Presidential Elections

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Propaganda Works

There’s no shame in being duped by propaganda. All of us have been a victim. Those who say they are too smart to fall for it are usually the easiest to dupe.

The Firehose of Falsehood from the Kremlin has a goal of spreading so many lies that you can’t keep up with fact checking. Like one of Trumps speeches. In the end, victims are left questioning reality itself. That’s the goal, not to make you believe a specific theory, but to target your view of reality itself.

The matrix of hate politics, anti-vaccine disinformation, and flat earth nonsense are all amplified by the same source. The goal being to erode the institutions of society and break down social cohesion.

But truth is still very simple. It relies on facts, Scientific Method, and the Rule of Law. There are no alternative facts. That shitty YouTube video made from some weird dude’s basement did not discover some new hidden truth to counter the science of a panel of PHD, peer-reviewed researchers.

Many of these conspiracy theories have been echoed on this website and in this thread:

Yah…it’s everywhere🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂

FBI Director Chris Wray issues “election” statement that’s so stupid, people thought it was fake – but it’s real…​

All the FBI’s election shenanigans aside—not to mention the “Fedsurrection” on January 6th and the hoax “Whitmer Kidnapping” plot—they still have the gall to act as if it’s “foreign entities” interfering with US elections. It’s so far-fetched that it’s becoming downright insulting to the American people’s intelligence. After a story circulated about Russian media bigwigs paying (clueless) US influencers to spread both right and left-leaning narratives, the media and FBI are back to pushing the tired old “Russia hoax” story, likely as a way to delegitimize President Trump (again) when he wins for the third time in November.

The AP is running this rebooted “Russia hoax” story with President Trump front and center, conveniently leaving out the left-wingers who were also involved. Honestly, we have the worst media ever, and again, this is a perfect example of election interference, thanks to these twisted, manipulative lies and narratives


Liz Cheney says ‘absolutely no chance’ Reagan would support Trump​

This week, Liz Cheney and her father announced they will be voting for Kamala Harris. These two are far right, yet know Harris is the best candidate for America and Democracy.

Liz will also be supporting Colin Allred for Senator over podcaster/Insurrectionist apologist Ted Cruz.

There is absolutely no chance that Ronald Reagan would be supporting Donald Trump. Donald Trump doesn’t stand for any of the things that Ronald Reagan did, and it’s another place where I would urge my Republican colleagues, but in the Congress, but across the country, to really look at Donald Trump’s policies, to really look at the danger that he presents, to look at, what he was willing to do to stay in a power


Liz Cheney says ‘absolutely no chance’ Reagan would support Trump​

This week, Liz Cheney and her father announced they will be voting for Kamala Harris. These two are far right, yet know Harris is the best candidate for America and Democracy.

Liz will also be supporting Colin Allred for Senator over podcaster/Insurrectionist apologist Ted Cruz.

Nonfactor…as in irrelevant…..🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders on former Rep. Liz Cheney endorsing Kamala Harris: “I’m not trying to be rude, but you don't get to call yourself a conservative or a Republican when you support the most radical nominee that the Democrats have ever put up.”

I do think she actually is significantly in the minority. Here, you look across the board, prominent Republicans are supporting President Trump, but ultimately, I think she’s a nonfactor. I’m not trying to be rude, but you don’t get to call yourself a conservative or Republican when you support the most radical nominee that the Democrats have ever put up.

That doesn’t make you a conservative, it certainly doesn’t make you a Republican. I think it makes you somebody who wants to protect the establishment.
"My first response is I really don't care what he thinks," he said after being read Cheney's statement on air. "Secondarily, if you look at the way Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have led the current administration, they suppressed the free speech of the American people. It was the Biden campaign that lied to the world during the last presidential election using the intelligence agencies and 51 intelligence officers to lie about the laptop from hell—that's something the Biden campaign did—They lied about ... all the impacts using the COVID-19 vaccine. They tried to use OSHA to mandate 80,000,000 Americans getting that vaccine. They fired over 10,000 soldiers from our military over the same situation. And right now, we have a situation where Kamala Harris has lied to the world about the health and mental capabilities of Joe Biden."

"So you put all that together, and then you have this statement from Dick Cheney. I'm gonna look at what's actually been happening with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, and the threat they are to democracy, not what Dick Cheney's saying."

Dick Cheney claims to have concerns about "threats to our Republic."

Let's check the tape...

