Off topic but knowing we have many Asians on this forum, what are people's thoughts on Trump communicating directly with newly democratically elect woman president Tsai? Apparently marks one of the first times a us president has had direct contact with Taiwan. For many that don't know, current president is green party, mostly who believe Taiwan should be its own nation instead of owned by China. The previous president Ma welcomed business with China as he was blue party. Just recently, since election, Taiwan was left out of a major World Trade meeting which made headlines. Taiwan was previously welcome at these world trade under blue party president. His direct contact is either a big step for Taiwan or just plain stupidity on messing with China.
Interesting to see how it plays out. China owns more than $1.24 trillion of US debt in bills, notes, and bonds, so trump seems to playing this more as a business man vs a political person. If it came to war, would China attack Taiwan? Would the US support Taiwan or China? Previously under Obama, Taiwan was never too concerned as it knew the US would come to its aid, but under Trump, there are many locals there who fear if Trump would do anything. He has already famously said he would only protect the nations who gave the US "protection money"
There's rumors out there that Trump has his eyes on Taiwan-based Foxconn (manufacturer of apple iphones) to bring Apple manufacturing plants back to the US. As of now, Pence has already backed upon the call and noted it was merely a congratulatory call to Trump. Next few months will be fun.
edit: added link with current issue from Time
China requested that President Tsai be prevented from making a stopover in New York City, US official reject