Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
People that decide any trash can that is set out on trash day is okay for them to throw their trash in.  After the trash has been picked up and emptied.
1. Drivers who don't pay attention to the left turn signal, especially the ones that turn green after the main traffic goes rather than before... thus causing many drivers behind them to miss the light and have to wait another cycle.

2. People on their phones walking in the middle of a parking lot. Sometimes I want to sneak up behind them and honk real loudly.
I enjoy getting Mcdonalds breakfast with my daughter on Saturday mornings when the wife sleeps in.  Our father daughter junk food bond :)
irvinehomeowner said:
2. People on their phones walking in the middle of a parking lot. Sometimes I want to sneak up behind them and honk real loudly.

Did you hear about this? A man, distracted by his phone, walked off a cliff & fell 60' to his death. I'm being completely serious.

"'Witnesses stated seeing someone distracted by an electronic device and he just fell over the edge.
'(He) wasn't watching where he was walking, he was looking down at the device in his hands.'.... Bender warned that people need to be more aware of their surroundings. 'Just like driving and using a cell phone, you don't want to be walking and using a cell phone or be distracted or anything,' Bender told NBC San Diego.

It is annoying to no end that when I surf the net for news or just to read an article, that I have to either hear an audio of it or go through some stupid slide show.  I end up just moving on because it takes 2x as long to get through the article than if I could just READ the article. 
Getting a letter from Washington that my I.D. information was among the background investigation records stolen in the malicious cyber intrusion carried out against the government.
SoCal said:
Getting a letter from Washington that my I.D. information was among the background investigation records stolen in the malicious cyber intrusion carried out against the government.
Don't worry, your personal info is safe in the hands of the PRC.  Small price to pay for them to keep RE prices up around here.
SoCal said:
Getting a letter from Washington that my I.D. information was among the background investigation records stolen in the malicious cyber intrusion carried out against the government.

I got the same letter. Yeah, another free year of useless credit watch services. I've already been a victim of Target and Home Depot.
I'm disappointed in you guys. T.I. is now 99% Chinese and not one person wished a happy new year the other day? Meanwhile, I'm walking around town like, "Gung hey fat choy, y'all!!"
SoCal said:
I'm disappointed in you guys. T.I. is now 99% Chinese and not one person wished a happy new year the other day? Meanwhile, I'm walking around town like, "Gung hey fat choy, y'all!!"

Sorry I was too busy spending all my new years money.
I can't post this on F.B. so I will vent anonymously here. I am a room parent and regular classroom helper. I can not stand my child's teacher. I am literally counting the weeks until I can wash my hands of this person. My advice to anyone else considering being a room parent is to make sure you know, BEFOREHAND, if the teacher is a good fit for you to work with before you make the commitment. Or at the least, only volunteer as part of a team of room parents so you're not stuck with this person if things get rough. I made the mistake of volunteering before the first day of school began, before I had any clue who this person was or other people's experiences with them (which I found out later were negative). I am trying to keep it together but sometimes I find myself on the verge of turning in all my stuff and quitting.
irvinehomeowner said:
Oooh... that reminds me of a pet peeve I may have already mentioned and it's about pets.

- People who bring their tiny dogs into stores/malls/restaurants/whatever claiming they are service dogs.

They even have vests on them indicating they are "therapy dogs". As far as I know, "therapy dogs" aren't covered under the "service dog" umbrella. I see managers struggle with trying to tell someone that pets aren't allowed and quite often they look the other way to not get caught in some angry exchange but they can ask 2 specific questions:

? Is the dog required because of a disability?

? What task or service has the dog been trained to do?

Usually, the people faking it can't answer one or both of those to satisfaction.

I like dogs just as much as qwerlupa, but don't abuse the rules just because you didn't want to leave YoQuieroTacoBell at home.

Sorry... I have to bring this up again.

Lately, I've been seeing more and more people bringing their dogs into places they shouldn't. Just the other day, a couple had a dog with them at a restaurant. Looked like a chihuahua and was wearing one of those vests... but the couple was young and neither looked like they had a disability. And both of them got up to go to the bathroom leaving the dog with the other. So if it's a service dog, what service was it for? A waitress even petted the dog.

