Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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I guess a pet peeve would be members who delete-modify their posts.

Sure, it's their right to do so, but it disrupts the conversation on threads and detracts the value of TI.

Pet Peeve: White Trash.

Did my grocery shopping last night. Walking in the produce section, I came within a quarter inch of stepping into a fresh pile of dog turds. Not exactly what you expect while shopping for produce.

Earlier, I had seen two "heroin chic"-looking people carrying a black dog. They were racing around the store. Then they started acting all schizo. The woman asked her boyfriend, "What do we do NOW?!!" He said to just hurry up and keep walking. I guess now I know what they were referring to. Dogs have no place in a grocery store, for starters. And if your dog makes a delivery, why in the heck wouldn't you use one of those plastic baggies to pick it up?!!? Disgusting.

Trash ain't about how much money you have. It's about how much consideration you have for other people... or not. It's about how much pride you have in yourself... or not!
Oooh... that reminds me of a pet peeve I may have already mentioned and it's about pets.

- People who bring their tiny dogs into stores/malls/restaurants/whatever claiming they are service dogs.

They even have vests on them indicating they are "therapy dogs". As far as I know, "therapy dogs" aren't covered under the "service dog" umbrella. I see managers struggle with trying to tell someone that pets aren't allowed and quite often they look the other way to not get caught in some angry exchange but they can ask 2 specific questions:

? Is the dog required because of a disability?

? What task or service has the dog been trained to do?

Usually, the people faking it can't answer one or both of those to satisfaction.

I like dogs just as much as qwerlupa, but don't abuse the rules just because you didn't want to leave YoQuieroTacoBell at home.
I think unfortunately, right now, with temps soaring from 104-108 degrees outside, we're seeing more people bringing their dogs inside the stores with them to avoid having them overheat in the car. They probably think they're being a "good" dog owner by disrespecting the stores' policies on animals to make an exception for their own. I'm sure it's a difficult situation if they need to make a sporadic trip to the store, having the dogs in tow and not really being able to acceptably have it in either place -- the store nor the car. But I agree, as you say Iho, leave the dog at home. I think dog owner's need to realize they have to expect to lose a certain amount of freedom and must make alternate plans when they accept the responsibility of having a dog along with them (just like having a kid.)
i rarely take my dogs in the car in the summertime, if im going to get some food via drive through i may do it ocassionaly but otherwise just too hot.  in the winter ill take them with me more often but even then its in the morning or very late afternoon when its cool and always leave the windows open a bit.
OK- just came from Starbucks and I dont know if it's a pet peeve or a just a rant, but what the hells is going on with parents allowing their young children to drink coffee?

I dont want to sound like Michelle Obama, but YOUR CHILD SHOULD NOT BE DRINKING A VENTI MOCHA FRAP!

JustSayin said:
OK- just came from Starbucks and I dont know if it's a pet peeve or a just a rant, but what the hells is going on with parents allowing their young children to drink coffee?

I dont want to sound like Michelle Obama, but YOUR CHILD SHOULD NOT BE DRINKING A VENTI MOCHA FRAP!

i dont see the problem in giving kids drugs.  ive been putting a little HGH in my daughters formula since she was born. She is 14 months now and is about 36 inches tall.  Can you say future victoria secret model?
JustSayin said:
OK- just came from Starbucks and I dont know if it's a pet peeve or a just a rant, but what the hells is going on with parents allowing their young children to drink coffee?

I dont want to sound like Michelle Obama, but YOUR CHILD SHOULD NOT BE DRINKING A VENTI MOCHA FRAP!

You sure it had coffee in it, though? The baristas can make the drinks sans-coffee for the kids.

Funny'ish story: One time I went to the coffee shop @ Irvine Blvd. & Culver in the Northpark Plaza shopping center. Before it was a Starbucks it was called something else -- can't remember what. Anyway, I was visibly pregnant. Fwiw, I never had a single drop of caffeine while pregnant (or even when trying to conceive or even months after delivery when I was bfd'ing, TMI) because I wanted my baby to grow in the healthiest environment possible. I ordered a drink and was walking back to my car in the parking lot. All of a sudden some random strange man ran up behind me and started raising his voice, saying "hey, aren't you pregnant? You shouldn't be drinking coffee!" He scared me. (Was it you? Just kidding!)  He was ready to debate me, I could tell. I told I wasn't drinking coffee!! I can't remember now what it was but either the color of the drink or the cup must have fooled him. It was interesting because I could totally understand his feelings about it and would have the same gut reaction to watching a pregnant woman taking a drag off a cigarette, drinking an espresso, taking shots, or doing whatever else... although ambushing someone in a parking lot is going a bit far. You'd be surprised how when you're pregnant or have a child with you, sometimes people feel a responsibility to tell you how to act. I don't mind it, personally. I know they mean well. As long as it's not in a creepy way. lol. Although my Turkish friend told me in her country, children do drink coffee! And we all know how strong Turkish coffee is. It's not like an SBUX frappe!
qwerty said:
i dont see the problem in giving kids drugs.  ive been putting a little HGH in my daughters formula since she was born.

That's just a cover story for the toxic limes you've been exposing her to.

Happy belated bday to your girl by the way... did you ever end up throwing that huge party with a pinata?
SoCal said:
JustSayin said:
OK- just came from Starbucks and I dont know if it's a pet peeve or a just a rant, but what the hells is going on with parents allowing their young children to drink coffee?

I dont want to sound like Michelle Obama, but YOUR CHILD SHOULD NOT BE DRINKING A VENTI MOCHA FRAP!

