irvinehomeowner said:
Last time I checked, Northpark homes are pretty pricey... even West Irvine... so I'm not sure the "stigma" of TUSD is that effective.
What do you think is perceived better?
1. Tustin address with IUSD schools
2. Irvine address with TUSD schools
All things being equal (rarely the case in RE), you will pay more for an Irvine home with TUSD vs Tustin home with IUSD.
The two enclaves in OH will not be an apple to apple comparison. The Western enclave zoned to TUSD will be gated and have larger more expensive homes. The Eastern enclave will not be gated and start at a lower price point and probably higher density.
IMO the cheaper homes zoned to IUSD and further from the 261 will be the better deal. It will be iinteresting how prices will shake out for these school boundary homes.
Some of the homes will be directly across from OH elementary / middle school and will instead go further to an IUSD school.