Friday Boredom - Your Pet Peeves

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Pet peeve: When grown men diet like 13 year old girls.

There is this guy I know in his mid-40s. He used to be very heavyset. Then he began watching his carbs or whatever else it is that he does. He lost a WHOLE BUNCH of weight. Too much, if you ask me. He's kind of waify now. He's pretty obsessed with his diet. When he goes out to lunch with the group of friends, he'll only eat the very tiniest of portions and only the healthiest of food. He is very, very restrictive. I'm not even entirely sure what he is allowed to eat because there is so much he refuses. He will usually eat next to nothing then go back to his desk at work to consume whatever pre-counted nuts he has at his desk. I mean, it's kinda like why even bother going out with friends. Being healthy is fine and all but like I said, I think he's too skinny now. He has definitely "over-corrected". He doesn't even look better. I think he looked better heavier. I guess it's just bizarre to me. I used to be on that whole three Saltine crackers a day / carrot stick / Diet Coke diet in high school... didn't enjoy it then, wouldn't enjoy it now, and certainly wouldn't think a grown man could be content living like that long-term. I told Mr. SoCal straight-up: "I don't ever want you to do this. Please enjoy yourself and don't obsess over every ounce of food or fat on your body. I just want you to be happy!"
ps9 said:
@Socal.. does your kid drink from the fountain or do you pack fluids for him?  Been worrying like crazy the past week with the weather so hot, fluids fluids and more fluids.  Luckily no calls from school.  And also, do they let the kids play outside for extended periods in this weather?  Do they have water breaks?  Does he drink enough before he leaves the house? 

I finally got around to installing this:

In the kid's room, one of the strongest ceiling fans I ever installed.  Feels like a tornado in the room, rapid cool down, especially if you get the southwest sun.

Sorry, I somehow missed the comment.

He finally admitted to me he wasn't staying in the shade at recess & after lunch because there "ARE GIRLS THERE".  ::) To him, that is a total NO GO. So he spent a bunch of time with the sun beating down on him just to avoid the girls and play with boys. I gave him some advice to get ALL the shade he wants sans-girls. Simply yell, "Look! Spider!!!"  ;D

Yeah, he definitely has access to drinks whenever he's thirsty. I always pack him a 17 oz. water bottle plus a 6 oz juicebox / milk / other in his lunchbox. The classroom also has 2 drinking fountains in it. Plus I pack him his lunch everyday with fresh fruit, etc. that contains moisture.

The school had like 2 solid weeks of indoor time where they didn't let the kids out at all due to the heat. Apparently the day he got sick, though, there was no Heat Advisory since it was "only" in the 90s... at least 10 degrees cooler than when they keep the kids indoors those couple weeks when it was like 102.

The part that pisses me off is they put him in charge of the "lunch basket" which is basically a big laundry basket containing every student's lunchbox, meaning the kids -- PLURAL -- are supposed to carry it back to the room in teams of 2 or 3 after lunch is over. The other kids all flaked out, played longer than they were supposed to, ran back to the classroom, and left him all by himself to carry this big, heavy basket quite a long ways. He is a very by-the-book, "follow the rules" type of kid. So, rather than running back to class, he lugged this thing back all by himself, knowing it was his job, taking many breaks and starting to feel sick & dizzy. He said it took him forever. His arms were hurting. By the time he got back to the room is when he was pale & slumped over his desk and had to go to the nurse. I told him if that ever happens again, talk to a playground supervisor. That is what they are there for. But kids this age have trouble admitting there's a problem and asking for help when they need it. I paid his teacher a visit to fill her in on this, how the other kids ditched him and left him to bear the responsibility which is too much for one kid alone. Hopefully, that is the last time this happens.  >:(

irvinehomeowner said:
I send a huge metal Contigo water bottle from Costco and that gets finished every day. Luckily one of the kids isn't afraid to drink water.

After reading your comment, I checked out the Contigo bottles. I bought the 24 oz. Grace style with the Auto-seal. Nice design. Also nice that they're BPA-free. Good for P.E. days.
Getting older. Ugh. I have virgin eyes. Never worn glasses or contacts in my life. Always had Eagle Eyes. But I noticed I am squinting more when I read. Mr. SoCal gave me his low-powered reading glasses to try. I put them on verrrry reluctantly. I am self-conscious wearing glasses because it's foreign to me. But instantly it was like, "Hallelujah! I can see!" Ugh. I hate how much I like them. I don't want to tilt my head down and peer over the top of my glasses when I talk to my kids like I remember old people doing to me. But I guess it doesn't matter if I'm ready for that stage of life. Apparently it's here whether I like it or not. I was told that it's "normal" for people to start needing reading glasses as they approach 40. True? Not true? I dunno. I don't think I want to know.
Yeah... I noticed my vision isn't very good with dim lighting now. Have to use the light on my phone to read the menu at restaurants sometimes... embarrassing.
I don't know if this is #gettingolder or just another one of my many #blondmoments

The one thing I don't like about a Keurig is that you are powerless to stop it. I think. I didn't actually try unplugging it. But you know what I mean.

