eyephone said:
1. The current media (broadly speaking) doesn't mention what Obama did in the past is similiar. (For example when I watch the news or read an article they don't even mention it)
2. You mentioned why does it matter if Obama did? It does matter because it shows presidence that the previous President did a similar type of action.
3. You indicated it is not the same but it is similar.
Your statement below says it all: " So, are the policies similar as Trump claimed? In the most superficial of ways, yes. They both limit immigration into the United States on a temporary basis."
The president is briefed to information that the public is not aware about. Things are changing constantly, a lot has happened in the US and over seas since 2011. Also, maybe those countries that are part of the ban should do more to fight terrorism instead of being a safe haven.
I'm not sure if you watch the news and follow what is happening across Europe. (France to Germany)
1. The media I consume has mentioned it. Maybe you need to change the media you consume.
2. Oh, so Trump supporters now care about presidents? Could you all please get Trump to care about the president of Presidents disclosing their financial information and divesting themselves to prevent conflicts of interest?
3. Yes, it is similar in a superficial way. Would you agree that the differences matter? If the differences do not matter, then there was no reason to do anything. Why did Trump need to change anything? I have nothing against our immigration policies evolving. However, I am against them changing for no good reason. I have yet to be presented with a good reason for this change.
When you say "The president is briefed to information that the public is not aware about" I think you mean "This President ignores briefings on information that the public is not aware about."
Yes, these 7 countries should do more. And if you are someone who is trying to flee one of those countries so that you and your children can have a better life, you probably agree with that. I don't know why that matters.
Things have changed since 2011. Yet the list of countries comes from 2011. Weird.
I will be more clear about what I think.
I think Trump's EO was done as a way for him to show supporters that he is starting his Muslim ban. We do not need a Muslim ban. Our current vetting procedures are sufficient. We will never stop all attacks. The attacks that Trump cites as for why we need his EO would not be prevented by the EO. The Bowling Green terrorists are the reason that the immigration policies were re-worked in 2011. I think Trump's EO is not a Muslim ban, but it is overly broad and ineffective. For example, he did not need to prevent entry by people who already had visas. We already take into account when people travel to these countries. What more needs to be done and why?
Trump stokes people's fears so that he can tell them he will be the savior.
He says that they couldn't announce the EO beforehand because then the terrorists would have rushed in. That isn't how the process works. Does he not understand even the basics of how the process works? If that is the case, then he shouldn't make changes until he learns this. If he does understand how it works, then he is purposefully lying.
He says that with the EO being stayed that now people will be pouring over the border. Again, that isn't how the process works. So again, does he not understand the basics or is he lying? Either option should frighten you. Why does it not? Seriously. Please answer this question.
It makes me uneasy that no countries on the ban list are ones that Trump does business with. It may not be a thing. But as long as Trump has such conflicts of interest, we will never know.
I don't really understand the legal challenge that is going on about this. I don't like the EO, but I don't get how it is breaking a law.
Here are the questions that I still have not had anyone answer:
1. What more needs to be done to vet immigrants and refugees?
2. How do you feel about the people that had visas and then had their lives thrown into chaos by the ban?
3. Why do you think so many tech companies filed an amicus brief with the suit to stop the ban taking place?
4. Why are you not frightened that Trump either doesn't understand the basics of how our immigration process works or is completely lying about it?