Presidential Elections

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Wow. Johnson was an apologist for the Insurrection and even he is bailing. I’m sure he will be summoned to Mar-a-Lago soon for stern reprimand from the Boss.

Meanwhile Walz senses an opening, and is pushing reconciliation messages towards Republicans.


Trump’s rallies are disasters. Just one long gossip and complaint fest. It’s mostly about him and not what he can do for the People. In a Democracy, it’s the People who are the boss. We do not take orders from a King.

MAGA, you gotta admit this is weird even for Trump. I’d say Sleepy Don has a crush on her, during the Elon snooze fest he also commented how much he like her looks.

But why does MAGA focus so much on how attractive they find everyone?

Trump saying presidents should have influence over interest rates is a joke.

Kamala capping price increases on groceries is very concerning given she’s an Econ major.

I wish you guys would discuss more about policies.
Every president wants more influence over the Fed….Commielas price controls are flat out communism. No comparing those two👎🏽🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂🇺🇸
I predict that after the convention and the post coital media glow wears off…Commiela will open her mouth and disaster will ensue…(or maybe sooner)…🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂🇺🇸

Kamala to Youth Football Team: “You Will Be Undefeated Even If You Don’t Win Every Game”

“Our election is about understanding the importance of this beautiful country of ours in terms of what we stand for around the globe as a democracy,” Harris said.

“As a democracy,” she repeated, “we know there’s a duality to the nature of democracy. On the one hand, incredible strength when it is intact.”

Harris went on, “What it does for its people to protect and defend their rights, their liberty, and their freedom. Incredibly strong and incredibly fragile.”

Deep…You want bread sticks with that salad?😂😂😂😂👎🏽
Methinks Temu Mao will take a page out of Corn Pops 2020 playbook and hide in the basement, hoping to run out the clock. It's the same "Rope-a-Dope" strategy used to defeat The Cheeto Hitler - avoid, and let a biased media do the heavy lifting for her.

I listened to NPR this weekend (Yes, I do have an expensive diet of news, including KPFK, the most crack-tackular of hard left programming) One show was running an old interview with HRC. Another program said essentially "Here are three books (one was a fictional story) that all refute the picture painted by JD Vance's "Hillbilly Elegy". Nothing but crickets about the Short Fingered Vulgarian....

Of course.
but there’s no Covid around this time to excuse Kackala from not being out there. After the convention, they have no choice, but to put her forward and hilarity Will ensue. At a certain point, you just can’t hide dumb.🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂😂🇺🇸
This is Trump:

"I am the smartest ever, and the best looking!"

Definitely not getting what I see and hear.

Same goes with his policies (that's for sleepy :)). double speak, he says it, he believes it…and we all know he does…that’s honesty. Everything out of Kackala’s mouth is a lie that she’s too dumb to know if it’s true or not…and everyone knows that too😂😂😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️🇺🇸 double speak, he says it, he believes it…and we all know he does…that’s honesty. Everything out of Kackala’s mouth is a lie that she’s too dumb to know if it’s true or not…and everyone knows that too😂😂😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️🇺🇸
Well we don’t really know that he believes it, but if he did, that tells you how crazy/delusional he is. So whether he beilives it or not, he says things like that. Probably not the best person to be running our country. Now I appreciate a good trash talker and I like that he has broken the mold of who runs for president. He may turn out to be better for my bank account but he will definitely be worse for the country overall.
Well we don’t really know that he believes it, but if he did, that tells you how crazy/delusional he is. So whether he beilives it or not, he says things like that. Probably not the best person to be running our country. Now I appreciate a good trash talker and I like that he has broken the mold of who runs for president. He may turn out to be better for my bank account but he will definitely be worse for the country overall.
Track record…we already know what a trump admin will do …and it was pretty good all around…low inflation, good growth, no wars and some mean tweets…I’ll take the devil you know🤷🏽‍♂️👍🏽😂😂🇺🇸
Just thinking out loud here....

Ask a Never Trumper or a Dem what their impression was of the RNC Convention and you'll probably get a response like this:

Now ask that same Never Trumper or Dem what they NOW think of their newly installed (not elected candidate) and it will probably look similar to this:

So many amazing moments at the Democratic Convention tonight. They have an all star lineup of orators who will be around for an entire generation. Nothing on the MAGA side can generate that kind of electricity. Unless you count Hulk Hogan and Trump’s lawyer?

Line of the night goes to Rep. Jasmine:

Kamala Harris has a resume
Donald Trump has a rap sheet


You love to see it
Hadn't built a damned thing? You mean other than The Border Wall....?

Enlighten us please, what are your top 3-4 accomplishments on her resume? Not just a job title (Atty General of California, US Senator, VP,) but an actual "something" this person has done, besides warming an already empty seat.
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I have one..she supported and helped pass Prop 47 that decriminalized and de incarcerated this state which made it a crime ridden shithole…quite an accomplishment that should be rectified this election.😂😂😂👎🏽🇺🇸