Looks like we won't be Frendo's as I'm a pen chewer. Will probably die a horrible death from plastic consumption, but it's a habit I've not yet conquered.

A) 3-8 yr old kids running amok in public areas while parents jib jab over latte's, or walk store aisles. After returning their grubby children back to their folks I only wish a swift boot to the behind could be applied to the parent.

B) 3-14 yr old kids taken to "hard R" rated films. Usually it's both crappy parents, but recently seen a trend of divorced mom or dad trying to spend so called quality time with their spawn, not realizing the film they're viewing is about the last thing a kid needs to experience. 

BTW - "Get off my lawn"... too

My .02c
In this thread, I previously mentioned stupid baby names being a pet peeve (and by that I mean stupid names for babies. Not names for stupid babies.) Well, I have just heard an outrageous one and it's actually a friend who recently gave the name to her newborn son. I don't want to say what the name is since it's so unique. But let's just say I had never heard the name before and Googled it to confirm how it's spelled because, being the traditional Amish woman that I am, I am hand-stitching her a personalized birth record with his name, birthdate, weight, artwork, etc. and wanted to make sure I had the format right. The Google search returned only one main result... IT IS THE NAME OF A HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS STRAIN.  :o WTH? That just ain't right!! They should have looked it up first!  :( Now, it does not appear to be the kind that is an STD, which would be terrible if they named him after an STD, but unfortunately, most people probably can't tell the difference between the various strains of herpes which are STDs and those that aren't. I just can't believe they didn't give this more thought. Honestly, even without the herpes association, it's just not a cute name to begin with.  :(
Waterbeds. Who remembers these?

My parents had one of these in the 1970s & 80s. California King. It was so heavy that it made the floor sink under its weight. I remember playing on it as a kid. You can be a pirate sailing the high seas.
  It's really hard to keep the bedding neat on these. And you had to make sure there was never a sharp object near it.

Drivers who don't stop for pedestrians (esp kids) on residential streets.

This one really gets me. At our school, there is a 2nd crosswalk on the opposite end of the school where there isn't a crossing guard and many kids cross there but time and time again, cars don't stop. It's inexcusable because it's the street in front of the school so cars should be going slow anyways yet many times they don't stop.

Farther away from the school, there is another area where kids cross (not enough to garner a crossing guard) but because this street is not near the school and there is no stop sign at this crossing, vehicles are traveling at a higher speed. I am familiar with this street because I take it after drop-off and every other day or so, I'll stop for anyone crossing (much to the chagrin of the cars behind me). I have even experienced it as a pedestrian walking my kid to school because I'm standing at that corner and you can't miss me yet cars are just zooming by. It's one of the reasons why I'm reluctant to let my kids walk to school alone because I've witnessed how these drivers don't care.

Today took the cake.

I'm driving down that road and I see two kids with bright white bike helmets (so you can't miss them) waiting on the corner... so I slow down and stop. As I'm waiting for them to cross, the Lexus behind me pulls to my right and I'm thinking "Are they really trying to pass me?" (it's only a 2-lane road too).

As I look to see what this person is doing (an older woman) I'm about to honk the horn to tell her there are kids crossing... but luckily she sees them right before she's about to hit them... and then has this irritated look on her face as she waves them to cross (oh how much more inconvenient it would be for you if you had hit them).

Then she has the nerve to drive on while the kids are still crossing, passing me up and cutting me off. I should have just sat on my horn and followed her but she might have let me to a guarded gate. :)

I just hope this near brush with running over kids will make her a more careful driver on that road in the future.
When you're like, "Oh, hey! Gung Hay Fat Choy!  :)
... and the person is like, "I'm Vietnamese."
SoCal said:
I think annual driving tests should be mandatory past a certain age.  :(

GREAT idea, but do we have the budget for that?  Somewhere, somebody did the analysis on this, and came to the conclusion that letting bad drivers kill people is cheaper than preventing it from happening.