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Bloodless coup complete!...🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂

Dems Bury An Angry, Shouting Joe Biden At 11:30 PM In Final Disgrace

he Joe Biden show is officially in reruns. Biden even got bumped out of prime time. His speech started at 11:28 p.m., in the hour when old sitcoms run in syndication.

That wasn’t an accident. The first night of the Democratic convention was losers night, featuring Biden and Hillary Clinton along with duds like Kathy Hochul and zealots like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Democrats lined up an endless list of speakers ahead of Biden to push his speech back as far as they could, so as few people as possible would hear it.

The speech itself was written as a celebration of Biden’s accomplishments – some real, many imagined – as president. The actual nominee was an afterthought. Biden spoke of Kamala Harris only as someone who helped him – not for anything she ever did on her own.

If the Harris campaign had any hopes that Joe would let them get distance from his record, they were dashed. “When I say we I mean Kamala and me,” he emphasized, reminding voters that there’s no turning the page by voting for Harris.
So Many Republicans Bailing on Trump

“Remember what the mob chanted as they stormed the Capitol and injured our officers? ‘Hang Mike Pence,’” Raskin said during his speech Monday night, referring to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

“Pence has now joined more than two dozen officials from Donald Trump’s own administration in denouncing him, an historical record, and Pence is the first vice president in more than two centuries not to support the president he served with in a general election,” Raskin said.

Some former supporters of Nikki Haley are now organizing for Harris, who they see as ‘the better choice’ over Trump

John “Jack” Merritt, a self-described “center-right” and “strict constitutional constructionist”, registered to vote as a Republican in 1972. He said that, as a “political junkie”, he subscribes to various-leaning political newspapers and watches all of the major news networks. Though he supported Haley in the primaries and has served as a committeeperson for the Republican party in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, Merritt has decided to vote for Harris in November.

“When our voters hear those kinds of facts – there’s been more oil production under the Biden-Harris administration than under the Trump administration, the Biden-Harris administration pushed forward a bill to increase the number of border agents far greater than what Trump ever proposed – that is the way to have people get over this obstacle,” he said. “There’s a whole variety of just plain facts about a more moderate kind of approach that Harris has shown compared to this crazy leftwinger that she’s going to be depicted as by the Republicans.”

Maybe try to reach out and build a coalition instead of throwing around weird divisive language only the shrinking base responds to?
Jaime Raskin isn’t just weird…he’s crazy...I wouldn’t put too much weight to anything he says…🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂👎🏽

Watch: Rep. Jamie Raskin Suffers Most Humiliating Moment of DNC in the Middle of His Nasty Jab at Trump

Someone should have told Jamie Raskin to learn his speech better.

The Maryland congressman found himself literally at a loss for words when his teleprompter apparently failed Monday nightduring a speech at the Democratic National Convention.

And at a moment when he was trying to embarrass former President Donald Trump, Raskin only ended up humiliating himself.

Raskin, one of the most inveterate liars in a Democratic Party that regularly boasts a bumper crop of dishonesty, was harping on the Democratic bugaboo of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion, when he cited the chants allegedly heard from rioters screaming "hang Mike Pence."

Check it out here:

JUST IN: U.S. Representative Jamie Raskin completely freezes up on stage at the DNC as his teleprompter appears to fail on him.

"Someone should have told Donald Trump that the President's job under Article two of the Constitution..."

*Long pause*

"Someone should have told…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) August 20, 2024

"Someone should have told Donald Trump that the president's job, under Aritcle II of the Constitution...," Raskin said before coming to a complete halt, then resuming with repetition.

"Someone should have told Donald Trump that the President's job, under Article II of the Constitution, is to take care that the laws are faithfully executed -- not that the vice president is executed."
Still nothing from the supporters of Temu grade Mao about her resume highlights.

Other than warming an empty seat, what 2 to 3 things can anyone tell me that she's done of substance.

Pro Tip: please don't roll out those tired slogans about "Bringing awareness of" and "Fighting for..." which are like a Pop Tart - good for a sugar high, but bereft of any genuine nutritional value.
2-3 achievements... is not a big ask, or was it? Ok, then:

Evidently then allowing men who pretend to be women compete in your wife's/GF's/daughters sport is no issue? Proven, time tested, science of Biology has now got to go since we don't know how to tell what a woman (or man) is. Ask your spouse/GF/ or daughter how comfortable they are when a bearded woman is in the bathroom stall next to them, not that it matters because remember if they object, they are now the evil bigots.

