Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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It drives me crazy when someone pops up unannounced. This just happened to me again the other day. I saw my friend's car pull up outside my house. I had just enough time to turn off my music, run, and hide on the stairs before she could see me through the window. I had to hide and be quiet until she left. But she faked me out. She got back in the car. I'm like, "Phew! Now I can relax!"... I came out of hiding and strolled past the window... only for her to pop back up again! This time it was with a note she left under my door mat which she had written in the car. This is an older lady about 65 or so. She should know better... especially because I have ALREADY TOLD HER to always call first! Ugh. It's extra crazy, too, because the one time I wanted to visit her on short notice, I called first and she said no, even though she was home. I don't know what she would have done if I just popped in. So it's not ok if I do it but it's ok if she does it.
I also don't like it when they don't give up ringing & knocking after you don't answer. Luckily, I have a circular floor plan so I can usually escape but I have had to crawl on the floor before to get past the door or window because they won't go away. You shouldn't have to crawl around in your own house to avoid detection. It's no way to live.
SoCal said:
I also don't like it when they don't give up ringing & knocking after you don't answer. Luckily, I have a circular floor plan so I can usually escape but I have had to crawl on the floor before to get past the door or window because they won't go away. You shouldn't have to crawl around in your own house to avoid detection. It's no way to live.

This is hilarious! I thought I was the only one who hid from door knockers/visitors!
As long as I'm not wearing just my tighty whities, I answer the door all the time.

Lately it's been solar panel salespeople... who are easy to turn away because my bill averages less than $100/mo. When it's anyone religious, I ask them to visit me at my church. :)

It's that DirectTV person at BestBuy who I can't seem to shake.
Ok, that was hilarious. I was literally laughing so hard that I was crying. No, not Iho's old men's underwear (close, though). IrvineRealtor's video.
i've been on hold on/off the past 24 minutes.  :'( the same fuzzy five bars of music blasting in my ear over and over.
32 min...

I do not recommend  :'( The reason their best price guarantee works for them is because it's too painful to see the required call through to the end for a rightful adjustment.
When someone gives me obvious b.s. for absolutely no reason. This happened:

Me (Room Parent): "Hi, nice to meet you."

Other Parent: [SUPER nervous] "Umm. Uhh. Uggummuhh. You must be the room parent. Sorry I've never been in touch. I, uh, don't have email. Yeah, yeah -- I don't have email!"

Me: "Oh. Alrighty."

Me: [Looks at the brand new iPhone they're holding in their hand.]  :o [...Wait. Wth??]

Me: "But you've got text, right?"  ;)

Other Parent: "UMM. UHHH...!"  :-[ "Yes."
R+F on my Facebook feed.... I can take kid pics, rants, bible quotes, Bbq pics, but that R+F BS pisses me off.  Had to exercise the unfriend option...
ps9 said:
R+F on my Facebook feed.... I can take kid pics, rants, bible quotes, Bbq pics, but that R+F BS pisses me off.  Had to exercise the unfriend option...

I don't know what R+F means, but, there is an "unfollow" option. That way, their posts won't appear in your feed. I don't like unfriending people.
I had to take a pre-employment drug test today. It was my first time ever being asked to do this as part of the hiring process. The process was so degrading. Before I went, I thought it would feel invasive, but I had no idea just how much it would. It reinforced my thought that employers should be required to also give the option of a blood draw or hair follicle test or whatever else can be used aside from urine. I easily would have chosen a blood draw over this.
Iho, by any chance was that at Heritage Plaza? I was at Heritage Plaza the other day and noticed employees from several suites all parked in that single row of spaces facing the shops... basically, hogging up all of the good spaces. I said the exact same comment as you said.
Lularoe leggings!!!

1st time I saw these hideous things, I'm like, "When did Gymboree begin making clothes for adults?"

I would lose a lot of friends if I posted this on Facebook.

My gosh, people. Put some real clothes on. This is going to be one of those fads we look back on in 20 years with shame.... I hope!
SoCal said:
ps9 said:
R+F on my Facebook feed.... I can take kid pics, rants, bible quotes, Bbq pics, but that R+F BS pisses me off.  Had to exercise the unfriend option...

I don't know what R+F means, but, there is an "unfollow" option. That way, their posts won't appear in your feed. I don't like unfriending people.

OMG, how could you not miss all the R+F (Rodan and Fields derm products) nazis out there??! I've been avoiding certain friends on social media and around town just because I feel they are all obsessed with making you a sale on these products. These companies have seriously been brainwashing some of these people. I'm very close to unfriending (and I usually don't like to do that either)