Presidential Elections

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Taking his name off in battleground states and keeping it on in blue states and then endorsing Trump is pure brilliance…the sinking of Kackala Valdeze begins.😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Excerpt: Collectivists are invariably the same. They share the same beliefs, which are that the state will always lead people to a more glorious future (“forward!”), all happiness comes from the government (“joy!”), and the state is each child’s true family ..... Given history’s lessons, it’s unnerving to see the Democrat party, as it becomes increasingly radical, travel down the same familiar path, whether it comes to political slogans, propaganda images, antisemitism, or a government takeover of the economy.
There’s lots of hate to go around…😂😂😂🇺🇸

Hollywood Celebrities Turn Their Attacks on RFK After Trump Endorsement: ‘He’s Out of His F*cking Mind’​

Like a pack of attack dogs, Hollywood celebrities turned their attention to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on Friday after he endorsed former President Donald Trump and blasted the Democratic party for having rigged its own primaries and undemocratically installed Kamala Harris as its nominee.

There’s lots of hate to go around…😂😂😂🇺🇸

Hollywood Celebrities Turn Their Attacks on RFK After Trump Endorsement: ‘He’s Out of His F*cking Mind’​

Like a pack of attack dogs, Hollywood celebrities turned their attention to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on Friday after he endorsed former President Donald Trump and blasted the Democratic party for having rigged its own primaries and undemocratically installed Kamala Harris as its nominee.

So much tolerance and empathy coming from the left /s
One of my favorite films is "Being There". It's a slow, quiet, black comedy that showcases the talents of the late Peter Sellers. No matter your politics, it's well worth a watch.

(Spoilers ahead)

In the end of the film, a foolish blowhard of a president is eulogizing a Billionaire Kingmaker, as several other Billionaire Kingmaker pallbearers discuss who should replace the current President since he's "un-re-electable". Eventually they settle on Chauncey Gardner (Peter Sellers), an older special needs man who they unwittingly believe is capable and wise enough to run the most powerful nation on earth.

Kamala Harris simply a gender swapped Chauncey Gardner, installed by kingmakers and not by any democratic process known. What was unthinkable, even as a joke premise in 1979 when the film was released, is now playing out as fact in 2024.

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The last person in the room owns all that death….on the anniversary of one of the most embarrassing military blunders in our countries history do we really want someone that vapid in charge of our armed forces?...🤦🏽‍♂️😡😡😡👎🏽

Like a house in Portuguese Bend, her candidacy is sliding into the ocean. When a liberal loses the New York Times it’s pretty well over…..😂😂😂😂👍🏽🤦🏽‍♂️

Joy Is Not a Strategy​

I cringed a little in the convention hall Tuesday night when Bill Clinton said Kamala Harris would be “the president of joy.” “Joy” is the new “fetch” from “Mean Girls”: Democrats are bent on making the word happen.

So Many Republicans Bailing on Trump

Some former supporters of Nikki Haley are now organizing for Harris, who they see as ‘the better choice’ over Trump

Maybe try to reach out and build a coalition instead of throwing around weird divisive language only the shrinking base responds to?
Who cares if some low level staffers jump ship?…I’ll take the heavy hitters any day…😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

Democrats for Trump​

GOP candidate forms alliance to battle the establishment
Mr. Kennedy and Ms. Gabbard are traditional liberals with no shortage of policy stances that wouldn’t go over well at a Republican mixer. They are, however, united with Mr. Trump on the need to shake up the establishment in three critical respects.

Polls show Mr. Trump is lining up allies in his fight to restore normalcy across demographic barriers. Many lifetime Democrats have come to realize the state of the nation — and their wallet — requires reconsidering their allegiance.
It's reflective of how balkanized we've become - R's for D's, D's for R's etc ad nauseum.

Like Queers for Palestine and Chickens for KFC, these are simply disassociated "people groups" rooting for causes other than those primarily espoused by the group itself.

It's all noise now, and little else. Time to invest in some over the ear headphones and turn the TV off until, what, November 20th (or so) once final results are known.
Let’s see who Trump and Vance alienated recently:
  • Veterans of Foreign Wars
  • Firefighters
  • US Army
  • A teenage pageant contestant
  • Whales
All issuing harsh rebukes.

Now he’s jeopardizing his own base by changing his abortion stance every day, depending on the audience. Trump painted himself into a corner and it’s going to be impossible to thread the needle between motivated women (plus their allies) and fanatical evangelicals.

You can’t spend a decade name calling and fear mongering, then suddenly expect everyone else to argue about policies.

Meanwhile :
  • Voter registration in Georgia is skyrocketing since July
  • Another 200,000 volunteer shifts pledged since DNC conference
  • Over $540+ million raised in one month
  • More Republicans pledged support for Harris
  • Numerous union endorsements
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Doomed!!..not much joy in those numbers😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

No post-DNC bump for Kamala Harris, new ABC poll shows​

Vice President Kamala Harris failed get a boost in support following the Democratic National Convention, leaving the 2024 horse race essentially unchanged after the four-day Democratic gathering, according to a new poll.

Even liberal super pollster sees the writing on the wall!👍🏽😂😂😂😂🇺🇸

Nate Silver: Trump slightly ahead of Harris heading into Labor Day weekend​

Silver’s forecast has Trump with a 52.4 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, about 5 points higher than Harris’s 47.3 percent.