Presidential Elections

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For those who are really interested in facts... lies on both sides:

The one that really hits me (worse than pet-eating) is abortion in the 9th month or after birth. C'mon... how ridiculous is that claim?

SGIP goes on about how only educated people should be allowed to vote... I posit that if only educated people would be allowed to vote... that would eliminate quite a bit of Trump's base because no one who is even half-educated would believe some of his hyperbole. Granted... Harris gets it wrong too... but the extent is crazy with Trump... in my opinion.
Northams bill would allow the termination ex utero of a living child….

WashingtonCNN —
Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam is facing backlash after he voiced his support for a state measure that would significantly loosen restrictions on late-term abortions.

“So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

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It happens more than you think…Trump was truthful…

Debate moderator fact-checks Trump on botched abortions, ignores eight babies who died in Minnesota​

However, in Walz’s state and on his watch, five infants were "born alive" in 2021 during failed abortions, and none was provided life-saving care though two got “comfort care,” the Minnesota Department of Health reported on July 1, 2022.

Three other infants were "born alive" during abortions in 2019, Walz’s first year as governor, and they too perished without life-saving care, according to a July 1, 2020, report from the same state agency.

2) 7 states have no time limits as to when you can terminate a pregnancy. You have to ask yourself why these laws exist if you never plan to use them. Also, Walz removed protections for newborn infants who survived an abortion, but also require significant medical assistance.

1) This 911 call seems authentic. The caller even had partial plates. Remember, most quickly dismissed news as being a "conspiracy theory" more often than not turn out to be true.

It's also no accident that 2,000 illegal immigrants were dumped in a Red State.
@sgip Really?

Still no proof of abortion "after" birth.

And late term abortions are very rare, could have extenuating circumstances and is not something anyone "wants".

What about the pets? Cats and dogs? The one cat case wasn't even an Haitian immigrant. Why does Trump have to slander entire groups of people. That is the divisiveness we don't need.

Your posts make me think you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Abortion after a birth is a misspeak. The article @morekaos posted has the deets.

On this site "FCB" is often used to generalize about a specific population group. It's a minor slur, but a slur none the less.

I vote because I'm informed about policies, not personalities.

If people can't move past personality and focus on facts, then they get the government they deserve.
Actually since I coined the word, FCB is not specific because I've always said there are many non-US citizens who buy in Irvine. Not even just Asian.

So Trump misspeaks... Often... How do tarrifs not make goods more expensive? Mind boggling.
Actually since I coined the word, FCB is not specific because I've always said there are many non-US citizens who buy in Irvine. Not even just Asian.

So Trump misspeaks... Often... How do tarrifs not make goods more expensive? Mind boggling.
Uneducated Trump voters don't understand that American consumers are the ones paying tariffs, not China.

Tariffs = sales taxes.
Uneducated Trump voters don't understand that American consumers are the ones paying tariffs, not China.

Tariffs = sales taxes.
It’s the Uninformed public not uneducated Trump supporters (I happen to have a degree in economics from UCLA) who don’t understand the truth….

Sorry, Kamala: Trump's Tariffs Aren't a Tax. They're a Lifeline for the Middle Class​

But there's a difference between Trump's tariffs and Biden's: "I had tariffs and almost no inflation," Trump said on Tuesday night.And that's mostly true: Around 2019, inflation did rise slightly above the Fed's target rate, but it was still under 3 percent. Inflation hit a high of 2.9 percent in June 2018, the first few months after the China tariffs began. But then in June 2019, the 12-month rolling inflation rate fell to 1.9 percent. When COVID-19 hit,

But Trump's record speaks for itself. In March 2023, the International Trade Commission did a model study on steel tariffs and China tariffs. They found that tariffs led to more investment and production domestically and shifts in supply chains out of China. And where prices did rise on around 12 items the report looked at, import prices rose roughly 10 percent of the tariff price. That means a 20 percent tariff on $100 may have increased the import price not by $20, but by $2.

The truth is, most of us are seeing price increases in things we don't import—insurance and internet, streaming services, and food. That's where your $4,000 is going.

Don't believe the spin of the global economists Harris is quoing. Tariffs will be great for the middle class.
Facts Win Over Lies

Trump’s lies used to be frustrating, then became weird, now they’re just pathetic. Pitching some racist trope about eating family pets? Executing babies? And let’s not forget the one at his rallies claiming children were being forced into gender reassignment surgery in schools. This is absolute lunacy. Shame on anyone for defending this nonsense.

Harris will clean this up and put “alternative facts” into the dustbin of history. A prosecutor and Attorney General knows how to lead the nation back into reality. This side excursion of choosing your own reality was cute, but it’s over. When you have to try a case in court, the standards for factual evidence are way higher than some lame Facebook post or a cringe rally. You have to prove your case to be airtight beyond doubt.

Just ask Trump, who lost 60+ court cases claiming fraud in the 2020 election.

Moving on, Taylor Swift and the Pro Democracy Cat Coalition have already motivated 300,000+ referrals to a voter registration site in less than 24 hours.

I’m sure Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan are planning their counter :ROFLMAO::LOL::sleep:

Aubrey (just endorsed Harris) and her cat knows what’s up

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kackala has locked up the 12-17 year old girl demo…congrats😂😂😂😂…she’s still doomed!!🤷🏽‍♂️😂 it’s still the economy, stupid👍🏽😂😂😂🇺🇸

Undecided Pennsylvania Voter: We're Voting For The Future Of Our Country, Not The Candidate We Want At Our Wedding​

UNDECIDED PENNSYLVANIA VOTER: It's important to remember that we are voting for the future of our country, not who we like the most or want at our wedding party. Who is actually going to make our country better?

