Lambert Ranch in Irvine

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I have been looking at property in Irvine forever.  I currently live in Woodbury... I feel like I already have a little sliver lot, and no yard.  I have some major pros and cons to Woodbury... and I have been looking to relocate ever since I have moved in here.

I think that Irvine\Woodbury is safe, and Irvine Police have been very nice...  I do happen to have some punk kids that visit my park by my house... smoke weed, sell drugs, or whatever.  There is a few houses I suspect of selling drugs in woodbury.. its weird.

I have great neighbors on my sides, and here is one REALLY weird thing....  I have lived here for 4 years, and I have yet to see any faces of any of my neighbors behind my house.  There is 3 houses behind me that look right into mine, I have yet to see one face..  and there is another CON to Irvine, not a lot of friendly people <period>.  I could drive to other cities and people just come up and talk to you and are very friendly.  In Irvine it seems like people are just here temporarily or just picking something up here and they are getting the hell out!

So I have looked at moving toward Newport, and maybe a house in Northwood.. I was very interested in San Marino in woodbury, more of the same...

But my brother told me about Lambert Ranch... and I have a new baby on the way (my first), and he said check it out.... even thought I should move toward where the rest of my family lives... toward the beach.  You get way more bang for your buck in Irvine... and the piece and quiet... as long as you don't want any friends.

So I was very impressed with the refreshing floor plans of Lambert Ranch.  The Field was nice, for the lower end, I could see myself even be interested in those, if thats what I was looking for SQ footage wise.  I went to the Hill next, I liked the floor plan with 12 foot ceilings, but there was a lot of stairs going up if you head to the bonus\master upstairs.  The master downstairs? doesn't make sense, if you have kids.. and babies.  Im not sure who that works for.. too bad, I liked that refreshing high ceiling room.  I narrowed the hill down to one plan I like... but I think NHC has really done a great job with the options.. They are definitely things I would want to consider or want to do, so I don't have to tear down walls later.  I was really happy about that.

The Grove... is where I looked next..  I think the houses are huge in comparison to other houses in Irvine.  You can't find anything like it anywhere that I know of...  I really like the uses of space, and I have my favorite floor plans there.  It really is between the Hill and Grove for me.  I think its a little odd to fill the entire lot with a home like the Grove does.  Here is a 4500-5000 sq foot house on a 7000-8000 sq foot lot.  A house like that should be on a huge lot with a yard, but all you get is a courtyard, and walls on all sides.. So it really feels like your walled in, Its a Interior-Living-Situation (ILS) I will coin that term.  You get a lot of bang out of your money interior SQ footage wise, but you don't get any special views like you would have with the hill.  So you really have to weigh the pros and cons..  I think the premiums you pay for views will balance out the higher sq footage of the Grove.. and you will see similar price points on those houses...

People that say Laguna Altura is a better options, is crazy.  I really feel that Altura is a glorified freeway truck stop...  Your really not connected to any community or a woodbury town center.  I feel that all the winding turns I take from my house to the town center, would be about the same from Lambert Ranch.. A lot of people get lost inside Woodbury's Maze. (I don't)

I think the sound from the 241 is not a issue.. I think living on lot in woodbury that backs up to a wall on Trabuco, or the streets coming into woodbury, would be worse.

The idea of the Jail being a issue... I think the idea of a gated community is way better than woodbury it restricts who can come in, who can use your community center(randoms come into woodbury's pools), and who uses your parks(drug dealers at your parks).

Cell phone tower.  I love cell phone reception, so thats a plus.

Landfill, I grew up in Newport Beach, so I know all about that landfill, people drive RIGHT by it everyday, they don't even know it...  I see the Gas Vents all over the trails there, nobody even says a thing.  I would think that gases and smells would go up, not laterally.

So thats all I have to say for now...:)
Regarding noise, when I was outside at The Hill, which is closest to the 241, I could barely hear the road noise from the 241. I was pleasantly surprised with that.
If Lambert Ranch consider a high fire hazzard after read someone message mentioned two fire happening.  What happen to the resales value around Woodbury or any houses near by 241, landfill, and jail.  Does anyone know?  The sale price should start 800k. 
nijiaturtle said:
If Lambert Ranch consider a high fire hazzard after read someone message mentioned two fire happening.  What happen to the resales value around Woodbury or any houses near by 241, landfill, and jail.  Does anyone know?  The sale price should start 800k.