Harris-Biden censored & suppressed free speech.
Harris-Biden covered-up Biden family corruption.
Harris-Biden destroyed careers over vax mandates.
Harris-Biden allow for lawfare v.…

— Byron Donalds (@ByronDonalds) September 7, 2024

Any leftist who points to a Cheney endorsement as vindication that DEI Barbie is capable to run this country is simply a TDS deluded fraud.

Dick Cheney pushed the Iraq war fraud which we all know how that worked out - thousands of Americans dead or wounded, and the present Iraqi government aligned with Iran.

Liz Cheney pushed Russia Russia Russia which was 100% Hillary Hillary Hillary. She's bitter not soley because of The Tang Menace, but because her constituents went RINO hunting, making sure she will never represent them again.

The most radical Democratic nominee was Bernie Sanders who lost to Hilary.
Is Kamala left of Bernie?
Anyone who is not right... is far left.

Left = Far left
Center = Far left
Right of Center = Far left
Just left of Trump = Far left
Right of Trump = looped back around to far left :)
The most radical Democratic nominee was Bernie Sanders who lost to Hilary.
Is Kamala left of Bernie?
Yup…left of comrade Bernie….😳😂😂😂👎🏽

Kamala Harris More Liberal Than Bernie Sanders, Senate Record Analysis Shows​

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's pick for his vice presidential running mate, Democratic California Senator Kamala Harris, was ranked as being more liberal than Democratic Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, the congressperson often considered the furthest left within the Democratic caucus.

The government watchdog website ranked all 100 U.S. Senators with an "ideology score" from 1.0 (most conservative) to 0.0 (most liberal). The score is based on each senator's legislative behavior: namely, how similar the pattern of bills and resolutions they co-sponsor are to other congress members.

I think you got it wrong. anyone who is not left, is labelled far right nowadays. Even Elon Musk who is centrist leaning left is being portrayed as far right because he endorses Trump

Anyone who is not right... is far left.

Left = Far left
Center = Far left
Right of Center = Far left
Just left of Trump = Far left
Right of Trump = looped back around to far left :)
I think you got it wrong. anyone who is not left, is labelled far right nowadays. Even Elon Musk who is centrist leaning left is being portrayed as far right because he endorses Trump
Oh the irony. Not in this thread... just read morekaos' posts.

But of course you don't see it.

Starman has been calling everyone here far left for years.

You really think Elon is centrist leaning left? Is that because he owns an EV company (which I still think is another one of those "why is it pollitical?" things).

This is like saying Trump is religious. :)
The most radical Democratic nominee was Bernie Sanders who lost to Hilary.
Is Kamala left of Bernie?
Bernie talks up a game, but he’s really pragmatic.

As for Newsweek, their title appears to be clickbait because the report clearly shows Bernie is the most Liberal.
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Whatever you want to believe tha label stuck…she’s doomed👍🏽😂😂😂🇺🇸

Polling Guru Nate Silver Gives Trump New Probability High Of Victory​

Election analyst Nate Silver gave former President Donald Trump a record-high probability of winning against Vice President Kamala Harris.

The bump came partially as a result of Sunday’s New York Times/Sienna poll, which Silver has as one of the highest-rated pollsters. Silver’s newest rating has Trump with a 63.8% probability, compared to Harris’s 36%. The former president is also favored to win every swing state.

Silver’s current odds give Trump a 64% chance of winning Pennsylvania, 54% for Michigan, 53% for Wisconsin, 77% for Arizona, 75% for North Carolina, 68% for Georgia, and 61% for Nevada.

The new probability total is a nearly five-point boost for Trump since Thursday, when he was given a 58.2% probability, itself a boost from the 52.4% a week prior. The prediction shows a further eroding of Harris’s honeymoon support since President Joe Biden dropped out in July.

Oh the irony. Not in this thread... just read morekaos' posts.

But of course you don't see it.

Starman has been calling everyone here far left for years.

You really think Elon is centrist leaning left? Is that because he owns an EV company (which I still think is another one of those "why is it pollitical?" things).

This is like saying Trump is religious. :)
Elon voted for Obama and Biden before. Please stop being ignorant and looks like you are just trolling at this point
So any predictions for tonight?

Kamala is going to say a bunch of nothing about today and tomorrow.

Trump is going to tell more lies and throw in some zingers to appeal to morekaos.

Lap dog media will give Temu Grade Mao a tongue bath no matter what the outcome.

The Cheeto Hitler will fall for some baited question or response from Temu Grade Mao and get gnawed on by the rabid left media for the next 4 weeks.

BTW, I'm not watching tonight. I'd rather enjoy a few repeat episodes of "Scavengers Reign" ( Must See TV IMHO ) than this hooey.