Presidential Elections

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I can't vote for someone who says the 2020 election was stolen.
It's against the peaceful transfer of power we have enjoyed for over 200 years.
The repubs should have picked someone else.

I predict a horrible loss for the repubs come NOV.
I can't vote for someone who says the 2020 election was stolen.
It's against the peaceful transfer of power we have enjoyed for over 200 years.
The repubs should have picked someone else.

I predict a horrible loss for the repubs come NOV.
i’ll take that action. This country will never elect the communist.👍🏽😂🇺🇸
I can't vote for someone who says the 2020 election was stolen.
It's against the peaceful transfer of power we have enjoyed for over 200 years.
The repubs should have picked someone else.

I predict a horrible loss for the repubs come NOV.

Speaking of election result denialism:

Diversity Hire Barbie went all in on the phony Russia influence story, manufactured by our first female president, HRC, and voted for the fake impeachment convictions. I can cull more clips if anyone needs more but don't see why when the plain truth is before us.
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Once we get past the honeymoon, the DNC, (which will deteriorate into a Hamas riot) and a few interviews and debates…the gloves are gonna come off and she is going to go down in flames by the election. Enjoy the even, (within the margin of error) polls…they won’t last.😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸
Speaking of election result denialism:

Diversity Hire Barbie went all in on the phony Russia influence story, manufactured by our first female president, HRC, and voted for the fake impeachment convictions. I can cull more clips if anyone needs more but don't see why when the plain truth is before us.
Harris was one of a chorus of Democrats calling Trump an illegitimate president.

Not one senator supported their democrat colleagues in 2016 whereas 14 senators supported their republican colleagues in 2020.
Denial is one thing, asking your VP to invalidate the vote and encouraging insurrection is quite another.

For those who can't see that, as SGIP would say, you don't deserve to vote.
First of all, a lot of people who vote who are highly ignorant in that they hear the propaganda and not the facts.

Secondly, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” is hardly what I would call encouraging insurrection. Anyone who believes Jan 6 was an insurrection is high on propaganda and low on facts.

Republicans in general condemned the Jan 6 US capital breach as well as this capital breach in WI back in 2011. Prominent democrats including Pelosi praised the Madison protestors as patriots and saying this is how a democracy works. And where was the harsh condemnation from prominent democrats after these two breaches of the US Capital building occurred? i only read about support from far left democrats for these protestors.

I sense a bit of projection here.
So predictable. Trying to equate what happened on Jan 6 to other protests is not the same.

If you can't see the difference and don't understand that what happened on Jan 6 was far from peaceful and patriotic, SGIP should take away your voter card.

Next you're going to tell me the facts are that Jan 6 did not happen. Can you be done again?
I sense the ad hominem attacks coming. That says a lot more than you probably realize.

We have been talking about two things:
1. Objections to the certification of electoral college votes
2. Breaches of capital buildings.

The objections have only one purpose .... to prevent Trump in 2016 and to prevent Biden in 2020 from officially becoming the next President. Everything else is noise. One can try to justify why they are different but its all noise. There is one purpose and one purpose only.

Breaches of capital buildings are bad. No one should try to justify them. They happen for various reasons and our country's history is littered with these incidents. In the past, since most of these incidents were by left leaning protestors, democrats have claimed that this is the price you pay for democracy. Jan 6 is a breach of the capital building. How is this breach different than other breaches where people gain unlawful entry and are told to leave and either leave on their own accord or are arrested?

Democrats and their media allies have tried to make everyone believe Jan 6 was an insurrection. Jack Smith never charged Trump with insurrection or sedition. Watch what they do; not what they say.
Sorry... your online forum tactics don't work on me... you can throw out the trigger words like ad hominem but doesn't really mean anything to me.

You keep turning this into a political divide and you don't realize that my opinion doesn't fall along party lines. I did not want Clinton to win in 2016, doesn't mean I voted for Trump (my independent status allows me to do otherwise) so those same claims of election fraud I also dismissed. If you can't admit that Trump took it to another level in 2020, not sure what to tell you. He was already claiming fraud before the election, just like now. He is still vehemently holding on to his 2020 claims, whereas everyone else seems to have let prior elections go.

I always like when someone says well they weren't charge with X so it wasn't X. And then when they are charged the next thing is they won't be found guilty of X so it wasn't X. Then when they are found guilty it becomes it was an unfair trial, corrupt judge, whatever so not guilty of X (sound familiar @morekaos?),

Again, if it was the other way around, you would be claiming insurrection too. Don't lie... just admit your political bias is in play here.

Again, I'm independent and probably lean more right than anything, but what Trump did does not make him deserving of the office. Plain and simple. Is Biden or Harris any better? Who knows... it's not really a matter of them winning my vote, Trump lost mine.

And no... we have been talking about more than 2 things but at least you finally dropped the trailer truck theory that you couldn't prove.

And I realize this is like talking to a brick wall here... as I said, none of you will see the other side (although you did admit breaching capitol buildings was bad) so why do you even ask for counters that you will not listen to. It just doesn't make sense. It's a waste of everyone's time.
Sorry... your online forum tactics don't work on me... you can throw out the trigger words like ad hominem but doesn't really mean anything to me.

