Presidential Elections

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I have the following questions for Harris supporters:
  • Innocent lives are lost daily with the ongoing wars. Negotiations and cease fire talks have been going on for quite some time. Why hasn't any progress been made?
  • How will the 25k homebuyer credit fix the lack of homes? Rates seem to be heading down. I'm sure you all know the word that will come up. Inflation.
  • Tax on unrealized capital gains for individuals with net worth of 100m+. How in the world is that going to be enforced?
  • One time $50,000 business deduction for new businesses. How much benefit is this?
  • Ban price gouging on groceries. Margins are razor thin for that industry. Russia and other countries have implemented similar policies in the past and has resulted in bread lines wrapping around the great wall.
I don't even know how Kamala graduated with an economics degree. These economic policies make no sense and will have a low chance of going through congress. I wasn't a fan on how Harris got nominated, but was looking forward to see what her policies are compared to Trump/Biden. Unfortunately all of her policies shes proposing makes no sense. and thousands have died and are continuing to die with the ongoing wars.

Wait a second here @sleepy5136

DEI Barbie said in the debates there are no war zones we're involved in anywhere. That's the gospel truth according to the MSN. SOURCE???? ;)

Of the plans (not ideas) Kween Kamala has, the $50k small business tax credit has to the the stoopidist. (Besides Reparations, the dumbest of all time)

In order to use a tax credit, a new business must have income. With 25% of new businesses failing in the first year historically since the dawn of time, their tax credit is zero. With 50% of all new businesses failing in 5 years, a possible tax credit is all this is -potential, and not real.

Ask yourself this dear reader: If she says "small business is my passion", what exactly has she EVER done with this "passion"? I know the answer. It also is in the form of a Disney song.....

PS: The original Federal Income Tax of 1913 was intended to be levied on High Income Earners only - those earning over $500kpy. ($16,000,000 per year income in 2024 dollars) As we know today, "mission creep" entered the room and now anyone earning $1.00 over poverty level wager will have an Income Tax. The same thing will occur here. Once the Federal Government gets but a taste of a fresh new money source, they will move that $100m bracket lower and lower. This also will never happen. Does anyone really think those with money who installed (not elected) her would ever allow their money to be raided like this? No? I didn't thinks so either.

Dumb plans are being rolled out to low information voters by an even dumber candidate. Expect more of the same over the next 40 days. Plan accordingly.
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Sorry MAGA but that line is never going away. It’s not only one of worst lines in US political history, it’s one of worst lines in WORLD history.

If you tried to overthrow the government, get impeached twice, and be a convicted felon, you don’t get to argue about policy.

Fox News is begging you guys to try and pivot the conversation towards policy, to take the heat off Trump’s fumbles. However, your argument should be with TRUMP, for not sticking to the carefully scripted policy lines his advisors, who are some of the smartest people—the best people—are giving him.

You can’t argue for him, he needs to be a big boy and do it himself.
I don’t want it to go away!!😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸IMG_3471.jpeg
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Goldman Sachs sees biggest boost to US economy from Harris win​

Goldman Sachs is literally Wall Street

Other Harris economic boosters
  • $50,000 tax credit for starting a small business
  • $25,000 tax credit for first time homebuyers
  • $6,000 child tax credit
All supporting middle class families

Or, you can vote for Trump and keep paying a higher tax rate than billionaires

Told you..Goldman is full of D-Bags…they are distancing themselves from the report done by an “independent analyst” (not us!!)…and the economically illiterate fools read that report wrong…like a Project 2025 connection…🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂

Goldman Sachs CEO contends Harris grossly overstated economic boost that her policies would bring

Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon suggested Vice President Kamala Harris overemphasized the positive effect her plan for the economy would have on gross domestic product….Harris 2024 victory could lead to a “very slight boost” to the GDP.

The vice president referenced the report during Tuesday night’s debate, with Solomon now stating that it was conducted by “an independent analyst” and has created a bigger discussion “than should be.”

The excitement about the Goldman report was brief, perhaps because the media decided the central economic booster — unpopular ongoing illegal immigration — was not going to sit well with voters. Or maybe it was because investors remembered that last year, Goldman had confidently predicted $100 per barrel oil by Election Day (today’s price is $69 per barrel).

Tim Waltz has a moment of clarity….👍🏽😂😂😂😂

What Was That Tim Walz Just Called Kamala Harris at MI Event?

"As a young prostituter, Kamala Harris talked about going into that courtroom for the first time,"
he said. "Kamala Harris, for the people."

I think maybe then he realized what he said because he seemed to swallow hard after that and try to move on, but there was no taking it back. Yes, I double-checked it, and it's real at the YouTube video of the entire event at about 43:18.

I think many on the left believe in state as a religion. They know Biden wasn't calling any shots over the past 4 years but they had blind faith in his administration. They want to believe the MSM, the CDC, the Party (Democracy is at Risk!) and anyone who questions it is a right wing conspiracy nut to them. To me, it is clear that our institutions have failed. It is entertaining to watch those waking up to this.
Nice projection, MAGA.
Temu Grade Mao and Corn Pops are putting tariffs ( as they call them , "The Trump Sales Tax" ) on.......


Because when we do it, it's soooper joyful. When they do it, it's weird and harmful.

Sweet Jupiter these people can't stop beclowning themselves.

