouble? It just confirms the perception of the ineptitude endemic to this campaign.

All this could have been avoided if Trump's people did some due diligence and/or background check.

nosuchreality said:
You don't have to choose between a lying angry narcissistic CEO and a lying corrupt pay for play politician.

Agreed. My political positions align very closely with Johnson's, but he has some extreme ideas that are dealbreakers - one is ending the Fed.

But let's be fair here. Clinton is your typical lying corrupt pay-for-play politician, while Trump is on a whole 'nother level of despicable behavior.
Always two sides to every coin

Stumped by Trump?s success? Take a drive outside US cities

If you drive anywhere in Pennsylvania, from the turnpike to the old US routes to the dirt roads connecting small towns like Hooversville with ?bigger? small towns like Somerset, you might conclude that Donald Trump is ahead in this state by double digits.

Large signs, small signs, homemade signs, signs that wrap around barns, signs that go from one end of a fence to another dot the landscape with such frequency that, if you were playing the old-fashioned road-trip game of counting cows, you would hit 100 in just one small town like this one.

n Ruffsdale, I am pretty sure I saw more than 100 Trump signs.

It?s as if people here have not turned on the television to hear pundits drone on and on about how badly Trump is losing in Pennsylvania.

It?s not just visual: In interview after interview in all corners of the state, I?ve found that Trump?s support across the ideological spectrum remains strong. Democrats, Republicans, independents, people who have not voted in presidential elections for years ? they have not wavered in their support.
I'm just a highfalutin city-fied over-educated pansy from LA. What do I know about Sarah Palin's "Real America"? I don't hunt, fish, nor own a gun, and I'm not a member of an organized religion. I live in a different world.
Your statement reminds me of Pauline Kael's famous quote when Nixon won in '72

?I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don?t know. They?re outside my ken. But sometimes when I?m in a theater I can feel them.?

paydawg said:
morekaos said:
...and we are still a looong way out.  Careful in putting too much faith in the bouncing poll numbers.  As much as I hate the sayin...This time is a bit different.

Is Hillary's bounce deflating? Now she is only three points ahead of Trump in latest national poll

The latest national poll has Hillary Clinton only three points up against Donald Trump after several post-Democratic National Convention surveys had her beating her Republican rival by double-digits.

The new Rasmussen Reports four-way poll has Clinton leading the pack with 43 percent of likely voters supporting her, compared to Trump's 40 percent, which is within the poll's plus-or-minus 3 percent margin of error.

I believe Mondale won 40% of the vote in '84 and still only won 1 state.  1.  Landslide victory for Reagan with less than 60% of the popular vote. 

See what I mean?

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Hillary Clinton?s post-convention lead has disappeared, putting her behind Donald Trump for the first time nationally since mid-July.

The latest weekly Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey shows Trump with 40% support to Clinton?s 39% among Likely U.S. Voters, after Clinton led 42% to 38% a week ago.
Let's not confuse national polls with probability of winning the electoral college and therefore becoming President. The latter is still showing a ~74% chance Clinton would be the next President, if the election were held today.

Trump's probability has doubled from ~13% a couple weeks ago to ~26% today! I'm guessing his low energy odd photo op with the Mexican President yesterday, followed immediately by his HIGH energy bombastic contradictory speech in AZ last night might cause his poll numbers some pain.
I'm not making a prediction. I know how poorly educated and terribly informed we are in the US, much less how bigoted we are. He could very well become President.