Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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This isn't really a pet peeve but I wonder if this has happened to anyone else. I had a real-estate related question. I Googled the question. The search result found me the perfect answer... and it was MY OWN post here on T.I. from 2 years ago providing the information! Funny when that happens.
When grocery shopping takes 3 hours and 45 minutes.

When I arrived, it was a warm, bright, summer day. By the time I got out, it was a dark, rainy fall night. My clothes are soaked and I'm shivering. I got home and immediately asked if the kids had graduated college while I was gone. I do a lot of food shopping but at my grocery store, it's always like one big reunion especially on evenings and weekends. I saw everybody I've ever known in my life. Take 2 steps... [SoCal]! It's my friend. Chat. Take 2 steps. [SoCal]! It's my child's teacher from last year. Chat. Take 2 more steps... [SoCal]! It's my pastor's wife. Chat. Take 2 more steps [SoCal]!... you get the drift.
People that plant bougainvilleas on the edges of their property and then never trim them.

Every bleeping week, I'm trying to sweep hundreds of quarter sized dried tissue paper flower leaves out of my garage.

Dried pinkish tissue paper flower fluttering everywhere on the ground with the lightest breeze.
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I thought you did your grocery shopping online?


Amazing memory, Iho! I did in 2009.
Yeah but why did you stop?

IIRC, we were discussing the merits of online shopping vs. brick and mortar and I felt there were some things that people will always want to do in person, like buying clothes (so they can try them on) or groceries. And you supported online by saying that you do all your grocery shopping online.

But that's no longer the case... so... the conclusion is you can't really do everything online.

Although Amazon Prime is shifting my views on that. :)
Parents that harass the teachers after the bell has rung.  Stop taking up my fcking time!  I got a job to go probably don't!

(I.e kids wait in line as the teacher talks to the bothersome parent while all the parents wait for their kids to be taken in)
irvinehomeowner said:
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I thought you did your grocery shopping online?


Amazing memory, Iho! I did in 2009.
Yeah but why did you stop?

IIRC, we were discussing the merits of online shopping vs. brick and mortar and I felt there were some things that people will always want to do in person, like buying clothes (so they can try them on) or groceries. And you supported online by saying that you do all your grocery shopping online.

But that's no longer the case... so... the conclusion is you can't really do everything online.

Although Amazon Prime is shifting my views on that. :)

Ah. I didn't realize we were picking up where we left off in a debate... 6 years ago.  ;) You're so funny, Iho. I hardly remember the conversation. I'm a lot younger than you, so, my memory is not as good as yours.  :) Please be patient with me. Shall we go back to that thread?

If you're asking me if it can all be done online -- Sure, it can be done online. In the years since we had a conversation, online retail has continued to boom, making no exception to clothes (malls are so yesteryear), shoes (Zappos went from start-up to $1B in the first ten years), and food (Amazon Fresh has thrown their hat into the ring.) There are also services now available which offer a smorgasbord of services including grocery shopping and delivery, i.e. Task Rabbit.

For me, personally, I did online grocery shopping at a time in my life where I needed the support. Now that years have passed, my circumstances have changed. At this time I prefer shopping for groceries in the store because I do a TON of grocery shopping since I never stop cooking & baking (because my family wants to eat every day. What's up with that?) I am one of their best customers, if not THE best. Going to the grocery store, for me, isn't just a quick task. It's an event. However, I don't consider myself a typical person at all. Most people want to get in & get out. They do more take-out than cooking. Most shoppers I see don't even bring a list and they have no meal plan ready. They don't enjoy going to the grocery store like me. For those people -- the majority of today's Americans? -- online makes more sense. I believe the biggest drawback to doing things online is that it lacks the social aspect. That is one reason people still go to the movie theater. For that, your point will be redeemed. That is one thing people can't get out of online shopping. I never did online grocery shopping because I preferred to. I did it because I had to. Aren't there others in the same boat? If the need arose for me in the future, I would consider it again.

Growth of online services/companies doesn't necessarily mean total replacement of physical stores.

Unless someone builds that replicator from Star Trek Next Generation, there will always be a need for people to physically touch things before they buy them.

irvinehomeowner said:
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Growth of online services/companies doesn't necessarily mean total replacement of physical stores.

When's the last time you went to Blockbuster?
Movies are not a touch required product.


No argument from me --  personally, like I said, I am similar to you as I prefer to touch & feel. For example, I like diamonds. I prefer to buy in person. But I've been really surprised with how popular online diamond purchases have become as I frequent diamond forums. Example: Blue Nile. It still sounds weird to me. But it's a success. There are sites which do give a lot of specific information. You can buy a loose stone and it will list the 4 C's plus exact measurements of the table, girdle, fluorescence, etc. It helps. But I can't shop like that. Or at least I tell myself so. I need to see it in front of me. I am in the market right now for some new stones. But I can't bring myself to spend thousands of dollars by ordering online. Therefore, it has taken years for me to find time to get to the jeweler. I keep putting it off. I used to drive down to the Jewelry District in L.A. but that's such a hassle and frankly, not the safest, in my experience. The last time I saw a local jeweler, the selection was limited, of course, as it will be in any store. As with anything else... online, you can find exactly what you're looking for with just a click. I might try it just because it'll get done so much faster. At this rate, it'll keep getting shoved down to the bottom of the To Do list. I've read a lot of positive reviews for some of the diamond sites. Whether we like it or not, the world is changing, Iho.
Pet Peeve: People who have lengthy off-topic discussions in random threads. :looks at self in mirror:

We should start a new thread about the worst online purchases we've made, sight-unseen. I'll go first:

~ Pet Peeves, The Holiday Version ~

Women who dress (and act) like hookers at COMPANY Christmas parties!

I can think of some situations that really stand out for how the woman was dressed like she was going clubbing in Hollywood and had the class - or lack thereof - to go with it. Some people just really stand out because you can tell that they are not often in these situations and don't know how to behave. For me, I just try to aim for "respectable". I think if you wouldn't wear it to church or in front of your father, you shouldn't wear it in front of the boss. Especially if it's your date's / husband's company party. The woman he's with is a reflection of him. I would want the boss to be left with the impression that he has good discernment, good character, etc. Sometimes I think single guys don't put enough thought into this when they decide which lady to bring to the party. I'm sure they are only thinking about "after" the party. Wise up! People take notice of these things.