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Congratulations MAGA, you once again repeated a trope from a Neo Nazi group.

The origin story of the Haitian dogs and cats meme appears to be remarkably similar. Two reporters, Zaid Jilani and Kate Ross, traced the panic about Haitians in Springfield back to an August march staged by the nearby neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe. One of its leaders, Drake Berentz, spoke at an August 27 city commission meeting to warn that “crime and savagery will only increase with every Haitian you bring in.”

Anyone who has been around the block knows there’s always a version of this “they’re coming to get us” story that pops up every year, and it’s always from a hate group.

And you wonder why everybody calls you weird and doesn’t take any of your pseudo-intellectual “policy” discussions seriously.

Keep shrinking your circle and losing voters though. Dehumanizing real people and harming them with hate doesn’t make you powerful, it’s just pathetic.
She just can’t help herself…collapsing before our eyes…Vapid…🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Kamala Harris First Solo Interview with Local Pennsylvania Reporter Turns into Disaster​

After nearly two months of procrastination, Kamala Harris finally did her first solo interview since shoving Joe Biden out of the presidential race. On Friday, the vice president sat down with a local ABC News affiliate in Philadelphia to answer questions for a whole 10 minutes.

Sure enough, the questioning wasn't exactly tough, and Harris was instead asked a variety of softballs. The problem? She couldn't answer them:

Reporter: What are your specific plans to bring down prices?

Kamala: "I grew up a middle class kid... I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. Ya know?"

A presidential nominee is not going to get an easier question than that. It's basically the equivalent of asking, "Tell me how amazing you are." All Harris had to do was lay out a couple of specific steps she would take to lower prices. Instead, she spent a minute-and-a-half filibustering, talking about pure irrelevancy. No person who can't afford groceries cares that she "grew up middle class" or that the people in her neighborhood mowed their lawns.

Q: What's weirder than repeating a National Socialist trope?

A: Giving aid and comfort to Hamas supporters - actual living, breathing Nazis - whose sole purpose is killing Jews, and the eradication of the Jewish state.

Those on that side of the aisle refuse to put an end to the Iranian funded college campus pro Hamas demonstrations, even going as far to say there are good people on both sides of the issue. Kween Kamala has met with rabid anti-semites in a bid to drum up support in Michigan, and derailed the Vice Presidential candidacy of the Governor of Pennsylvania because of his being too Jewish which would offend their hard left base. Sure, her husband is Jewish, but she couldn't suddenly divorce him just to win an election. Those optics don't work well.

All in all I'm unsure why many did Nazi that being an issue before going all in behind Reichsleiter DEI Barbie.
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This always makes me laugh…so Trump is scum, huh? What is Kackala? Virtuous? What is Brandon? Honest? I got news for you…ALL politicians are selfish, greedy narcissists…yours and mine…mine just tow my line better..don’t be naive…be cynical…you will never be disappointed 😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Everyone is in it for themselves.

It's just that trump is in it for himself much more than everyone else.
He needs the presidency or he's going to jail.

If Kamala is a liar, than Trump is a liar times 10.

Where is the proof?
You can look at his past administration. How many people defected or jumped off that sinking ship?
He got all the "best" people and most of them loved America more than trump and they would not break the law for him.
Everyone is in it for themselves.

It's just that trump is in it for himself much more than everyone else.
He needs the presidency or he's going to jail.

If Kamala is a liar, than Trump is a liar times 10.

Where is the proof?
You can look at his past administration. How many people defected or jumped off that sinking ship?
He got all the "best" people and most of them loved America more than trump and they would not break the law for him.
So there are shades of “liar”?… they are all the same….Trump isn't going to jail. Trump fired most of those people because they did not produce…that’s what ceos do. If trumps in it for the money he came out worth less then when he went in…not profitable at all..he really doesn’t need to do this, his life was significantly easier before. Now Kackala? She knows nothing else…this is the end of her political career when she loses. She’ll have to get a job in the private sector, something she’s never done, not even at McDonald’s.😂😂😂😂👎🏽
This is soooo entertaining 😂😂😂😂👍🏽….

The Left Is Powerless in Stopping the Haitians Eating Pets Story...And It's Amazing to Watch​

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, though in this instance, it’s not a statement regarding some appalling examples of liberal media bias. For the Ohio Haitians ‘eating the pets’ story, it’s pure entertainment, maybe a touch of schadenfreude: the liberal media is being tortured in their attempt to neutralize the story. Contrary to the establishment press, this story hasn’t been debunked. There’s no way within 48-72 hours that authorities can verify dogs and cats are not being eaten by the tens of thousands of Haitians in Springfield, Ohio.
The inability of the media to suffocate this story alluded to the industry’s appalling lack of trust. No one believes them, no matter how hard they try. It only seems to further entrench people’s belief that Haitian migrants are running wild in Springfield.
Even when liberals try to mock Donald Trump for mentioning it in ABC News’ debate, it’s become a MAGA anthem. The songs are gold, only adding to the media’s inability to stamp out this story, which shines a direct light on Biden’s failed immigration policy. In this initiative, Kamala Harris was appointed border czar.

Absence of evidence does not debunk. There is currently no evidence to prove it, so burden is on the accusor. The viral video circulating is not a Haitian immigrant.

Find that magic faucet yet? Now that is hilarious.

Whoever is advising Trump before his speeches must be punking him.