The price may drop to your asking if and when there's another credit crisis or serious problem with the economy. Until then, wishful thinking Asian dude.  :D

Warclaws said:
People that say Laguna Altura is a better options, is crazy.  I really feel that Altura is a glorified freeway truck stop...  Your really not connected to any community or a woodbury town center.  I feel that all the winding turns I take from my house to the town center, would be about the same from Lambert Ranch.. A lot of people get lost inside Woodbury's Maze. (I don't)

Laguna Armani is a better choice because it's not close to a landfill and jail. Although it's right off the 405, where future TIC apartments (former water park site) and a commercial/retail strip will be built thereby absorbing the noise and auto exhaust from the 405 freeway besides the coastal winds blowing it to the east of Irvine.  Also, the main entrance off the 133 will be developed into offices/light industrial properties in the future, and side entrance will take you to the future extension of Lake Forest Drive. For shopping, Laguna Armani residents can take a short and easy drive to Quail Hill shopping center (there is an Albertson there). Oh, let's not forget, Armani is only minutes to the Spectrum and closer to Laguna Beach! Overall, Laguna Armani will have better resale value in the future than Lambert Ranch in my view.
jamboreedude said:
Warclaws said:
People that say Laguna Altura is a better options, is crazy.  I really feel that Altura is a glorified freeway truck stop...  Your really not connected to any community or a woodbury town center.  I feel that all the winding turns I take from my house to the town center, would be about the same from Lambert Ranch.. A lot of people get lost inside Woodbury's Maze. (I don't)

Laguna Armani is a better choice because it's not close to a landfill and jail. Although it's right off the 405, where future TIC apartments (former water park site) and a commercial/retail strip will be built thereby absorbing the noise and auto exhaust from the 405 freeway besides the coastal winds blowing it to the east of Irvine.  Also, the main entrance off the 133 will be developed into offices/light industrial properties in the future, and side entrance will take you to the future extension of Lake Forest Drive. For shopping, Laguna Armani residents can take a short and easy drive to Quail Hill shopping center (there is an Albertson there). Overall, Laguna Armani will have better resale value in the future than Lambert Ranch in my view.

Being better than something else would usually mean it has less shortcomings or the shortcomings have less of an impact. IMO, LA has its own set of shortcomings. Each buyer will have to justify in his/her mind which shortcomings have a bigger impact. I dont think it is cut and dry to say LA is better.
No pricing available yet. The Grove tour guy informally gave a number of "1.2 million" for The Grove, but said he's not sure, as it may be 1,200,000 or it may be 1,299,000. But he threw that number out as a ballpark and the company won't put out pricing until a day or two before the opening.
Arman said:
No pricing available yet. The Grove tour guy informally gave a number of "1.2 million" for The Grove, but said he's not sure, as it may be 1,200,000 or it may be 1,299,000. But he threw that number out as a ballpark and the company won't put out pricing until a day or two before the opening.

Perhaps they?re waiting to see and gauge the results of priority registration before firming the prices.
WoodburyDad said:
Perhaps they?re waiting to see and gauge the results of priority registration finances before firming the prices.
Corrected that a bit. :)

Looks like The New Home Company picked up some tricks while working in Woodbury for TIC.
irvinehomeowner said:
WoodburyDad said:
Perhaps they?re waiting to see and gauge the results of priority registration finances before firming the prices.
Corrected that a bit. :)

Looks like The New Home Company picked up some tricks while working in Woodbury for TIC.

My guess is that they?re looking to have/create as much buzz as possible leading up to the official grand opening of the models.
This is the time to say that you hate the product instead of showing your drool. These blogs are the only way the builder is able to gauge the interest to setting up the proper pricings. Once the pricings are set there is no retractions. Learn from the 2010 Collection mistakes where the buyers like Scuba, Disney Mike, and countless others were taken to the cleaner. If you want to see prices in the 7s then here is your chance to voice your opinion after all the location is not that great and should reflect the negative premiums.
despite so many negatives, the view lots in a guard gated community with brand new construction is such a rarity - I expect them to be in high demand and will hold their resale values better. I am not aware of any SFR homes in Laguna Autism that have views.

I also like to quote myself again for Lambert Ranch:
The EM Field
The Land Fill
and The Ancient Grave.
The Motor Court Company said:
despite so many negatives, the view lots in a guard gated community with brand new construction is such a rarity - I expect them to be in high demand and will hold their resale values better. I am not aware of any SFR homes in Laguna Autism that have views.

I also like to quote myself again for Lambert Ranch:
The EM Field
The Land Fill
and The Ancient Grave.

It's not guard gated. They said that if the HO wished to have the gate guarded, that is up for vote and would be added on to the $295 HOA.
Look at the Laguna Artura is not selling well cause the prices
The Field is not the best to start of $900k should be $800k.
Does anyone like gated community adding more fee to HOA?
$250.00 is little high for HOA without gated community.  They should provide the press pad number gate commumity.  It does not cost more than guard.
Does anyone agrees for exercise room in the CLUB HOUSE?
Living near Landfill could be a health issues but it's safe for all of us.
The 241 noise could be destracted in the morning traffic.
Jail cell 10 minutes walking distrance someone mention, could be risky and we do not know the future.
