Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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SoCal said:
My neighbor from a few doors down, a man in his mid-40s who doesn't know me at all, just came over to try to talk to me... in his plaid pajama pants.... at 3:30 in the afternoon. Wth?? I ignored him so hard, he questioned his own existence. I don't feel bad about it either. Want to meet me? Put some pants on. Simple.

This is not the first time I've seen him walking around the neighborhood in his bedtime gear. He often gets the mail or partially-walks his daughter home from school like this. The message these lazy people send is one of a total lack of respect for themselves & others around them. It is an epidemic in our society. People out walking around in public, doing their grocery shopping, etc. in their pajamas. What's next -- going to a job interview in them? Unless you're homeless, an infant / toddler, or mentally ill, there is simply no excuse.

I guess I have lower standards here in Irvine. I'm happy if my FCB neighbor's kid doesn't piss on my lawn.
When someone group texts me with people I don't have on my contact list.

First, I can't respond because I don't know who else is on that group text and second, it may be people who I don't want having my number anyways.
When people don't tidy up their hotel room before maid service comes in.

I always try to put myself in the maid's shoes. They have a disgusting, tiring, unfun (is that a word?) job. I pick up the room, making it easy for the maid to navigate the without having to trip over a million things. If there's an obvious mess like toothpaste in the sink or my long hair in the shower drain then I clean it up myself before she gets there. I'm always horrified when I walk down the hall in a hotel and I see the maid enter a room that looks like a tornado hit. 
SoCal said:
When people don't tidy up their hotel room before maid service comes in.

I always try to put myself in the maid's shoes. They have a disgusting, tiring, unfun (is that a word?) job. I pick up the room, making it easy for the maid to navigate the without having to trip over a million things. If there's an obvious mess like toothpaste in the sink or my long hair in the shower drain then I clean it up myself before she gets there. I'm always horrified when I walk down the hall in a hotel and I see the maid enter a room that looks like a tornado hit. 

Heh... I'm sort of the opposite, why do we clean the house before the housekeeper comes in? Isn't that *their* job? :)
The phrase "How are you?".

Do people actually care? To be polite, I then I have to ask them the same question, and quite honestly, most times I don't need to know. Also, if I answer truthfully... will we get into a long discussion about how I am?

Maybe if I give them an answer they don't want to hear they probably will never ask me that again.

irvinehomeowner said:
SoCal said:
When people don't tidy up their hotel room before maid service comes in.

I always try to put myself in the maid's shoes. They have a disgusting, tiring, unfun (is that a word?) job. I pick up the room, making it easy for the maid to navigate the without having to trip over a million things. If there's an obvious mess like toothpaste in the sink or my long hair in the shower drain then I clean it up myself before she gets there. I'm always horrified when I walk down the hall in a hotel and I see the maid enter a room that looks like a tornado hit. 

Heh... I'm sort of the opposite, why do we clean the house before the housekeeper comes in? Isn't that *their* job? :)

Well, how far do you want to take that?

Clip all your toenails. The little Frisbees fly everywhere. No worries. The maid will get it?

Blow your nose. Try to shoot & make the basket from across the room. Missed. That's what she's there for?

Don't flush. That's why you tip her?
irvinehomeowner said:
The phrase "How are you?".

Do people actually care?

Sure, some do. Especially if I know the person, I do.

Levels of Caring:

What's up / How's it goin' = Don't care.

How are you = May or may not care.

What's new with you? = Do care. Want details.

How can I pray for you? = I care about you deeply.

I don't think you have to worry about burdening the asker with an unpleasant answer if they are anything other than a stranger. Then again, it's probably different when guys ask? They're more surfacy. Need a whole new dictionary just to understand them.  :)
Didn't scroll through all the previous posts, so may be duplicates, but:

- Bathroom stall etiquette: Don't take the stall next to mine when there's more open, 1 stall buffer! Same goes for urinals too, right?!

- Not acknowledging opening the door for others: I've been so pissed off when I've even unlocked a community pedestrian gate and let someone in and said "you're welcome" to which they said thank you after. I saw a meme, in that case, who is the bigger @sshole: the person who didn't say thanks or the passive aggressive you're welcome person? At lease a smile or nod or SOMETHING? LOL
jumpinjacks said:
Didn't scroll through all the previous posts, so may be duplicates, but:

- Bathroom stall etiquette: Don't take the stall next to mine when there's more open, 1 stall buffer! Same goes for urinals too, right?!

