Presidential Elections

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Speaking of bowing down to their King, did you vote for Kween Kamala in the primary? No? She was installed, not voted in, as if by Divine Right of Succession. Calling The Tang Menace a "King" is rich in comparison to how Kamala has been placed in a position of power by.....not you, not me, not anyone but people in Washington DC. That's where the American Monarchy thrives today. Don't believe me? How did we get two Bush Presidencies, and almost two Clinton Presidencies, but by a class system you and I are not a part of.
Sorry SGIP, I see this from the Reps so much and I think it's so dumb to bring up. Who cares? Reps kept saying Biden was unfit, and now that he's been replaced they are complaining how. I believe there are rules for this and they were followed. Much ado about nothing... esp if the situation were reversed... no one the Rep side would be complaining if Trump had to bow out and Reps got to "install" their candidate of choice.

And you're missing my point... the policy is illegal immigration, by pointing out a specific group and then assigning "pet eating" to that group is not productive at all and muddies the point. It's fear mongering, racist and foil hatting... but... why would I expect Trump to be smart about that, but I think you would... hence why I revoked your voting card. :)
It's unknown if the same thing happened on the R side if we would complain or not. Depends on the how. Someone in Pennsylvania came pretty close to making this happen, but since his aim was off, we will never know, will we?

If Kween Kamala wins the whole thing, you will get the Government you never would wish upon your sworn enemy. We've seen what a UniParty does here in Cali - ideas like $150k home loan subsidies for illegals, not citizens, reduced sentencing guidelines to keep prison costs low at the expense of public safety, keeping gender confused children's information statutorily hidden from their parents, race based quotas in school admissions, limitless illegal immigration, regularizing those already here (line jumping) over those who took the legal pathway to citizenship, a goal of watering down the Supreme Court - just as Roosevelt tried in the 1930's when he couldn't get his way, and other offenses to extreme to print here. If that's the world you wish to grant to your children, your friends, and your neighbors, so it will be. What seemed great for California will now be imposed on the nation.... because, as we know... "Orange Man Bad" and says mean things.
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Establishment Republicans wanted DeSantis to be the nominee. Trump won the primary because Republican primary voters voted their choice. What R's didn't do is elbow Trump out during the primary like the D's did with Bernie Sanders. Yes there are rules but do you really believe people in DC don't know how to game the rules?
It's why people think repubs are retards.
They let a loudmouth conman take over their party.

They should have just nominated desantis or haley.
Then I would have considered voting repub again.
I'm voting for Trump. In the previous three elections, I voted for Obama, Clinton, and Biden. I don't like Trump as a person, but now that I have kids, the Dems agenda doesn't align with my values anymore. Kamala and the Dems are way too far to the left for my liking. I feel Trump and his administration will prioritize kids and family.

Putting the BS aside as neither candidate is very likable...Kamala doesn't have much of a policy on anything and a lot of Trump's policies actually make some sense.
…again, this is a nice discussion but here in Comiefornia…Kackala is king. My vote simply affords me the right to bitch🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸
I'm voting for Trump. In the previous three elections, I voted for Obama, Clinton, and Biden. I don't like Trump as a person, but now that I have kids, the Dems agenda doesn't align with my values anymore. Kamala and the Dems are way too far to the left for my liking. I feel Trump and his administration will prioritize kids and family.

Putting the BS aside as neither candidate is very likable...Kamala doesn't have much of a policy on anything and a lot of Trump's policies actually make some sense.

Trump prioritizes Trump. That's it. Trump doesn't give a shit about kids and family. Trump doesn't give a shit about anything but Trump.
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It's why people think repubs are retards.
They let a loudmouth conman take over their party.

They should have just nominated desantis or haley.
Then I would have considered voting repub again.

We all have a favorite dog in the hunt. Mine was Tulsi Gabbard - wrong on some things, but right enough to vote for her. A real woman to be a real President. Yes, Trump supporters aren't simply rabid zealots all in on the Tang Menace.... She would have been a kick-ass VP nominee as well.

We have to work with what we have, and what we have is a significant choice ahead of us.

PS - No one yet has accepted the challenge of coming up with 3 accomplishments Kween Kamala has ever done. Why is that?

PPS - Spoiler alert: It's a rhetorical question. Everyone already knows the answer. It's in the form of a Disney melody:


Trump prioritizes Trump. That's it. Trump doesn't give a shit about kids and family. Trump doesn't give a shit about anything but Trump.
This always makes me laugh…so Trump is scum, huh? What is Kackala? Virtuous? What is Brandon? Honest? I got news for you…ALL politicians are selfish, greedy narcissists…yours and mine…mine just tow my line better..don’t be naive…be cynical…you will never be disappointed 😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸
After the attempted assassination, a woman was interviewed who said she was sad that the shooter missed. She then said that she was not a hateful person. That person has TDS.
Cool story bro.

Don't think anyone here or even most people feel the same.

No reasonable person wants anyone to die, especially after birth. That's derangement to believe that.

Trump prioritizes Trump. That's it. Trump doesn't give a shit about kids and family. Trump doesn't give a shit about anything but Trump.

While that may be partially true - so does every politician. I'll continue to vote for Trump as long as the left is in favor of handouts for illegals and barring schools from telling parents their kid wants a gender change.

Again, I would've called myself a Democrat prior to 2021, but the party has changed for the worse. It's really sad when all the party has to run on is positioning Trump as a terrible person. I agree he's a terrible person, but he has good policies—some so good that Kamala has to steal the idea (e.g., no tax on tips).
I have the following questions for Harris supporters:
  • Innocent lives are lost daily with the ongoing wars. Negotiations and cease fire talks have been going on for quite some time. Why hasn't any progress been made?
  • How will the 25k homebuyer credit fix the lack of homes? Rates seem to be heading down. I'm sure you all know the word that will come up. Inflation.
  • Tax on unrealized capital gains for individuals with net worth of 100m+. How in the world is that going to be enforced?
  • One time $50,000 business deduction for new businesses. How much benefit is this?
  • Ban price gouging on groceries. Margins are razor thin for that industry. Russia and other countries have implemented similar policies in the past and has resulted in bread lines wrapping around the great wall.
I don't even know how Kamala graduated with an economics degree. These economic policies make no sense and will have a low chance of going through congress. I wasn't a fan on how Harris got nominated, but was looking forward to see what her policies are compared to Trump/Biden. Unfortunately all of her policies shes proposing makes no sense. and thousands have died and are continuing to die with the ongoing wars.
Speaking of bowing down to their King, did you vote for Kween Kamala in the primary? No? She was installed, not voted in, as if by Divine Right of Succession.

I think many on the left believe in state as a religion. They know Biden wasn't calling any shots over the past 4 years but they had blind faith in his administration. They want to believe the MSM, the CDC, the Party (Democracy is at Risk!) and anyone who questions it is a right wing conspiracy nut to them. To me, it is clear that our institutions have failed. It is entertaining to watch those waking up to this.
The only thing we have to fear is…FEAR ITSELF - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country - John F Kennedy
…they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating — they’re eating the pets - Donald J. Trump

Sorry MAGA but that line is never going away. It’s not only one of worst lines in US political history, it’s one of worst lines in WORLD history.

If you tried to overthrow the government, get impeached twice, and be a convicted felon, you don’t get to argue about policy.

Fox News is begging you guys to try and pivot the conversation towards policy, to take the heat off Trump’s fumbles. However, your argument should be with TRUMP, for not sticking to the carefully scripted policy lines his advisors, who are some of the smartest people—the best people—are giving him.

You can’t argue for him, he needs to be a big boy and do it himself.