Look, I'm all for having less illegal immigrants and less taxes, but the repubs picked the wrong dude for president.
He had his chance.
Everyone in the Repub party now needs to bow down to their king or get kicked out.
It's not very democratic.
Then ask yourself this simple question: "Who will, without doubt, decrease the flow of illegal immigrants/migrants/aliens?". You really have only one choice. The alternative is turning the "migrant" flow to 11. You know this to be the truth about this issue.
Trumps biggest problem is that he want to be President to help himself first. If it helps the country...then...that's cool. Whoo Boyee. That's a whopper. Any idea what The Tang Menace has spent on fighting political lawfare? Any idea what his net worth has shrunk by since 2016? I saw a judge just this week say that a 2018 lawsuit by environmental groups about a Trump Chicago property has to pay $$$ for damage to fish and wild life. Do you honestly think this suit came out of real harm, or because anything to go after the Orange Bad Man is good for the nation?
Speaking of bowing down to their King, did you vote for Kween Kamala in the primary? No? She was installed, not voted in, as if by Divine Right of Succession. Calling The Tang Menace a "King" is rich in comparison to how Kamala has been placed in a position of power by.....not you, not me, not anyone but people in Washington DC. That's where the American Monarchy thrives today. Don't believe me? How did we get two Bush Presidencies, and almost two Clinton Presidencies, but by a class system you and I are not a part of.
I would prefer Trump to just say immigrants... why does he have to to point out country of origin or race?
Because that's who is imperiling the citizens of Springfield Ohio - Haitians. Don't varnish the truth with code words. Speak plainly, even if it is difficult. If there were 78,000 new Ukrainians/Algerians/Costa Ricans/or Tasmanians', you'd say "Dang, that bunch of Ukrainians are messing things up at my kids school", not "Dang, that bunch of Immigrants are messing things up at my kids school". You'd be pissed, and rightly so.