- Not acknowledging opening the door for others: I've been so pissed off when I've even unlocked a community pedestrian gate and let someone in and said "you're welcome" to which they said thank you after. I saw a meme, in that case, who is the bigger @sshole: the person who didn't say thanks or the passive aggressive you're welcome person? At lease a smile or nod or SOMETHING? LOL

There are WAY too many FCBs who don't acknowledge when I hold the door open for them.  Why is that? 
When I'm in a long line of cars and I graciously let another driver cut in front of me and they don't even acknowledge me with a hand gesture!  >:(
People's driving.  :( I almost died on Friday night.

Driving home at 11:30 p.m. I was stopped at a red light. I looked up to see a car speeding towards me head-on. I didn't even have time to honk or to scream. He jerked the wheel at the last possible second...
SoCal said:
People's driving.  :( I almost died on Friday night.

Driving home at 11:30 p.m. I was stopped at a red light. I looked up to see a car speeding towards me head-on. I didn't even have time to honk or to scream. He jerked the wheel at the last possible second...

Scary story. I'm glad it had a happy ending. Another reason to buy a dash cam.
iacrenter said:
SoCal said:
People's driving.  :( I almost died on Friday night.

Driving home at 11:30 p.m. I was stopped at a red light. I looked up to see a car speeding towards me head-on. I didn't even have time to honk or to scream. He jerked the wheel at the last possible second...

Scary story. I'm glad it had a happy ending. Another reason to buy a dash cam.

I wonder if the footage would even survive in a bad head-on accident, directly impacting the camera. The little card thing in my dashcam is very, very tiny. I think it would survive. This week, it dawned on me that my camera was recording. (I always forget I have a dashcam.) But I just couldn't bring myself to watch it back. I still haven't seen it.

Oddly, this is the 2nd time something like this has happened. One time, nearly 20 years ago, we were driving up a windy, mountain rode through the hills of Connecticut at night. One lane each way. This car came barreling down the hill, on our side, accelerating, then swerving wildly back & forth. We estimated he was doing more than twice the speed limit. We saw him from a distance and were in disbelief. We discussed what we were going to do. There was literally nowhere for us to escape except plummet off the cliff on Mr. SoCal's driver's side or hit the rocks on my side. He disappeared for a second when while we came around the mountain. Popped back into view and he was playing "chicken" with us. The psycho whipped the wheel right before hitting us.

I guess God isn't done with me yet!
Apple AirPods.

My kid thinks they look cool I think they look weird, just like those Bluetooth ear mikes people used to wear.

I think it's one of those status symbol things... "I can afford a $160 Apple accessory".
SoCal said:
My neighbor from a few doors down, a man in his mid-40s who doesn't know me at all, just came over to try to talk to me... in his plaid pajama pants.... at 3:30 in the afternoon. Wth?? I ignored him so hard, he questioned his own existence. I don't feel bad about it either. Want to meet me? Put some pants on. Simple.

This is not the first time I've seen him walking around the neighborhood in his bedtime gear. He often gets the mail or partially-walks his daughter home from school like this. The message these lazy people send is one of a total lack of respect for themselves & others around them. It is an epidemic in our society. People out walking around in public, doing their grocery shopping, etc. in their pajamas. What's next -- going to a job interview in them? Unless you're homeless, an infant / toddler, or mentally ill, there is simply no excuse.

I must have missed this.

The guy on our street does this with his shirt off. And he has a dad bod, not a rad bod... plus he could pass for Bigfoot's shorter cousin (does he brush that torso hair?).

He hasn't done it the past few months because it's been cold but it's getting warmer... :(
IHO - let me know if you want me to walk around your neighborhood with no pants on to teach this guy a lesson. I can also be confused for bigfoot for a different reason :-)
Pet peeves?  Going westbound on Sand Canyon towards the 5 South onramp.  What a nightmare of cars being forced to merge right and then having to swerve back left just to make the left turn light to get to the onramp!  There has to be an easy fix.
Energy Upgrade California commercials that are scraping the barrel to encourage you to unplugged your coffee pot and dim your screens because darker screens use up to 20% less energy.