Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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Its not beneficial encouraging things to have their own compartmentalized space and then need to fold it like origami and stack it like Tetris to get it all in the storage.  Putting things away takes 10x as long and you get more clutter and frustration.
Completely unappreciative people.

On Saturday night, I found a wallet-insert laying in the parking lot of my bank. It had a driver's license, some cards, etc. From Sat. night to Sunday afternoon, I tried to track her down.

I used Facebook to look up the person. Found her. I see she's active on FB several times a day, every day. Sent her a PM. No response.

Looked her number up in the white pages. Unlisted.

Finally, visited the address listed on her driver's license. Drove to her condo complex. Tried to drop it off at her clubhouse. It was closed for construction. Ugh.

Searched for her unit. Found it upstairs. Knocked. Rang the doorbell. No answer.

It looked safe enough so I hung her wallet from a string attached to her doorknob. I put a note in it, saying how I found it. Everything was still in her wallet exactly as I found it although there was no cash and no debit card. Of course, I would never steal anything out of a wallet -- only help the person. Signed my name, wrote my cell # down.

Never got a text, a call, or a PM or anything letting me know she received it or even a "thanks" -- nothing.  I go look on Facebook again today. She's active that day, the next day, and today. But no acknowledgement of getting her wallet back. I'd be really happy if I got mine back. Not sure what's up with some people.  :-\
SoCal said:
Completely unappreciative people.

On Saturday night, I found a wallet-insert laying in the parking lot of my bank. It had a driver's license, some cards, etc. From Sat. night to Sunday afternoon, I tried to track her down.

I used Facebook to look up the person. Found her. I see she's active on FB several times a day, every day. Sent her a PM. No response.

Looked her number up in the white pages. Unlisted.

Finally, visited the address listed on her driver's license. Drove to her condo complex. Tried to drop it off at her clubhouse. It was closed for construction. Ugh.

Searched for her unit. Found it upstairs. Knocked. Rang the doorbell. No answer.

It looked safe enough so I hung her wallet from a string attached to her doorknob. I put a note in it, saying how I found it. Everything was still in her wallet exactly as I found it although there was no cash and no debit card. Of course, I would never steal anything out of a wallet -- only help the person. Signed my name, wrote my cell # down.

Never got a text, a call, or a PM or anything letting me know she received it or even a "thanks" -- nothing.  I go look on Facebook again today. She's active that day, the next day, and today. But no acknowledgement of getting her wallet back. I'd be really happy if I got mine back. Not sure what's up with some people.  :-\

... maybe she is afraid of the stalker that has her wallet and personal info??? :P
peppy said:
SoCal said:
Completely unappreciative people.

On Saturday night, I found a wallet-insert laying in the parking lot of my bank. It had a driver's license, some cards, etc. From Sat. night to Sunday afternoon, I tried to track her down.

I used Facebook to look up the person. Found her. I see she's active on FB several times a day, every day. Sent her a PM. No response.

Looked her number up in the white pages. Unlisted.

Finally, visited the address listed on her driver's license. Drove to her condo complex. Tried to drop it off at her clubhouse. It was closed for construction. Ugh.

Searched for her unit. Found it upstairs. Knocked. Rang the doorbell. No answer.

It looked safe enough so I hung her wallet from a string attached to her doorknob. I put a note in it, saying how I found it. Everything was still in her wallet exactly as I found it although there was no cash and no debit card. Of course, I would never steal anything out of a wallet -- only help the person. Signed my name, wrote my cell # down.

Never got a text, a call, or a PM or anything letting me know she received it or even a "thanks" -- nothing.  I go look on Facebook again today. She's active that day, the next day, and today. But no acknowledgement of getting her wallet back. I'd be really happy if I got mine back. Not sure what's up with some people.  :-\

... maybe she is afraid of the stalker that has her wallet and personal info??? :P

To be honest, that would've been my reaction, but I'm highly suspicious of people and not a nice person
She actually reached out to me yesterday, finally. She got it. She was appreciative and offered to bring me some Christmas candy.
The selfish, rude, mean-spirited behavior of others never ceases to amaze me.  Today, as usual, I saw many instances of such behavior.

For example, the drivers in the slow lane of the freeway seemed determined not to allow the drivers on the on-ramp to merge onto the freeway.

Once I was able to merge into the slow lane, the cars in the slow lane kept rapidly slamming on their brakes, with no warning, nearly slamming into one another.

As soon as I was able to change lanes and move past all these jerks... I realized that the ultimate source of the problems appeared to be an incredibly selfish, dangerous driver -- who was driving at 45 MPH (or less) while the drivers to her left whizzed past her at freeway (or higher) speeds.

I assume the reason this woman was driving so slowly was that she was intently looking down at her cellphone, which she appeared to be holding with one hand while typing with the other.  She seemed very engrossed in whatever she was typing, while being totally oblivious to the chaos/danger she was causing for other drivers.