You keep turning this into a political divide and you don't realize that my opinion doesn't fall along party lines. I did not want Clinton to win in 2016, doesn't mean I voted for Trump (my independent status allows me to do otherwise) so those same claims of election fraud I also dismissed. If you can't admit that Trump took it to another level in 2020, not sure what to tell you. He was already claiming fraud before the election, just like now. He is still vehemently holding on to his 2020 claims, whereas everyone else seems to have let prior elections go.

I always like when someone says well they weren't charge with X so it wasn't X. And then when they are charged the next thing is they won't be found guilty of X so it wasn't X. Then when they are found guilty it becomes it was an unfair trial, corrupt judge, whatever so not guilty of X (sound familiar @morekaos?),

Again, if it was the other way around, you would be claiming insurrection too. Don't lie... just admit your political bias is in play here.

Again, I'm independent and probably lean more right than anything, but what Trump did does not make him deserving of the office. Plain and simple. Is Biden or Harris any better? Who knows... it's not really a matter of them winning my vote, Trump lost mine.

And no... we have been talking about more than 2 things but at least you finally dropped the trailer truck theory that you couldn't prove.

And I realize this is like talking to a brick wall here... as I said, none of you will see the other side (although you did admit breaching capitol buildings was bad) so why do you even ask for counters that you will not listen to. It just doesn't make sense. It's a waste of everyone's time.
You don't seem to know when to stop digging so I will oblige you. Regarding the tractor trailer that Jessie Morgan drove from NY to PA on Oct 21, 2020, you claimed that you have videos and images showing the contents in the trailer not being completed ballots. I asked if you would kindly send me a link. You send me a link to a fact check regarding shredded mail in ballot applications as proof that the contents were not completed ballots. I tell you that the fact check is not regarding the Jessie Morgan trailer. You insist it is. I point out that the fact check is about mail in ballot applications and that I have been talking about the completed ballots that Jessie Morgan attested to. Then you say I agree with you because you still believe they are one in the same. I point out that the video in the fact check you sent me the link to is dated Oct 7; two weeks before Jessie Morgan drove the trailer in question from NY to PA. Your response then is to quote someone else saying that there was no trailer. So you went from there was a trailer when you thought you had a video that supported your belief (there were no completed ballots in the trailer) to now saying that there is no trailer because the video did not support your belief.

BTW, you don't need to respond to my post. I don't want to be accused of wasting your time.
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It's a waste of time because you are not understanding both what I wrote and the contents of that link. You also disregarded the link that pokes holes in Morgan's story.

As zubs said, lack of proof means no trailer. Burden is on you to prove it, do... not say.

And once more, there is little evidence that election fraud can work on the electoral college system so this continual complaining about stolen elections (by either side) is worn out. Did you even read that article?
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Not a fan of "Cackala" as it sounds too close to a Spanish word for crap. The news media won't repeat the word so why use it?

The name/ slogan I'd use would be "California Kamala" and the run "California values, coming to your state in 2025", then play shots of all of the nonsense we have here (riots, encampments, smash and grab robbery, queers for Palestine, etc), then close to black with 10 seconds or so of cackle. Oof.
In light of her government handout and socialist price control economic scheme how about “Commiela Harris”? 😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸
Both parties are a bunch of liars. The democrats are promising a bunch of stuff that will never happen as usual. The republicans are promising to go back to a time when white men had complete control over alll races and women. Although I guess the republicans are making more progress on their promises.
Trump is so much in panic, he demoted his campaign managers, only to put his previous manager in charge, who he also previously fired. And now they are all infighting. Hahahaha so much chaos. You love to see it.

Good Republicans! Drop this clown and take your party back from MAGA! We can go back to arguing about marginal tax rates later.

He’s also losing non college educated white male voters, North Carolina is back in play, and even counties in Florida flipped to double digit leads for Harris. Maybe the Elon bore fest interview shouldn’t have bragged about firing workers on the spot?

MAGA’s latest tactics are old tactics to throw around words like socialism, Marxism, or Communism. None of them know the Cultural Revolution or the Gulag Archipelago, yet are happy to cheer for Russia over an allied Democracy. This tactic will fail as everyone is tired of hearing it. Trump is seen as the old incumbent and Harris the change candidate.

Yet they will happily enjoy Social Security checks, Medicare, public roads, and police services. “Why should I pay for the SOCIALIST fire department ? If someone else’s house burns down, that’s their own fault! I prefer tax cuts for billionaires and taking rights away from women.”

If you want to know who prefers Communism, it’s Trump, who really wants to be a Stalinist dictator. Here are his three favorite world leaders, in order:

Kim Jong Un - who he said he “fell in love” with the leader of an impoverished Communist nation
Vladimir Putin - literally a KGB officer in Communist Soviet Union, whose biggest regret is the Soviet Union fell apart
Emperor Xi - leader of the Chinese Communist Party



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