Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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Yeah, you're probably right. I've just always been amazed at how we are able to renew our driver's licences for what seems like an endless number of times without ever taking another test - driving or written! O_O
One of mine is when people can't figure out what "2 cars per green" means at the meter when getting on the freeway.  It's not that hard, people.
Pet Peeve:

Soooo annoying.

Got a Facebook PM from this one psycho I used to work with 12-13 YEARS AGO.

The first thing she says in it is like... "Hey, it's me! Are you still married? Your husband is NOT in your photos so I take it that means he didn't stick around. Oh, your kids are so cute, blah blah blah. Oh by the way, I'm divorced and raising my kids on my own."

Yeah, I'm SO SHOCKED that she split up from her husband whom she married 3 weeks (or was it 3 days?) after meeting in a Taco Bell drive-thru!! No joke! But how presumptuous to know everything about my life based on 2 pictures. Seriously, on what planet is that okay to tell somebody you haven't spoken to in over a decade. Sorry, I don't elope with random guys I just met in the fast food drive-thru and play Russian Roulette with my love life. I just think it's so rude to stalk somebody, ask such personal, intrusive questions, and just assume the worst!!  >:( This is also not the first time she has contacted me. She has left me phone messages in the past. I changed my number and didn't give it to her and did not return the calls. She has signed up for weird, anonymous Facebook names and tried to add me as a friend several times. I did not take the bait. Now, this. Ugh.

I just lost a friend. She had a bad cough with pain in her back. It was misdiagnosed until September. It turned out to be Stage 4 lung cancer. The pain was due to a large tumor. Imagine going from not knowing you even have cancer to being told you are in the final stages with mere months to live, all in the same moment. It was too large to operate and incurable. She did chemo / radiation but it didn't work. It wiped out any energy she had left. She went downhill fast. By Christmas she was bedridden. She moved in with her daughter. This past month she suffered a lot and wasted away. And now she's dead. Early 60's. She had a really, really hard life but finally got a glimmer of happiness as she recently got a grandson a few years ago who became the center of her world. Now she has been ripped away from him. She was already a seasoned smoker when I met her 20 years ago. She did quit for a long time. Didn't prevent this, though. As I type this, I am looking out the window, watching a man smoking. Damn.
Grim. Sorry to hear. Agressive smokers, vaping, cigars, hookah's, all of it, is tough to abide by. Free to do it in your own home or car. This is still a matter of choice.  Not cool to do it where everyone else is forced to participate in the smokers habit without consent to do so.
some guy at my office was smoking by the entrance even though there is a sign not to smoke within 20 ft. had to politely remind him of the rule. he was smoking by the door because the waste basket for the cigarettes is still by damn door.
I think these kinds of rules have to change as 20 or 30 feet isn't far enough to prevent all the smoke from being blown towards the door.  Somewhere way away and the waste basket for the butts far away from doors or where others have to pass by.

My parents were both chain smokers.  My dad died early, not due directly to smoking, but it probably didn't help.  My mom didn't quit for a long time but after a few scares, she finally quit for like the last 15 or 20 years of her life.  But she lived with my nieces and nephew for a long time and smoked inside for much of their young lives so I hope it doesn't affect them. 

I have a neighbor that chain smokes and like many, comes outside to smoke.  Fortunately, we have decent separation between our houses.  I didn't think much about it for most of the few years that I have lived here.  It could be my imagination but I started thinking I smelled tobacco smoke recently in one of my kids' room facing that neighbor.  I've started to only open that window only during the times when the neighbor (especially the smoking one) is usually not home.  And, put a heavy duty air filter in that room.  The neighbor is always hacking heavily so I figure that person will get sick from smoking eventually (or better yet, for that person, stop smoking).    Not wishing ill on anyone but when it's for your family, change cannot come fast enough.

qwerty said:
some guy at my office was smoking by the entrance even though there is a sign not to smoke within 20 ft. had to politely remind him of the rule. he was smoking by the door because the waste basket for the cigarettes is still by damn door.
irvinehusky said:
And, put a heavy duty air filter in that room. 

you mean purifier? i have three throughout the house. it is impressive to see the difference in the air when they are vs when they are not.
qwerty said:
irvinehusky said:
And, put a heavy duty air filter in that room. 

you mean purifier? i have three throughout the house. it is impressive to see the difference in the air when they are vs when they are not.

Really?  How so?  Do you have something that tests indoor air? 
Yes.  I guess I have one of those that generate ozone.  Was reading debate on whether that was harmful or not.  Guess it's like Irvine housing; if one thing doesn't kill you, another thing will.  :P

qwerty said:
you mean purifier? i have three throughout the house. it is impressive to see the difference in the air when they are vs when they are not.
ps9 said:
qwerty said:
irvinehusky said:
And, put a heavy duty air filter in that room. 

you mean purifier? i have three throughout the house. it is impressive to see the difference in the air when they are vs when they are not.

Really?  How so?  Do you have something that tests indoor air? 

no i dont have any thing that tests the air quality, i was just referring to the sniff test. not that the air without the purifier smells bad or anything, just smells fresh when the purifier is on. hard to articulate.
SoCal said:
qwerty said:
just smells fresh when the purifier is on. hard to articulate.

Like freshly fallen rain?
I  wouldnt go that far. You know how with porn you know it when you see it? Same thing with the purifier, you know it's purified air when you smell it.
qwerty said:
some guy at my office was smoking by the entrance even though there is a sign not to smoke within 20 ft. had to politely remind him of the rule. he was smoking by the door because the waste basket for the cigarettes is still by damn door.

Those oblivious or inconsiderate people are the worst. I will never forget taking my first steps out of the hospital with my brand new baby. There was a smoker waiting right outside the door where the maternity ward releases patients. He was blowing smoke at me and my little peanut, asking me to give him the time. Like I didn't have anything better to do? Obviously my arms were a little full. I said I didn't know and was walking faster than I was comfortable with just to get away. The idiot actually followed me to our car! My baby was coughing. I was trying to shield his face with my body and was yelling, "I don't know! Go! Go!" Meanwhile, my husband was telling him he just needed a minute to find his phone so he could get him the time... while I shot eye darts at Mr. SoCal. You won't often see me complaining about my husband but that is one thing that is still hard for me to get over. He will always go out of his way to help a stranger even at my expense. Generous to a fault. The smoker got even closer to me to talk to my husband. Meanwhile the baby and I had to stand there inhaling his nicotine clouds because nobody would let me into the car. It's not like I could run away. I am not a violent person by nature but have never wanted to go Helicopter Arms on someone as badly as I did then. It is just the height of rudeness to follow a newborn baby and parents and blow smoke in their faces in the hopes that they will help you. They probably just get desensitized to how bad it smells to non-smokers. Anyway, stay the heck away from building entrances, especially at the hospital! GEEZ.