You sure it had coffee in it, though? The baristas can make the drinks sans-coffee for the kids.

Funny'ish story: One time I went to the coffee shop @ Irvine Blvd. & Culver in the Northpark Plaza shopping center. Before it was a Starbucks it was called something else -- can't remember what. Anyway, I was visibly pregnant. Fwiw, I never had a single drop of caffeine while pregnant (or even when trying to conceive or even months after delivery when I was bfd'ing, TMI) because I wanted my baby to grow in the healthiest environment possible. I ordered a drink and was walking back to my car in the parking lot. All of a sudden some random strange man ran up behind me and started raising his voice, saying "hey, aren't you pregnant? You shouldn't be drinking coffee!" He scared me. (Was it you? Just kidding!)  He was ready to debate me, I could tell. I told I wasn't drinking coffee!! I can't remember now what it was but either the color of the drink or the cup must have fooled him. It was interesting because I could totally understand his feelings about it and would have the same gut reaction to watching a pregnant woman taking a drag off a cigarette, drinking an espresso, taking shots, or doing whatever else... although ambushing someone in a parking lot is going a bit far. You'd be surprised how when you're pregnant or have a child with you, sometimes people feel a responsibility to tell you how to act. I don't mind it, personally. I know they mean well. As long as it's not in a creepy way. lol. Although my Turkish friend told me in her country, children do drink coffee! And we all know how strong Turkish coffee is. It's not like an SBUX frappe!

Yes, I heard the order it was regular mocha frap.
Caffeine isnt the only concern though-- those things are like 800 cals. and the poor little guy was quite husky already.

Pet Peeve:

When it's fall but it's like 100 degrees out.

I'm trying hard to force this fall thing. As I type, I have chili in my slow cooker. Cast iron skillet cornbread later tonight.

It's times like these I dream about blowing this popsicle stand and heading to a state with cooler temps, all the colors of fall... seasons.
irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
i dont see the problem in giving kids drugs.  ive been putting a little HGH in my daughters formula since she was born.

That's just a cover story for the toxic limes you've been exposing her to.

Happy belated bday to your girl by the way... did you ever end up throwing that huge party with a pinata?

IHO - not sure how i missed this, just seeing it now.  She actually likes to take the limes off the tree, so perhaps she is getting a little extra something there :-)  Although the lime tree is in a pot, so maybe not.
Thanks on the bday.  we did not do a pinata, wanted to do easy cleanup so definitely no pinata.  We ended up renting a yacht down in San Diego for her family and my family.  We showed up, had fun and left. no cleaning. we will probably do a pinata when she is two or three.
SoCal said:
Pet Peeve:

When it's fall but it's like 100 degrees out.

I'm trying hard to force this fall thing. As I type, I have chili in my slow cooker. Cast iron skillet cornbread later tonight.

It's times like these I dream about blowing this popsicle stand and heading to a state with cooler temps, all the colors of fall... seasons.

The heat only got better. I went to the Irvine Spectrum at noon today. Sooo bloody HOT! Murderous!! An hour later, while I was still there, I got a call from the school nurse to pick up my little boy. He had some symptoms of what we are suspecting is heat exhaustion. Bad nausea, fatigue, and a very flushed face. :( I drove like Paris up Alton. Made it there in record time. Picked up my baby. He could barely walk. Put him in loose cotton clothes, gave him a drink, cranked the A/C down to 76, tucked him into bed with his Minecraft plush piggy and the ceiling fan running on blast. He improved fairly quickly after I took care of him. 

We need some relief from this heat!  :'(
SoCal said:
SoCal said:
Pet Peeve:

When it's fall but it's like 100 degrees out.

I'm trying hard to force this fall thing. As I type, I have chili in my slow cooker. Cast iron skillet cornbread later tonight.

It's times like these I dream about blowing this popsicle stand and heading to a state with cooler temps, all the colors of fall... seasons.

The heat only got better. I went to the Irvine Spectrum at noon today. Sooo bloody HOT! Murderous!! An hour later, while I was still there, I got a call from the school nurse to pick up my little boy. He had some symptoms of what we are suspecting is heat exhaustion. Bad nausea, fatigue, and a very flushed face. :( I drove like Paris up Alton. Made it there in record time. Picked up my baby. He could barely walk. Put him in loose cotton clothes, gave him a drink, cranked the A/C down to 76, tucked him into bed with his Minecraft plush piggy and the ceiling fan running on blast. He improved fairly quickly after I took care of him. 

We need some relief from this heat!  :'(

See.... nothing is off limits when you're a parent protecting your babies  ;) Hope the little guy is feeling better
Been trying to hammer home with my kid to finish her little little bottle of water I pack for her everyday for school.  Finally got that down. 

@Socal.. does your kid drink from the fountain or do you pack fluids for him?  Been worrying like crazy the past week with the weather so hot, fluids fluids and more fluids.  Luckily no calls from school.  And also, do they let the kids play outside for extended periods in this weather?  Do they have water breaks?  Does he drink enough before he leaves the house? 

I finally got around to installing this:

In the kid's room, one of the strongest ceiling fans I ever installed.  Feels like a tornado in the room, rapid cool down, especially if you get the southwest sun.
I send a huge metal Contigo water bottle from Costco and that gets finished every day. Luckily one of the kids isn't afraid to drink water.
Randles looking good, surprised how athletic he is, like a jumping zbo.  Clarkson looks streaky, should pair up well with Lin in the backcourt as the 2nd team with instant energy combo.  Good to see Byron Scott back in a Laker sideline, gonna see him pop some veins on that bald head of his this year.