Always two sides to every coin
Stumped by Trump?s success? Take a drive outside US cities
If you drive anywhere in Pennsylvania, from the turnpike to the old US routes to the dirt roads connecting small towns like Hooversville with ?bigger? small towns like Somerset, you might conclude that Donald Trump is ahead in this state by double digits.
Large signs, small signs, homemade signs, signs that wrap around barns, signs that go from one end of a fence to another dot the landscape with such frequency that, if you were playing the old-fashioned road-trip game of counting cows, you would hit 100 in just one small town like this one.
n Ruffsdale, I am pretty sure I saw more than 100 Trump signs.
It?s as if people here have not turned on the television to hear pundits drone on and on about how badly Trump is losing in Pennsylvania.
It?s not just visual: In interview after interview in all corners of the state, I?ve found that Trump?s support across the ideological spectrum remains strong. Democrats, Republicans, independents, people who have not voted in presidential elections for years ? they have not wavered in their support.