The vehicle did not appear to be an autonomous (self-driving) car, although it would not have justified her behavior even if it was.
A guy at work dropped off a birthday gift for me today. It was one of those white Godiva chocolate bags. My coworker was like, "Frank [we'll call him that] came on his day off to leave this for you. Ooooh, looks good!" I was a bit surprised but suddenly craving chocolate. I opened the bag. It's a box of salt! From Trader Joe's! Wth! "Fancy salt" in assorted vials. But still. A box of salt. In a Godiva gift bag. Who does that. Come on, people. Think!
Gross! Please don't have your dog drink directly out of the water fountain. I was right about to refill by kid's water bottle then quickly changed my mind.

That is without a doubt, one of the most rude & disgusting things I've ever seen. Gah. Did you say anything or shoot him dirty looks, Iacrenter? I'd have a hard time not saying something even if it's just loudly to others within earshot of him.
SoCal said:
That is without a doubt, one of the most rude & disgusting things I've ever seen. Gah. Did you say anything or shoot him dirty looks, Iacrenter? I'd have a hard time not saying something even if it's just loudly to others within earshot of him.

I was too shocked to say anything and didn't want to make a scene with my kids around. I won't be able to use a fountain again after this incident.
Gross yes... but can't you just run the water for a good 10 seconds or so to stream away the dog cooties?  Say some magic dog spit founds its way onto the spigot, a 10 second flush will push it out.  Unless its some magic super strong dog saliva that can swim upstream against the water current :)

And we're not frenching the thing, the only thing touching my lips and mouth is the water stream with a clean catch....
Don't the parks in Irvine usually have little doggie drinking fountains set low to the ground or am I remembering wrong? I swear I've seen those somewhere, just can't remember where.
ps9 said:
Gross yes... but can't you just run the water for a good 10 seconds or so to stream away the dog cooties?  Say some magic dog spit founds its way onto the spigot, a 10 second flush will push it out.  Unless its some magic super strong dog saliva that can swim upstream against the water current :)

And we're not frenching the thing, the only thing touching my lips and mouth is the water stream with a clean catch....

This is what I do as well.  5 seconds of running before I attempt to drink.  If I can't get a water stream with clearance, I move on to the next fountain.
Cmon people. Your concerned about a dog using a drinking fountain? You should be concerned about the guy who just took a shit, wiped his ass, then cooked or brought you your food.
qwerty said:
Cmon people. Your concerned about a dog using a drinking fountain? You should be concerned about the guy who just took a shit, wiped his ass, then cooked or brought you your food.

This won't stop your scenario, but OC should institute the letter grade for restraunts like LA.
I've been thinking about this one for days. I can't get it out of my head.

People who abuse others in their care (children / the elderly / disabled) so greatly piss me off. I looked at this link. Warning: Disturbing. Caregivers abusing a 91 yr old woman w/ Alzheimers and a 26 y.o. disabled man. OmG. Sickening.

It especially strikes a nerve because I work with seniors, 55 - 101. I chose this because it is deeply personal for me. I may not have a mom or dad in my life but I literally have hundreds of moms & dads where I work. It has allowed me to turn a negative situation around and try to make something positive out of it. I try to treat them as my own family by giving them the patience, love, respect, and attention that can come in short supply from the world but that they really need. While I do not provide direct personal care and am not a caregiver, I feel like this makes everyone who interacts with the elderly regularly, or is left alone with them in a position of trust, looked upon with suspicion and doubt. I would not & could not do my job if my heart wasn't in it. I also interact a lot with the residents' caregivers. Filipinos seem to dominate this field. Every single one I have ever met has been Filipino... they are THE MOST LOVING, WONDERFUL, patient, cheerful, selfless people you will ever meet. I can not say enough good things about them and the great attitudes that they bring to the job - both the men & the women. It has been said many times that it is just ingrained in their culture to take good care of elders. I would trust them with my own life 100%!

So, anyway. It just sucks that these jerks have to ruin it for everybody. They'll probably scare a lot of families from accepting help as needed. And of course, it is so sad for the vulnerable people in their care who got hurt.  :-[ Like the police say in that press conference video: Not everybody is like this. Most are not.  :-[
My neighbor from a few doors down, a man in his mid-40s who doesn't know me at all, just came over to try to talk to me... in his plaid pajama pants.... at 3:30 in the afternoon. Wth?? I ignored him so hard, he questioned his own existence. I don't feel bad about it either. Want to meet me? Put some pants on. Simple.

This is not the first time I've seen him walking around the neighborhood in his bedtime gear. He often gets the mail or partially-walks his daughter home from school like this. The message these lazy people send is one of a total lack of respect for themselves & others around them. It is an epidemic in our society. People out walking around in public, doing their grocery shopping, etc. in their pajamas. What's next -- going to a job interview in them? Unless you're homeless, an infant / toddler, or mentally ill, there is simply no excuse.