Loco_local said:Drunk driving and domestic violence seem to be the biggest killers in Irvine. I will feel safer when el presidente signs an executive order banning alcohol and people living with family members.

The biggest problem ravaging trump country (parts of midwest and south) is death from opioid overdose. Surveys show many of those same voters have never met a muslim in their life. But a sure way to get them fired up is the spectre of "sharia law" (whatever that means) , not withstanding that most muslims who immigrate here are highly qualified and better integrated and the European problem with ethnic strife is a poor comparison.
And the net will expand in different ways. Steve Bannon (the real president) has already said that there are too many qualified Asians in this country ... This is from his interview with trump (actual audio available in the link , lest people start dismissing this fact as " fake news" )
TRUMP: We have to keep our talented people in this country.
TRUMP: I think you agree with that. Do you agree with that?
BANNON: Well I got a tougher ? you know, when two thirds or three quarters of the CEOs in Silicon Valley are from South Asia or from Asia, I think ? on, my point is, a country?s more like, [inaudible], a country?s more than an economy. We?re a civic society.