Channeling my inner-Iho here. Tough day at the school pick-up. School parking lots and pick-up/drop-off areas are the pits. For the first time in my life, I got flipped the bird. Not too bad I guess that I made it this long. However, it was by somebody I had every reason to flip off twice before she did it to me once, however, I refused. It just isn't an appropriate reaction especially at a school and especially with kids in the car, no matter how much we may want to. That said, this driver was a complete jerk. Apparently they think they own the road. First, while in a long line of cars and directly in front of me, her husband (the passenger) got impatient, hopped out in the middle of the street and meandered through traffic to walk and go get the kid. I thought that was unconventional and risky but whatever, I let it go. Then, eventually as we pull forward, I see the car parked at the very entrance to the pick-up lane which is way prior to where you are actually allowed to load kids. The line in front of her was entirely clear... I'm talking probably a dozen car lengths or so. Cars are supposed to continuously move forward, as staff continuously motions the drivers to do, and not pick up until a certain point or even at the very opposite end of the drive-thru. She sat there so long, I began to wonder if they were having mechanical trouble. I thought the car between us should proceed and go around because it seemed reasonable enough. Now, normally I am entirely against merging into a pick-up lane from a through-traffic lane. In fact, it is a pet peeve of mine. I am not saying it is the right and preferable way to drive. Well, nobody was going and we are just sitting there, sitting there, sitting there forever -- and seemingly for nothing. Finally, I see her husband and kid approaching the vehicle and load from the driver's side (unsafe & not recommended), I might add. It turned out she was just being selfish and waiting for them there to give them the shortest walk possible. Ugh! And really who knows at that point if they are even ready to load. Maybe the kid could realize he forgot his lunchbox and back track, who knows. Nobody would go. So, I broke my own rule and decided to leave the lane and go around in much the same way you would go around a car that was stalled in the middle of a lane rather than wait for a tow truck to arrive and clear the lane. At just that time, she decided to gas it with the passengers barely in the car. Then, I gunned it to get out of her way, leaving my car in front of hers. She nearly hit me while blowing her horn. No problem, though, I thought it was all over. After I pull up properly to load my kid, they pass me, and I get behind them. She was mouthing words to me in the side view mirror and staring at me, giving me dirty looks. I just ignored her. Then she held the bird firmly in the side view mirror a while. Really nice! I mean, how dare anyone pass her. Given the choice to have a do-over, I probably would just stick to my original plan of staying in the lane and like I said, I do take my share of responsibility in this since it didn't go as I had thought it would. I just think it sucks when people treat each other this way. Heck, I've been in their shoes. My kid had trouble with closing the trunk before and therefore, I was holding up traffic myself. But you know what? I expected people to go around so I looked very, very carefully before proceeding, because you can't leave the lane free and not use it for an extended period of time and expect the world to wait on you. It never occured to me to go around flipping them off. People are crazy. :-\