We're in an incredibly unique situation where we've had both of the candidates in office before, and we've gotten to see what they would do, and when facts come to facts, my life was better when Trump was in office. The economy was better. Inflation was lower. Things were better overall. And now, with Kamala's administration, things haven't been so fantastic. She's saying she can fix the problems that her administration has caused, but I don't know if I can afford to take that risk.

Later in the broadcast, Chalian showed the result when debate-watchers were asked whom they trusted more on the economy, Trump or Harris, and found that although Trump led Harris by 16 points before the debate, 53%-37%, after the debate, Trump’s lead soared to 20%, 55%-35%.
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Actually since I coined the word, FCB is not specific because I've always said there are many non-US citizens who buy in Irvine. Not even just Asian.

So Trump misspeaks... Often... How do tarrifs not make goods more expensive? Mind boggling.
Did not know that you coined the term FCB. Well done, sincerely.

Although it's original meaning was not intended to be considered to be about any people group - Canadians for example - over time, on this site, it clearly does intend to be about one single group.

Interesting to see posts about higher prices with higher tariffs. One should see that demonstrated in a higher inflation rate - something that did not happen during The Reign of Terror (2016-2020)

Another post by a different writer talks about "lunacy" of Trump's lies, but when unequivocal evidence is presented there is the same "that's more lunacy and "lies" retort. What a world to live in - when subjective truth overrules objective truth.

Here's a compilation of Kamala's actual policies - pre flip flops - 100 percent in her own words. I wonder if any future responses will say "oh, that's selective editing" or some other thin dismissal of hard to accept fact. See how many of these positions you agree with:

@morekaos is correct. No amount of dead pixels is going to keep Temu Grade Mao from winning California. It's as certain as the sun rising in the East and setting in the West - unless one considers that to be an alternative fact as well.
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Let's take some genuine facts in this exercise and see where they take us...

Springfield Ohio's 2020 population was $60,000. In 3 years they have had 15,000 (low number) of Haitian's forcibly resettled in that town.

Irvine, CA in 2022 had a population of 313,000. Imagine if 78,000 Ukrainian/Algerian/ Costa Rican/Tasmanians (pick your people group) were forcibly relocated to Irvine.

In 2-3 year timespan of resettlement, would there be any negative impact to your schools, your streets, your safety? Assuming most are adult males between 18-25, how would employment, social services, crime rates be impacted? Would any of the gated communities open up their homes with spare bedrooms to these "refugees"?

It's not ray-cisst to point out the obvious. That many people flooding a small area will have an undeniably negative impact. Dear reader, do you believe otherwise? May I suggest you reach out to the various refugee resettlement NGO's to host 2-3 migrants.

Actions always speak louder than words.
Look, I'm all for having less illegal immigrants and less taxes, but the repubs picked the wrong dude for president.
He had his chance.

Everyone in the Repub party now needs to bow down to their king or get kicked out.
It's not very democratic.
I would prefer Trump to just say immigrants... why does he have to to point out country of origin or race?

And your message is better than Trump's. Why hyperbole with alleged violence and pet eating which now because of his distinction of races, paints them in bad light. That's how racism starts. As I said... divisive.

That's why F means Foreign in FCB, and C means Cash... to indicate non-US money buyers (and not only in Irvine)... not a certain country/race.

The tricky things about economy and numbers is you really don't know whose policies actually affected what. How do we know that Trump's "good" economy wasn't because of Obama... or Biden's "bad" economy was due to Trump (or Covid). It's all one blob... and I still think that even if Trump won a 2nd term... inflation would be the same because it takes more than a president to pass policy.

So that's why character matters to me.

If the Reps had some other candidate than Trump... I would probably definitely vote for them... even moreso now because Kamala does seem like a flip-flopper to me.

I just can't put in a ballot for a president who constantly insults people, exaggerates and believes in conspiracy theories. And worse... the attempted insurrection of January 6.
Look, I'm all for having less illegal immigrants and less taxes, but the repubs picked the wrong dude for president.
He had his chance.

Everyone in the Repub party now needs to bow down to their king or get kicked out.
It's not very democratic.

Then ask yourself this simple question: "Who will, without doubt, decrease the flow of illegal immigrants/migrants/aliens?". You really have only one choice. The alternative is turning the "migrant" flow to 11. You know this to be the truth about this issue.

Trumps biggest problem is that he want to be President to help himself first. If it helps the country...then...that's cool. Whoo Boyee. That's a whopper. Any idea what The Tang Menace has spent on fighting political lawfare? Any idea what his net worth has shrunk by since 2016? I saw a judge just this week say that a 2018 lawsuit by environmental groups about a Trump Chicago property has to pay $$$ for damage to fish and wild life. Do you honestly think this suit came out of real harm, or because anything to go after the Orange Bad Man is good for the nation?

Speaking of bowing down to their King, did you vote for Kween Kamala in the primary? No? She was installed, not voted in, as if by Divine Right of Succession. Calling The Tang Menace a "King" is rich in comparison to how Kamala has been placed in a position of power by.....not you, not me, not anyone but people in Washington DC. That's where the American Monarchy thrives today. Don't believe me? How did we get two Bush Presidencies, and almost two Clinton Presidencies, but by a class system you and I are not a part of.

Also: I would prefer Trump to just say immigrants... why does he have to to point out country of origin or race?

Because that's who is imperiling the citizens of Springfield Ohio - Haitians. Don't varnish the truth with code words. Speak plainly, even if it is difficult. If there were 78,000 new Ukrainians/Algerians/Costa Ricans/or Tasmanians', you'd say "Dang, that bunch of Ukrainians are messing things up at my kids school", not "Dang, that bunch of Immigrants are messing things up at my kids school". You'd be pissed, and rightly so.

To 11.jpg
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