Perhaps reinstating race based quotas for access to higher education is OK for supporters of Temu grade Mao? Sure hope your kiddos aren't Asian or Anglo. It's back of the bus for those two people groups all in the name of equity and not that dirty word: equality.

Certainly you must then prefer continuing to fund this unwinnable war in Ukraine. Or in Syria. Or in Yemen. Or in Iraq. Or in Sudan. At least Defense Stonks in my 401k will continue to rise.

As well since California is a shining example of successful crime deterrence policies, what's good for Cali must be good for the nation. Cash bail, mandatory sentencing, 3 strikes laws, all out the window.

It appears for some all that matters is Orange Man Bad, so let's vote in the human equivalent of vaporware. I guess that's how we solve problems today - with a race to the lowest common denominator.
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This is one of the most tone deaf and patently stupid proposal that lays bare her TOTAL lack of understanding economics and tax law….Like Big Mike calling out those “who take more than they need” as she sits in one of her $10 million dollar plus mansions, the hypocrisy is astonishing…these gals have the intellect of a pancake…🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂👎🏽

Wall Street Labels Kamala Harris' Proposed Tax On Unrealized Gains As 'Dumb' Move: 'Opposite Of Creating Incentives To Be Long-Term Oriented'
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…so no policy overcomes thet?…Wow….that is TDS at its best🤦🏽‍♂️🙄👎🏽
So funny how you can't stop the name calling... just like Trump.

Is it usually normal for Republicans to show up at the DNC? Even the GOP is having TDS.

By the way, the irony here is I'm approaching this with less derangement than you. I have articulated fact-based reasons that form my opinion where yours are just "That's how I like it". If anyone is deranged... you may need to look inward. Almost every comment you post is some sort of insult... and that's why things are so divided.

How would you like it if every post of mine called your wife a man, a prostitute or whatever colloquialisms you are using for any woman who is not on your side?

You admitted to misogyny earlier... I was hoping that was just one of your jokes but your pattern belies that.

Have some respect.
Yes, democrats show at the RNC all the time. What if my wife is a man? I don’t care. So thin skinned. Dumb is dumb…woman/man…they’re still dumb. I play no favorites just calling balls and strikes👍🏽😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸

There’s the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, this weird obsession with crowd sizes.




She understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward… we will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth.

If we bankrupt a business… or choke in a crisis, we don’t get a second, third, or fourth chance.

If things don’t go our way, we don’t have the luxury of whining or cheating others to get further ahead… we don’t get to change the rules so we always win.

If we see a mountain in front of us, we don’t expect there to be an escalator waiting to take us to the top.
Enjoy the next few nights of the circle jerk cause come Monday the gloves come off…she’s doomed…she’s had her six 😂😂😂😂
Here is a wonderful, joyful fresh and smart idea….NOT!!! I can call this dumb without being misogynistic or racist, right?🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂👎🏽🇺🇸

Kamala Harris' dream of stopping cops responding to 911 calls resurfaces... and her worrying argument for why the U.S. 'doesn't need a law enforcement response'

Vice President Kamala Harris once promoted the idea where police officers were no longer needed as first responders in American communities, in a surprisingly naive assessment of law enforcement considering her background.
Tump lost in 2020.
If he acknowledged it, he would gain more moderate support.
But he won't, so he is unelectable.
When was the last time you heard about or experienced a Democrat threatening to beat someone up after learning the other person supported Trump? They're disgusted, but they don't threaten physical harm. Yet, a LOT of stories exist about the other way around. You can't criticize Trump at all in front of these people or they will look like they want to fight.
Always the opposite of what the media tries to implant in the populous…..🤦🏽‍♂️👎🏽😡🇺🇸

Man taken into custody for alleged social media threat to kill Trump: Sheriff​

Records show that he was a registered Democrat in the past, and owns a long rap sheet dating back to 1990 - including a conviction in 2000 for second degree sexual assault of a child, where he pleaded no contest.