I guess I really don't have the right to complain as I don't confront anyone I see doing this but that's what the Internet is for.
irvinehomeowner said:
So if it's a service dog, what service was it for? A waitress even petted the dog.

"Emotional support animals" are a "thing" now. Apparently, they no longer have to claim the animal has a certain set of skills or specialized training. It's just there to make the owner feel good, i.e. emotional support. And yes, it's ridiculous. I present to you: an emotional support bearded dragon, emotional support turkey, and emotional support alpaca. I'm getting an emotional support kangaroo and bringing him with me next time I'm on an airplane.


I was bit by a dog when I was little and I'm afraid of dogs I don't know or even some dogs I do know. I know people don't understand this but some people are REALLY afraid of dogs. If I see a dog in the neighborhood, I purposely cross the street and avoid any eye contact or immediately turn around and walk the other direction.  I once had a dog run at me near my house and out came a blood curdling scream, yes sad....... I was an adult who should be able to handle the dog fear but I can't. Scared the dog for sure and every neighbor came running out of their house to see who was getting murdered. The dog owner of course ran to get their dog which was supposed to be on a lease. So sorry, so sorry, so sorry. Never had their dog off the leash near my house again.

So...... last week I was in cvs and some dog (German Shepherd size) runs into the store. Ran around the store, into the storeroom. I'm thinking good........ just get my one item and I can get out before the dog comes back but NO! While I was standing in the aisle with my cart, dog comes out of the store room and runs around the store. I was standing still, not facing the dog and he runs right for me. I can hear him running, getting closer and hear his owners laughing about how much fun the dog was having and how he had so much room to run around in the store. I feel him at the back of my legs, and I'm in a panic. If he was in front of me instead of behind I know I would have screamed but I just froze and kept saying, GET YOUR DOG! GET YOUR DOG! GET YOUR DOG! They got their dog, attached the leash and walked around the store with the dog. There is no way they needed the dog for some kind of disability.

When I was grocery shopping, a dog pooped in the produce section. The young couple who were carrying the dog were laughing and trying to run out of there before anyone noticed, leaving a couple turds in a trail on the floor behind them. Disgusting! They didn't even try to pick it up. Dogs do not belong in an establishment where food is being served or sold.

I once went shopping with a friend at the Kohl's in Irvine. She refused to leave her dog in the car. I told her I was uncomfortable with her bringing the dog shopping with us. She refused. She then got scolded by the sales person and still refused. She made a scene. She bitched the entire way home about how out of line THEY were. That was the last time I went anywhere with her.
SoCal said:
"Emotional support animals" are a "thing" now. Apparently, they no longer have to claim the animal has a certain set of skills or specialized training. It's just there to make the owner feel good, i.e. emotional support.
I don't think "emotional support animals" fall under the "service animal" umbrella and are still not allowed in California public places:

They "psychiatric support" animal is probably the hard one to deal with. And if that person "needs" that type of support animal, it will probably not be easy to ask them about it.
I completely understand your position. I was also bitten by a dog when I was a child and I have painful memories of that event. Over the years, I'm no longer fearful of dogs but I hate it when owner's do not have their dogs on a leash, especially in public places. This is required by law and a small incident can cause the dog to bite someone.

Just a few months ago, I saw the a set of grand parents pushing a stroller get the scare of a lifetime when a dog ran towards them in the park. The dog owner as most dog owners went over and said, it is a friendly dog and doesn't bite, but that did not help calm them down. A few people intervened and told the dog owner to take the dog to a dog park where it can run freely or put it on a leash. But instead of acknowledging his fault he instead went off on everyone about how it is a free country and he can do whatever he wants. As expected after the confrontation, the grand parents left the park instead of the dog owner.

Most dog owners are responsible, but as with anything, a few bad apples give a bad rap to all dog owners. An irresponsible dog owner is just a lawsuit away from being responsible.